Physiology of Digestion – Organs, Mechanism, Regulation, Functions

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What is Digestion?

  • Digestion is a fundamental biological process that transforms food into absorbable nutrients, ensuring the body receives the energy and materials necessary for survival. This intricate process involves the breakdown of complex food substances into simpler chemical compounds, facilitating their absorption into the bloodstream for cellular use or elimination.
  • The entire digestive process encompasses six key activities: ingestion, propulsion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation. Each stage plays a crucial role in ensuring that nutrients are efficiently extracted and utilized by the body.
  • Ingestion marks the beginning of digestion, where food enters the alimentary tract through eating and drinking. This is followed by propulsion, which involves the mixing and movement of food along the digestive tract, ensuring that the contents are adequately prepared for subsequent breakdown.
  • The actual breakdown of food occurs through digestion, which can be categorized into two primary forms: mechanical and chemical digestion. Mechanical digestion involves the physical breakdown of food, such as mastication (chewing), which reduces food into smaller particles, making it easier for enzymes to access and act upon. Chemical digestion further deconstructs these particles into smaller molecules using specific enzymes produced by various digestive glands. For example, salivary enzymes initiate carbohydrate digestion, while gastric enzymes in the stomach target proteins.
  • Effective digestion necessitates the combined action of these two processes. Mechanical digestion optimizes food for chemical digestion, while chemical digestion relies on enzymes to convert complex macronutrients—fats, carbohydrates, and proteins—into absorbable units.
  • Absorption is the next critical phase, wherein digested food substances traverse the walls of the alimentary canal, entering the blood and lymphatic systems. This movement allows nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and fluids to reach body cells. The small intestine plays a pivotal role in this process, as it is here that the majority of absorption occurs. Specialized mucosal cells, known as enterocytes, line the small intestine and feature a brush border adorned with microvilli that increase the surface area for absorption. These structures contain enzymes that facilitate the final stages of nutrient breakdown and absorption.
  • The interaction of digestive enzymes and bile, produced by the liver, enhances digestion in the small intestine. Enzymes from the pancreas play a significant role, targeting various macromolecules—carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, RNA, and DNA—ensuring a thorough breakdown. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) secreted by the stomach also promotes enzyme activity, creating an optimal environment for digestion.
  • Finally, any undigested and unabsorbed materials are expelled from the body through defecation. This elimination process ensures that waste products do not accumulate and are efficiently removed from the alimentary canal.

Organ Systems Involved in gastrointestinal system

The gastrointestinal (GI) system is a complex network of organs responsible for the digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as the elimination of waste. It encompasses several key organs, each with specific functions that contribute to the overall digestive process.

  1. Oral Cavity
    • The oral cavity serves as the entry point for food, where the process of digestion begins.
    • It is equipped with teeth that mechanically break down food into smaller pieces, increasing the surface area for enzymatic action.
    • Salivary glands produce saliva, which contains enzymes such as amylase that initiate the digestion of carbohydrates.
    • The tongue assists in mixing food with saliva and aids in swallowing, propelling the food bolus toward the pharynx.
  2. Stomach
    • The stomach is a muscular organ that further digests food through mechanical churning and chemical breakdown.
    • It secretes gastric juices, which include hydrochloric acid (HCl) and pepsin, an enzyme that begins protein digestion.
    • The acidic environment also helps to kill pathogens that may be ingested with food.
    • Food is converted into a semi-liquid substance called chyme before being gradually released into the small intestine.
  3. Small Intestine
    • The small intestine is a long, coiled tube where most digestion and nutrient absorption occurs.
    • It is divided into three sections: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Each section has distinct roles in digestion.
    • In the duodenum, chyme mixes with bile from the liver and digestive enzymes from the pancreas, facilitating the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
    • The jejunum and ileum are primarily responsible for the absorption of nutrients through their highly folded walls, which contain villi and microvilli that increase surface area.
  4. Liver
    • The liver is a vital organ that produces bile, a substance necessary for the emulsification and absorption of dietary fats.
    • It processes nutrients absorbed from the small intestine, converting them into forms that the body can utilize or store.
    • The liver also detoxifies various metabolites and produces important proteins such as albumin and clotting factors.
  5. Gallbladder
    • The gallbladder is a small pouch-like organ that stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver.
    • Upon the consumption of fatty foods, the gallbladder releases bile into the small intestine to assist in the digestion and absorption of lipids.
    • This coordinated release ensures that bile is available when needed for fat digestion.
  6. Pancreas
    • The pancreas serves both endocrine and exocrine functions, playing a crucial role in digestion.
    • It produces digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase, and proteases, which are secreted into the small intestine to aid in the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, respectively.
    • The pancreas also secretes bicarbonate to neutralize the acidic chyme entering the small intestine, creating a suitable pH for enzymatic activity.

