Phylum Chordata – Characteristics and Classification

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What is Chordata?

  • The phylum Chordata represents a diverse and highly organized group of animals that share four key anatomical features at some stage of their life cycle. These features include the notochord, a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail. Though these characteristics may not all persist into adulthood, they are crucial during development, especially in the embryonic stage of most chordates.
  • The notochord is a flexible, rod-like structure that serves as a supportive axis in the early stages of development. In vertebrates, it is typically replaced by a more rigid spinal column (or vertebral column), but its presence in other chordates is an important feature that differentiates them from non-chordates. The dorsal nerve cord, which runs along the back of the animal, is hollow and provides the foundation for the central nervous system. This feature is essential for the coordination of body movements and sensory functions. Pharyngeal slits, located in the region of the throat, are openings that allow water to flow through the mouth and exit the body, a function most notably associated with aquatic species. Finally, the post-anal tail, which extends beyond the anus, is present in all chordates at some point in their development, although it is reduced or absent in many adult forms, particularly in humans.
  • In addition to these defining traits, chordates exhibit several other features, such as bilateral symmetry, a true coelom (body cavity), and metameric segmentation. These characteristics enhance their ability to adapt to various environments. A notable example is the diverse range of habitats where chordates thrive—from marine and freshwater ecosystems to terrestrial environments and even extreme conditions like polar regions.
  • Chordates are subdivided into three main subphyla based on their morphological and developmental characteristics. The subphylum Vertebrata includes animals with a backbone, such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Vertebrates possess an internal skeleton made of bone or cartilage, which provides structural support and protects vital organs. The subphylum Tunicata (or Urochordata), commonly referred to as tunicates or sea squirts, retains the chordate features only during their larval stage. As adults, most tunicates lose these features and become sessile filter feeders. The third subphylum, Cephalochordata (lancelets), are small, fish-like organisms that retain all four chordate characteristics throughout their life. They are significant for their primitive structure and are often used in studies on the evolutionary origins of vertebrates.
  • Chordata is a major phylum within the superphylum Deuterostomia, which also includes echinoderms, such as starfish and sea urchins. These two groups share a similar embryonic development pattern, but they differ significantly in their adult forms. In addition to these morphological and genetic traits, the analysis of chordate genomes has revealed conserved signature indels (CSIs), which provide further molecular evidence supporting the evolutionary relationships among chordates.
  • The phylum Chordata is not only ancient but also vast in its diversity, with over 60,000 known species. These species range from simple, small lancelets to complex, large mammals. The fossil record of chordates dates back to the Cambrian period, more than 500 million years ago, indicating that the lineage of chordates has evolved through numerous stages to produce the vast array of species we see today.
  • Chordates are one of the most prominent groups in the animal kingdom, second only to arthropods in terms of diversity and numbers. While the majority of living chordates are ray-finned fishes, which represent half of the species within this group, tetrapods (land-dwelling vertebrates) make up a significant portion of the remaining species. The transition of these fishes to terrestrial environments was a pivotal moment in evolutionary history, with the development of air-breathing lungs and limbs capable of supporting weight on land.

Characteristics of Chordates

Below are the main characteristics of chordates:

  • Notochord: The notochord is a fundamental structure in chordates, serving as a longitudinal, cartilaginous rod that lies between the dorsal nerve cord and the digestive tract. This rod provides support and rigidity during the early stages of development. In vertebrates, the notochord is eventually replaced by the vertebral column (spine) as the organism matures, thus facilitating greater structural complexity and movement.
  • Dorsal Nerve Cord: This feature consists of a hollow bundle of nerves that runs along the back of the organism, dorsal to the notochord. It serves as the central nervous system’s main conduit, eventually splitting into the brain and spinal cord. The presence of a hollow nerve cord is a defining characteristic that sets chordates apart from many other animal phyla.
  • Pharyngeal Slits: Present in all chordates at some stage of their development, pharyngeal slits are openings that allow water to flow into the mouth and out through the throat, bypassing the digestive tract. These slits play a significant role in feeding and respiration in aquatic species, contributing to the efficient transfer of water and nutrients.
  • Post-Anal Tail: The post-anal tail is an extension of the body that extends beyond the anus. In chordates, this tail is composed primarily of skeletal muscle and aids in locomotion, particularly in fish-like species. While present in the embryonic stages of many chordates, it is often reduced or absent in most adult forms, such as in humans.

