What is Smell?
- Smell, or olfaction, is an essential sensory system that serves multiple roles in both survival and communication. It functions in combination with taste to allow us to identify and enjoy foods, enhancing our overall sensory experience. Smell also plays a critical role in alerting us to potential dangers, such as spoiled food or environmental hazards like smoke. This dual function of enjoyment and warning makes olfaction a complex sense. Although humans can detect hundreds of thousands of substances through smell, only around 20% of these odors are perceived as pleasant.
- The ability to distinguish between different smells can be improved with practice, and professionals such as perfumers or whiskey blenders can identify and differentiate thousands of unique odors. This demonstrates that smell is not only a biological function but also a skill that can be refined over time.
- In addition to identifying foods and dangers, smell is a mode of communication, especially through chemicals called pheromones. These substances, which are released by the body, play a significant role in reproductive behaviors in many species. Pheromones are also used to mark territories, recognize individuals, and signal aggression or submission in animals. Although the role of pheromones is well-established in other species, their impact on human behavior remains less clear.
The Organs of Smell
The organs of smell primarily involve the olfactory system, which is responsible for detecting and processing odors. Unlike common misconceptions, the nose itself does not perform the act of smelling; rather, it serves as a conduit for air to reach specialized cells within the nasal cavity. The key components involved in the process of olfaction include:
- Olfactory Epithelium: This thin layer of cells is located high in the nasal cavity and is crucial for detecting odors. It contains three main cell types that play distinct roles in olfaction.
- Olfactory Receptor Cells: These are the primary sensory neurons responsible for transducing chemical signals into electrical impulses. Unlike taste receptor cells, olfactory receptors are true neurons that possess their own axons, allowing them to communicate directly with the central nervous system.
- Supporting Cells: Functioning similarly to glial cells, these provide structural and metabolic support to olfactory receptor cells. They also contribute to the production of mucus, which is essential for odor detection.
- Basal Cells: These are progenitor cells that generate new olfactory receptor cells. The turnover of olfactory receptors occurs approximately every 4 to 8 weeks, highlighting the dynamic nature of this sensory system.
- Mucus Layer: The olfactory epithelium is coated with mucus, which is continuously replenished about every 10 minutes. This mucus serves multiple functions, including:
- Dissolving Odorants: Chemical stimuli in the air, known as odorants, must dissolve in the mucus to interact with receptor cells.
- Chemical Composition: The mucus consists of a water base combined with mucopolysaccharides, proteins (such as antibodies and enzymes), and salts. These proteins are vital for various functions, including the concentration of odorants and providing defense against pathogens.
- Olfactory Acuity: The size of the olfactory epithelium is a strong indicator of an animal’s ability to detect smells. For instance, the human olfactory epithelium covers approximately 10 cm², while that of certain dogs can exceed 170 cm². Furthermore, dogs possess over 100 times more olfactory receptors per square centimeter than humans, enabling them to detect minute concentrations of odors.
- Detection Mechanism: When air is inhaled, it moves through the nasal passages, but only a fraction reaches the olfactory epithelium. Sniffing enhances this process, increasing airflow and improving odor detection.
- Vulnerability to Pathogens: The olfactory system can serve as an entry point for some viruses and bacteria, such as the rabies virus. Therefore, the presence of antibodies in mucus is critical for protecting the brain from potential infections.

Olfactory Receptor Neurons
Olfactory receptor neurons are specialized sensory cells responsible for detecting and transducing odorant molecules in the environment. These neurons play a vital role in the olfactory system, enabling organisms to perceive and differentiate a vast array of smells. Their structure and function can be understood through the following detailed components:
- Structure of Olfactory Receptor Neurons: Each olfactory receptor neuron features a single, slender dendrite that terminates in a small knob at the surface of the olfactory epithelium. This knob is adorned with multiple long, thin cilia that extend into the mucus layer, enhancing the surface area for odorant interaction.
- Transduction Process: The transduction of odorants begins when these molecules dissolve in the mucus and bind to specific receptors located on the cilia. This binding activates a signaling cascade that includes:
- Binding of odorants to membrane-bound receptor proteins.
