Ethnobotany and Legal Aspects

Ethnobotany and Legal Aspects

In this article you will learn about Ethnobotany as a tool to protect interests of ethnic groups. Sharing of wealth concept with few examples from India. Biopiracy, Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional Knowledge. Ethnobotany as a tool to protect interests of ethnic groups Ethnobotany, the study of the relationship between people and plants, plays a … Read more

Role of Ethnobotany In Modern Medicine

Role of Ethnobotany In Modern Medicine

In this article you will. learn about Medico-ethnobotanical sources in India;Significance of the following plants in ethnobotanical practices (along with their habitat and morphology) a) Azadiractha indica b) Ocimum sanctum c) Vitex negundo. d) Gloriosa superba e) Tribulus terrestris f) Pongamia pinnata g) Cassia auriculata h) Indigofera tinctoria. Role of ethnobotany in modern medicine with … Read more

Methods of Research In Ethnobotany

Methods of Research In Ethnobotany

Ethnobotany is a specialized field of biology dedicated to understanding the intricate relationships between human societies and plants. This discipline focuses on the knowledge and practices of indigenous and rural communities concerning plant use, encompassing their medicinal, nutritional, and cultural significance. By delving into these interactions, ethnobotany aims to uncover valuable plant-based resources that can … Read more

Ethnobotany – Introduction, Concept, Scope and Objectives

Ethnobotany - Introduction, Concept, Scope and Objectives

What is Ethnobotany? Definition of Ethnobotany Ethnobotany is the scientific study of how people from different cultures use and interact with plants for purposes such as food, medicine, and rituals. It examines both traditional knowledge and cultural practices related to plants. History of Ethnobotany Concept of Ethnobotany Scope of Ethnobotany Ethnobotany in India Ethnobotany in … Read more

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