Why is Oral Poliovirus Vaccine (OPV) preferred over Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV)?
Basic Microbiology
Why does lambda phage use different promoters to transcribe the cI repressor gene immediately after infection and in the lysogenic state?
Why does lambda phage use different promoters to transcribe the cI repressor gene immediately after infection and in the lysogenic state?
Which gene is required for the lysogenic phage to be adopted? How can the calm lysogenic period of a bacteriophage be terminated?
Which gene is required for the lysogenic phage to be adopted? How can the calm lysogenic period of a bacteriophage be terminated?
How can bacteriophages be isolated from the environment?
How can bacteriophages be isolated from the environment?
What do you understand by “Temperate Infection”?
What do you understand by “Temperate Infection”?
Toxoid can be prepared from the exotoxins but not from endotoxins — How will you distinguish between exotoxins and endotoxins of pathogenic bacteria?
Toxoid can be prepared from the exotoxins but not from endotoxins — How will you distinguish between exotoxins and endotoxins of pathogenic bacteria?
What are different approaches to gene therapy? Discuss the success and failure of each.
What are different approaches to gene therapy? Discuss the success and failure of each.
What do you mean by the term ‘spontaneous prophage induction’?
What do you mean by the term ‘spontaneous prophage induction’?
Why are diseases caused by opportunists becoming virulent more frequently?
Why are diseases caused by opportunists becoming virulent more frequently?
A young girl who had never been immunized to tetanus stepped on a rusty nail and got wounded. Doctor gave the child an injection of tetanus antitoxin. i Why was antitoxin given instead of a booster shot of tetanus toxoid? Explain. (ii) If the girl receives no further treatment and steps on a rusty nail again 3yrs. later, will she be immune ot tetanus?
A young girl who had never been immunized ot tetanus stepped on a rusty nail and got wounded. Doctor gave the child an injection of tetanus antitoxin. i Why was antitoxin given instead of a booster shot of tetanus toxoid? Explain. (ii) If the girl receives no further treatment and steps on a rusty nail … Read more