- Stimulation of the G-protein, Golf, which activates adenylyl cyclase.
- Formation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), a critical second messenger.
- cAMP binding to cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channels, leading to the influx of sodium (Na⁺) and calcium ions (Ca²⁺) into the neuron.
- Electrical Signaling: The influx of ions causes depolarization of the neuron’s membrane, creating a receptor potential. If this potential exceeds the threshold, action potentials are generated and propagated along the unmyelinated axon of the neuron into the central nervous system. The axons collectively form the olfactory nerve (cranial nerve I), although they do not group together like other cranial nerves.
- Olfactory Pathway: After exiting the olfactory epithelium, the fragile olfactory axons penetrate the cribriform plate, a thin bone, before reaching the olfactory bulb. Damage to these axons, often due to head trauma, can lead to anosmia, the complete loss of the sense of smell.
- Adaptation and Signal Termination: The olfactory response can diminish over time due to several factors, including:
- Diffusion of odorants away from the receptor site.
- Breakdown of odorants by scavenger enzymes in the mucus.
- Activation of alternative signaling pathways within the receptor cell.
- Adaptation, where receptor cells decrease their response to sustained odorant presence, is a common feature across sensory systems.
- Diversity of Olfactory Receptor Proteins: Olfactory receptors belong to a large family of G-protein-coupled receptors, characterized by seven transmembrane alpha helices. Research has identified over 1,000 different odorant receptor genes in rodents, making this the largest family of mammalian genes discovered. Humans possess around 350 functional odorant receptor genes, which still represent a significant portion of the mammalian genome.
- Unique Gene Expression: Each olfactory receptor cell typically expresses only one type of receptor gene, allowing for a high degree of specificity. The olfactory epithelium is organized into zones, each corresponding to different subsets of receptor genes. This spatial arrangement contributes to the complex coding of odors.
- Vomeronasal Organ: In addition to traditional olfactory receptors, many mammals have a vomeronasal organ that detects pheromones. This organ has its own set of receptors, with significantly fewer functional proteins than the main olfactory system.
- Population Coding Mechanism: The ability of olfactory receptor neurons to discriminate among thousands of odors relies on population coding. Each receptor type is sensitive to different odorants, with overlapping sensitivities among receptors. Therefore, a single odor can activate multiple receptor types, and the central olfactory pathways interpret this combination of signals to identify specific odors and their intensity.
Central Olfactory Pathways
Central olfactory pathways are integral components of the olfactory system, facilitating the processing and interpretation of smell. These pathways involve complex neural circuits that enable organisms to discern and respond to a wide variety of odors. The organization and function of these pathways can be elaborated upon through the following key points:
- Axonal Projection to Olfactory Bulbs: Olfactory receptor neurons send their axons directly into the two olfactory bulbs located at the base of the brain. Each bulb acts as a critical relay station for olfactory information, containing intricate neural circuits composed of various neuron types.
- Structure of Olfactory Bulbs: The input layer of each olfactory bulb comprises approximately 2,000 spherical structures known as glomeruli, each ranging from 50 to 200 micrometers in diameter. Within a single glomerulus, about 25,000 primary olfactory axons converge, terminating on the dendrites of roughly 100 second-order olfactory neurons. This convergence facilitates the integration of sensory input.
- Precise Mapping of Receptor Cells: The arrangement of receptor cells onto glomeruli is remarkably precise. For instance, when receptor neurons expressing a specific gene, such as P2, are labeled, their axons converge on only two designated glomeruli in each bulb. This organized mapping is symmetrical across both olfactory bulbs and remains consistent across individual mice, indicating a highly regulated developmental process.
- Organizational Significance of Glomeruli: Each glomerulus predominantly receives input from receptor cells expressing one specific type of receptor gene. This specialization allows the glomeruli to function as an ordered map representing the array of receptor genes in the olfactory epithelium, thus encoding odor information.
- Modulation of Olfactory Signals: Within and between glomeruli, olfactory information undergoes modification through inhibitory and excitatory interactions among neurons. Additionally, these bulbs receive modulatory inputs from higher brain areas, allowing for complex processing of olfactory signals. This circuitry likely plays a role in categorizing odorant signals, independent of their intensity and interactions with other odors.
