Sea fur is an alternative term for Obelia. Obelia has a delicate, semitransparent, pale to light-brown hydroid colony. It consists of stems with vertical branches called hydrocauli and root-like branches called hydrorhiza. In order to complete its life cycle, Obelia’s asexual and sexual generations alternate. The life cycle of Obelia regularly alternates between hydroid and … Read more
What is Protista? – Protista Definition Different Locomotion organs of Protista Protists are a heterogeneous group of unicellular eukaryotic creatures with a vast array of movement techniques. Certain protists utilise flagella, cilia, or pseudopodia for locomotion. 1. Flagella Some protists have long, whip-like appendages called flagella that protrude from their surface. They are utilised for … Read more
By Sourav Pan 1 revisions 12 min readby Sourav Pan
What is Polymorphism in cnidarians? The majority of polyps are sessile, whereas meduase types are motile. Nonetheless, there is a similarity between the two in their fundamental characteristics. Importance of Polymorphism Polymorphism is fundamentally a phenomena of labour division. Rather than assigning diverse functions to the components or organs of a single individual, distinct functions … Read more
Protists are a varied category of eukaryotic creatures that are unicellular or multicellular, and can be free-living or parasitic. They have a simple cellular structure, with a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, and are capable of a wide variety of metabolic operations, including as photosynthesis, digesting, and locomotion. Protists are found in nearly all habitats … Read more
The water circulation system of sponges, also known as canal system, is the defining property of the phylum Porifera. The system of canals is also known as the auriferous system. The sponge canal system aids in food uptake, respiratory gas exchange, and excretion. Many pores on the body surface of sponges allow for the admission … Read more
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