Autotrophs – Definition, Types, Importance, Examples

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What is An Autotroph?

  • The concept of autotrophy, a term coined by the German botanist Albert Bernhard Frank in 1892, has its origins in the ancient Greek word “trophḗ,” which translates to “nourishment” or “food.” Autotrophs represent a fundamental aspect of Earth’s biological systems, with the earliest autotrophic organisms emerging approximately 2 billion years ago.
  • Autotrophs are remarkable organisms that possess the ability to manufacture intricate organic compounds, including carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, from simple substances such as carbon dioxide. This process is facilitated by harnessing energy from either sunlight (photosynthesis) or inorganic chemical reactions (chemosynthesis). In essence, autotrophs can convert non-living sources of energy, such as light, into energy stored within organic compounds. This stored energy subsequently becomes available for consumption by other organisms, like heterotrophs.
  • Unlike heterotrophs, which rely on external sources of organic matter for sustenance, autotrophs are capable of independent existence, needing neither a living source of carbon nor an external energy supply. This self-sufficiency places them at the foundation of various food chains and ecosystems. Notable examples of autotrophs include terrestrial plants and aquatic algae.
  • The most common form of autotrophy is photoautotrophy, exhibited by organisms that use photosynthesis to convert light energy into chemical energy. This process entails the utilization of carbon dioxide as a primary carbon source. Over time, photoautotrophs evolved from heterotrophic bacteria, with some ancient photosynthetic bacteria initially relying on hydrogen sulfide for this process. Eventually, the scarcity of hydrogen sulfide prompted the transition to using water, leading to the emergence of cyanobacteria.
  • In contrast, chemoautotrophs are a subset of autotrophs that thrive in environments devoid of sunlight. These organisms derive their energy from inorganic chemical reactions, such as the oxidation of compounds like hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen gas, and elemental sulfur. Chemoautotrophs are especially prominent in extreme environments, such as hydrothermal vents in the deep ocean, where they play a vital role in the ecosystem’s energy dynamics.
  • The significance of autotrophs, particularly photoautotrophs, as primary producers cannot be overstated. Through the process of photosynthesis, these organisms capture light energy and convert it into chemical energy, forming organic molecules from inorganic carbon dioxide. This conversion is the bedrock of Earth’s ecosystems and sustains life as we know it. Furthermore, autotrophs contribute to the formation of biomass, which serves as an essential source of carbon and energy for other organisms, including heterotrophs.
  • In essence, autotrophs embody the incredible ability of certain life forms to not only thrive independently but to also serve as the cornerstone of Earth’s intricate web of life. Their diverse mechanisms for energy conversion, be it through harnessing sunlight or exploiting inorganic compounds, underscore the remarkable adaptability and resilience of life in its various forms.
Overview of cycle between autotrophs and heterotrophs.
Overview of cycle between autotrophs and heterotrophs. | Image Source: Derivative by Mikael Häggström, using originals by Laghi l, BorgQueen, Benjah-bmm27, Rkitko, Bobisbob, Jacek FH, Laghi L and JyntoCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Definition of Autotroph

An autotroph is an organism that can produce its own complex organic compounds (like carbohydrates) using simple substances such as carbon dioxide, typically through processes like photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, without relying on external sources for carbon or energy.

Autotrophs Infographic
Autotrophs Infographic

Types of Autotrophs

Autotrophs, which are organisms that make their own food, can be divided into two main groups based on how they get the energy to create their meals.

  1. Photoautotrophs: The first group is called photoautotrophs. These autotrophs use the power of sunlight to make their food. They take in carbon dioxide from the air and, with the help of a special process called photosynthesis, turn it into complex substances like sugars. Plants are a great example of photoautotrophs. They use their leaves to catch sunlight and transform it into energy for their growth.
  2. Chemoautotrophs: The second group is known as chemoautotrophs. These autotrophs don’t rely on sunlight like plants do. Instead, they get their energy from chemical reactions. They use simple chemicals from their environment to create their own food. Some of these organisms live in extreme places, like deep-sea hydrothermal vents, where sunlight can’t reach. Chemoautotrophs are like the chefs of the deep sea, cooking up their meals using chemicals from their surroundings.

So, in simple terms, autotrophs are like nature’s little chefs, and they come in two types: those that use sunlight (photoautotrophs) and those that use chemicals (chemoautotrophs) to whip up their own tasty treats.


