Mesenchymal Stromal Cells – Definition, Structure, Location, and Function

Mesenchymal Stromal Cells - Definition, Structure, Location, and Function

Mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs) are also referred to as mesenchymal stromal cell (also known as medicinal signaling cells) are stromal cells with multi-potency which can transform into a variety of cells, including osteoblasts (bone cells) as well as the chondrocytes (cartilage cells) and myocytes (muscle cells) and Adipocytes (fat cells that contribute to the adipose tissue of the marrow).

Transitional epithelium – Definition, Structure, Function, Location, and Example

Transitional epithelium Definition, Structure, Function, Location, and Example

The epithelium of transition is a form of stratified epithelium that comprises several layers of cells, where their shape cells changes in accordance with the function that the organ performs. The epithelium can have a varied appearance, as it appears to be circular or cubic in a relaxed state with the exception of the apical layer that appears flat when stretched. The epithelium is essentially restricted to the urinary system that’s why it’s sometimes referred to”urothelium” “urothelium”.

Prokaryotic cells – Definition, Structure, Characteristics, Examples

Prokaryotic cells Definition, Structure, Characteristics, Division.

It is important to note that the distinction between prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes was clearly established by microbiologists Roger Stanier and C. B. van Niel in their 1962 paper on the concept of bacteria (though they used the words procaryote as well as eucaryot in the paper).

Epithelial Tissue – Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Functions

Epithelial Tissue Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Functions

Epithelial Tissue is one the types of tissues (epithelial muscular, connective and nerve) in mammals. It is composed of polyhedral cells that are tightly aggregated that adhere firmly to each other, forming sheets of cells that cover the inside of hollow organs as well as covering the body’s the surface. Epithelium, also known as epithelial tissue (plural epithelia) comprises cells that are laid out in continuous sheets, the form of single or multiple layers.

Cilia and Flagella – Definition, Structure, Function

Cilia and Flagella Definition, Structure, Function

Cilia as well as Flagella are complex cytoplasmic filamentous structures that protrude through the cell’s wall. They are small, particularly distinct appendices to the cell. The flagella (singular meaning flagellum) are hairy, long structures that extend out from the plasma membrane. They can be utilized to move the entire cell.

Lysosomes – Definition, Structure, Formation, Functions, Types and Diagram

Structure of Lysosomes

Lysosomes are membrane-boundand dense granular structures that contain hydrolytic enzymes that are responsible for digestion in extracellular and intracellular cells. The term “lysosome” is composed of two words “lysis” which means breakdown, and “soma” which means body. It is a crucial cell organelle, responsible for inter- and extracellular breakdown of various substances.

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