Nuclear Staining by Giemsa stain – Procedure, Principle, Result

Nuclear Staining by Giemsa stain: Procedure, Principle, Result

Bacterial cells contain nuclear material, made of single-stranded circular DNA, in contrast to eukaryotes. This genetic material is present within the membrane-bounded structure known as the nucleus. In case of prokaryotes the nuclear material is present within the nucleoid which lacks the nuclear membrane and does not follow the mitosis or miosis cell division. Some … Read more

Nuclear Staining of Filamentous Fungi

Nuclear Staining of Filamentous Fungi

Fungi are eukaryotic and contain well-organized nuclei. The fungal nucleus is membrane bound and consist of two membranes of characteristic pores, a nucleolus and chromatin strand that becomes organized into chromosome during nuclear division. The fungal nuclei are extremely minute, therefore study with the light microscope is very difficult. The cells of fungal hypae are … Read more

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