Digestion Process

The digestion process is a complex series of events that breaks down food into absorbable nutrients, ensuring the body receives essential energy and materials. This intricate mechanism comprises several stages, each critical to the efficient breakdown and absorption of food. The following outlines the key components and their functions in the digestion process.

  1. Ingestion: The initial phase of digestion begins with ingestion, defined as the entry of food into the alimentary canal through the mouth. This straightforward act encompasses both eating and drinking, serving as the foundation for the subsequent digestive processes.
  2. Propulsion: Following ingestion, propulsion refers to the movement of food through the digestive tract. This movement includes the voluntary act of swallowing and the involuntary process of peristalsis. Peristalsis consists of sequential, alternating waves of contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscles lining the alimentary wall, effectively propelling food along the tract. These waves also assist in mixing food with digestive juices, ensuring that the contents of the alimentary tract are properly combined. Therefore, swallowing represents the last voluntary action in digestion until defecation occurs.
  3. Mechanical Digestion: Mechanical digestion is a purely physical process that reduces food size without altering its chemical composition. This phase increases the food’s surface area and mobility, which is crucial for effective digestion. It includes mastication (chewing) and tongue movements that help break food into smaller pieces while mixing it with saliva. The stomach further contributes to mechanical digestion through its churning action, which exposes more surface area of the food to digestive juices, creating a semi-liquid mixture known as chyme. Additionally, segmentation, which occurs primarily in the small intestine, consists of localized contractions of the circular muscles in the muscularis layer of the alimentary canal. This process moves intestinal contents back and forth, breaking them into smaller segments and facilitating their mixing with digestive juices to enhance absorption.
  4. Chemical Digestion: Chemical digestion involves the breakdown of food by enzymes found in secretions produced by glands and accessory organs within the digestive system. It begins in the mouth, where digestive secretions initiate the breakdown of complex food molecules into simpler chemical units, such as transforming proteins into individual amino acids. These secretions typically contain a mixture of water, various enzymes, acids, and salts. Chemical digestion continues and is completed primarily in the small intestine, where most nutrients are further broken down into their absorbable forms.
  5. Absorption: Absorption is the process by which digested food substances pass through the walls of the alimentary canal into blood and lymph capillaries for circulation throughout the body. This process predominantly occurs in the small intestine, where the majority of nutrients are absorbed from the lumen of the alimentary canal into the bloodstream. Epithelial cells comprising the mucosa facilitate this critical transfer, ensuring that essential nutrients enter circulation efficiently.
  6. Elimination: Finally, elimination refers to the excretion of food substances that cannot be digested or absorbed. These indigestible remnants are expelled from the body as feces through the bowel. This final stage ensures that waste products are efficiently removed from the alimentary canal, maintaining the overall health and balance of the digestive system.
The digestive processes are ingestion, propulsion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation.
The digestive processes are ingestion, propulsion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation.

Physiology of Digestion

The physiology of digestion involves a series of complex biochemical and mechanical processes that convert food into absorbable nutrients. This intricate system ensures that the body receives essential elements necessary for its functioning. The following points detail the various stages and components involved in the digestion process.