In addition to the primary characteristics listed above, chordates share several other notable features:

  • Bilateral Symmetry: Chordates exhibit bilateral symmetry, meaning their body can be divided into two equal halves along a single plane. This symmetrical design is a key aspect of their body plan, facilitating organized movement and development.
  • Triploblastic Organization: Chordates are triploblastic, possessing three primary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. This arrangement leads to the formation of specialized tissues and organs, enhancing complexity.
  • Coelomic Body Plan: Chordates have a true coelom, a body cavity lined with mesodermal tissue. This feature allows for the development of a more complex organ system and the separation of internal organs from the body wall.
  • Segmented Body: The body structure of chordates is segmented, allowing for greater flexibility and control of movement. This segmentation is often evident in the organization of muscles and the vertebral column.
  • Organ System Level of Organization: Chordates possess a higher level of biological organization, characterized by well-developed organ systems. These systems work together to perform vital functions, ensuring the survival and efficiency of the organism.

Anatomy of Chordates

The anatomy of chordates encompasses a unique set of features that distinguishes them from other animal phyla. These anatomical characteristics manifest at various life stages and are fundamental to understanding the evolutionary biology of this group. Chordates share several critical anatomical structures that play significant roles in their physiology and development.

Anatomy of Chordates
Anatomy of Chordates | Image Source –
  • Key Anatomical Features of Chordates
    • Notochord:
      • A notochord is a stiff yet elastic rod composed of glycoprotein wrapped in two helices of collagen, extending along the central axis of the body.
      • In vertebrates, the notochord is typically replaced by hyaline cartilage or bony structures (osseous tissue) in the spine.
      • Remnants of the notochord develop into intervertebral discs, which facilitate bending and twisting between adjacent vertebrae.
      • In aquatic species, the notochord aids in efficient swimming by allowing the tail to flex side-to-side.
    • Hollow Dorsal Nerve Cord:
      • Also known as the neural tube, this structure develops into the spinal cord, serving as the primary communication pathway of the nervous system.
      • During embryonic development in vertebrates, the rostral end of the neural tube enlarges to form several vesicles, which give rise to the brain.
    • Pharyngeal Slits:
      • The pharynx is located immediately behind the mouth, where pharyngeal slits can form.
      • In fish, these slits are modified into gills for respiration, while in some other chordates, they serve as components of a filter-feeding system that extracts food from water.
      • In tetrapods, these slits are present only during the embryonic stages.
    • Post-Anal Tail:
      • A muscular tail that extends posteriorly beyond the anus characterizes many chordates.
      • In certain species, such as hominids, this tail is typically present only during embryonic development.
    • Endostyle:
      • This groove situated in the ventral wall of the pharynx is crucial for filter-feeding species. It produces mucus that captures food particles, aiding their transport to the esophagus.
      • The endostyle also stores iodine and is thought to be a precursor to the vertebrate thyroid gland.
  • Additional Anatomical Considerations
    • While the above features define chordates, there are additional characteristics that differentiate them from other animal groups but are not part of the formal definition:
      • Deuterostome Development: All chordates are classified as deuterostomes, meaning the anus develops before the mouth during embryonic stages.
      • Bilateral Symmetry: Chordates exhibit a bilateral body plan, which contributes to their complex body structures and functions.
      • Coelomate Organization: Chordates are coelomates, possessing a fluid-filled body cavity (coelom) lined with a serosal layer derived from mesoderm, known as mesothelium.
Anatomy of Chordates
Anatomy of Chordates. 1 = bulge in spinal cord (“brain”), 2 = notochord, 3 = dorsal nerve cord, 4 = post-anal tail, 5 = anus, 6 = digestive canal, 7 = circulatory system, 8 = atriopore, 9 = space above pharynx, 10 = pharyngeal slit (gill), 11 = pharynx, 12 = vestibule, 13 = oral cirri, 14 = mouth opening, 15 = gonads (ovary / testicle), 16 = light sensor, 17 = nerves, 18 = metapleural fold, 19 = hepatic caecum (liver-like sack) (Piotr Michał Jaworski; PioM EN DE PL, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Classification of Phylum Chordata