- Direct Projection to Brain Targets: The output axons from the olfactory bulbs travel along the olfactory tracts, projecting directly to multiple brain regions, including the olfactory cortex and adjacent structures in the temporal lobes. This direct pathway is distinct from other sensory modalities, which typically relay through the thalamus before reaching the cortex.
- Implications for Emotion and Memory: The olfactory system’s unique anatomical arrangement provides a profound influence on brain regions associated with odor discrimination, emotional responses, motivation, and certain types of memory. This direct connection underscores the integral role of olfaction in behavioral and cognitive processes.
- Conscious Perception of Smell: The conscious awareness of odors may be mediated through a pathway involving the olfactory tubercle, which projects to the medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus and ultimately to the orbitofrontal cortex. This pathway is essential for higher-order processing and the subjective experience of smell.
Spatial and Temporal Representations of Olfactory Information
The spatial and temporal representations of olfactory information are fundamental aspects of how organisms perceive and differentiate odors. While individual olfactory receptor cells respond to a broad spectrum of chemicals, the brain employs sophisticated mechanisms to decode these signals, allowing for distinct odor recognition. This process can be elucidated through the following key concepts:
- Population Coding in Olfaction: The olfactory system utilizes population coding, wherein a large ensemble of receptor neurons contributes to the identification of specific odors. For instance, when a citrus scent is detected, multiple receptor cells may respond, yet no single cell can differentiate it from other smells individually. Instead, the combined activity from various receptors enables the brain to accurately recognize the citrus aroma amidst other competing scents. With approximately 1,000 distinct receptors, humans can reportedly discriminate over one trillion unique odor combinations.
- Olfactory Maps: The arrangement of olfactory neurons creates a sensory map corresponding to odorant features. Microelectrode recordings indicate that specific receptor neurons respond to particular odorants, and these neurons are dispersed across the olfactory epithelium. Each receptor type projects its axons to designated glomeruli within the olfactory bulbs, forming spatial patterns that represent the activated neurons. Experimental observations reveal that distinct odors activate unique configurations of glomeruli, translating the chemical properties of smells into specific neural maps.
- Chemical Structure vs. Spatial Properties: Unlike other sensory modalities that rely on spatial properties (e.g., visual or auditory systems), olfactory stimuli do not possess inherent spatial attributes. The olfactory system primarily encodes the chemical structure of odors rather than their spatial relationships. Therefore, while spatial maps may exist within the olfactory system, they likely serve different functions, such as facilitating odor discrimination rather than representing spatial characteristics.
- Distinct Neuronal Activity Patterns: Research has shown that different odors evoke activity in distinct subsets of neurons. For example, the odor of octanal may activate a unique group of neurons compared to those responsive to other scents like pine or grass. However, the functional utility of these spatial maps in odor differentiation remains a subject of ongoing investigation, as there is currently limited evidence to suggest that the brain interprets these maps in a meaningful way.
- Temporal Coding in Olfactory Processing: Temporal patterns of neuronal firing, or spike timing, are emerging as critical elements of olfactory coding. Unlike visual or auditory stimuli, which require rapid signal processing, odors are typically slower in their temporal dynamics. Thus, the precise timing of action potentials may play a pivotal role in encoding the quality of odors. Researchers have observed oscillatory activity patterns in the olfactory bulb and cortex in response to odors, although the significance of these rhythms is still being elucidated.
- Evidence from Insect and Rodent Studies: Studies involving insects and rodents have provided compelling evidence for temporal odor coding. Recordings from these organisms demonstrate that the timing of spikes, alongside their frequency and rhythmicity, conveys olfactory information. Notably, an experiment with honeybees revealed that disrupting the synchrony of odor response spiking impaired their ability to distinguish between similar odors, highlighting the importance of timing in olfactory perception.
- Implications for Mammalian Systems: While much is known about olfactory coding in simpler systems like insects, further research is needed to understand similar processes in mammals. The question of whether mammalian olfactory systems utilize spike timing as an essential element of odor processing remains open for exploration.