  • Photoautotrophs are a special kind of autotrophs, which means they can make their own food. But what’s really cool about them is that they use the sun’s energy to do it, kind of like using sunlight to cook up their meals.
  • These clever organisms have a special part inside them called a photosynthetic reaction center, which is like their cooking station. Imagine it as a little chef’s kitchen where the magic happens. This reaction center has something called chlorophyll, which is like their secret ingredient. Chlorophyll helps them turn sunlight into energy they can use.
  • There are two types of photoautotrophs: oxygenic and anoxygenic. The first type, the oxygenic ones, are like the superheroes of the photoautotroph world. They use water to help them create their food, and as a result, they release oxygen into the air. Think of them as the oxygen makers. Anoxygenic ones, on the other hand, don’t use water and have a different way of making their food.
  • Some famous examples of photoautotrophs are green plants and algae. They’re like the gardeners of the world, using their chlorophyll to capture sunlight and turn carbon dioxide into glucose, which is a kind of sugar.
  • These green plants are like the producers in a big play. They create the food that many other living things, called heterotrophs, eat. It’s like a food chain, where energy flows from the plants to the animals that munch on them.
  • But here’s a surprise: Photoautotrophs aren’t the only ones in the food-making game. There are other organisms called chemolithoautotrophs that also play a role. These guys use a different recipe, getting their energy from chemicals in their environment.
  • All in all, photoautotrophs are like the chefs of the natural world, using sunlight to whip up energy-packed meals and making sure life keeps going in a tasty, sun-filled way.


  • Chemoautotrophs are a type of autotrophic organisms that gather energy from chemical reactions involving oxidation. This energy is used to create their own food. Unlike photoautotrophs, they don’t rely on sunlight for their energy source.
  • These organisms get their carbon from oxidized forms of carbon, such as carbon dioxide. A well-known subgroup of chemoautotrophs, called chemolithoautotrophs, live in rocks and use inorganic materials like ferrous ion, hydrogen, and hydrogen sulfide for their energy needs.
  • Chemoautotrophs can be found in extreme environments like deep-sea vents, acidic places, and deep trenches. They belong to the Archaea and Bacteria domains, and scientists have closely studied them to understand their role in the evolution of life on Earth.
  • Because of their ability to survive in harsh conditions, chemoautotrophs are also of interest in astrobiology, which explores the possibility of life beyond Earth. These microorganisms obtain energy from chemical reactions in their environment and convert it into cellular energy for their survival and growth.

Examples of Autotrophs

Autotrophs are organisms that make their own food using sunlight or chemicals. Here are some examples of autotrophs:

  1. Green Plants: These are very important autotrophs. They use sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into glucose. Plants have a green substance called chlorophyll that captures sunlight. This energy helps plants make their own food. They are like food factories for other living things. Grass, trees, and flowers are all examples of green plants.
  2. Green Sulfur Bacteria: These are tiny living things that can make their own food using sunlight, just like plants. But they do it in a different way. These bacteria live in places with not much oxygen. They use sulfur compounds to help them turn carbon into food. Unlike plants, they don’t make oxygen as they make food. They are usually found in places with low light, like deep underwater.
  3. Methanogens: These bacteria are like little factories that produce methane gas. They don’t need air to survive; they live in places like underwater and in the ground. They use hydrogen gas to make food and create methane as a result. This process is called methanogenesis. The methane they produce is not as clean as what we use for fuel, but it’s still important.
  4. Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria: These special bacteria help plants get the nitrogen they need to grow. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plants. These bacteria can take nitrogen from the air and change it into a form that plants can use. This process is important for plants’ growth and for the whole environment.

These autotrophs play a big role in nature by producing food and important gases that help life on Earth.

Photosynthesis Mechanism

Photosynthesis is like a plant’s way of making its own food using sunlight. It has two parts, the light dependent phase and the light independent phase.

  • Light Dependent Phase: This part needs sunlight to happen. Plants take in sunlight and use it to break apart water. They can’t keep the energy from the sunlight directly, so they change it into special energy forms like NADPH and ATP. Even special plants like cacti, which make their own energy, sometimes need to save water. They do a clever thing – they start getting ready for photosynthesis at night when it’s cooler. Their “doors” (stomata) are a little open to let in carbon dioxide, but not enough to lose much water.
  • Light Independent Phase: This step is about turning carbon dioxide into sugar. It doesn’t need sunlight anymore because the plant already caught the energy it needs earlier. Making sugar from carbon dioxide is tricky and happens step by step. The sugar can then be used to make other kinds of sugars, like glucose. But most plants keep energy as a kind of storage called starch.
  • Cellular Respiration: When plant cells need energy, they break down starch into simple things like glucose. This gives off energy. This process is called cellular respiration. It’s like the plant’s way of getting the energy from its stored food. The energy from cellular respiration helps the plant do its important jobs. It’s like using money to buy things. Cells use something called ATP as their energy money. Carbon dioxide is released during cellular respiration. But don’t worry, this carbon dioxide isn’t wasted. It goes back into the plant to be used again in photosynthesis. So, photosynthesis and cellular respiration work together to keep life going on Earth.

