Cilia and Flagella – Definition, Structure, Function

Cilia and Flagella Definition, Structure, Function

Cilia as well as Flagella are complex cytoplasmic filamentous structures that protrude through the cell’s wall. They are small, particularly distinct appendices to the cell. The flagella (singular meaning flagellum) are hairy, long structures that extend out from the plasma membrane. They can be utilized to move the entire cell.

Lysosomes – Definition, Structure, Formation, Functions, Types and Diagram

Structure of Lysosomes

Lysosomes are membrane-boundand dense granular structures that contain hydrolytic enzymes that are responsible for digestion in extracellular and intracellular cells. The term “lysosome” is composed of two words “lysis” which means breakdown, and “soma” which means body. It is a crucial cell organelle, responsible for inter- and extracellular breakdown of various substances.

Cytoplasm – Functions, Structure, Definition, and Diagram

Cytoplasm Functions, Structure, Definition, and Diagram

The cytoplasm, a highly viscous substance (gel-like) that is enclosed within the cell membrane. It is composed of water (about 85%), proteins (10-15%), lipids (2-4%) and nucleic acids, inorganic salts, and polysaccharides in smaller amounts. Depending on the cell’s configuration, cytoplasm might also contain occasional inclusions (e.g. stored nutrients and pigments).

Plant cell – Structure, Definition, Diagram, Organelles

Plant cell Structure, Definition, Diagram, Organelles

Animals, fungi and protists are composed of at least one eukaryotic cell. However archaea and bacteria are composed of only one prokaryotic cell. Plant cells differ from cells belonging to other organisms due to their cell walls, chloroplasts and the central vacuole.

Stroma in chloroplast and Stroma in Animal Tissue

Stroma in chloroplast and Stroma in Animal Tissue

Stroma, as a term in botany, refers to the transparent fluid that surrounds the grana inside the chloroplast. In the stroma, there are the grana (stacks of the thylakoid) and sub-organelles, or daughter cells in which photosynthesis begins prior to the chemical reactions being completed within the stroma.

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