The phylum Chordata is characterized by a variety of distinct features that contribute to its classification and understanding within the animal kingdom. This phylum can be divided into two primary groups: Acrania (Protochordata) and Craniata (Euchordata). Each group exhibits contrasting characteristics that are crucial for recognizing their biological and evolutionary significance.

  1. Group A: Acrania (Protochordata)
    The Acrania consists of primitive, marine chordates that lack a cranium, jaws, vertebral column, and paired appendages. This group encompasses about 2,000 species and is further divided into three subphyla:
    • Subphylum I: Hemichordata
      The Hemichordata is characterized by a body divided into three regions: proboscis, collar, and trunk. The notochord is either doubtful or short, located only in the proboscis and is not homologous with that of other chordates.
      • Class 1: Enteropneusta
        This class includes large, worm-like organisms with numerous paired gill slits and a straight alimentary canal. Common examples are Balanoglossus, Saccoglossus, and Ptychodera.
      • Class 2: Pterobranchia
        Pterobranchs are small, compact organisms with one pair or no gill slits. Their U-shaped alimentary canal distinguishes them. Examples include Cephalodiscus and Rhabdopleura.
      • Class 3: Planctosphaeroidea
        This class features transparent, round organisms with specialized tornaria larvae possessing extensively branched ciliary bands. An example is Planctosphaera pelagica.
      • Class 4: Graptolita
        Graptolites are fossil organisms considered an extinct colonial class of Hemichordata, known for their tubular chitinous skeletons. An example includes Dendrograptus.
    • Subphylum II: Urochordata (Tunicata)
      Urochordates possess a notochord and nerve cord only in their free-swimming tadpole larvae. The adult form is sac-like and covered with a tunic, often transparent, with a reduced nerve cord and no coelom or segmentation.
      • Class 1: Ascidiacea
        These sessile tunicates are characterized by well-developed, permanent tunics. They can be solitary, colonial, or compound, and have numerous gill slits. Examples include Herdmania, Ciona, and Molgula.
      • Class 2: Thaliacea
        Free-swimming tunicates with circular muscle bands, these organisms include salpians and chain tunicates. Examples are Salpa, Doliolum, and Pyrosoma.
      • Class 3: Larvacea (Appendicularia)
        Tiny, transparent, free-floating organisms retain many larval features, including tails. They have only two gill slits. Examples include Oikopleura and Appendicularia.
    • Subphylum III: Cephalochordata
      Cephalochordates have a notochord and nerve cord that are present throughout their entire life. They possess a fish-like, segmented body with numerous gill slits and are free-swimming and burrowing. An example is Branchiostoma (also known as Amphioxus).
  2. Group B: Craniata (Euchordata)
    The Craniata comprises higher chordates or vertebrates, which can be either aquatic or terrestrial. They typically have a distinct head, a vertebral column, jaws, and a brain protected by a cranium or skull. This group includes a single subphylum, Vertebrata.
    • Subphylum IV: Vertebrata
      The Vertebrata is characterized by a notochord that is supplemented or replaced by a vertebral column comprising overlapping vertebrae. The body is divided into the head, neck, trunk, and tail, and vertebrates are usually dioecious. This subphylum is the largest within the phylum Chordata, encompassing about 45,000 species.
    • Division I: Agnatha
      Agnatha includes jawless, fish-like vertebrates lacking true jaws and paired limbs.
      • Class 1: Ostracodermi
        This class includes several extinct orders of heavily armored, primitive vertebrates known as ostracoderms. Examples include Cephalaspis and Pteraspis.
      • Class 2: Cyclostomata
        Characterized by an eel-like body, these organisms have a rounded, suctorial mouth without scales. They possess 5 to 16 pairs of gills and include parasitic and scavenging species like lampreys and hagfishes.
    • Division II: Gnathostomata
      Gnathostomata consists of jawed vertebrates with true jaws and paired limbs, further divided into two superclasses:
      • Superclass 1: Pisces
        This group includes all fish and fish-like aquatic gnathostomes, characterized by paired and median fins, gills, and scaly skin.
        • Class 1: Placodermi
          These are primitive, jawed fishes known for their bony head shields and are extinct.
        • Class 2: Chondrichthyes
          These cartilaginous fishes, such as sharks and rays, are characterized by a cartilaginous endoskeleton and minute placoid scales.
        • Class 3: Osteichthyes
          Bony fishes with a bony endoskeleton, these organisms possess various types of scales and are the most numerous class of vertebrates.
      • Superclass 2: Tetrapoda
        Tetrapods are land vertebrates with two pairs of pentadactyl limbs and specialized skin.
        • Class 1: Amphibia
          Amphibians have a dual life cycle, with a larval stage that is usually aquatic and an adult stage that is typically terrestrial. They possess moist glandular skin and a heart with three chambers.
        • Class 2: Reptilia
          Reptiles have dry skin covered with scales, typically possess four limbs, and have a heart that is incompletely four-chambered.
        • Class 3: Aves
          Birds are characterized by feathers, modified forelimbs as wings, and a heart with four chambers. They are warm-blooded and exhibit a variety of adaptations for flight.
        • Class 4: Mammalia
          Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates with hair or fur and mammary glands for nursing their young. They possess a heart with four chambers and various specialized skin glands.