  1. In the Oral Cavity: Digestion begins in the oral cavity, where food is chewed and mixed with saliva. Saliva contains enzymes such as amylase that initiate the breakdown of carbohydrates, converting complex sugars into disaccharides like maltose. Lingual lipase contributes to the early stages of lipid digestion. Chewing increases the surface area of food, allowing the formation of a suitably sized bolus for swallowing. The tongue and pharyngeal muscles then propel this bolus into the esophagus.
  2. Pharynx and Esophagus: As the bolus enters the pharynx, it stimulates a wave of peristalsis that propels it down the esophagus. The esophageal walls are lubricated with mucus to facilitate this passage during peristaltic contractions. Upon reaching the stomach, the cardiac sphincter relaxes to allow the bolus to enter.
  3. In the Stomach: After ingestion, food accumulates in the stomach, where it is layered, with the last part of the meal remaining in the fundus for some time. Numerous gastric glands located beneath the stomach’s mucosal surface secrete gastric juice, which consists of water, mineral salts, mucus from goblet cells, hydrochloric acid from parietal cells, intrinsic factor, and inactive enzyme precursors like pepsinogen from chief cells. Hydrochloric acid acidifies the food, deactivates salivary amylase, eliminates ingested microbes, and creates an optimal acidic environment for digestion by pepsins. Pepsinogens are activated into pepsins by hydrochloric acid and existing pepsins, initiating protein digestion. Mixing occurs gradually, and the churning movements of gastric muscle break down the bolus and blend it with gastric juice. Peristaltic waves propel the contents toward the pylorus, where strong contractions force the liquefied contents into the duodenum in small spurts.
  4. In the Small Intestines: As acid chyme enters the small intestine, it mixes with pancreatic juice, bile, and intestinal juice while coming into contact with the enterocytes of the villi. The hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) is secreted by the duodenum during the intestinal phase of gastric secretion, stimulating gallbladder contraction and relaxation of the hepatopancreatic sphincter, allowing bile and pancreatic juice to flow into the duodenum.
  5. Digestion by Pancreatic Juice: Pancreatic juice, which enters the duodenum at the hepatopancreatic ampulla, is alkaline (pH 8) due to its high bicarbonate ion content. This neutralizes the acidic chyme, raising the pH to between 6 and 8, optimal for pancreatic enzymes such as amylase and lipase. Trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen, inactive precursors of proteolytic enzymes, are activated by enterokinase (enteropeptidase) in the microvilli, converting them into active enzymes that further digest proteins into tripeptides, dipeptides, and amino acids. Pancreatic amylase continues carbohydrate digestion, converting digestible polysaccharides into disaccharides, while lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol, aided by bile salts that emulsify fats.
  6. Digestion by Bile Juice: Bile, secreted by the liver, has a pH of 8 and is produced in significant quantities daily (500 to 1000 ml). Bile consists of water, mineral salts, mucus, bile salts, bile pigments (mainly bilirubin), and cholesterol. Bile salts, such as sodium taurocholate and sodium glycocholate, emulsify fats in the small intestine, breaking down fat globules into smaller droplets, thus increasing the surface area for pancreatic lipase to act upon. Bile salts also enhance the solubility of fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins (e.g., vitamin K), facilitating their absorption.
  7. Digestion by Intestinal Juice: Alkaline intestinal juice (pH 7.8 to 8.0) helps raise the pH of intestinal contents to between 6.5 and 7.5. Enterokinase activates pancreatic peptidases like trypsin, which convert some polypeptides into amino acids and smaller peptides. Lipase further completes the digestion of emulsified fats to fatty acids and glycerol, primarily occurring within the enterocytes. Sucrase, maltase, and lactase finalize carbohydrate digestion by converting disaccharides such as sucrose, maltose, and lactose into monosaccharides inside the enterocytes. Intestinal glands, simple tubular structures located between the villi, contribute to the production of digestive enzymes that are lodged in the microvilli, facilitating the completion of carbohydrate, protein, and fat digestion.
  8. In the Large Intestines: The large intestines connect to the end of the small intestine at the cecum via the ileocecal valve. Contents passing through the ileocecal valve into the cecum remain fluid, despite some water absorption in the small intestine. In the large intestine, water absorption continues until feces attain a semisolid consistency. The large intestines also absorb mineral salts, vitamins, and certain drugs into the blood capillaries. The large intestine extends to the rectum, terminating at the anal canal. After useful materials are absorbed, remaining waste material is stored as feces before elimination through defecation. Defecation involves involuntary rectal muscle contractions and relaxation of the internal anal sphincter. Increased intra-abdominal pressure, facilitated by the contraction of abdominal muscles and the lowering of the diaphragm (Valsalva’s maneuver), assists in the process of defecation.

Mechanism of digestion

1. Mechanical Digestion

Mechanical digestion encompasses the physical processes that break down food into smaller, more manageable pieces, facilitating the subsequent chemical digestion of nutrients. This phase of digestion is crucial for enhancing the efficiency of nutrient absorption and ensuring that food can be effectively processed by the digestive system. The following points outline the key components and processes involved in mechanical digestion.

