Linkage isomerism – Definition, Examples

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What is Linkage isomerism? – Linkage isomerism Definition

  • Linkage isomerism refers to a phenomenon observed in coordination compounds where two or more isomers exist with the same chemical composition but differ in the connectivity of the ligands to the central metal atom. In other words, the arrangement or bonding position of the ligands around the metal center is altered, leading to distinct isomeric forms.
  • Linkage isomerism commonly occurs with ambidentate ligands, which are ligands capable of coordinating to the metal ion through multiple atoms or donor sites. These ligands possess more than one potential binding atom but can only bind to the metal ion through one atom at a time. Examples of ambidentate ligands that give rise to linkage isomerism include thiocyanate (SCN⁻) and isothiocyanate (NCS⁻), selenocyanate (SeCN⁻) and isoselenocyanate (NCSe⁻), nitrite (NO₂⁻), and sulfite (SO₃²⁻).
  • To understand linkage isomerism, let’s take the example of the nitrite ligand (NO₂⁻). Nitrite can bind to the central metal atom either through the nitrogen atom or the oxygen atom, but not simultaneously. When the nitrite ligand coordinates through the nitrogen atom, the complex is referred to as a nitro complex. On the other hand, when the nitrite ligand coordinates through the oxygen atom, the complex is called a nitrito complex. The naming convention helps to distinguish between the two linkage isomers.
  • For instance, consider the cationic cobalt complex [Co(NH₃)₅(NO₂)]Cl₂. This complex exhibits two distinct linkage isomers, namely the nitro isomer and the nitrito isomer. In the nitro isomer, the nitrite ligand is bound to the cobalt atom through the nitrogen atom, while in the nitrito isomer, it is bound through the oxygen atom. The difference in the coordination position of the ligand leads to structural and chemical variations, resulting in different properties for the two isomers.
  • Linkage isomerism can also be observed with other ambidentate ligands like thiocyanate (SCN⁻), which can bind to the metal atom through either the sulfur or nitrogen atom. Ligands such as selenocyanate (SeCN⁻) and isoselenocyanate (NCSe⁻) as well as sulfite (SO₃²⁻) can also give rise to linkage isomers.
  • In summary, linkage isomerism is a type of isomerism observed in coordination compounds where the connectivity of the ligands to the central metal atom varies while maintaining the same chemical composition. Ambidentate ligands capable of binding through multiple atoms or donor sites are primarily responsible for generating linkage isomers. The coordination position of the ligand atoms influences the properties and behavior of the resulting isomers.


  • Ligands play a crucial role in the formation of coordination compounds by binding to the central metal atom or ion. They can be classified into various categories, ranging from simple ions to complex molecules and macromolecules.
  • At the simplest level, ligands can be monoatomic ions, such as Cl– (chloride ion), which can coordinate with a central metal ion to form a coordination complex. These ions often provide a single donor atom to bond with the metal center.
  • Small molecules can also act as ligands in coordination compounds. For example, ammonia (NH3) and water (H2O) are commonly encountered ligands. These molecules possess lone pairs of electrons that can form coordinate covalent bonds with the metal ion, creating a stable coordination entity.
  • Ligands can also be larger organic molecules. For instance, ethylenediamine (H2NCH2CH2NH2) or triethylenetetramine (N(CH2CH2NH2)3) are examples of polydentate ligands, meaning they possess multiple donor atoms capable of binding to the metal center simultaneously.
  • In some cases, ligands can be macromolecules, such as proteins. Proteins, composed of amino acids, can form coordination complexes with metal ions through specific binding sites. These metalloproteins often play crucial roles in biological processes, such as enzyme catalysis or transport of metal ions within cells.
  • The choice of ligands significantly impacts the properties and behavior of coordination compounds. Different ligands can induce variations in the electronic, magnetic, optical, and reactivity properties of the resulting complexes. Ligands can also influence the stability and geometry of the coordination entity, leading to diverse structures and properties.
  • In summary, ligands encompass a wide range of species, from simple ions to small molecules and complex macromolecules like proteins. They participate in the formation of coordination compounds by binding to the central metal atom or ion, creating a stable coordination entity. The choice of ligands profoundly influences the properties and characteristics of the resulting coordination compounds.
Ligands That Can Form Linkage Isomers
ligandLewis structurenamedonor atoms
CNcnlewcyanide ionC or N
SCNscnlewthiocyanate ionS or N
NO2no2lewnitrite ionN or O

Ambidentate Ligand

An ambidentate ligand is a type of ligand that possesses two different potential sites for binding to a metal center, resulting in the formation of two distinct binding isomers. These ligands offer multiple options for coordination, leading to structural and chemical variations in the resulting coordination compounds.

Several examples of ambidentate ligands include NH2CSNH2 (thiourea), SCN (thiocyanate), NO2 (nitrite), S2O3 (thiosulfate), NH2CONH2 (urea), SO3 (sulfite), and (CH3)2S (dimethyl sulfide). These ligands exhibit the ability to bind to a metal atom through different atoms or functional groups, giving rise to different coordination modes and isomeric forms.

