What is Nitrogen Fixation? Nitrogen fixation is the fundamental biological process and the first step in the nitrogen cycle. Certain bacterial species, such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, etc., and other natural phenomena convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia (another type of nitrogen) throughout this process. Why is Nitrogen Fixation Necessary? It serves the following functions in nature: … Read more
Carbon cycle Definition Carbon cycle is the process by which carbon compounds move between the earth’s atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, pedosphere, and hydrosphere. Properties of Carbon Physical Properties of Carbon Chemical Properties of Carbon Steps of Carbon Cycle 1. Carbon in the Atmosphere 2. Producers Absorb Carbon 3. Producers are Eaten 4. Decomposers Release Carbon 5. … Read more
Sulphur cycle Definition Sulfur Cycle Overview Types of Sulphur Cycle There are two major kinds of the Sulphur Cycle, namely; 1 . Gaseous Sulphur Cycle 2. Sedimentary Sulphur Cycle Sulphur Cycle Steps The key phases of the sulphur cycle are as follows: 1. Decomposition of Organic Compounds 2. Oxidation of Hydrogen Sulphide to Elemental Sulphur … Read more
Types of Waters Inhabited by Microorganisms Biotopes of water microorganisms may include subterranean and/or surface waters, as well as sediments on the ocean floor. Microorganisms of Aquatic Environment Microorganisms inhabit surface waters in all zones; they may be suspended (plankton), cover fixed submerged objects, plants, etc. (periphyton), or reside in sediments at the bottom (benthos). … Read more
Air microbiology Indoor air microbiology 1. Aeromicrospora of Pharmacy 2. Aeromicroflora of Hospitals 3. Other Houses 4. Aeromicroflora of Storage Materials A number of important goods are held in houses, and staff members are assigned to protect them. However, aeromicroflora degrade these substances. Several instances are provided below: (i) Library (ii) Wall Paintings Outdoor air … Read more
Various sorts of positive and negative interactions between microorganisms and plants/animals have been described previously. Similar to humans, microorganisms communicate with one another and result in both beneficial and detrimental connections. In this context, the following interactions and interrelationships have been discussed: 1. Symbiosis between Alga and Fungus (Lichens) Classification Based on the nature of … Read more
What is Sludge? Objectives of Treating Sludge 1. Reducing its Volume 2. Stabilizing its Organic Materials 3. Kill off the odor 4. To Ensure it Can be Safely Used 5. Pathogen Inactivation 6. Dewatering 7. The alternative (incineration and landfill disposal) are Not Environmentally Friendly Sources of Sludge Wastes The following unit operations are the … Read more
What is Composting? Important ingredients required for function of Microorganisms Mechanism of Composting Organisms can decompose organic materials in compost if the proper mixture of water, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen is present. There are two basic groups of decomposers: chemical decomposers, which execute chemical processes on organic waste, and physical decomposers, which reduce trash to … Read more
What is Solid Waste Management? Management of solid waste is the collection, treatment, and disposal of solid material that has served its purpose or is no longer useful. Improper disposal of municipal solid waste can result in unsanitary circumstances, which in turn can lead to environmental contamination and outbreaks of vector-borne diseases, which are transmitted … Read more
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