Reproduction and Life Cycle of Phylum Chordata

The phylum Chordata exhibits a variety of reproductive strategies and life cycle patterns across its diverse subphyla, which include both invertebrates and vertebrates. Reproduction in chordates typically involves two main processes: internal fertilization and external fertilization, each adapted to specific ecological niches.

  • Reproduction in Chordates
    Chordates generally employ either internal fertilization or external fertilization, with the specific method often dependent on the organism’s habitat and evolutionary lineage. Both methods involve the union of male and female gametes (sperm and eggs), but the location of fertilization differs between the two.
    1. Internal Fertilization:
      In this process, fertilization occurs within the body of the female, where the sperm and egg unite. This form of reproduction is more common among terrestrial organisms and some aquatic species, particularly vertebrates.
    2. External Fertilization:
      External fertilization occurs outside the body, typically in aquatic environments. In this case, males and females release their gametes into the surrounding water, where sperm fertilizes eggs externally. This process is common among aquatic chordates, including many fish, amphibians, and some invertebrates.
  • Reproduction and Life Cycle in Subphylum Cephalochordata (Lancelets)
    Lancelets are small, fish-like creatures in the subphylum Cephalochordata, which possess a notochord and a nerve cord along the entire length of their body, supported by the notochord instead of a vertebral column. The reproductive process in lancelets typically involves external fertilization.
    • During the mating season, lancelets release gametes into the surrounding water.
    • Males and females release their sperm and eggs, respectively, in synchrony, causing the gonads to rupture and expel the gametes.
    • Fertilization occurs when sperm meets the eggs in the surrounding water, leading to the development of offspring.
    This external method of fertilization ensures the continuation of the species, although it relies on a large release of gametes to compensate for the potential loss of fertilization.
  • Reproduction and Life Cycle in Subphylum Urochordata and Vertebrata
    In the subphyla Urochordata (tunicates) and Vertebrata, reproduction can be either sexual or asexual, depending on the species.
    1. Urochordata (Tunicates):
      Tunicates, or sea squirts, often exhibit sexual reproduction, though some species may also reproduce asexually through budding. During sexual reproduction, fertilization can be either external or internal, depending on the specific group within Urochordata.
    2. Vertebrata (Vertebrates):
      Vertebrates, which include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, generally reproduce sexually. The method of fertilization varies:
      • Fish: Reproduction in many fish species occurs through external fertilization, with males and females releasing large numbers of gametes into the water to ensure successful fertilization.
      • Amphibians: Like fish, amphibians reproduce through external fertilization. Males and females typically gather at breeding sites such as ponds or moist areas, where females lay eggs and males release sperm over them to facilitate fertilization.
  • Life Cycle of Chordates
    The life cycle of chordates varies significantly across the different subphyla but often involves both larval and adult stages, with some species undergoing metamorphosis.
    • In the case of lancelets (Cephalochordata), fertilized eggs develop into free-swimming larvae, which later mature into adult lancelets that burrow into the sand.
    • In tunicates (Urochordata), the larval stage is free-swimming, but the adult form is sessile and attached to substrates, such as rocks or seaweed.
    • Vertebrates, including fish and amphibians, typically go through a series of developmental stages, including juvenile forms that may undergo metamorphosis in some species, like amphibians, to transition from aquatic larvae to terrestrial adults.

