Learning Behaviour – Definition, Types, Examples

What is Learning Behaviour?

  • Learning behavior refers to a process through which an organism undergoes a relatively permanent change in its behavior as a result of experience. This definition of learning highlights the connection between learning and what evolutionary ecologists refer to as “phenotypic plasticity.”
  • Phenotype refers to the observable characteristics of an organism, while phenotypic plasticity refers to an organism’s ability to produce different phenotypes in response to varying environmental conditions. An interesting example of phenotypic plasticity is demonstrated by the bryozoan species Membranipora membranacea. In its colony form, individual organisms typically lack spines, which are often used as a defense against predators.
  • However, when these individuals are exposed to predators, they quickly develop spines. This significant change in phenotype, from spineless to spined, in response to environmental changes (the presence of predators) exemplifies phenotypic plasticity.
  • If we consider behavior as a phenotype, the definition of learning as “a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience” can be viewed as a specific type of phenotypic plasticity. In this perspective, learning encompasses a wide range of phenomena, ranging from long-lasting morphological changes to behavioral modifications that occur due to an organism’s experiences.
  • Therefore, learning behavior can be understood as a manifestation of phenotypic plasticity, encompassing various forms of change in both morphological and behavioral traits that arise in response to an organism’s encounters and experiences in its environment.

Learning by Animals

Learning in animals is a fascinating subject that has captivated the attention of animal behaviorists. Understanding how animals learn and the mechanisms involved has been a topic of extensive research. Heyes (1994) has identified three commonly recognized types of experiences that can result in learning.

The first type is single-stimulus learning, which refers to the process where an animal learns to associate a specific stimulus with a particular response. For example, a dog learning to associate the sound of a bell with receiving food. Over time, the dog comes to anticipate the food when it hears the bell, demonstrating a learned response.

The second type is stimulus-stimulus learning, which involves the association of two or more stimuli. Animals can learn to link one stimulus with another through repeated exposure. For instance, a bird learning to associate the sight of a predator with the sound of its warning call. This association helps the bird recognize and respond to potential threats in its environment.

The third type is response-reinforcer learning, where an animal’s behavior is influenced by the consequences or outcomes of its actions. This form of learning is based on the principle of reinforcement, where a desired behavior is rewarded, and an undesired behavior is discouraged. For example, a rat learning to press a lever to receive a food reward.

These three types of learning experiences provide insights into the diverse ways in which animals acquire new behaviors and adapt to their environments. Learning allows animals to adjust their responses based on past experiences, enabling them to navigate their surroundings, find food, avoid predators, and interact with other individuals of their species.

It is important to note that animals vary in their learning capabilities and preferences. Some species demonstrate remarkable cognitive abilities and are capable of complex problem-solving and observational learning, while others rely more on instinctual behaviors. Furthermore, the specific learning mechanisms employed by different animals can vary based on their ecological niche, evolutionary history, and social dynamics.

Overall, learning in animals is a multifaceted phenomenon that plays a crucial role in their survival, adaptation, and overall behavioral repertoire. The study of animal learning provides valuable insights into the cognitive abilities and behavioral strategies employed by various species, contributing to our understanding of the animal kingdom and the intricacies of their lives.

1. Learning from single-stimulus experience

Learning from single-stimulus experience is a fundamental aspect of animal behavior. It involves the animal’s response to a specific stimulus and can result in either sensitization or habituation.

Sensitization occurs when an animal becomes more attentive or responsive to a stimulus over time. For instance, if a rat is repeatedly exposed to a blue-colored stick in its cage, it may initially show curiosity by turning its head towards the stick. As sensitization occurs, the rat becomes increasingly sensitive to the presence of the stick, exhibiting heightened attention towards it.

On the other hand, habituation refers to a decrease in responsiveness to a repeated stimulus. If the rat gradually pays less attention to the blue stick with each exposure, habituation has taken place. The rat becomes accustomed to the stimulus and no longer finds it noteworthy.

However, habituation can present challenges in certain research settings, especially when studying behaviors related to predator-prey interactions. To study anti-predatory behavior, for example, researchers may place a predatory fish in one aquarium and prey fish in another aquarium nearby. Visual interactions between the predator and prey are observed without any harm to the prey. However, if the prey quickly habituates to the presence of the predator, it becomes difficult to assess their natural response. Researchers must ensure that habituation has not occurred before conducting experiments.

