Cereals Plants – Wheat and Rice (origin, morphology, processing & uses), brief account of millets.

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What are Cereals?

  • Cereals, also referred to as grain crops, constitute a fundamental category of food that significantly contributes to human nutrition. These plants belong to the Poaceae family, commonly known as the grass family, and are cultivated for their edible seeds, or grains. Cereals are integral to the human diet, providing a substantial portion of the carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins required for maintaining health. Therefore, understanding their composition, history, and significance is essential for both students and educators.
  • Cereals are primarily characterized by their high carbohydrate content, which serves as a primary energy source. The carbohydrates present in cereals are largely in the form of starch, making them a vital component of many staple diets worldwide. Additionally, cereals supply protein, although in varying amounts depending on the specific type. This protein is essential for tissue building and repair, contributing to overall growth and development. The presence of dietary fiber in cereals further enhances their nutritive value, aiding in digestion and promoting a healthy gut.
  • The history of cereal cultivation is deeply intertwined with human civilization. It is believed that early domestication of cereals began around 9,000 years ago, particularly with crops like barley and wheat in Western Asia. These early agricultural practices laid the foundation for major civilizations, including those in Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Babylon, and Egypt. Such advancements in food production allowed for the growth of populations and the establishment of settled societies.
  • In addition to barley and wheat, rice is another significant cereal that plays a crucial role in the diet of Southeast Asia. Its cultivation and consumption have shaped cultural practices and agricultural techniques in this region for centuries. Furthermore, maize, or corn, was domesticated by indigenous civilizations in the New World, becoming a staple crop that continues to have a profound impact on food systems today.
  • The nutritional profile of cereals varies among different species. For instance, whole grains contain higher amounts of vitamins and minerals compared to refined grains, which have had the bran and germ removed during processing. The outer layers of whole grains are rich in dietary fiber, B vitamins, and essential minerals such as iron and magnesium. Therefore, consuming whole grains is recommended for optimal health benefits.
  • Moreover, cereals have multifunctional roles beyond their nutritional value. They serve as the foundation for various food products, including bread, pasta, and breakfast cereals, which are staples in many diets. Additionally, cereals can be processed into various forms, such as flour or flakes, making them versatile ingredients in numerous culinary applications.

Major cereal crops

Cereal crops are pivotal in human nutrition and have been integral to civilizations throughout history. They are among the earliest plants to have been domesticated, with their cultivation closely associated with the development of agricultural societies. This narrative provides an overview of the major cereal crops, their significance, and their historical context, integrating essential information for a comprehensive understanding.

  • Definition and Origin: Cereals belong to the Poaceae family, commonly referred to as the grass family. They are cultivated primarily for their starchy seeds, which are significant sources of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The term “cereal” is derived from cerealia munera, a phrase meaning “gift of Ceres,” the Roman goddess of grain and agriculture. This association underscores the historical reverence for these crops, as evidenced by annual festivals such as the Roman cerealia, which honored Ceres from April 12 to April 19.
  • Major Cereal Crops: The primary cereal crops include:
    • Wheat (Triticum): Widely cultivated in warm temperate regions, wheat serves as a staple food in many cultures. Its versatility allows it to be processed into various food products, such as bread and pasta.
    • Rice (Oryza): A leading food crop globally, rice is particularly important in Asia, where over half of the population relies on it as a staple. There are approximately 10,000 varieties of rice, with China and India being the largest producers.
    • Maize (Zea): Also known as corn, maize is extensively cultivated, particularly in the United States, which accounts for 40 percent of global production. Maize thrives in warm climates with ample rainfall and well-drained soils.
    • Barley (Hordeum): This cereal is often utilized for animal feed, brewing, and as a food source in various cultures. Barley is cultivated primarily in cooler regions.
    • Oats (Avena): Primarily grown in temperate regions, oats are valued for their nutritional profile and are commonly used in breakfast cereals.
    • Rye (Secale): Belonging to the wheat family, rye is a hardier cereal that flourishes in cooler climates. Germany is the leading producer of rye, followed by Poland and Russia.
    • Millet (Pennisetum): Comprising various small-grained cereals, millet is important in semi-arid regions and serves as a staple food in parts of Africa and Asia. India is the largest producer, followed by Nigeria and Niger.
    • Sorghum (Sorghum): This drought-resistant cereal is grown primarily for food, animal feed, and biofuel production. The United States leads in sorghum production, with significant contributions from India and Nigeria.
  • Cultivation and Characteristics: Cereals exhibit several attributes that enhance their suitability as food crops:
    • Adaptability: They can thrive in diverse environmental conditions, enabling them to be cultivated across various ecological habitats.
    • Easy Cultivation: Cereals generally require less intensive farming practices, making them accessible to farmers.
    • High Yield: These crops often produce substantial yields per unit area, contributing to food security.
    • Nutritive Value: Cereals provide essential nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins, making them a vital component of the human diet.
  • Plant Structure: Most cereals are herbaceous annuals characterized by an erect, cylindrical stem that is typically hollow, except at the nodes. The leaves exhibit a parallel venation pattern and are composed of two parts: the leaf sheath and the lamina. A membranous outgrowth known as the ligule is found at the junction of these two parts. The inflorescence can vary from spikes to panicles, depending on the cereal type. Each spikelet contains several florets, which are adapted for wind pollination. The grain itself is an indehiscent fruit, where the pericarp is fused with the seed coat, and the endosperm is rich in starch.
  • Cultural Significance: Cereals have played a crucial role in shaping human civilization. Ancient societies such as the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans heavily relied on wheat and barley. Similarly, in India, China, and Japan, rice has been a dietary staple. Festivals and rituals surrounding cereal harvests highlight the deep cultural connection between humans and these essential crops.


Wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) is a fundamental crop and a cornerstone of global agriculture, serving as a primary food source for over one-third of the world’s population. Belonging to the Poaceae family, wheat has a rich history intertwined with human civilization, dating back to its early cultivation in the Middle East. This narrative outlines the significance of wheat, its historical context, and its various types while providing detailed insights for educators and students.

  • Historical Background: Wheat is one of the oldest cultivated crops, with evidence suggesting that early humans gathered wild wheat long before agriculture began. Archaeological findings indicate the presence of carbonized wheat grains at Neolithic sites in Jarmo, located in Northern Iraq, as well as in Central and Northeastern Europe, dating back to approximately 6750 to 7500 B.C. These findings illustrate that after its domestication in the Middle East, wheat rapidly disseminated throughout Asia and Europe, significantly impacting human diet and agriculture.
  • Botanical Classification:
    • Scientific Name: Triticum aestivum
    • Common Name: Gahuen
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Chromosome Count: 2n = 42, A B & D genome
  • Global Importance: Wheat is regarded as the most crucial food plant globally, providing sustenance to millions through various wheat-based products. The grains of the wheat plant, commonly referred to as kernels or seeds, are integral to the diets of people worldwide. The importance of wheat extends beyond basic nutrition, influencing economic and agricultural practices in many countries.
  • Types of Wheat: The most widely cultivated variety of wheat is known as common wheat or bread wheat. Various types of wheat exist, each with distinct characteristics and uses. Understanding the taxonomy of these varieties is essential for recognizing their origins and distribution.
  • Contribution of Botanists: The classification and understanding of wheat have significantly advanced thanks to the work of botanists like Nikolai Vavilov (1887-1943). Vavilov studied over 31,000 wheat samples from diverse global regions, creating a comprehensive classification of wheat varieties. His research was enhanced by contributions from Japanese and American scientists in fields such as cytology, physiology, and biochemistry, yielding valuable insights into the diverse varieties of wheat cultivated worldwide.
  • Importance of Taxonomy: Knowledge of wheat taxonomy is vital for understanding the origins and geographical distribution of various wheat types. This classification allows researchers and agriculturalists to track the evolution of wheat and make informed decisions regarding cultivation, breeding, and resource management.

Origin, Taxonomy and Distribution

The origin, taxonomy, and distribution of wheat are critical to understanding its role in human civilization and agriculture. Wheat, scientifically classified as Triticum aestivum, belongs to the Poaceae family. Its evolution reflects a complex history characterized by hybridization, cytological diversity, and geographical spread.

