Trichrome stains, such as Masson’s Trichrome, derive its name from the three dyes utilised in the staining process. These three dyes are used to selectively stain muscle, collagen fibres, fibrin, and erythrocytes using acid-base chemistry. Initial placement of tissue slices in Bouin’s solution. As a mordant, Bouin’s solution links the dye to the specific tissue … Read more
A light microscope may be used to see and examine the vacuole’s structure. While the vacuole doesn’t stain as the other organelles of the cell (because it does not contain many constituents that stain) tests have demonstrated that staining is possible for this organelle because the vacuole’s sap absorbs and stores dyes that are colored.
Amoeba (less often spelled ameba, or amoeba, plural am(o)ebas or am(o)ebae) is often referred to as an amoeboid, is kind of unicellular organism that has the capability of changing its form, mostly by retracting and expanding pseudopods. Amoebae do not belong to a single taxonomic class, They are found in all major lineages of the … Read more
In 1961, Darken reported the uptake of calcofluor white, a fluorescent brightener, by actively growing yeasts and higher fungi. Hageage and Harrington outlined the application of calcofluor white (CFW) to demonstrate hyphae and yeasts in clinical specimens. Monheit et al. utilised this dye for intraoperative identification of fungal infection on frozen sections of lung and … Read more
Grocott-Gomori’s Methenamine Silver Staining is a type of special staining technique used in microbiology and histology to visualize fungal organisms, specifically those that form characteristic spores known as arthroconidia. The staining technique was developed in the 1930s by Grocott and Gomori and is based on the use of silver and methenamine. The fungal cells are … Read more
What is silver staining? Silver staining is a powerful and versatile technique used for the detection and identification of proteins in gels. This technique is accomplished by binding silver to the chemical terminal or side chains of amino groups, such as carboxyl and sulfhydryl groups. For decades, silver staining has been used to separate proteins … Read more
What is Auramine- Rhodamine Staining? Principle of Auramine- Rhodamine Staining Auramine and Rhodamine are nonspecific fluorochrome dyes that are attracted to acid-fast microorganisms. In the case of Mycobacteria, the dyes can selectively bind to the mycolic acid present in the cell wall, allowing the stain to penetrate. This compound is resistant to acid-alcohol decolorizer solutions. … Read more
Wright’s stain is a modified Romanowsky stain. In hematology laboratory, it is used for the staining of peripheral blood smear, bone marrow aspirates, and urine samples.