Learning from single-stimulus experience can have implications for subsequent learning processes:

  1. Interference with associative learning: If an animal has habituated to a specific stimulus, it may hinder their ability to associate that stimulus with another event. In the case of the rat accustomed to the blue stick, it would be more challenging for them to learn that the blue stick signals the arrival of food or any other significant event.
  2. Influence on generalization: Sensitization or habituation to a single cue can impact an animal’s ability to generalize their response to similar stimuli. They may show heightened or diminished responses to stimuli that share characteristics with the original stimulus they learned from.

Understanding how animals learn from single-stimulus experiences provides valuable insights into their cognitive processes, adaptive behaviors, and the ways in which they perceive and respond to their environment. It also highlights the complexities associated with experimental design and the need to account for habituation when studying animal behavior.

2. Stimulus-stimulus (Pavlovian con­ditioning)

  • Stimulus-stimulus learning, also known as Pavlovian conditioning or classical conditioning, involves the pairing of two stimuli to elicit a learned response. This type of learning was pioneered by Ivan Pavlov in the late 1800s and has since been studied extensively.
  • In a Pavlovian conditioning experiment, a conditioned stimulus (CS) is initially unable to elicit a specific response. In the example given, the blue stick serves as the conditioned stimulus. The unconditioned stimulus (US), on the other hand, is a stimulus that naturally elicits a strong response without any prior training. In this case, the odor of a cat is used as the unconditioned stimulus.
  • During the experiment, the blue stick (CS) is presented, and after a five-second delay, the odor of a cat (US) is sprayed in one corner of the rat’s cage. Through repeated pairings of the blue stick and the cat odor, the rat learns to associate the two stimuli. As a result, the rat develops a conditioned response (CR), which is the learned response triggered by the conditioned stimulus (blue stick) alone, even before the unconditioned stimulus (cat odor) is presented. In this case, the rat’s response is to hide upon seeing the blue stick.
  • In Pavlovian conditioning, a distinction is made between pleasant and unpleasant stimuli. Stimuli that are positive, pleasant, or rewarding are classified as appetitive stimuli. These can include food, a safe place to live, or the presence of a potential mate. On the other hand, stimuli associated with unpleasant events are considered aversive stimuli.
  • Additionally, relationships between stimuli can be categorized as positive or negative. In positive relationships, the first event (conditioned stimulus) predicts the occurrence of the second event (unconditioned stimulus). In the example, the blue stick predicts the presentation of the cat odor. Negative relationships occur when the first event predicts the absence of the second event. Positive relationships result in excitatory conditioning, where the conditioned stimulus elicits a stronger response. Negative relationships, on the other hand, lead to inhibitory conditioning, where the conditioned stimulus suppresses the response.
  • Studying stimulus-stimulus learning provides valuable insights into how animals form associations between stimuli and develop conditioned responses. It helps researchers understand how animals learn to anticipate certain events based on predictive cues in their environment.

3. Response-reinforcer

  • Response-reinforcer learning, also known as instrumental conditioning, operant conditioning, or goal-directed learning, occurs when an animal’s behavior is reinforced in some way. In this type of learning, the animal learns to associate a specific response with a desired outcome or reinforcement. One classic example of instrumental learning is a rat pressing a lever to obtain food.
  • Edward Thorndike, a pioneer in the field of instrumental learning, proposed the law of effect. According to this law, if a response in the presence of a stimulus is followed by a satisfying or rewarding event, the association between the stimulus and the response will be strengthened. Conversely, if the response is followed by an aversive or punishing event, the association will be weakened.
  • It is important to note that instrumental learning focuses on the relationship between the animal’s response and the consequences that follow, rather than the pairing of stimuli as seen in Pavlovian conditioning. The animal learns that its own actions or responses lead to specific outcomes.
  • One limitation of instrumental learning is that it often ignores the continuous and fluid nature of behavior. To address this issue, B.F. Skinner developed the concept of the Skinner box, which allowed for a free-operant procedure. The Skinner box provided a controlled environment where behavior could be continuously observed and measured. Skinner aimed to create a system that divided behavior into meaningful units and allowed for a more detailed analysis of learning.
  • While Pavlovian conditioning and instrumental learning differ in their fundamental approaches, both have their own merits and applications. In instrumental learning, the animal actively engages in a response to bring about a desired outcome, whereas Pavlovian conditioning relies on the association between stimuli to elicit responses. The relative effectiveness of these learning techniques may vary depending on the specific context and goals of the research or training being conducted.