  • Taxonomy of Wheat:
    • Wheat is classified into the genus Triticum, with all species belonging to the family Poaceae (Gramineae), subfamily Poideae, and tribe Triticaceae.
    • Nikolai Vavilov identified 14 species of wheat, categorizing them based on their cytological characteristics. These can be grouped into three primary categories:
      • Diploid Wheat: Exhibiting 2n = 14 chromosomes, characterized by the AA genome.
      • Tetraploid Wheat: Comprising 2n = 28 chromosomes, characterized by the AABB genome.
      • Hexaploid Wheat: Featuring 2n = 42 chromosomes, characterized by the AABBDD genome.
    • This classification is crucial for understanding the evolutionary relationships between different wheat varieties.
  • Cytological Insights:
    • The understanding of wheat cytology has advanced through the works of researchers such as T. Sakamura in Japan and American scientist Karl Sax.
    • Cytological analysis revealed that diploid wheat is considered the oldest known form. Tetraploid and hexaploid varieties are believed to have originated through hybridization of ancient diploid wheat and related wild grasses, followed by chromosomal doubling.
    • Four different genomes—A, B, D, and G—represent distinct sets of seven chromosomes found in both wild and cultivated species.
  • Origin of Wheat:
    • The diploid wheat (Triticum boeticum for wild einkorn and Triticum monococcum for cultivated einkorn) is considered the most ancient. Cultivated einkorn, which evolved from its wild ancestor, exhibits considerable genetic variation.
    • Wild einkorn is believed to have originated in the Middle East and Southeastern Europe, while cultivated einkorn likely emerged in Southeastern Turkey, subsequently spreading to Europe from Spain to Scandinavia.
    • The tetraploid wheat, such as wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides), has its origins from a cross between diploid einkorn and wild relatives, specifically T. speltoides. This variety is primarily found in Palestine and Syria.
  • Distribution of Wheat:
    • Following domestication, wheat spread extensively throughout Asia and Europe. Evidence suggests that bread wheat was cultivated in the Nile Valley by 5000 B.C., in the Euphrates and Indus Valleys by 4000 B.C., in China by 2500 B.C., and in England by 2000 B.C.
    • The hexaploid varieties, such as Triticum aestivum and Triticum spelta, are the most commonly cultivated today, resulting from the hybridization of tetraploid emmer wheat and a wild relative (Triticum tauschii). This hybridization provided beneficial traits, such as high gluten content, adapting the wheat to various environmental conditions.
    • The distribution of wheat varieties is also influenced by the geographical and climatic conditions of the regions where they are cultivated. For instance, tetraploid varieties, particularly durum wheat (Triticum durum), are grown extensively in Italy, Spain, and the United States, while other varieties like wild emmer are primarily found in the Middle East.
  • Historical Context:
    • Vavilov proposed that the center of origin for diploid wheat was in Asia Minor, with tetraploid wheat originating in Abyssinia and North Africa, and hexaploid wheat emerging from Central Asia. This historical perspective aids in understanding the agricultural practices and crop selections of ancient civilizations.

Cultivation of Wheat

Wheat is one of the most cultivated crops globally, serving as a staple food for a significant portion of the population. Its cultivation spans from equatorial regions to latitudes of 60°N and 40°S, with the greatest concentrations found in warm temperate areas. These regions typically experience cool winters followed by dry and warm summers, which are ideal for grain ripening. The following points provide a comprehensive overview of wheat cultivation:

  • Geographical Distribution:
    • Wheat is extensively cultivated across various countries, including China, the United States, Russia, Canada, Germany, Ukraine, Turkey, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, Iran, and Argentina.
    • China stands as the leading producer of wheat, followed by India, which ranks as the third-largest producer.
  • Climatic Requirements:
    • Wheat thrives in cool climates with moderate rainfall, typically between 30 and 90 cm annually.
    • The ideal temperature range for wheat growth is between 10° and 15°C, while summer varieties flourish at temperatures between 21° and 26°C.
  • Soil Preferences:
    • Wheat can be cultivated on various soil types; however, optimal growth occurs in silt and clay loams with a soil pH of no less than 5.8.
  • Major Wheat-Producing Regions in India:
    • In India, wheat cultivation is primarily concentrated in the Indo-Gangetic plain, particularly in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, and parts of Rajasthan.
    • Other notable wheat-growing areas include the black soil regions of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka.
    • The predominant wheat variety grown in India is Triticum durum, accounting for about 85% of the cultivated area, followed by a smaller area dedicated to Triticum dicoccum (emmer).
  • Growth Duration:
    • The growth period for wheat generally spans 150 to 160 days.
    • In temperate regions, wheat can be classified into two main types based on the growing season:
      • Spring Wheat:
        • This variety has a shorter growth period of approximately 100 days and does not require low temperatures during its early growth phases.
        • It is typically sown between March and May and harvested from August to September.
      • Winter Wheat:
        • This variety has a longer growth duration and requires low temperatures for optimal initial growth.
        • It is sown in October to November and harvested from May to July.
    • In India, wheat is mainly cultivated as a winter crop but can also be grown during the summer months.
  • Global Wheat Production Statistics:
    • As of the latest data, the leading wheat-producing countries and their respective production in tonnes are as follows:
      1. China: 134,340,630 tonnes
      2. India: 98,510,000 tonnes
      3. Russian Federation: 85,863,132 tonnes
      4. United States: 47,370,880 tonnes
      5. France: 36,924,938 tonnes
      6. Australia: 31,818,744 tonnes
      7. Canada: 29,984,200 tonnes
      8. Pakistan: 26,674,000 tonnes
      9. Ukraine: 26,208,980 tonnes
      10. Germany: 24,481,600 tonnes