Role of Autotrophs in the Ecosystem or Food Chain

  • Autotrophs are like the first link in a food chain. They’re the ones who start the process of making food and energy. We call them “producers” because they produce this important stuff.
  • Think of it this way: autotrophs are like the chefs who cook the food. They use sunlight and special processes to create energy-rich food. This food then gets passed on to the next parts of the food chain.
  • When animals and other living things eat these autotrophs, they get the energy from the food. This makes the autotrophs the energy source for other living things. But here’s something interesting: only about 10% of the energy made by autotrophs goes to the next level. The rest stays in the environment.
  • Autotrophs are really important because they make up the biggest part of the food chain. They’re the bottom layer of a pyramid that shows how energy moves through nature. The animals that eat autotrophs are called “primary consumers.” These consumers take the energy from the autotrophs and use it to grow and move.
  • This energy keeps moving up the chain. Each level of the chain eats the level below it. It’s like a game of passing energy along. Finally, at the top of the chain, there are predators. They are the strongest animals that eat the animals below them.
  • So, autotrophs are the foundation of this energy game. They start everything by creating energy, and it travels through the food chain to help all sorts of living things survive and thrive.

Difference Between Autotrophs And Heterotrophs – Autotroph vs Heterotroph

Autotrophs and heterotrophs are two different types of organisms with distinct ways of getting their food and energy. Let’s look at the differences between them:


  • Type of Organisms: Autotrophs are usually found in the plant kingdom and certain tiny organisms like cyanobacteria.
  • Mode of Nutrition: They’re like self-sufficient chefs. Autotrophs make their own food using sunlight or chemicals.
  • Classification: Autotrophs can be divided into two groups: photoautotrophs (using sunlight) and chemoautotrophs (using chemicals).
  • Chloroplasts: They have chloroplasts, which are like little cooking factories. Chloroplasts help them make food using sunlight.
  • Energy Source: Autotrophs get energy from inorganic sources and turn it into chemical energy using sunlight.
  • Energy Storage: They can store both light and chemical energy.
  • Position in Food Chain: Autotrophs are at the very beginning of the food chain, like the first step.
  • Locomotion: They can’t move around much; they usually stay in one place.
  • Examples: Green plants, algae, and some bacteria are autotrophs.


  • Type of Organisms: Heterotrophs are all members of the animal kingdom.
  • Mode of Nutrition: These guys are consumers – they rely on other things for food.
  • Classification: Heterotrophs can be classified into photoheterotrophs (using sunlight and other organisms) and chemoheterotrophs (using other organisms).
  • Chloroplasts: Nope, they don’t have chloroplasts, so they can’t make their own food.
  • Energy Source: Heterotrophs get their energy by eating other organisms, either directly or indirectly.
  • Energy Storage: They can’t store energy like autotrophs can.
  • Position in Food Chain: Heterotrophs are further along in the food chain, usually at higher levels.
  • Locomotion: They can move around to find food and shelter.
  • Examples: Animals like cows, tigers, and humans are all heterotrophs.

So, autotrophs are like the chefs who make their own food, while heterotrophs are like the customers who need to find and eat food made by others.

Type of OrganismsUsually plants and certain unicellular organismsAll members of the animal kingdom
Mode of NutritionProduce their own foodDepend on other sources for their food
ClassificationPhotoautotrophs and chemoautotrophsPhotoheterotrophs and chemoheterotrophs
Presence of ChloroplastsHave chloroplasts for photosynthesisNo chloroplasts, cannot make own food
Energy SourceObtain energy from inorganic sourcesGet energy from other organisms
Energy StorageCan store both light and chemical energyCannot store energy
Position in Food ChainPrimary levelSecondary or tertiary level
LocomotionCannot moveCan move to find food and shelter
ExamplesGreen plants, algae, some bacteriaAnimals like cows, tigers, humans, etc.