Evolutionary History

The evolutionary history of phylum Chordata reveals a complex narrative of adaptation and diversification that spans hundreds of millions of years. Fossil evidence indicates that the origins of chordates date back approximately 530 million years, during the Cambrian period, when jawless fish first emerged. This period marked a significant milestone in the evolutionary timeline of chordates.

  • Early Fossils and Origin of Chordates
    • Fossil records show that the earliest known chordates appeared around 530 million years ago. The discovery of jawless fish fossils during this era provides a crucial insight into the anatomical and ecological characteristics of early chordates.
    • The oldest fossil attributed to the family of Chordata was unearthed in 1995 in China, identified as Yunnanozoon lividum. This fossil serves as a key piece of evidence in understanding the early morphology of chordates.
  • Evolutionary Timeline of Major Groups
    • Extensive research into the evolution of chordates has revealed important timelines for various subgroups:
      • The earliest fossils of tetrapods appeared around 363 million years ago. Tetrapods represent a crucial transition from aquatic to terrestrial life.
      • Fossils of early mammals date back to approximately 208 million years ago, marking the emergence of mammalian characteristics in chordates.
      • The first birds are believed to have evolved around 80 million years ago, leading to the expansion of avian diversity and adaptations for flight.
  • Habitat Adaptations and Evolutionary Progressions
    • The evolution of chordates is closely linked to significant changes in habitat. The earliest chordates, such as tunicates and lancelets, were predominantly aquatic organisms.
    • As chordates evolved, they began to occupy freshwater environments, gradually making their way onto land. This transition exemplifies the adaptability of the phylum to new ecological niches.
  • Amphibians as Transitional Species
    • Amphibians represent a key transitional group in the evolutionary history of chordates. They exhibit both aquatic and terrestrial adaptations, illustrating the intermediate phase of chordates moving from water to land.
    • Amphibians are characterized by their dual life cycle, typically starting in water as larvae and transitioning to land as adults, which further emphasizes their role in this evolutionary shift.
  • Diversity in Aerial Habitats
    • The evolution of birds introduced significant diversity within the phylum Chordata. Birds adapted to aerial habitats, showcasing a range of morphological and behavioral traits that facilitate flight, such as lightweight bones and specialized respiratory systems.
  • Theoretical Models of Chordate Evolution
    • Researchers have proposed several hypotheses to explain the evolutionary history of chordates, presenting four major scenarios:
      • Paedomorphosis Hypothesis: This hypothesis investigates whether the ancestors of chordates were free-living or sessile, suggesting different evolutionary pathways based on their lifestyles.
      • Inversion Hypothesis: This theory discusses the potential inversion of body plans that may have influenced chordate development.
      • Aboral-Dorsalization Hypothesis: This model examines the orientation of chordates in relation to their evolutionary predecessors, focusing on how body structure may have changed over time.
      • Auricularia Hypothesis: This hypothesis offers insights into the common ancestry of chordates and how certain larval forms may relate to adult chordate structures.
  • Interconnectedness of Hypotheses
    • These four hypotheses are interconnected, with overlapping arguments supporting each model. The combined insights from these theories provide a comprehensive understanding of chordate evolution and underscore the complexity of their developmental history.

