Rhizosphere – Definition, Microflora, Structure, Importance

Rhizosphere - Definition, Microflora, Structure, Importance

The rhizosphere is the narrow zone of soil that surrounds plant roots, acting as a bustling hub of biological and chemical activity. Imagine it as a dynamic marketplace where roots, microbes, and soil particles constantly interact. Plants release a mix of sugars, acids, and other organic compounds through their roots—a process often called “root exudation.” … Read more

Soil Biology – Definition, Types, Proterties, Importance

Soil Biology - Definition, Types, Proterties, Importance

What is Soil Biology? What is Soil? Components of Soil The components of soil exhibit variations in their ratios across different locations due to various soil-forming factors, climate, topology, the presence of organisms, human influences, and the duration of their interaction. These components can be broadly categorized into four main groups: The relative proportions and … Read more

Types of Microorganisms In Pond Water

Types of Microorganisms In Pond Water

Types of Microorganisms In Pond Water 1. Arthropods 2. Bacteria 3. Protozoa 4. Hydra 5. Algae Algae are autotrophic protists commonly found in pond water. They exhibit a wide range of colors, with most microorganisms being green, while some may appear yellowish-brown. The diversity of algae extends to their structure, where they can exist as … Read more

Bioaerosol – Definition, Types, Collection, Transmission

Bioaerosol - Definition, Types, Collection, Transmission

What is Bioaerosol? Types of bioaerosols 1. Fungi 2. Bacteria 3. Viruses 4. Pollen Collection Methods of Bioaerosol/Deposition of Bioaerosol Bioaerosols are primarily collected via collection plates, electrostatic collectors, mass spectrometers, and impactors. Other experimental approaches are also utilised. In comparison to other PC filter alternatives, Polycarbonate (PC) filters have produced the most accurate bacterial … Read more

Extremophiles – Microbiology of Extreme Environments Definition, Types, Examples

Extremophiles - Microbiology of Extreme Environments Definition, Types, Examples

Microbiology of extreme environments focuses on the study of microorganisms that are capable of surviving and thriving in these harsh and inhospitable conditions. These microorganisms have evolved unique adaptations that allow them to withstand extreme temperatures, pressures, pH levels, salinity, and radiation exposure. Here are some key points about the microbiology of extreme environments: Studying … Read more

Distribution Of Microorganisms In Aquatic Environment

Distribution Of Microorganisms In Aquatic Environment

Types of Waters Inhabited by Microorganisms Biotopes of water microorganisms may include subterranean and/or surface waters, as well as sediments on the ocean floor. Microorganisms of Aquatic Environment Microorganisms inhabit surface waters in all zones; they may be suspended (plankton), cover fixed submerged objects, plants, etc. (periphyton), or reside in sediments at the bottom (benthos). … Read more

Air microbiology and Dispersal of Microbes 

Air microbiology and Dispersal of Microbes 

Air microbiology Indoor air microbiology  1. Aeromicrospora of Pharmacy 2. Aeromicroflora of Hospitals 3. Other Houses 4. Aeromicroflora of Storage Materials A number of important goods are held in houses, and staff members are assigned to protect them. However, aeromicroflora degrade these substances. Several instances are provided below: (i) Library (ii) Wall Paintings Outdoor air … Read more

Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)

 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)

What is Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)? Mechanism of action of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) The synthesis of different chemicals alters the entire microbial community in the rhizosphere niche to facilitate PGPR-mediated plant growth promotion. In general, PGPR stimulates plant growth either directly by enabling resource acquisition (nitrogen, phosphorus, and critical minerals) or indirectly … Read more

Soil profile and Soil Horizon – Definition, Types, Importance

Soil profile and Soil Horizon - Definition, Types, Importance

What is Soil? Soil Properties Distribution of soil layers Importance of Soil Soil Forming Factors Climate, organisms, relief, parent material, and time are the five major factors that influence the formation of soil. One may say that the local soil environment is determined by the relief, climate, and organisms, which work together to induce weathering … Read more

Soil Microorganisms – Types, Examples, Factors, Importance 

Soil Microorganisms - Types, Examples, Factors, Importance 

What are Soil Microorganisms or Soil Microflora? The term “soil microflora” is used to describe the community of microorganisms that make up most of the soil’s organic matter and a smaller, colloidal amount of humus. What is Soil Microfauna? What is Soil Microflora? What is Soil Microbiology? Factors Affecting Microbial Community in Soil Like higher … Read more

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