To be considered an ambidentate ligand, a molecule must satisfy three conditions:

  1. Two potential sites: The ligand must possess two distinct atoms or groups capable of binding to the metal center. These sites may differ in their electronic or geometric properties, allowing for alternative coordination options.
  2. Single tooth: Despite having multiple potential binding sites, an ambidentate ligand can only bind to the metal center through a single site at a time. This means that the ligand can form a coordination bond with the metal using one of its potential sites while the other remains uncoordinated.
  3. Energy difference: There should be an energy difference between the two potential binding sites of the ligand. This energy difference can arise from factors such as electronic effects, steric hindrance, or resonance stabilization. The disparity in energy levels contributes to the preference for one coordination mode over the other.

The presence of ambidentate ligands in coordination chemistry introduces the concept of linkage isomerism, where the connectivity of the ligands to the central metal atom varies while maintaining the same chemical composition. Depending on which atom or group of the ligand is coordinated, the resulting coordination compound can exhibit different properties, including structural, electronic, and reactivity differences.

In summary, ambidentate ligands offer multiple potential sites for coordination to a central metal atom. By satisfying the conditions of having two potential sites, single tooth coordination, and energy differences between the binding sites, these ligands contribute to the formation of different binding isomers and

Types of Ligands 

Different types of ligands can be classified based on the number of donor atoms they possess and their binding capabilities to a metal ion. Here are three common types of ligands:

  1. Unidentate Ligands: Unidentate ligands bind to the metal ion through a single donor atom. Examples of unidentate ligands include H2O (water), NH3 (ammonia), and Cl– (chloride ion). These ligands provide only one coordination site for bonding with the metal ion.
  2. Bidentate Ligands: Bidentate ligands have two donor atoms that can simultaneously bind to the metal ion. The coordination of both donor atoms enhances the stability of the resulting coordination complex. Examples of bidentate ligands include H2NCH2CH2NH2 (ethane-1,2-diamine) and C2O42- (oxalate). In ethane-1,2-diamine, the two nitrogen atoms can coordinate with the metal ion, while in oxalate, two oxygen atoms from the carboxylate groups serve as the donor atoms.
  3. Polydentate Ligands: Polydentate ligands, also known as chelating ligands, possess multiple donor atoms capable of binding to the metal ion simultaneously. These ligands form more stable complexes due to the chelation effect, where the ligand wraps around the metal ion. An example of a polydentate ligand is ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA4-). EDTA4- can coordinate to a central metal ion using two nitrogen atoms and four oxygen atoms from its four carboxylate groups, creating a hexadentate coordination complex.

The choice of ligand type can significantly impact the properties and behavior of the resulting coordination compounds. Ligands with multiple donor atoms allow for the formation of more complex and stable structures, while unidentate ligands provide simpler coordination complexes. The binding capabilities of different ligands contribute to the diversity and versatility of coordination chemistry, enabling the formation of a wide range of compounds with varying properties and applications.

Ligands Producing Linkage Isomers

Several typical ligands are known to produce linkage isomers in coordination compounds. These ligands have the ability to coordinate to the central metal atom or ion in different ways, resulting in distinct connectivity isomers. Some of these ligands include:

  1. Thiocyanate (SCN−) and Isothiocyanate (NCS−): Thiocyanate and isothiocyanate ligands contain sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N) atoms and can bind to the metal center through either the sulfur or nitrogen atom. This leads to the formation of two linkage isomers with different coordination modes.
  2. Nitrite (NO2−): The nitrite ion can coordinate to the metal center either through the nitrogen atom or the oxygen atom. Depending on which atom is bonded to the metal ion, two linkage isomers can be formed, resulting in different properties and characteristics of the coordination compound.
  3. Selenocyanate (SeCN−) and Isoselenocyanate (NCSe−): Similar to thiocyanate and isothiocyanate ligands, selenocyanate and isoselenocyanate ligands possess two possible binding modes. They can coordinate to the metal ion through either the selenium (Se) or nitrogen (N) atom, leading to the formation of two linkage isomers.
  4. Sulfite (SO32−): Sulfite ligands can bind to the metal center in two different ways, through either one oxygen (O) atom or through two oxygen atoms. This results in the formation of linkage isomers with distinct coordination modes and properties.

The presence of multiple donor atoms in these ligands provides flexibility in the coordination chemistry, allowing for the formation of different coordination modes and isomeric forms. Linkage isomerism arises from the ability of these ligands to bind to the metal center in alternative ways, resulting in coordination compounds with varying connectivity.

Understanding the concept of linkage isomerism and the ligands that exhibit this phenomenon is important in the field of coordination chemistry. It highlights the importance of ligand connectivity in determining the properties and behavior of coordination compounds, and it adds to the diversity of

Why Does Linkage Isomerism Take Place?

To explain why linkage isomerism takes place, we need to consider the nature of the ligands involved and their ability to bind to the central metal ion in different ways. Linkage isomerism occurs when a ligand has multiple potential binding sites and can coordinate to the metal ion through different atoms or groups.

The phenomenon of linkage isomerism arises due to the differences in energy associated with the binding of the ligand to the metal ion through alternative atoms. The coordination chemistry of a ligand depends on factors such as steric effects, electronic effects, and the relative stability of the resulting complexes. The choice of binding site can influence the overall geometry, charge distribution, and chemical properties of the coordination compound.