Ability to Learn

The ability to learn is believed to be regulated by complex genetic mechanisms. However, whether this ability is advantageous in terms of natural selection is a subject of debate. Researchers from various disciplines, such as psychologists, behavior ecologists, and ethologists, propose that the ability to learn is favored when an animal’s environment undergoes occasional changes but not too frequently.

When the environment remains relatively stable, genetic transmission of fixed traits is a more efficient means of passing on information from one generation to the next. This method avoids the costs associated with learning, and the offspring are likely to encounter a similar environment to that of their parents. However, in an environment that constantly fluctuates, learning becomes less valuable since what is learned in one situation may be irrelevant in the next. In such cases, the genetic transmission of fixed responses is preferred over learning. This way, the offspring inherit predetermined responses that are suitable for a changing environment.

In situations where the environment experiences intermittent changes, learning is favored over genetic transmission of fixed responses. The stability of the environment is sufficient to justify the costs associated with learning, but it is not so stable that genetic transmission becomes more advantageous.

David Stephens has further expanded on the concept of environmental stability and introduced the idea of predictability within and between generations. He distinguishes between the predictability of an individual’s lifetime environment and the predictability between the environments of parents and offspring.

According to Stephens’ model, learning is favored when there is high predictability within an individual’s lifetime but low predictability between generations. In other cases, where predictability falls into different combinations of within-lifetime and intergenerational stability, fixed genetic transmission is preferred due to the costs associated with learning. Learning becomes advantageous when an organism can learn and repeat appropriate behaviors throughout its lifetime, given the predictability within that individual’s lifespan.

Overall, the ability to learn is advantageous when the environment exhibits a certain level of stability that justifies the costs of learning. The balance between stability and change plays a crucial role in determining whether genetic transmission or learning is favored for adapting to environmental conditions.

Types of Learnt Behaviour

1. Habituation

  • Habituation refers to a learning process in which an animal’s behavioral responsiveness decreases gradually when a stimulus is repeatedly presented without any associated reward or punishment. In other words, habituation occurs when an animal learns to ignore stimuli that are deemed insignificant or non-threatening.
  • There are several examples that illustrate habituation in animals. One example is the use of scarecrows in crop-fields to deter birds. Initially, the presence of a scarecrow may startle and frighten the birds, causing them to fly away. However, over time, the birds become habituated to the scarecrow as they realize it poses no actual threat. Consequently, the scarecrow loses its effectiveness in repelling the birds.
  • Another example involves the behavior of young birds in response to passing cloud shadows. Initially, the sudden shadow may trigger an escape response in the birds, causing them to exhibit startled behavior. However, with repeated exposure to the passing cloud shadows, the birds gradually habituate to this phenomenon, and their escape responses diminish over time.
  • Similarly, fishes residing in a water body adjacent to a railway track may initially display heightened behavioral responses due to the commotion caused by passing trains. However, as the fishes are repeatedly exposed to the train-induced disturbances without any negative consequences, their behavioral response gradually decreases through habituation.
  • Habituation is an essential adaptive mechanism that allows animals to filter out irrelevant or non-threatening stimuli from their environment. By ignoring stimuli that are not meaningful or pose no immediate danger, animals can allocate their attention and energy more efficiently to focus on significant stimuli or events. Habituation helps animals conserve valuable resources and adapt to their surroundings by prioritizing responses to novel or important stimuli while disregarding repetitive or inconsequential ones.