  1. Mastication:
    • The teeth are specifically adapted for chewing, with anterior teeth (incisors) designed for cutting and posterior teeth (molars) optimized for grinding.
    • Chewing is essential for the digestion of all foods, but it holds particular significance for fruits and raw vegetables. These foods contain indigestible cellulose membranes that must be broken down to access their nutrient contents.
    • Moreover, chewing increases the surface area of food particles. Since digestive enzymes act exclusively on the surfaces of food, the rate of digestion is directly related to the total surface area exposed to digestive secretions.
    • Grinding food into a fine particulate consistency minimizes the risk of excoriating the gastrointestinal tract and enhances the ease of food passage from the stomach into the small intestine, as well as through the remaining segments of the gut.
  2. Swallowing (Deglutition):
    • Swallowing is a complex mechanism primarily due to the dual functions of the pharynx, which serves both respiratory and digestive systems.
    • For a brief period, the pharynx is adapted to allow the passage of food. The tongue plays a critical role in mixing saliva with food, converting it into a semisolid form known as bolus.
    • Saliva moistens and lubricates the food, facilitating its transition from the mouth through the esophagus and into the stomach.
    • The peristaltic movements of the alimentary canal assist in the swallowing process, ensuring the smooth passage of the bolus.
  3. Churning in the Stomach:
    • The stomach wall exhibits periodic contractions that generate a churning movement known as peristalsis. This action is essential for breaking down complex food substances into simpler forms.
    • After the bolus mixes with gastric juice, it transforms into a fine, soluble mixture known as chyme, which is necessary for further digestion in the small intestine.

2. Chemical Digestion

Chemical digestion is the process by which food is broken down into its molecular components through the action of digestive enzymes. This involves the cleavage of covalent chemical bonds in organic molecules, enabling the body to absorb essential nutrients. The key macromolecules targeted during this process include carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Below is a structured overview of the chemical digestion of these macromolecules.

  • Digestion of Carbohydrates:
    • Ingested carbohydrates primarily consist of polysaccharides, such as starches (found in rice and bread), disaccharides (sucrose and lactose), and monosaccharides (glucose and fructose).
    • During digestion, polysaccharides undergo hydrolysis, breaking down into smaller chains, disaccharides, and ultimately monosaccharides.
    • Digestion in the Mouth:
      • Carbohydrate digestion commences in the oral cavity, where salivary amylase partially hydrolyzes approximately 30% of starches into the disaccharide maltose (optimal pH 6.8).
      • Lysozyme present in saliva serves as an antibacterial agent, helping to prevent infections in the oral cavity.
    • Digestion in the Stomach and Intestine:
      • Minimal digestion occurs in the stomach through the actions of gastric amylase and gelatinase.
      • The primary digestion of carbohydrates resumes in the small intestine, where pancreatic amylase continues breaking down starches into disaccharides.
      • Disaccharidases, secreted by the intestinal epithelium, further convert disaccharides into monosaccharides.
  • Digestion of Proteins:
    • Dietary proteins are derived from various sources and undergo enzymatic cleavage to yield smaller polypeptide chains and ultimately amino acids.
    • Digestion in the Stomach:
      • Pepsin, secreted by the gastric glands, catalyzes the cleavage of covalent bonds in proteins, digesting approximately 10-20% of total ingested protein.
      • The gastric glands contain three major cell types: mucus cells (which secrete mucus), peptic (chief) cells (which secrete pepsinogen), and parietal (oxyntic) cells (which secrete hydrochloric acid (HCl) and intrinsic factor).
      • The stomach stores food for 4-5 hours, mixing it with acidic gastric juice to form chyme.
      • Pepsinogen is converted to pepsin upon exposure to hydrochloric acid, which provides an optimal acidic environment (pH 1.8) for protein digestion.
      • Mucus and bicarbonates in gastric juice lubricate and protect the mucosal epithelium from excoriation by the concentrated acid. In infants, rennin aids in the digestion of milk proteins.
    • Digestion in the Intestine:
      • Bile, pancreatic juice, and intestinal juice are secreted into the small intestine via the hepatopancreatic duct.
      • Pancreatic juice contains inactive enzymes, such as trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, and procarboxypeptidases.
      • Enterokinase, released by the intestinal mucosa, activates trypsinogen to trypsin, which subsequently activates other pancreatic enzymes.
      • These pancreatic proteinases digest peptides into amino acids, completing the protein digestion process.
  • Digestion of Lipids:
    • Lipids encompass a variety of molecules, including triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol, steroids, and fat-soluble vitamins.
    • The first step in lipid digestion is emulsification, which transforms large lipid droplets into smaller ones, increasing the surface area for digestive enzymes to act upon.
      • Emulsification is facilitated by bile salts secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.
    • Lipase is the primary enzyme responsible for lipid digestion, with the majority of lipase secreted by the pancreas.
      • A minor amount of lingual lipase is released in the oral cavity, contributing to the digestion of a small percentage of lipids (<10%) in the stomach.
      • Gastric lipase is also secreted in negligible amounts.
    • The end products of lipid digestion include free fatty acids, glycerol, and smaller amounts of cholesterol and phospholipids.

