Laboratory Flask – Types, Procedure, Limitations, Uses

Laboratory Flask - Definition, Types, Uses

What is Laboratory flask? Purpose of Laboratory flask Materials used to construct Lab Flask Features of Laboratory flask Types of Laboratory Flask Essential glassware in scientific environments, laboratory flasks are made for mixing, heating, chilling, and chemical compound storage. Each shaped and sized to fit particular uses, they are rather diverse. Here are some typical … Read more

Double Beam Balance – Principle, Parts, Procedure, Uses

Double Beam Balance - Principle, Procedure, Purpose, Uses

What is Double Beam Balance? Double Beam Balance Principle Purpose of Double Beam Balance Parts of double beam balance A double beam balance is a mechanical mass measuring equipment with many important components: Operating Procedure of double beam balance Advantages Limitation Usage of Double beam balance Difference Between a Triple Beam Balance & Double Beam … Read more

ELISA Plate Reader – Microplate Reader or Assay Reader

ELISA Plate Reader - Microplate Reader or Assay Reader

What is ELISA? What is ELISA reader? Purpose of an ELISA reader Principle of ELISA Plate Reader Types of Elisa Plate Readers Essential tools in labs for identifying and counting biological, chemical, or physical events on microtiter plates are ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) plate readers. In academic institutions as well as in the pharmaceutical and … Read more

Magnetic Stirrer – Definition, Principle, Types, Parts, Uses

Magnetic Stirrer - Definition, Principle, Types, Parts, Uses

What is Magnetic Stirrer? Definition of Magnetic Stirrer A magnetic stirrer is a laboratory device that uses a rotating magnetic field to spin a stir bar immersed in a liquid, allowing for efficient mixing and stirring of solutions. Magnetic Stirrer Principle Types of Magnetic Stirrers Different kinds of magnetic stirrers have evolved to meet certain … Read more

Types of Centrifuges – Purpose, Limitation, Advantages, Uses

Types of Centrifuges

What is Centrifuge? Types of Centrifuges There are many different types of centrifuges available, and the appropriate type depends on the specific application and the characteristics of the sample being processed. Some common types of centrifuges include: 1. Benchtop centrifuges Applications of Benchtop centrifuges 2. Floor-standing centrifuges 3. High-speed centrifuges 4. Refrigerated centrifuges 5. Microcentrifuges … Read more

Centrifuge – Principle, Parts, Types, Applications

Centrifuge - Definition, Principle, Parts, Types

What is Centrifuge? Definition of Centrifuge A centrifuge is a laboratory instrument that uses spinning and centrifugal force to separate mixtures based on their density. Who first invented the Centrifuge? Principle of a Centrifuge Sedimentation coefficient Factors Affecting Sedimentation coefficient Parts of a Centrifuge The main parts of a centrifuge include: A centrifuge is a … Read more

Centrifuge tube – Definition, Types, Applications, Sizes

Centrifuge tube - Definition, Types, Applications, Sizes

What is a Centrifuge tube? Characteristics of Centrifuge tube Composition material of Centrifuge tube Types of Centrifuge tube Centrifuge tube sizes Top centrifuge tubes Company There are many companies that manufacture and sell centrifuge tubes. Here are a few examples of well-known companies in the field: Applications of centrifuge tubes What to consider when choosing … Read more

Laboratory Test Tube – Types, Limitations, Advantages, Uses

Laboratory Test Tube

What is the Test Tube? Types of test tubes Material Used for Test Tube Laboratory Tube Collection Based on Color Yellow, Pink, and Blue Light Blue Red Green Lavender Grey In actual hospital and clinical practise, additional coloured collection tubes (gold, tiger, pink, gold, etc.) are also employed. The use of these tubes and the … Read more

20 Tools Used in Microbiology Laboratory

20 Tools Used in Microbiology Laboratory

The most commonly used equipment is inoculation needles, transfer loops, inoculation, Bunsen burner, autoclave (or pressure cooker) incubators, hot air oven centrifuge, spectrophotometer magnetic stirrer electric shaker and rotary shaker heating plate, heating mantle distillation plant, UV-lamp carbon dioxide cylinder, water-bath and a single-pan balance that has weights (for general use) chemical balance, fine analytical … Read more

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