IB Biology 12 Views 1 Answers
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Sourav PanNovember 9, 2024

How do plant hormones regulate growth at the shoot apex?

How do plant hormones regulate growth at the shoot apex?

Sourav Pan
Sourav PanNovember 9, 2024


Plant hormones play a crucial role in regulating growth at the shoot apex, primarily through their influence on the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Here’s an overview of how different hormones interact to control growth and development in this vital region of the plant:

1. Auxins

  • Promotion of Cell Elongation: Auxins, particularly indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), are essential for promoting cell elongation in the shoot. They stimulate the expansion of cells by loosening cell walls, allowing them to take up water and elongate, which contributes to upward growth toward light sources (phototropism).
  • Regulation of Primordium Formation: Auxin is critical for the initiation of leaf and flower primordia in the SAM. A local maximum concentration of auxin is necessary to trigger the formation of these new organs . This spatial distribution of auxin influences differential growth patterns within the meristem.
  • Apical Dominance: Auxins are involved in maintaining apical dominance, where the main shoot suppresses the growth of lateral buds. This regulation ensures that resources are allocated to growing the main stem, enhancing vertical growth .

2. Cytokinins

  • Cell Division Promotion: Cytokinins are primarily involved in promoting cell division and differentiation. They work synergistically with auxins to regulate various aspects of shoot development, including stimulating lateral shoot growth when apical dominance is relaxed.
  • Interaction with Auxin: The balance between auxin and cytokinin levels is critical for maintaining meristem function. For example, cytokinins can enhance the effects of auxins in promoting cell division at the SAM, contributing to overall shoot growth and organ formation.

3. Gibberellins

  • Stimulating Stem Elongation: Gibberellins (GAs) promote stem elongation and are involved in breaking seed dormancy. They enhance cell elongation and division in the shoot, contributing to increased height and overall plant vigor .
  • Flowering Induction: GAs also play a role in flowering by promoting the transition from vegetative to reproductive phases, influencing how and when plants produce flowers .

4. Brassinosteroids

  • Cell Expansion and Elongation: Brassinosteroids are steroid hormones that promote cell expansion and elongation, similar to auxins. They enhance overall plant growth and development by influencing various physiological processes at the shoot apex .

5. Hormonal Interactions

  • Crosstalk Among Hormones: The interplay between different hormones is crucial for regulating growth at the shoot apex. For example, auxin signaling can influence cytokinin levels, while gibberellins may affect both auxin and cytokinin pathways. This crosstalk ensures that plants can adapt their growth responses based on environmental conditions and developmental cues

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