3. Absorption

Absorption is a critical biological process whereby the end products of digestion are transported across the intestinal mucosa into the bloodstream or lymphatic system. This process involves various transport mechanisms, including passive, active, and facilitated transport. Understanding these mechanisms is essential for comprehending how nutrients are assimilated into the body for cellular function.

  • Mechanisms of Absorption:
    • Absorption occurs through three main mechanisms: passive transport, active transport, and facilitated transport.
    • The method employed for transport depends on the nature of the substance being absorbed and its concentration gradient.
  • Passive Transport:
    • In passive transport, substances move across the intestinal mucosa without the expenditure of energy, primarily relying on concentration gradients.
    • Small amounts of monosaccharides, such as glucose, amino acids, and certain electrolytes, like chloride ions, are absorbed by simple diffusion.
    • The movement of these molecules is driven by their concentration in the intestinal lumen compared to the blood.
  • Active Transport:
    • Active transport involves the movement of substances against their concentration gradient, which necessitates the use of energy, typically in the form of ATP.
    • Various nutrients, including amino acids and monosaccharides like glucose, are absorbed into the blood through active transport mechanisms.
    • This process often requires specific carrier proteins that facilitate the transport of nutrients across the cell membrane.
  • Facilitated Transport:
    • Some substances, such as glucose and amino acids, utilize facilitated transport mechanisms that involve carrier proteins to aid in their absorption.
    • These carrier proteins enhance the efficiency of nutrient uptake, particularly when concentration gradients are not favorable for simple diffusion.
  • Fatty Acid and Glycerol Absorption:
    • Fatty acids and glycerol, being relatively insoluble in water, cannot be directly absorbed into the bloodstream.
    • Instead, these lipids are first incorporated into small droplets known as micelles, which facilitate their movement into the intestinal mucosa.
    • Once inside the intestinal cells, fatty acids and glycerol are reassembled into very small protein-coated fat globules called chylomicrons.
    • Chylomicrons are then transported into the lymphatic vessels (lacteals) located in the intestinal villi.
    • These lymph vessels ultimately release the absorbed lipids into the bloodstream, contributing to the body’s nutrient supply.
  • Assimilation:
    • Following absorption, the nutrients transported into the blood reach various tissues throughout the body.
    • This process, known as assimilation, allows cells to utilize the absorbed substances for metabolic activities, growth, and repair.

4. Defecation

Defecation is the physiological process by which the body expels solidified digestive wastes, known as feces, from the gastrointestinal tract through the anal opening. This process is crucial for maintaining bodily homeostasis, as it allows for the elimination of indigestible substances and metabolic waste products. Understanding the mechanisms of defecation can provide valuable insight into gastrointestinal health.

  • Initiation of Defecation:
    • The process of defecation begins when the digestive wastes accumulate in the rectum, where they solidify into coherent feces.
    • As fecal matter fills the rectum, it triggers a neural reflex that creates a sense of urgency or desire to remove the waste.
    • This reflex is a complex interplay between the autonomic nervous system and voluntary muscle control.
  • Voluntary Control:
    • Defecation is primarily a voluntary process, meaning that individuals can consciously control the timing and manner of the expulsion.
    • The urge to defecate prompts a series of coordinated muscular contractions in the rectum and anus, facilitating the movement of feces toward the anal opening.
  • Mass Peristaltic Movement:
    • The expulsion of feces is achieved through mass peristaltic movements, which are strong, coordinated contractions of the smooth muscles in the walls of the intestines.
    • These contractions propel the fecal matter from the rectum through the anal canal.
    • The coordination of these muscular contractions is essential for effectively pushing the feces out of the body.
  • Anal Sphincter Control:
    • The process involves the relaxation of the anal sphincters, which are muscular rings that control the passage of feces.
    • The internal anal sphincter is under involuntary control and relaxes in response to the rectal pressure, while the external anal sphincter is under voluntary control, allowing individuals to delay defecation if necessary.
    • This combination of involuntary and voluntary control ensures that defecation can occur at an appropriate time and location.
  • Physiological Considerations:
    • Factors such as diet, hydration, and physical activity can significantly influence the efficiency and frequency of defecation.
    • A diet rich in fiber, for example, promotes healthy bowel movements by adding bulk to the feces and facilitating peristalsis.