Morphological Characters of Wheat

The morphological characteristics of wheat are integral to understanding its classification within the Poaceae family. Wheat, a typical grass, exhibits distinctive features that contribute to its growth, reproduction, and adaptability. The following points detail the primary morphological traits of the wheat plant:

  • General Appearance:
    • Wheat plants are initially bright green, transitioning to a golden brown as the grains mature.
    • They are annual plants characterized by multiple “tillers,” which are side shoots that develop from the base of the plant.
  • Root System:
    • Wheat possesses two types of roots:
      • Primary Roots: Also known as seminal roots, these develop from the embryo and typically live for six to eight weeks.
      • Secondary Roots: Also referred to as coronal roots, these are adventitious roots that develop from the basal underground nodes of the main axis and the tillers, forming the plant’s permanent root system.
  • Stem (Culm):
    • The main stem and tillers are erect, cylindrical structures that can grow to a height ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 meters.
    • Each stem is composed of 5 to 7 nodes, with the lower internodes being shorter and the upper internodes longer.
    • The stems are hollow and usually glabrous (smooth).
  • Leaf Structure:
    • Wheat leaves are arranged alternately along the stem.
    • Each leaf features a basal sheath that encircles the stem, forming a complete tube in its lower region.
    • The sheath splits higher up, transitioning into the lamina or blade, which is flat, long, narrow, and has an acuminate tip.
    • The lamina exhibits parallel venation and contains a higher density of stomata on the adaxial (upper) surface.
    • The stomata are characterized by dumbbell-shaped guard cells and specialized bulliform cells present in the adaxial epidermis.
    • A membranous ligule, which is colorless, is located at the junction of the sheath and lamina, along with a pair of auricles at the base of the lamina.
  • Inflorescence:
    • The inflorescence of wheat is a terminal spike, comprising numerous spikelets arranged in two rows on alternate sides of the spike axis.
    • The spike axis is robust and does not shatter when the grain is ripe.
    • Each spikelet is sessile and contains 2 to 5 florets.
    • The structure of a spikelet includes a pair of sterile glumes, a shortened rachilla, and 2 to 5 pairs of fertile glumes, which consist of an outer lemma and an inner palea that enclose the floret.
  • Floret Structure:
    • The floret consists of two lodicules, which represent the perianth and are responsible for regulating the flower’s opening.
    • There are three stamens featuring slender filaments and bilobed versatile anthers.
    • The gynoecium is typically monocarpellary, though some taxonomists classify it as tricarpellary and syncarpous, with a superior ovary and two terminal styles that bear feathery stigmas. There is a single ovule in the ovary.
  • Fruit Development:
    • The fruit of wheat is classified as a caryopsis, which is a one-seeded, dry, indehiscent grain.
    • Typically, two grains develop within each spikelet. Each grain has an oval shape, characterized by a convex dorsal surface and a centrally grooved ventral surface. A tuft of hairs is present at the tip of the grain.
    • The fruit wall and the seed coat are fused, forming the bran of the grain. The bran encloses the endosperm, which constitutes the major portion (approximately 82-86%) of the grain and is primarily composed of starch and gluten.
    • The outermost layer of the endosperm, known as the aleurone layer, contains vitamins, minerals, and proteins but does not contain gluten.
    • At the basal end of the grain is a small embryo, consisting of the plumule (the shoot) and radical (the root). The plumule is enclosed in a protective sheath called the coleoptile, while the radical is surrounded by a root sheath known as the coleorhiza. Additionally, a fleshy, shield-like cotyledon called the scutellum is present.

Important Varieties and Uses of Wheat

Wheat is one of the most essential and versatile crops globally, with various varieties tailored for specific agricultural needs and climates. Its breeding has significantly advanced, leading to improved yield and quality traits that have enhanced its uses across culinary and industrial applications. The following points outline the important varieties of wheat and their diverse uses:

  • Breeding and Improvement:
    • The evolution of wheat varieties is a result of human intervention, focusing on selecting plants that exhibit better growth, high grain quality, and other desirable traits.
    • Wheat research in India began at the Imperial Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) in Pusa, Bihar. The IARI, New Delhi, initiated its wheat program in the 1960s, which led to the launch of the All India Coordinated Wheat Improvement Project in 1965, later upgraded in 1978.
    • Over 316 wheat varieties have been released to suit different agro-ecological conditions and growing situations.
    • Notable early 1900s varieties like P.4, P.5, and P.6 gained international recognition for their qualities.
    • IARI developed new wheat varieties resistant to various rust diseases, marking a significant advancement in wheat improvement.
    • Dr. M.S. Swaminathan is celebrated as the Father of the Green Revolution in India due to his substantial contributions to wheat improvement.
    • Recently, on December 11, 2020, the Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) introduced six new wheat varieties developed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). These include:
      • Borlaug 100: High-yielding, drought- and heat-resilient, resistant to wheat blast, and high in zinc.
      • Zinc Gahun 1 and 2: Biofortified with high zinc content.
      • Bheri-Ganga, Himganga, and Khumal-Shakti: Designed for various growing conditions and stresses.
  • Major Varieties in India:
    • The leading varieties of wheat cultivated in India include both exotic and indigenous types:
      • Exotic Varieties: Lerma Rojo, Sonora 64.
      • Indigenous Varieties: Kalyansona, Sonalika, Chotti Lerma, Sharbati Sonora, and various HD series (HD 2009, HD 2280, HD 2285, HD 2327, HD 2329, HD 2204, HD 2278, HD 2189, HD 2307, HD 2402) developed by Late Shri U.S. Mathur at IARI.
      • Other notable varieties include WL 711 (Dr. K.S. Gill, PAU, Ludhiana), WH series (WH 147, WH 157, WH 283, WH 291 by Shri Dhani Ram Vasudeva at HAUS, Hisar), and varieties developed by GBPUAT, VPKAS, RAU, and MACS.
  • Uses of Wheat:
    • The chemical composition of wheat varies based on edaphic and climatic factors, affecting its culinary applications.
    • Wheat can be classified into soft and hard varieties:
      • Soft Wheat: Low in gluten, ideal for making cakes, cookies, and pastries due to its white starchy interior.
      • Hard Wheat: High in gluten, used predominantly for making flour, which is essential for bread production. The gluten provides elasticity to the dough, allowing it to rise effectively when baked with yeast.
    • In many regions, wheat is a staple food consumed in various forms, including:
      • Unleavened Bread: Such as chapaties, tandoori roti, paratha, and poori.
      • Refined Flour (Maida): Used for baking cakes, biscuits, pastries, and other products.
      • Semolina (Sooji): Coarsely ground wheat used in preparations like halwa and upma.
      • Pasta Products: Tetraploid wheats, such as Triticum durum, are essential for producing macaroni, spaghetti, and noodles.
    • Nutritionally, wheat is rich in protein, starch, vitamins, and essential minerals like iron and phosphorus. Whole wheat flour, which includes the entire grain, is more nutritious than refined white flour that lacks the bran and germ—components containing most vitamins, minerals, and proteins.
  • Additional Uses:
    • Wheat also finds applications beyond food, including:
      • The bran is an important component of livestock and poultry feed.
      • Glutamic acid derived from wheat is utilized in manufacturing monosodium glutamate (MSG), which enhances food flavor.
      • Wheat is used industrially for producing starch, gluten, alcohol, adhesives, and polish.
      • Wheat straw serves multiple purposes, such as livestock feed, compost, and the creation of baskets, hats, strawboards, paper, and even simple toys.


Rice, scientifically known as Oryza sativa Linn., belongs to the Poaceae family and is commonly referred to as chaval or dhan. This cereal grain is pivotal for more than half of the world’s population, particularly in Asia, where the majority of rice consumers reside. While taxonomists have identified approximately 20 rice species, only two are cultivated for their economic significance: the Asian rice, Oryza sativa, and the African rice, Oryza glaberrima Steud. The following points elaborate on the characteristics and importance of rice, particularly focusing on Oryza sativa.

  • Global Significance:
    • Rice serves as a staple food for more than half of the world’s population, particularly in Asian countries where it forms the core of the diet.
    • Its consumption is vital for food security in many regions, with nearly all individuals who depend on rice for sustenance located in Asia.
  • Botanical Classification:
    • The botanical name for rice is Oryza sativa, and it is classified under the family Poaceae.
    • The diploid chromosome number for rice is denoted as n = 12.
  • Cultivated Species:
    • While there are around 20 species of rice identified by taxonomists, only Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima hold agricultural importance.
    • Oryza sativa is the predominant cereal crop found in Southern and Eastern Asia, while Oryza glaberrima is mainly cultivated in West Africa.
  • Morphological Differences:
    • The two rice species differ in several structural aspects:
      • Glume Pubescence: The presence or absence of hairs on the glumes is a distinguishing feature between the two species.
      • Ligule Size: Variations in the size of the ligule, a membranous structure at the base of the leaf blade, also differentiate the species.
      • Pericarp Color: The pericarp of Oryza glaberrima exhibits a red coloration, contrasting with the typical characteristics of Oryza sativa.
  • Cultural Importance:
    • In many cultures, rice is not only a food source but also a symbol of life, prosperity, and culture. It plays a central role in culinary practices, festivals, and agricultural traditions across Asia and beyond.
  • Economic Value:
    • Rice cultivation significantly contributes to the economies of many Asian countries, providing employment and livelihoods for millions of farmers and agricultural workers.
    • The demand for rice continues to grow globally, making it a crucial crop for sustainable agricultural practices and food production systems.