2. Imprinting

  • Imprinting is a fascinating phenomenon that defies precise definition. It involves the establishment of a stable behavior pattern in a young animal, which occurs when the animal is exposed to specific stimuli during a critical period in its development. This process leads to the development of an attachment to a “mother figure” or a future mating partner.
  • The pioneering work of Konrad Lorenz in 1937 shed light on the concept of imprinting. Through his experiments with geese, Lorenz successfully induced broods of goslings to follow him and perceive him as their mother figure. His research showcased the profound impact of early exposure on the behavior and attachment of young animals.
  • Typically, imprinting takes place shortly after hatching or birth, resulting in a strong and enduring attachment that is resistant to change. Unlike other forms of learning, imprinting is characterized by its uniqueness and irreversibility, as it is limited to a brief “critical period” immediately after hatching.
  • One of the remarkable aspects of imprinting is its occurrence before any other forms of learning have taken place. It often manifests as a distinct and identifiable event, making it an invaluable tool for studying the neural mechanisms underlying learning and memory.
  • Researchers gauge imprinting by observing various behavioral indicators, such as the amount of attention the young animal pays to the mother, the time spent in close association, the latency to approach, and the time spent following the mother’s movements. This particular response to a mother figure is commonly referred to as “filial imprinting,” differentiating it from “sexual imprinting.”
  • While sexual imprinting cannot be directly measured during the critical period, its effects become apparent later in life. Observations of an animal’s choice of sexual partners at maturity reveal how early imprinting experiences shape their preferences and behavior in mating contexts.
  • Imprinting represents a captivating and intricate aspect of animal behavior. Its influence and consequences provide valuable insights into the early developmental processes and neural mechanisms underlying learning, memory, and social attachment.

(i) Filial imprinting

  • Filial imprinting refers to the specific response exhibited by young birds towards a mother figure. It encompasses a wide range of stimuli that can elicit approach and attachment in these birds, including visual, auditory, and olfactory cues. The variety of visual stimuli that can trigger imprinting is extensive, with attention often captured by moving or contrasting objects that stand out against their background.
  • In the case of auditory stimuli, they hold significant importance for certain bird species like mallard ducklings. The mother’s calls play a crucial role in inducing these young birds to follow her. An interesting example can be observed in wood-ducks, which nest in tree holes. Despite the young ones not having a clear visual perception of the mother, her call from outside the nest hole prompts them to approach her.
  • Odor stimuli also play a role in filial imprinting, as demonstrated by baby shrews aged between 5 and 14 days. These shrews become imprinted on the specific odor emitted by their nursing mother. They form a “caravan” early in life, following the scent of their mother. Interestingly, when 5 or 6-day-old shrews are exposed to a substitute mother of a different species, they become imprinted on the odor of the caretaker mother instead.
  • At around 15 days old, these shrews are reintroduced to their real mother. Surprisingly, they do not follow her or form the usual caravan chain with their siblings who remained with the real mother. Instead, they demonstrate imprinting on a piece of cloth impregnated with the odor of their caretaker mother. This response clearly illustrates that young shrews become imprinted with the odor of the individual that nurtures them during their early stages.
  • Filial imprinting showcases the intricate ways in which young birds develop attachment to their mother figures through various sensory stimuli. The examples provided, such as visual contrasts, auditory cues, and olfactory imprints, highlight the diverse mechanisms through which filial imprinting occurs in different species. This phenomenon contributes to our understanding of the complex nature of early bonding and attachment in the animal kingdom.

(ii) Sexual imprinting

  • Filial imprinting, as described by Lorenz, not only affects the attachment of young geese and ducks to their mother figures but also plays a role in their selection of a suitable sexual partner once they reach maturity. In sexual imprinting, young individuals “imprint” on the characteristics they observe in adult members of their population, which they later recognize as appropriate mates. Similar to filial imprinting, the range of objects or individuals that can elicit attachment in sexual imprinting is virtually limitless.
  • An intriguing experimental study conducted by Immelmann focused on sexual imprinting in zebra finches and Bengalese finches. These bird species were chosen due to their ability to breed readily in small cages and their rapid life cycle, with independence attained at approximately 5 weeks of age, followed by early breeding. In the experiment, a single zebra finch egg was placed among a group of Bengalese finch eggs, and the entire brood was reared by the Bengalese parents.
  • The fostered male zebra finch was then isolated until it reached sexual maturity. A specialized cage was constructed, divided into three sections by transparent partitions, with a continuous perch running through them. The fostered male zebra finch was placed in the central section, while the female Bengalese finch and female zebra finch were housed in the adjacent compartments.
  • The observed results were intriguing. The male finch directed its courtship behavior towards the female Bengalese finch, while the female Bengalese finch exhibited neutrality and often avoided the approaching male. In contrast, the female zebra finch responded naturally, displaying typical conspecific greeting calls and perching as close to the male as the partition allowed.
  • This display of sexual imprinting revealed that the sexually imprinted male zebra finch initially preferred to court the females of their foster-parent species, the Bengalese finches. Immelmann further examined the imprinted males by pairing them with females of their own zebra finch species. Despite their initial lack of interest, the males eventually yielded and bred with their conspecific partners due to the absence of choice. They raised one or two broods of young together. Subsequently, the males were tested again in the three-compartmented cage. Surprisingly, the foster-parent Bengalese females still remained a strong choice for courtship. These remarkable results underscore the resistance of sexual imprinting to change.
  • Imprinting is a distinctive form of learning due to three key factors. First, it occurs exclusively during a brief sensitive period early in an animal’s life. Second, it exhibits remarkable stability, often lasting throughout the animal’s lifespan. Finally, it profoundly influences the social and sexual behavior of the animal in its adult life. The study of sexual imprinting provides valuable insights into the complex nature of animal bonding, mate selection, and the lasting effects of early experiences on adult behavior.