Functions of the Digestive Organs

The following outlines the major digestive organs and their respective functions:

  • Mouth:
    • Ingestion of Food: The mouth serves as the initial site for food intake.
    • Mechanical Processing: Chewing breaks food into smaller pieces, enhancing its surface area for digestion.
    • Chemical Breakdown: Begins the chemical digestion of carbohydrates through salivary amylase and initiates lipid breakdown via lingual lipase.
    • Transportation: Moves food into the pharynx for further processing.
    • Moistening and Tasting: Saliva moistens and dissolves food, facilitating taste perception.
    • Cleansing Action: Saliva cleanses the teeth and oral cavity while possessing some antimicrobial properties.
  • Pharynx:
    • Food Propulsion: The pharynx plays a vital role in propelling food from the oral cavity to the esophagus.
    • Lubrication: It lubricates food and the passageways, facilitating smooth movement.
  • Esophagus:
    • Transport to Stomach: The esophagus is responsible for propelling food to the stomach through coordinated muscular contractions known as peristalsis.
    • Lubrication: It also provides lubrication to ease the passage of food.
  • Stomach:
    • Mixing and Churning: The stomach mixes and churns food with gastric juices to form a semi-liquid mixture called chyme.
    • Protein Digestion: Begins the chemical breakdown of proteins through the action of pepsin.
    • Controlled Release: Releases chyme into the duodenum at a controlled rate.
    • Absorption: Absorbs certain fat-soluble substances, such as alcohol and aspirin.
    • Antimicrobial Action: Possesses antimicrobial functions to inhibit pathogens.
    • Intrinsic Factor Secretion: Produces intrinsic factor necessary for vitamin B12 absorption in the small intestine.
  • Small Intestine:
    • Mixing Chyme: The small intestine mixes chyme with digestive juices from the pancreas and liver.
    • Nutrient Absorption: Absorbs breakdown products of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, vitamins, minerals, and water.
    • Physical Digestion: Performs segmentation, a physical digestive process that aids in mixing and absorption.
    • Enzymatic Activity: Provides an optimal environment for enzymatic activity.
  • Accessory Organs:
    • Liver: Produces bile salts that emulsify lipids, aiding in their digestion and absorption.
    • Gallbladder: Stores, concentrates, and releases bile into the small intestine.
    • Pancreas: Produces digestive enzymes and bicarbonate, which neutralizes acidic chyme and creates an optimal environment for enzymes to function effectively.
  • Large Intestine:
    • Further Breakdown: The large intestine further breaks down food residues through the action of gut bacteria.
    • Water and Electrolyte Absorption: Absorbs most residual water, electrolytes, and vitamins produced by enteric bacteria.
    • Fecal Propulsion: Propels feces toward the rectum for elimination.
    • Storage and Elimination: Concentrates and temporarily stores food residue prior to defecation. Mucus produced in the large intestine eases the passage of feces.
Physiology of Digestion

Regulatory Mechanisms of Digestive Processes

The digestive system operates through complex regulatory mechanisms that ensure optimal conditions for digestion and absorption of nutrients. These mechanisms, involving both neural and hormonal controls, function to stimulate digestive activities through various mechanical and chemical processes. They are categorized into extrinsic and intrinsic controls, each playing a vital role in maintaining digestive efficiency.