Phylogeny of Chordates

The phylogeny of the phylum Chordata presents an intricate evolutionary tree that reveals how this diverse group evolved from common ancestors and is closely related to other deuterostome groups. This topic covers the classification of chordates into distinct subphyla and explores their evolutionary history in relation to other metazoans. The current understanding of chordate phylogeny largely arises from molecular and traditional biological analyses.

  • Subphyla of Chordata
    • The phylum Chordata is classified into three primary subphyla:
      1. Urochordata (Tunicata): These organisms are commonly referred to as tunicates, which are primarily marine invertebrates.
      2. Cephalochordata: These include lancelets, small fish-like creatures that exhibit features of the chordate body plan.
      3. Vertebrata (Craniata): This subphylum comprises vertebrates, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, all of which possess a backbone or vertebral column.
    • All three subphyla exhibit certain key features, including:
      • Notochord: A flexible rod that provides structural support.
      • Nerve Cord: A dorsal, hollow nerve cord.
      • Branchial Slits: Openings in the pharyngeal region that are involved in feeding and respiration.
      • Endostyle: A mucous-secreting groove used in feeding.
      • Postanal Tail: A tail that extends beyond the anus.
      • Myotome: Muscular segments along the body.
  • Phylogenetic Classification and Evolutionary Relationships
    • Chordata belongs to the superphylum Deuterostomia, which also includes the phyla Hemichordata and Echinodermata. These three groups share a common deuterostome ancestry, meaning that their embryonic development follows the deuterostome pattern of mesodermal and ectodermal development.
    • The evolutionary relationship between Chordata and other deuterostomes suggests that all chordates evolved from a common deuterostome ancestor. Within this broader context, the evolutionary lineage of chordates can be traced back through a series of stages:
      1. Urochordata: The earliest of the chordates to evolve, these organisms were likely the most primitive form.
      2. Cephalochordata: Evolving after Urochordata, these small, fish-like creatures were important in the transition of chordates toward vertebrate development.
      3. Vertebrata: The final group to evolve, vertebrates developed the backbone, enabling a wide range of adaptations and diversification.
  • Protochordates and Molecular Phylogeny
    • The term “protochordate” is often used to describe early, non-vertebrate chordates, which are thought to represent the evolutionary precursors of modern vertebrates. The concept of protochordates plays a significant role in understanding chordate phylogeny.
    • Molecular phylogeny, which involves the analysis of DNA and protein-coding genes, has become essential in reclassifying the metazoan groups. It allows researchers to classify organisms more accurately based on genetic sequences rather than traditional morphological features alone. This has led to rethinking earlier classifications of bilaterians and tripoblasts.
  • Protostomes and Deuterostomes Classification
    • Traditionally, bilaterians were divided into two groups: protostomes and deuterostomes. Protostomes include various invertebrate groups, and deuterostomes include chordates and their close relatives.
    • Protostomes were further subdivided into:
      • Acoelomates: Animals without a coelom (body cavity).
      • Platyhelminthes: Flatworms.
      • Pseudocoelomates: Organisms with a body cavity not fully lined with mesoderm.
    • These categories were initially based on how the body cavity developed during embryonic stages, but molecular phylogeny has provided a more refined understanding. Protostomes have been further divided into two groups: Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa, based on molecular data.
    • Molecular phylogenetic studies, especially those involving mitochondrial and nuclear biology, have revealed that:
      • A clade of echinoderms and hemichordates forms what is known as Ambulacraria.
      • A separate clade, consisting of urochordates, vertebrates, and cephalochordates, has been identified as part of the phylum Chordata.
  • Clade Relationships within Chordata
    • Within Chordata, the clade formed by cephalochordates is considered the earliest, while urochordates and vertebrates form a sister group. This means that although cephalochordates are considered the most primitive, urochordates and vertebrates share a more recent common ancestor.
  • Recent Advances in Phylogeny
    • The modern view on the phylogeny of chordates is based on extensive molecular evidence that supports the classification of chordates into these distinct clades. This provides a clearer understanding of the evolutionary history and relationships among various chordate subphyla.