3. Conditional reflex

  • Conditional reflex, also known as a conditioned reflex, occurs when a response is modified or learned through past experiences. These reflexes are coordinated by the brain and involve the association of a specific stimulus with a particular response. The work of I. P. Pavlov on dogs provides valuable insights into the mechanism of conditioned reflexes.
  • In Pavlov’s experiment, a hungry dog was placed on a stand and restrained by a harness. The dog was then presented with food in powdered form at regular intervals. Prior to the delivery of food, an external stimulus, such as the ringing of a bell, was consistently introduced. Over time, the dog began to associate the bell with the impending arrival of food. As a result, the dog started to exhibit a response to the bell alone, including lip-licking and saliva secretion, even in the absence of actual food.
  • Conditioned reflexes are not limited to laboratory settings but can be observed in various aspects of our daily lives. For instance, if we touch an empty hot utensil, our reflex action causes us to immediately withdraw our hand to avoid getting burned. This is a simple reflex action based on the immediate sensation of heat and pain. On the other hand, if we touch a hot utensil filled with food, we still experience pain, but our response is more controlled and gentle. In this case, conditioning and memory play a role, as we have learned from past experiences not to spill the contents while putting down the utensil. The distinction in the degree of response demonstrates the involvement of conditioning, memory, and conscious decision-making by the brain.
  • Conditional reflexes highlight the remarkable adaptability and learning capabilities of organisms. Through repeated associations and experiences, organisms can develop conditioned responses that guide their behavior in specific situations. The study of conditional reflexes contributes to our understanding of how learning and memory shape our actions and responses to stimuli in the world around us.

4. Trial-and-error learning

  • Trial-and-error learning is a process through which animals acquire knowledge and skills by attempting various alternatives and learning from both successes and failures. It involves a repetitive cycle of experimentation, where the individual learns to solve problems through a gradual refinement of its actions. One notable experiment illustrating trial-and-error learning is B. F. Skinner’s study involving a rat and liver pushing.
  • In Skinner’s experiment, the rat learned that pushing a liver resulted in the release of food. Through repeated trials, the rat engaged in different behaviors until it discovered the action that led to the desired outcome. The process involved a series of failures and successes, with the rat gradually refining its actions to achieve the desired result.
  • Another experiment conducted by Skinner involved pigeons learning to press a lever to open the door of a box and access food grains. Similar to the rat experiment, the pigeons engaged in trial-and-error learning by attempting different behaviors until they successfully opened the door and obtained the reward. With repeated trials, the pigeons became more efficient, pressing the lever in progressively shorter time intervals until they could do it quickly and effortlessly.
  • These experiments highlight the iterative nature of trial-and-error learning. Animals persistently explore different possibilities and adjust their actions based on the outcomes they experience. Through this process, they gradually develop effective strategies to solve problems and obtain rewards.
  • Trial-and-error learning is a fundamental aspect of animal behavior and plays a crucial role in their adaptation to the environment. It allows animals to acquire valuable knowledge and skills through firsthand experience, enabling them to navigate challenges and maximize their chances of survival and success.