Importance of Autotrophs

Autotrophs, or producers, are incredibly important in the natural world for several reasons:

  1. Energy Source: Autotrophs are the primary source of energy in ecosystems. They capture energy from the sun through photosynthesis or from chemicals in their environment through chemosynthesis. This energy is then passed on to other organisms in the food chain.
  2. Food Production: Autotrophs create their own food, which serves as the foundation of the food chain. They produce organic compounds, like glucose, that are used by consumers (animals) for their energy and growth. Without autotrophs, there would be no starting point for the food chain, and no other organisms could survive.
  3. Oxygen Production: Many autotrophs, especially green plants, release oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. This oxygen is essential for the respiration of all aerobic organisms (organisms that use oxygen), including animals and other plants. It contributes to the air we breathe and the overall balance of gases in the atmosphere.
  4. Carbon Dioxide Regulation: Autotrophs play a vital role in regulating the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Through photosynthesis, they take in CO2 and convert it into organic matter. This helps mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing greenhouse gases.
  5. Habitat and Ecosystem Support: Autotrophs create and stabilize habitats by forming the basis of ecosystems. They provide shelter, food, and resources for other organisms. These habitats, in turn, support a wide variety of species, contributing to biodiversity and ecosystem health.
  6. Nutrient Cycling: Autotrophs are crucial in nutrient cycling. They take up essential nutrients from the environment and incorporate them into their tissues. When they are consumed by consumers, these nutrients are passed on, ensuring that nutrients are recycled and made available for other organisms.
  7. Soil Enrichment: Autotrophs, particularly plants, contribute to soil enrichment. As they grow and die, they add organic matter to the soil. This organic matter improves soil structure, fertility, and water-holding capacity, benefiting both plants and the organisms living in the soil.
  8. Medicinal and Industrial Uses: Many autotrophs, such as certain plants and algae, are sources of valuable compounds used in medicine, agriculture, and industry. They provide us with medicines, biofuels, fibers, and other products that improve human well-being.

In essence, autotrophs are the engines that drive ecosystems and support life on Earth. Their ability to create their own energy and sustain themselves forms the foundation for the complex web of interactions among organisms in the natural world.


What are autotrophs?

Autotrophs are organisms that can make their own food using energy from sunlight (photosynthesis) or chemicals (chemosynthesis), without relying on other organisms for sustenance.

How do autotrophs get energy?

Autotrophs get energy from sunlight (in the case of photoautotrophs) or from chemicals (in the case of chemoautotrophs) and use this energy to convert simple molecules into complex organic compounds, like glucose.

What is the importance of autotrophs in ecosystems?

Autotrophs form the base of the food chain, producing energy-rich organic compounds that provide nourishment to other organisms. They also release oxygen through photosynthesis, contributing to the atmosphere’s oxygen content.

What is the difference between photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs?

Photoautotrophs use sunlight as their energy source for making food, while chemoautotrophs use chemicals like hydrogen sulfide to produce energy.

Do autotrophs require sunlight for survival?

Photoautotrophs rely on sunlight for their energy needs, while chemoautotrophs use chemicals to produce energy, making them less dependent on sunlight.

Can autotrophs move?

Most autotrophs, such as plants, are rooted in one place and cannot move. However, some autotrophic organisms, like algae, can move to some extent.

What is the role of chloroplasts in autotrophs?

Chloroplasts are specialized structures in autotrophic cells where photosynthesis takes place. They contain chlorophyll, a pigment that captures light energy and converts it into chemical energy.

How do autotrophs contribute to the carbon cycle?

Autotrophs remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, incorporating carbon into organic molecules. This stored carbon is then passed through the food chain and returned to the environment through processes like respiration and decomposition.

What are some examples of autotrophs?

Examples of autotrophs include green plants (like trees, grass, and algae), certain bacteria (like cyanobacteria and sulfur bacteria), and some archaea.

How do autotrophs reproduce?

Autotrophs reproduce through various methods, including asexual reproduction (like binary fission in bacteria) and sexual reproduction (like the production of spores in plants). They ensure their population continues to thrive and contribute to ecosystem stability.


  1. Sage, R. F. (2008). Autotrophs. Encyclopedia of Ecology, 291–300. doi:10.1016/b978-008045405-4.00851-x
  2. Sterner, R. W., & Elser, J. J. (2008). Ecological Stoichiometry: Overview. Encyclopedia of Ecology, 1101–1116. doi:10.1016/b978-008045405-4.00309-8 

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