Chordata Examples

Phylum Chordata includes a diverse group of animals, categorized into three main subphyla: Urochordata, Cephalochordata, and Vertebrata. Below are examples of species within each subphylum:

  • Subphylum Urochordata (Tunicata):
    • These are marine animals, typically characterized by their sac-like bodies and a tunic made of a cellulose-like substance.
    • Examples:
      • Sea Squirts (Ascidians): These are stationary, filter-feeding animals found in marine environments. They are often attached to surfaces like rocks or boats.
      • Salps: These are transparent, barrel-shaped tunicates that drift freely in water. They are typically found in pelagic zones of oceans.
      • Larvaceans: Small, planktonic tunicates that maintain a larval form throughout life, often seen in plankton samples.
  • Subphylum Cephalochordata:
    • These are small, fish-like animals that retain a notochord throughout their life and are typically found buried in sandy or muddy seabeds.
    • Examples:
      • Lancelets (Amphioxus): These are small, fish-like invertebrates that possess all the key characteristics of chordates, including a notochord, dorsal nerve cord, and pharyngeal slits. They are commonly found in shallow coastal waters and play an important role in evolutionary studies of chordates.
  • Subphylum Vertebrata:
    • This subphylum includes all animals with a vertebral column (backbone) and is the largest group within Phylum Chordata.
    • Examples:
      • Class Agnatha (Jawless Fish):
        • Lampreys: Parasitic or non-parasitic jawless fish that have a cartilaginous skeleton and are found in both marine and freshwater environments.
        • Hagfish: Deep-sea, slimy creatures that are scavengers and lack jaws and vertebrae but still possess a notochord.
      • Class Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fish):
        • Sharks: These are large predatory fish with cartilaginous skeletons, commonly found in oceans around the world.
        • Rays: These flat-bodied fish are closely related to sharks and are often found on the seafloor.
        • Skates: Similar to rays, but they are distinguished by their flattened bodies and differ slightly in behavior.
      • Class Osteichthyes (Bony Fish):
        • Goldfish: Popular aquarium species that are examples of bony fish.
        • Salmon: A migratory fish species known for its significant economic and ecological role in both freshwater and marine environments.
        • Tuna: Large, fast-swimming fish that are important to global fisheries and marine ecosystems.
      • Class Amphibia:
        • Frogs: Amphibians that are often found in freshwater habitats and have a complex life cycle involving both aquatic and terrestrial stages.
        • Toads: Similar to frogs, but usually distinguished by drier skin and adaptations for living in more terrestrial environments.
        • Salamanders: Amphibians with elongated bodies and tails, often found in damp habitats and capable of regenerating lost limbs.
      • Class Reptilia:
        • Snakes: Legless, carnivorous reptiles that have adapted to a variety of habitats, including deserts and forests.
        • Lizards: Reptiles with legs, often found in warm environments, including deserts and tropical regions.
        • Turtles: Reptiles known for their hard shells and slow movements, living in both terrestrial and aquatic environments.
      • Class Aves (Birds):
        • Eagles: Large birds of prey with powerful beaks and keen eyesight.
        • Parrots: Colorful, intelligent birds that are often kept as pets and have unique abilities to mimic sounds.
        • Penguins: Flightless birds adapted to life in cold environments and capable of swimming.
      • Class Mammalia:
        • Humans: The most advanced mammals with complex brain development, capable of abstract thought and cultural development.
        • Whales: Large marine mammals that use echolocation for communication and hunting in the ocean.
        • Elephants: Large land mammals with distinctive trunks and tusks, known for their intelligence and social behavior.

