Avatar for Sourav Pan
Sourav Pan
in Botany
24 Aug 2024

Which of the following is/are produced by the vascular cambium?Select all that apply.secondary phloemsecondary xylemgrowth rings in woodprimary growthRequest Answer Which of the following is / are produced by the vascular cambium? Select all that apply. secondary phloem secondary xylem growth rings in wood primary growth

Which of the following is/are produced by the vascular cambium?Select all that apply.secondary phloemsecondary xylemgrowth rings in woodprimary growthRequest Answer Which of the following is / are produced by the vascular cambium? Select all that apply. secondary phloem secondary xylem growth rings in wood primary growth

Avatar for Sourav Pan 1 Answer
Avatar for Sourav Pan
Sourav Pan
in Botany
24 Aug 2024

Which of the following best describes the location of the vascular cambium in a tree trunk?It is found just underneath the bark when a tree is young, but is later found toward the center of the tree as the bark grows over the vascular cambium.It is found just underneath the bark, regardless of how old the tree is.It is the outermost layer of tree bark.It is Which of the following best describes the location of the vascular cambium in a tree trunk? It is found just underneath the bark when a tree is young, but is later found toward the center of the tree as the bark grows over the vascular cambium. It is found just underneath the bark, regardless of how old the tree is . It is the outermost layer of tree bark. It is located at the very center of a tree trunk.

Which of the following best describes the location of the vascular cambium in a tree trunk?It is found just underneath the bark when a tree is young, but is later found toward the center of the tree as the bark grows over the vascular cambium.It is found just underneath the bark, regardless of how old … Read more

Avatar for Sourav Pan 1 Answer
Avatar for Sourav Pan
Sourav Pan
in Botany
24 Aug 2024

Which of the following statements about the vascular cambium is true? It is a type of apical meristem. It develops into cork cells on the outside of the cortex. It is a layer of undifferentiated cells that develops into secondary xylem and phloem. It is located between the primary xylem and cortex.

Which of the following statements about the vascular cambium is true? It is a type of apical meristem. It develops into cork cells on the outside of the cortex. It is a layer of undifferentiated cells that develops into secondary xylem and phloem. It is located between the primary xylem and cortex.

Avatar for Sourav Pan 1 Answer
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