What is Simple Microscope? Definition of Simple Microscope A simple microscope is an optical device consisting of a single convex lens that magnifies objects by enlarging their image through light refraction. Principle of Simple Microscope Working Mechanism of Simple Microscope This ray diagram in below, explains how simple microscopes is working; Magnification of a simple … Read more
By Sourav Pan 1 revisions 79 min readby Sourav Pan
What is pH Meter? A pH meter is a critical instrument used for measuring the acidity or alkalinity of aqueous solutions, quantified in terms of pH. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, where a value of 7 denotes neutrality, values below 7 indicate acidity, and values above 7 denote alkalinity. This scale reflects … Read more
What is HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography)? Principle of HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography) Instrumentation of HPLC High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a sophisticated analytical technique that relies on a precise set of instruments to achieve effective separation, detection, and analysis of chemical compounds. The key components of an HPLC system include the mobile phase reservoir, solvent … Read more
Northern blotting or Northern hybridization is a widely used technique in molecular biology to determine the molecular weight of mRNA and to measure relative amounts of mRNA present in different samples and for identifying alternatively spliced transcripts and multigene family members.
What is Phenol-Sulfuric Acid Method for Total Carbohydrates? Objective of Phenol-Sulfuric Acid Method Principle of Phenol-Sulfuric Acid Method The principle of the Phenol-Sulfuric Acid Method centers on the reaction of carbohydrates with strong acid and heat, leading to the production of detectable compounds. This method involves the breakdown of carbohydrates—such as simple sugars, oligosaccharides, or … Read more
What is Osazone Test? The Osazone test is a biochemical method used to identify reducing sugars. This test is also known as the Phenylhydrazine test, referring to the reagent employed in the procedure. It distinguishes reducing sugars based on the time it takes for the osazone complex to form. Carbohydrates, or sugars, are defined chemically … Read more
What is Most Probable Number (MPN) Test? Definition of Most Probable Number (MPN) Test The Most Probable Number (MPN) test is a statistical method used to estimate the concentration of microorganisms, particularly indicator organisms, in a sample by analyzing positive and negative reactions in a series of tests. It is commonly employed in water quality … Read more
In negative staining method, an acidic dye is used known as India Ink or Nigrosin. When the bacterial cells are exposed to this stain, due to the presence of acidic nature it readily gives up a hydrogen ion (proton) and the chromophore. As a result, the dye becomes negatively charged, now the bacterial cell surface deflects the stain.
In molecular biology Western blotting is a rapid and sensitive assay for detection and characterization of proteins. This technique exploits the inherent specificity of antigen-antibody interaction to identify specific antigens by polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies.
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