Origin, Taxonomy and Distribution of Rice

Rice, scientifically identified as Oryza sativa, has a complex origin and distribution, characterized by a rich history of cultivation and diversity. This cereal grain serves as a staple food for over half of the global population, particularly in Asia. Understanding the origin, taxonomy, and distribution of rice is essential for appreciating its agricultural significance and cultural importance.

  • Origin:
    • The precise origin of rice remains uncertain, but it is widely believed to have originated in Southeast Asia.
    • Archaeological evidence indicates that rice has been cultivated in China for nearly 5,000 years. Remains found at Yung Shao excavations, dated to around 2600 B.C., suggest its ancient use in this region.
    • An alternative hypothesis posits that rice may have originated in India and subsequently spread to China and Southeast Asia. Excavations at Lothal in Gujarat have revealed charred rice grains dating back to 2300 B.C., associated with the Harappa culture of the Indus Valley Civilization.
    • Ancient Hindu scriptures and literature also contain references to rice, indicating its longstanding cultural significance in India. The evidence of rice use in various traditional and religious ceremonies—such as birth, marriage, and death—suggests its deep-rooted presence in Indian society.
  • Spread of Rice:
    • From India, rice is thought to have spread to various regions, including China, Indonesia, Japan, and other Southeast Asian countries. It is also believed to have extended westward to Iran, Iraq, Egypt, and surrounding areas.
    • The introduction of rice to Europe is attributed to Alexander the Great in 300 B.C., who brought it from India. By 1685, rice was cultivated commercially in South Carolina.
  • Taxonomy:
    • Taxonomists recognize two primary cultivated species: Oryza sativa (Asian rice) and Oryza glaberrima (African rice).
    • The evolution of these species is a subject of debate, with two prevailing theories:
      • The polyphyletic theory posits that O. sativa and O. glaberrima evolved independently from several ancestral species. This theory suggests that Oryza rufipogon has given rise to most varieties of O. sativa, with some forms originating from O. minuta. Additionally, O. barthii or O. breviligulata is considered the progenitor of O. glaberrima.
      • The monophyletic theory asserts that both cultivated species have a common ancestor. The wild rice species Oryza longistaminata (also referred to as Oryza perennis) may be the ancestor of both O. sativa and O. glaberrima. This species can be traced back to the Gondwana supercontinent, whose fragmentation led to the geographical distribution of modern rice species.
  • Distribution:
    • Currently, rice is cultivated over approximately 146 million hectares across tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, with Asian countries being the primary producers.
    • The leading rice-producing countries, as reported in 2019, include:
      1. China: 146.73 million metric tons
      2. India: 118.87 million metric tons
      3. Indonesia: 34.7 million metric tons
      4. Bangladesh: 35.85 million metric tons
      5. Vietnam: 27.1 million metric tons
      6. Thailand: 17.66 million metric tons
      7. Burma: 12.7 million metric tons
      8. Philippines: 11.9 million metric tons
      9. Japan: 7.61 million metric tons
      10. Brazil: 7.6 million metric tons
    • Together, China, India, Bangladesh, Japan, and Pakistan account for approximately 85% of global rice production.
    • In addition to these countries, rice is also grown in southern European nations such as Italy and Spain, as well as the United States.
  • Cultivation in India:
    • In India, around 42.5 million hectares are devoted to rice cultivation, with major rice-growing states including West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Bihar, and Madhya Pradesh.

Cultivation of Rice

The cultivation of rice (Oryza sativa) is a critical agricultural practice that requires specific environmental conditions and management techniques. This cereal grain, primarily cultivated as a kharif crop, is essential to the diet of millions worldwide. Understanding the key aspects of rice cultivation can enhance agricultural productivity and food security.