Origin of Chordata

The Origin of Chordates is a subject deeply rooted in the evolutionary history of animals, connecting chordates with various invertebrate ancestors. Due to the soft-bodied nature of early chordate ancestors, fossil records are scarce, making it challenging to definitively determine the exact lineage. Over time, multiple theories have emerged, attempting to trace the origin of chordates from different invertebrate groups. Each theory is based on anatomical, embryological, and serological evidence, yet each has its limitations. Below is a detailed explanation of the prominent theories:

  1. Coelenterate Theory:
    • This theory suggests that chordates evolved from coelenterates, a group known for their radial symmetry and simple body structure.
    • Proponents believe chordates lost radial symmetry, coelenteron, and cnidoblasts, developing advanced characters.
    • Key structures that define chordates, such as the notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, and pharyngeal slits, are assumed to have developed independently.
    • However, due to the lack of concrete evidence and significant differences in body plans, this theory is largely rejected.
  2. Annelid Theory:
    • This theory proposes that chordates evolved from annelids, a group of segmented worms.
    • Similarities between annelids and chordates include bilateral symmetry, segmentation (metamerism), a closed circulatory system, hemoglobin, and a complete digestive tract.
    • However, when an annelid is inverted, the mouth would be positioned dorsally, unlike chordates. Furthermore, annelid coelom formation (schizocoelic) differs from chordates’ (enterocoelic).
    • There are also significant differences in the nervous system: annelids have a double, ventral nerve cord, while chordates possess a single, dorsal nerve cord.
    • These discrepancies, especially in embryology, make this theory difficult to accept.
  3. Echinoderm-Hemichordate Theory:
    • This theory posits a common ancestry for chordates, hemichordates, and echinoderms, based on various forms of evidence:
      • Embryological Evidence: Both chordates and echinoderms share a deuterostomous mode of development, meaning the mouth develops secondarily. They also exhibit similarities in coelom formation, with both groups being enterocoelic.
      • Serological Evidence: Close protein similarities between the body fluids of chordates and echinoderms suggest a related ancestry.
    • Although echinoderms are radially symmetrical as adults, their larvae show bilateral symmetry, aligning them more with chordates.
    • The presence of the bipinnaria larva in echinoderms, which resembles the tornaria larva of hemichordates, further strengthens the connection between these groups.
    • Overall, this theory supports the idea of a common ancestor shared by chordates and echinoderms.
  4. Urochordate Origin:
    • Proposed by Garstang in 1928 and later supported by Berrill, this theory suggests that chordates evolved from sessile, filter-feeding urochordates.
    • The larva of urochordates, particularly the tadpole-like form, displays distinct chordate characteristics: a notochord in the tail, segmented myotomes, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, and pharyngeal slits.
    • According to this theory, the chordate lineage arose when the larval stage of urochordates evolved into adults via neoteny, bypassing the sessile adult phase.
  5. Cephalochordate Origin:
    • Chamberlain, in 1900, suggested that existing cephalochordates, such as Amphioxus, represent primitive chordates.
    • Cephalochordates exhibit many typical chordate traits while also retaining some primitive non-chordate features, such as the absence of a heart and respiratory pigments, filter feeding, and excretion by solenocytes.
    • Fossils of early chordates like Pikaia gracilens from the Cambrian period show a notochord, segmented muscles, and gill slits, further indicating that cephalochordates were an early offshoot of the chordate lineage.
  6. Combined Theory:
    • Barrington (1965) proposed a synthesis of the aforementioned theories, suggesting that chordates and echinoderms share a common sessile, filter-feeding ancestor from the Cambrian era.
    • As food resources shifted over time, some sessile ancestors likely evolved into free-swimming forms through neoteny, leading to the development of more advanced chordates.
    • This theory provides a comprehensive view by integrating various lines of evidence from embryology, paleontology, and evolutionary biology.
  1. Slobodian, Veronica & Pereira Rizzato, Pedro & Sobral, Gabriela. (2021). Vertebrates (Chordata). 10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_1426-2.

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