In some cases, the energy difference between the two binding modes is significant enough to allow for the formation of distinct linkage isomers. The ligand may preferentially bind through one atom under certain conditions or in the presence of specific counterions or neighboring ligands. The coordination environment and the nature of the metal ion can also influence the preference for a particular binding mode.

It is important to note that not all ligands exhibit linkage isomerism. Only ligands with multiple potential binding sites and suitable electronic and steric properties can give rise to linkage isomers. The occurrence of linkage isomerism adds to the complexity and diversity of coordination chemistry, allowing for the formation of isomeric compounds with different properties and reactivity.

In summary, linkage isomerism takes place due to the ability of certain ligands to coordinate to the metal ion through different atoms or groups. The energy differences associated with these binding modes, along with other factors, contribute to the formation of distinct linkage isomers and the variation in properties observed in coordination compounds.

Linkage isomerism example

Linkage isomerism is a fascinating phenomenon that can be observed in various coordination compounds. Let’s explore some examples to understand it better.

  1. One example is the pair of complexes [Co(NH3)NO2]Cl2 and [Co(NH3)ONO]Cl2. In both cases, the ambidentate ligand is the nitro group (NO2), which can coordinate to the central cobalt atom through either the nitrogen or oxygen atom. As a result, two different complexes are formed. The first complex, [Co(NH3)NO2]Cl2, appears yellow in color, while the second complex, [Co(NH3)ONO]Cl2, exhibits a red color. The variation in color is attributed to the different coordination modes of the nitro group with the central metal atom.
  2. Another example involves the complexes [CrSCN(H2O)]2+ and [CrNCS(H2O)]2+. In this case, the ambidentate ligand is thiocyanate (SCN), which can coordinate to the metal ion through either the sulfur or nitrogen atom. The first complex, [CrSCN(H2O)]2+, is violet in color due to the coordination of sulfur, while the second complex, [CrNCS(H2O)]2+, appears orange as a result of the coordination of nitrogen. Once again, the coordination position of the ligand atoms influences the properties and colors of the complexes.
  3. There are several other examples of linkage isomerism, such as [Pd(PPh3)2(NCS)2] and [Pd(PPh3)2(SCN)2], [Co(NH3)5SCN]2+ and [Co(NH3)5NCS]2+, [FeCl5(NO2)]3- and [FeCl5(ONO)]3-, [Co(CN)5SCN]3- and [Co(CN)5NCS]3-, and [Ru(NH3)5OS]3+ and [Ru(NH3)5SO]3+. In each case, the ligands possess multiple donor atoms, allowing for different coordination modes and resulting in distinct isomeric forms.

Linkage isomerism arises from the presence of ligands with more than one potential donor atom. The ability of these ligands to bind to the central metal atom in different ways leads to the formation of linkage isomers. The coordination position of the ligand atoms not only affects the structure of the complexes but also influences their physical and chemical properties.

By examining these examples and their detailed structures, we can conclude that linkage isomerism is a form of isomerism that occurs when certain ligands possess multiple donor atoms and can coordinate to a central metal atom in different ways.


What is linkage isomerism?

Linkage isomerism refers to the phenomenon in coordination chemistry where two or more isomers of a complex have the same composition but differ in the connectivity of the ligand to the central metal ion.

How does linkage isomerism occur?

Linkage isomerism occurs when a ligand can bind to the metal ion through different atoms or groups, resulting in the formation of distinct isomers.

What are some examples of ligands that exhibit linkage isomerism?

Examples of ligands that can produce linkage isomers include thiocyanate/isothiocyanate, nitrite/nitrito, selenocyanate/isoselenocyanate, and sulfite.

What causes the formation of linkage isomers?

Linkage isomers are formed due to differences in energy associated with the binding of the ligand to the metal ion through alternative atoms or groups.

How can linkage isomerism be detected or characterized?

Linkage isomers can be characterized through various techniques, including spectroscopic methods such as infrared spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, and X-ray crystallography.

Can linkage isomers have different physical or chemical properties?

Yes, linkage isomers can exhibit different physical or chemical properties, such as color, stability, reactivity, and magnetic properties, due to the different coordination modes and ligand-metal interactions.

Are linkage isomers reversible?

Linkage isomerism can be reversible or irreversible, depending on the specific ligand and metal ion involved, as well as the conditions of the system.

Can coordination compounds exhibit more than two linkage isomers?

Yes, some coordination compounds can exhibit more than two linkage isomers if the ligand has multiple potential binding sites and can coordinate to the metal ion through different atoms or groups.

How does the presence of linkage isomers impact the properties of coordination compounds?

The presence of linkage isomers can lead to differences in the properties of coordination compounds, including their chemical reactivity, biological activity, and coordination geometry.

What is the significance of studying linkage isomerism?

Studying linkage isomerism provides insights into the behavior and properties of coordination compounds, helping to understand the impact of ligand connectivity on the overall structure and reactivity of the complexes. This knowledge is valuable in fields such as catalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, and materials science.

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