5. Latent Learning

  • Latent learning refers to the process of acquiring knowledge and associations between stimuli without any immediate reinforcement or punishment. In latent learning, animals learn and form connections between stimuli that may not be immediately evident or expressed in their behavior. This type of learning occurs through exposure to new experiences and can be utilized in later stages of an animal’s life.
  • An insightful demonstration of latent learning was conducted by Metzgar (1967) using deer mice (Peromyscus leucopus) as subjects. In this experiment, one group of mice was given exposure to a large enclosed hall containing natural elements such as plants, hay, twigs, and logs. Another group of mice was kept in laboratory cages without exposure to these natural stimuli.
  • Later, both groups of mice were placed in the enclosed hall alongside a predatory owl. Interestingly, Metzgar observed that only two out of the twenty deer mice with prior experience of the hall were captured by the owl, whereas eleven out of the twenty mice with no previous exposure to the habitat were caught. This finding suggests that the mice with latent learning, acquired through their prior experience in the hall, were able to avoid the predator (owl).
  • The results of this experiment highlight the importance of latent learning in animals. Even in the absence of immediate reinforcement or punishment, animals can acquire valuable information and associations that aid in their survival and adaptation. Latent learning provides animals with the ability to draw upon their previous experiences to make informed decisions and responses when encountering similar situations in the future.
  • Overall, latent learning demonstrates the flexibility and complexity of animals’ cognitive abilities. It shows that learning is not solely driven by rewards or punishments but also involves the acquisition of knowledge through observation and exposure to various stimuli in the environment.

6. Insight

  • Insight refers to the ability to respond appropriately to a novel situation that is different from any previous experience. It involves a sudden realization or understanding that leads to a correct solution or response. One of the classic experiments demonstrating insight was conducted by W. Kohler in 1927, using a chimpanzee as the subject.
  • In Kohler’s experiment, a chimpanzee was placed in a room with several scattered boxes on the ground. Bananas were hung from the ceiling at a height that was initially unreachable for the chimpanzee. The chimpanzee attempted to reach the bananas by jumping but was unsuccessful.
  • After several failed attempts, the chimpanzee sat down, seemingly pondering the situation. Then, after a period of apparent thought, the chimpanzee stood up and started stacking the wooden boxes, one on top of the other. By creating a tower of boxes, the chimpanzee was able to climb up and reach the bananas. This response, characterized by a sudden and insightful understanding of how to solve the problem, is known as insight.
  • The demonstration of insight in the chimpanzee’s behavior highlights the cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills of animals. Instead of relying solely on trial-and-error learning or gradual conditioning, the chimpanzee exhibited a moment of insight, where it gained a sudden understanding of the problem and devised a solution that had not been previously attempted. This indicates a higher level of cognitive processing and the ability to mentally represent and manipulate the elements of the problem.
  • Insight is considered a significant aspect of animal intelligence, as it allows individuals to adapt to novel situations and solve problems creatively. It involves the ability to form mental representations, make connections between different elements, and generate innovative solutions. The demonstration of insight in animals challenges the traditional view that problem-solving is solely based on associative learning and provides evidence for higher cognitive processes at work.

7. Reasoning

  • Reasoning is a cognitive ability that involves the spontaneous integration of two or more separate experiences to form a new experience or idea, with the purpose of achieving a desired goal. It is a highly sophisticated mental process that is observed in certain species such as apes, dolphins, killer whales, and human beings. However, the precise neural mechanisms underlying reasoning are still an area of ongoing research.
  • The essence of reasoning lies in the ability to draw connections, make associations, and combine information from different sources in order to arrive at a logical conclusion or solution. It goes beyond simple stimulus-response associations and involves higher-order cognitive processes. Through reasoning, individuals can evaluate and manipulate information, consider multiple perspectives, and generate new insights or solutions.
  • Apes, such as chimpanzees, have been observed to engage in reasoning tasks. For example, they demonstrate the ability to solve complex puzzles, use tools in novel ways to obtain food, and even engage in planning and strategizing. Dolphins and killer whales also exhibit advanced cognitive abilities, including problem-solving and innovative behaviors in their natural habitats and in captivity.
  • Human beings, with their highly developed cognitive abilities, engage in reasoning on a daily basis. Reasoning plays a crucial role in problem-solving, decision-making, and abstract thinking. It allows us to analyze and evaluate information, weigh different options, and make informed choices based on logical deductions.
  • While we have made progress in understanding reasoning as a cognitive process, much remains to be discovered about its neural mechanisms. Research in neuroscience aims to uncover the underlying brain regions, circuits, and processes involved in reasoning. This field of study seeks to unravel the complex interplay between perception, memory, attention, and executive functions that contribute to reasoning abilities.
  • In conclusion, reasoning is a sophisticated mental process that involves the spontaneous combination of separate experiences to form new ideas or solutions for achieving desired goals. It is observed in select species, including apes, dolphins, killer whales, and human beings. Understanding the neural basis of reasoning is a fascinating area of research that holds the potential to shed light on the complexities of cognition and intelligence.

