what nutritional requirements do plants have

Organization of root apex
Organization of root apex
What are Tyloses?
What are tyloses?

Differentiate between the following: Haploids and Monoploids Double Trisomic and Tetrasomic Homologous and Homoeologous Chromosomes Autopolyploid and Allopolyploid Diploid and Diploidized Species Aneuploid and Euploid Polyploidy and Heteroploidy
Differentiate between the following: Haploids and Monoploids Double Trisomic and Tetrasomic Homologous and Homoeologous Chromosomes Autopolyploid and Allopolyploid Diploid and Diploidized Species Aneuploid and Euploid Polyploidy and Heteroploidy

With the help of suitable examples, discuss the applications and limitations of allopolyploidy in crop improvement.
With the help of suitable examples, discuss the applications and limitations of allopolyploidy in crop improvement.

Briefly discuss the evolution of the following crops: (i) Brassica spp., (ii) Triticum aestivum, (iii) Nicotiana tabacum, and (iv) Gossypium hirsutum.
Briefly discuss the evolution of the following crops: (i) Brassica spp., (ii) Triticum aestivum, (iii) Nicotiana tabacum, and (iv) Gossypium hirsutum.

What is ailopolyploidy? Discuss the origin ni nature and experimental production of allopolypioids.
What is ailopolyploidy? Discuss the origin ni nature and experimental production of allopolypioids.

Define autopolyploidy. briefly describe the methods of production of autodolyploids and their importance and limitations in crop improve- ment.
Define autopolyploidy. briefly describe the methods of production of autodolyploids and their importance and limitations in crop improve- ment.

What are the common aneuploid analyses for locating genes on a particular chromosome? Give abrief description of these techniques using suitable diagrams where necessary.
What are the common aneuploid analyses for locating genes on a particular chromosome? Give abrief description of these techniques using suitable diagrams where necessary.

Define heteroploidy. List the various types of changes ni chromosome number. Briefly describe the modes of origin of aneuploids and their applications in crop improvement.
Define heteroploidy. List the various types of changes ni chromosome number. Briefly describe the modes of origin of aneuploids and their applications in crop improvement.