  1. Neural Controls:
    • Sensor Mechanisms: The walls of the alimentary canal are equipped with a variety of sensors, including mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and osmoreceptors. These receptors detect different stimuli:
      • Mechanoreceptors sense mechanical changes, such as the expansion of the stomach when food is present.
      • Chemoreceptors monitor the chemical composition of the contents, identifying the types of nutrients (lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins).
      • Osmoreceptors gauge the osmotic pressure and liquid content within the lumen.
    • Reflex Actions: Stimulation of these receptors triggers reflexes that enhance digestion. For example, the activation of glands may lead to the secretion of digestive juices into the lumen, or it may stimulate the smooth muscles of the alimentary canal, promoting peristalsis and segmentation to advance food through the digestive tract.
    • Nerve Plexuses: The alimentary canal contains intricate networks of nerve plexuses that connect with the central nervous system and facilitate communication between different digestive organs.
      • Extrinsic Nerve Plexuses: These are responsible for long reflexes, which involve the central and autonomic nervous systems in response to external stimuli affecting the digestive system.
      • Intrinsic Nerve Plexuses: These regulate short reflexes within the alimentary canal wall, allowing for localized responses. Short reflexes coordinate peristaltic movements and stimulate digestive secretions in specific areas.
    • Long and Short Reflexes: For instance, the sight, smell, or taste of food can trigger long reflexes, sending signals to the medulla oblongata, which then activates gastric juice secretion in anticipation of food intake. Conversely, the physical distension of the stomach from ingested food can initiate short reflexes that increase digestive juice secretion in the stomach wall.
  2. Hormonal Controls:
    • Role of Hormones: Various hormones significantly influence the digestive process. The primary hormone in the stomach is gastrin, released in response to food presence, which stimulates gastric acid secretion by parietal cells in the stomach mucosa.
    • Hormones from the Duodenum: Specialized cells in the duodenum release several key hormones:
      • Secretin: Stimulates the pancreas to secrete bicarbonate, providing a watery solution that neutralizes stomach acid and creates a suitable environment for digestive enzymes.
      • Cholecystokinin (CCK): Promotes the secretion of pancreatic enzymes and bile from the liver and the release of bile from the gallbladder, facilitating lipid digestion.
      • Gastric Inhibitory Peptide: Functions to inhibit gastric secretion and slows gastric emptying and motility, helping to regulate the digestive process.
    • Endocrinocytes: These specialized epithelial cells in the mucosal lining of the stomach and small intestine produce the aforementioned hormones, which are then released into the bloodstream to act on their target organs.

Absorptions of nutrients in Digestive System

The absorption of nutrients in the digestive system is a critical process that enables the body to utilize the food consumed for energy, growth, and cellular function. This complex procedure occurs mainly in the small intestine and involves the uptake of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, each of which undergoes specific mechanisms for absorption.

  1. Absorption of Carbohydrates
    • Carbohydrates are absorbed primarily as monosaccharides, specifically glucose, galactose, and fructose, which are the final products of carbohydrate digestion.
    • The digestion process for carbohydrates concludes with disaccharides being broken down by their corresponding disaccharidases, located on the plasma membrane of microvilli.
    • Absorption Mechanisms:
      • Glucose and Galactose:
        • These monosaccharides are absorbed via secondary active transport, which does not use energy directly for their transport.
        • Glucose and galactose are cotransported with sodium ions (Na+) from the lumen into the intestinal epithelial cells.
        • The operation of the cotransporter relies on a sodium concentration gradient, which is maintained by the Na+-K+ pump, ensuring a high Na+ concentration in the lumen and a low concentration within the cell.
        • Consequently, glucose and galactose are concentrated within the cell through this cotransporter activity and are then absorbed into the blood vessels within the villi through passive transport down their concentration gradient.
        • Passive carriers for these monosaccharides are located at the basolateral side of the intestinal cells, facilitating their entry into the bloodstream.
        • Additionally, a significant amount of glucose can directly cross the ‘leaky tight junctions’ and be absorbed through the intercellular regions of adjacent epithelial cells.
      • Fructose:
        • In contrast, fructose is absorbed solely by facilitated diffusion, relying on passive transport mechanisms.
  2. Absorption of Proteins
    • The digestion of proteins yields free amino acids, small peptides, tripeptides, and dipeptides, which must be further processed for absorption.
    • These products are digested by enzymes that are attached to the microvilli of the intestinal epithelium.
    • Absorption Mechanisms:
      • Amino acids are cotransported from the lumen to the intestinal epithelium along with sodium ions (Na+), similarly to the transport of glucose and galactose.
      • Like monosaccharides, amino acids are subsequently transported to the capillaries from the intestinal cells of the villi by passive transport down their concentration gradient.
  3. Absorption of Lipids
    • The end products of lipid digestion are monoglycerides and free fatty acids, which are hydrophobic in nature.
    • To facilitate their absorption, these lipids are packaged into water-soluble micelles, which are formed by bile salts, lecithin, and cholesterol.
    • Absorption Mechanisms:
      • Micelles carry monoglycerides and fatty acids to the luminal surface of intestinal epithelial cells.
      • At the cell surface, monoglycerides and fatty acids passively diffuse through the lipid component of the plasma membrane, entering the cells.
      • Following absorption, the interior of the epithelial cells undergoes the resynthesis of triglycerides from monoglycerides and fatty acids.
      • As triglycerides are also hydrophobic, they form droplets encased by a layer of lipoprotein, resulting in the formation of chylomicrons.
      • Chylomicrons are then exocytosed into the interstitial fluid of the villus and subsequently enter the central lacteal.
      • As a result, fats are absorbed into the lymphatic system rather than directly into the bloodstream.
      • Although the absorption of fats appears to be energy-independent, the secretion of bile salts and the resynthesis of triglycerides require energy expenditure.