  • Climate Requirements:
    • Rice thrives in hot and humid conditions, with optimal temperatures exceeding 25°C. The ideal environment features high humidity, which supports the plant’s growth and development.
    • An annual rainfall of more than 100 cm is favorable for rice cultivation. However, rainfall levels between 120-200 cm are optimal, ensuring adequate water supply throughout the growing season.
  • Soil Types:
    • Rice can be cultivated in various soil types, including sandy loams, lateritic soils, and alluvial soils. These soils provide the necessary drainage and nutrient availability required for healthy rice growth.
    • A unique requirement for rice cultivation is the presence of swampy soil conditions, where fields must be submerged under water for approximately 60-90 days during the growing season. This flooding helps manage weeds and pests while providing the plants with the required hydration.
  • Irrigation and Water Supply:
    • Abundant rainfall or efficient irrigation systems are crucial for successful rice cultivation. Flooded fields during the early part of the growing season, typically in June and July, are necessary to establish the plants and promote vigorous growth.
  • Varietal Maturity:
    • Rice varieties are classified based on their maturation period, which varies significantly among them:
      • Some varieties mature in less than 110 days.
      • Others take 110 to 140 days to reach maturity.
      • There are also varieties that require 150-170 days for maturation.
      • Very late-maturing varieties may take approximately 180 days to mature.
  • Subspecies:
    • The major subspecies of rice include:
      • Oryza sativa subsp. indica: Commonly grown in tropical regions and known for its long grains and aromatic qualities.
      • Oryza sativa subsp. japonica: Typically cultivated in temperate regions, characterized by its short, round grains.
      • Oryza sativa subsp. javanica: Grown primarily in Southeast Asia, this subspecies is known for its unique flavor and texture.

Morphological Characters of Rice

The morphological characteristics of the rice plant (Oryza sativa) provide essential insights into its structure and function. Understanding these traits is crucial for both cultivation practices and the overall study of plant biology. The following points outline the key morphological features of rice:

  • Plant Structure:
    • The rice plant is classified as a semi-aquatic, freely tillering, annual grass, typically measuring between 50 and 150 cm in height.
    • It features a cylindrical jointed stem known as the culm, which possesses a diameter of approximately 6-10 mm. The culm is usually erect and smooth.
    • Each stem has 10-20 internodes that are hollow, while the nodes are solid. Each node is characterized by a prominent pulvinus and an intercalary meristem, contributing to the plant’s growth and flexibility.
  • Root System:
    • The root system is fibrous, initiating with a primary root at germination, followed by two additional roots. This is complemented by the development of adventitious roots from the basal nodes of both the primary stem and tillers.
    • Notably, rice roots can grow in low oxygen concentrations, forming a dense surface mat that is highly branched and adorned with numerous root hairs. This adaptation is essential for nutrient and water absorption in flooded conditions.
  • Leaf Characteristics:
    • The first leaf at the base of the culm and each tiller is rudimentary, consisting of a bladeless prophyllum. All subsequent leaves feature a sheath and a lamina.
    • Leaves are arranged alternately along the stem in two ranks, one at each node. Each leaf consists of four primary components: sheath, blade, ligule, and auricles.
    • The sheath is split along its length, encircling the node, and is typically longer than the internodes until the 10th leaf, after which it becomes progressively shorter.
    • The sheath is finely ribbed and glabrous. The ligule, situated at the junction of the sheath and blade, is triangular and membranous, usually colorless and prone to splitting as it ages. Auricles, small fringed appendages, flank the ligule.
    • The leaf blade is narrow, while the lamina of the uppermost leaf below the auricle, known as the “boot or flag leaf,” is wider and shorter than the other leaves.
  • Inflorescence:
    • The inflorescence is a loose terminal panicle, measuring 14-42 cm in length, with the main axis supporting a variable number of primary branches.
    • The angle at which primary branches are borne determines the compactness of the inflorescence. Each primary branch bears secondary branches, each containing one or more spikelets.
    • Spikelets are bilaterally compressed and house a single bisexual floret. The pedicel is short and firm, and each spikelet consists of two glumes of equal length.
    • The lemma, which is boat-shaped and rigid, features a hard, keeled structure with five prominent nerves. Its apex may either be pointed or extended to form an awn. The palea, narrow and keeled, has three nerves, with its apex projecting as a solid point forming the apiculus of the caryopsis.
  • Floral Structure:
    • Each floret contains two broad lodicules, six stamens organized in two whorls, and a gynoecium with a single ovule. The flower features two styles that bear white or purplish plumose stigmas.
    • The fruit produced is a caryopsis, which is closely enclosed in the husk formed by the lemma and palea, commonly referred to as paddy.
  • Processing:
    • During the milling process, the hull is removed, and the rice grain is separated. In India, approximately half of the rice produced undergoes parboiling, a process where the paddy is steeped in water (cold or hot) for up to three days, followed by steaming at low pressure and drying.
    • This parboiling technique minimizes grain breakage during milling, preserves important nutrients, and allows for extended storage. It is critical that clean water is utilized and hygienic conditions are maintained during parboiling to ensure high-quality grain. Poor parboiling practices can lead to inferior color and unpleasant odors in the final product.