8. Cognition

  • Cognition refers to the mental processes through which animals acquire, process, and act upon information gathered from their environment. It encompasses a range of cognitive functions including perception, learning, memory, and decision-making, which play significant roles in various behaviors such as mate choice, foraging, and problem-solving. Unlike direct observations, cognition involves the internal processes and mental representations that shape an animal’s understanding and interactions with the world.
  • An influential figure in the study of cognition in animals is Edward Tolman (1886-1959), often considered the father of the modern cognitive approach to animal behavior. Tolman introduced the concept of cognitive maps, which are mental models or representations of the external environment. These maps are constructed through exploratory behavior and provide animals with a spatial or causal understanding of their surroundings.
  • Cognitive maps allow animals to navigate and make decisions based on their knowledge of how different elements within the environment are related to one another. For example, a bird may use a cognitive map to remember the location of food sources or nesting sites in its territory. These mental representations enable animals to plan and strategize their actions more effectively.
  • Cognition is not limited to spatial navigation but also extends to various other cognitive processes. Perception involves the interpretation of sensory information, allowing animals to recognize and make sense of their surroundings. Learning refers to the acquisition of new knowledge or skills through experience, which can shape future behavior. Memory enables animals to store and retrieve information, aiding in recall of past experiences and informing present decision-making.
  • Decision-making, another crucial aspect of cognition, involves evaluating options and choosing the most appropriate course of action based on the available information and goals. Animals may weigh the potential benefits and risks associated with different choices and select the option that maximizes their chances of success.
  • Studying cognition in animals provides valuable insights into their cognitive abilities and mental processes. Researchers employ a variety of methods, including behavioral experiments, neuroimaging techniques, and comparative studies across different species, to investigate cognition and understand the underlying mechanisms.
  • In summary, cognition encompasses the processes through which animals perceive, learn, remember, and make decisions based on the information they gather from their environment. Cognitive maps, introduced by Tolman, represent mental models of the external world and aid in spatial understanding. The study of cognition enhances our understanding of how animals think, process information, and adapt their behavior in response to their surroundings.


What is learning behavior?

Learning behavior refers to the process through which an organism acquires new knowledge, skills, or behaviors based on experience or interaction with the environment.

How does learning occur?

Learning can occur through various mechanisms such as classical conditioning, operant conditioning, observational learning, and cognitive processes. These mechanisms involve associations, rewards and punishments, modeling, and mental processing of information.

What is classical conditioning?

Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism associates a neutral stimulus with a biologically significant stimulus, resulting in a learned response. This process was famously demonstrated by Pavlov’s experiments with dogs and salivation.

What is operant conditioning?

Operant conditioning is a form of learning where behavior is influenced by its consequences. Behaviors that are followed by rewards or punishments are more likely to be repeated or avoided, respectively. B.F. Skinner’s work on reinforcement and punishment is a key aspect of operant conditioning.

What is observational learning?

Observational learning, also known as social learning or modeling, occurs when an individual learns by observing and imitating the behavior of others. This type of learning can involve acquiring new skills, behaviors, or attitudes through the observation of role models.

How does learning impact behavior?

Learning can lead to the acquisition of new behaviors, the modification of existing behaviors, or the extinction of undesired behaviors. It shapes an organism’s responses to stimuli and influences decision-making processes.

What factors affect learning behavior?

Several factors can impact learning behavior, including motivation, attention, memory, cognitive abilities, environmental conditions, and genetic predispositions. Individual differences and previous experiences can also play a role.

Can all organisms learn?

While all organisms have the capacity to learn, the extent and types of learning may vary across species. Higher-order animals, such as mammals and birds, exhibit more complex learning behaviors compared to simpler organisms like single-celled organisms or plants.

Can learning behavior be unlearned or modified?

Yes, learning behavior can be unlearned or modified through a process known as extinction or through the formation of new associations. Through further learning or exposure to different conditions, behaviors can be changed or replaced.

How is learning behavior studied?

Learning behavior is studied using various methods, including laboratory experiments, field observations, behavioral tests, neuroimaging techniques, and computational models. These approaches help researchers understand the underlying mechanisms and processes involved in learning.

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