Important Varieties and Uses

The cultivation of rice has led to the development of several important varieties, each designed to enhance agricultural productivity and meet diverse consumer needs. Understanding these varieties, along with their uses, is crucial for both farmers and consumers. The following points summarize the key aspects of rice breeding and improvement, as well as the various applications of rice in daily life.

  • Breeding and Improvement in Rice Varieties:
    • Rice breeding has evolved over the years, focusing on the development of improved varieties. The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) played a significant role in this endeavor during the 1960s and 1970s, resulting in high-yielding varieties that benefited farmers.
    • IR8: The first high-yielding rice variety developed through breeding, IR8 exhibited remarkable grain yields but was noted for its poor grain quality, lack of disease and insect resistance, and late maturity.
    • IR36: Released in the early 1980s, IR36 became popular due to its disease and insect resistance, achieving high yields in just 111 days, compared to the 130 days required by IR8.
    • IR64: Developed in 1985 and released in the Philippines, IR64 marked a significant advancement in rice quality, featuring excellent cooking qualities and wide adaptability. It demonstrated early maturity, high yield, and disease resistance, particularly to blast and bacterial blight. Furthermore, IR64 has been extensively used as a parent in breeding programs due to its desirable traits.
    • The breeding program at IRRI emphasizes the integration of various traits sought after by farmers, including high yield, resistance to both biotic and abiotic stresses, early maturity, and improved grain quality.
  • Hybrid Rice Development in India:
    • Systematic research on hybrid rice in India commenced in 1989, leading to the development of the first hybrid variety, APRH-1, released in Andhra Pradesh during the 1993-1994 growing season.
    • A total of 117 hybrid rice varieties have been developed, suited to different ecological conditions and growth durations, ranging from 115 to 150 days, covering about 6.8 percent of India’s total rice area.
    • The ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR) has made substantial contributions to the advancement of improved rice varieties. Notably, the National Rice Research Institute has developed popular hybrids like Ajay, Rajalaxmi, and CR Dhan 701 specifically for irrigated shallow lowland ecosystems.
    • A range of dwarf or semi-dwarf varieties has also been commercialized, including notable exotics like IR8, IR36, and IR72, along with indigenous varieties such as Krishna, Ratna, and Vijaya.
  • Uses of Rice:
    • Rice is a staple cereal that provides approximately half of the daily caloric intake for millions of people in Southeast Asia. It serves as an excellent source of carbohydrates and contains small amounts of proteins, minerals, and vitamins, with minimal fat content, making it easy to digest.
    • Cooking and Consumption: About 90 percent of rice is prepared in various ways, often combined with pulses, vegetables, fish, or meat. Common preparations include boiling rice, making pulao, and preparing traditional dishes like idli and dosa, which are especially popular in South India. Rice pudding is another popular dish made by cooking rice in milk and adding sugar and nuts. Additionally, powdered rice is an essential substitute for milk for infants, a unique characteristic among cereals.
    • Rice flour is widely used in confectionery, ice creams, and pastries, while rice starch finds applications in food products, laundry, cosmetics, and textiles.
    • Various processed forms of rice include:
      • Parched Rice: Made by mixing grains in hot sand, causing them to crackle and swell before sieving.
      • Rice Flakes: Created by soaking paddy in water, boiling, cooling, and then heating until the husks burst open and are removed.
      • Puffed Rice: Produced by heating rice in sealed containers at high temperatures, which converts moisture to steam, causing the grains to swell significantly.
    • Rice is also fermented to produce alcoholic beverages, such as Saki in Japan and Wang Esin in China.
    • Byproducts of rice are valuable and versatile:
      • Rice Husk: Utilized as fuel for rice mills, in the production of hardboard, and as an abrasive.
      • Rice Bran: Obtained during the polishing process of brown rice, serves as livestock and poultry feed, and its oil is used for cooking and soap manufacturing.
      • Rice Straw: Fed to cattle and used for making straw board, thatches, mats, and hats.
  1. https://egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/83795/1/Unit-2.pdf
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cereal
  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/cereal-crop
  4. https://vlsci.com/crops/cereals/
  5. https://study.com/academy/lesson/cereal-crops-plants-production-facts-cropping.html
  6. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/food-science/cereal
  7. https://dhcrop.bsmrau.net/crop-category/cereals/
  8. https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/cereal-plant/249941092

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