The regulation of gastrointestinal (GI) functions

The regulation of gastrointestinal (GI) functions is essential for optimizing the processes of digestion and absorption. This regulation is achieved through various mechanisms, including autonomous smooth muscle activity, intrinsic and extrinsic nerve plexuses, and the action of gastrointestinal hormones. Each of these components plays a critical role in ensuring that the digestive system functions efficiently.

  1. Autonomous Smooth Muscle Function
    • Within the gastrointestinal tract, certain smooth muscle cells, known as pacemaker cells or interstitial cells of Cajal, are located between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers.
    • These pacemaker cells initiate a slow wave of contraction that propagates to adjacent smooth muscle cells.
    • When the slow wave reaches a threshold level, it results in rhythmic contractions of the smooth muscles.
    • The achievement of this threshold is influenced by nervous and hormonal factors, which modulate the activity of these pacemaker cells.
  2. Intrinsic Nerve Plexuses
    • Two primary intrinsic nerve plexuses are integral to gastrointestinal function: the myenteric plexus and the submucosal plexus.
    • These plexuses contain sensory and motor neurons that play vital roles in regulating GI motility and secretion.
    • Motor neurons within these plexuses control muscle contractions and the secretions of both exocrine and endocrine glands.
    • Some motor neurons are stimulatory, enhancing digestive activity, while others are inhibitory, serving to slow down these functions.
  3. Extrinsic Nerve Plexuses
    • Extrinsic nerve plexuses comprise branches of the autonomic nervous system, innervating various organs within the digestive system.
    • These nerves include sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways, which exert opposite effects on gastrointestinal functions.
    • The sympathetic nervous system is activated during fight-or-flight situations, resulting in reduced motility and secretion within the digestive tract.
    • In contrast, the parasympathetic system predominates during relaxed states, promoting optimal smooth muscle activity and enhancing secretions.
  4. Gastrointestinal Hormones
    • Scattered throughout various sections of the digestive tract are endocrine cells that secrete hormones into the bloodstream, regulating GI activity.
    • Endocrine Secretions of Gastric Glands:
      • Gastrin: Secreted by G cells, gastrin stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and pepsinogen. It also enhances gastric motility and stimulates ileal motility, inducing mass movements in the colon.
      • Somatostatin: Produced by D cells, somatostatin inhibits the secretion of HCl and pepsinogen by parietal cells and G cells, respectively. It serves to downregulate digestive activity.
      • Histamine: Secreted by enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells, histamine stimulates parietal cells to increase HCl secretion.
    • Endocrine Secretions of the Small Intestine:
      • The presence of acidic chyme in the duodenum triggers the release of several intestinal hormones.
      • Enterogastron: This hormone acts on the stomach, inhibiting the activity of gastric glands.
      • Secretin: Secretin inhibits gastric emptying and gastric secretions. It also stimulates pancreatic duct cells to produce bicarbonate and encourages the liver to secrete bicarbonate-rich bile.
      • Cholecystokinin (CCK): CCK inhibits gastric motility and secretion while stimulating pancreatic acinar cells to secrete digestive enzymes. Additionally, it causes the gallbladder to contract and release bile, playing a critical role in the sensation of satiety.
      • Enterocrinin: This hormone stimulates intestinal cells to secrete intestinal juice and synthesize intestinal enzymes.

Hormonal response to food

The hormonal response to food plays a crucial role in the digestive process, facilitating the breakdown of nutrients and maintaining the body’s internal balance. This response involves the secretion of various hormones that regulate digestion at different stages, from the stomach to the small intestine.

  • Gastrin
    • Gastrin is a hormone secreted by G-cells in the stomach during the gastric phase when proteins are present.
    • The primary function of gastrin is to stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach.
    • The increased acidity aids in the digestion of proteins by creating an optimal environment for enzymatic activity, particularly that of pepsin.
  • Somatostatin
    • When the stomach is empty, somatostatin is secreted to maintain the acidic environment by inhibiting the release of hydrochloric acid.
    • This hormone acts as a regulatory mechanism to prevent excessive acid production, ensuring that the digestive environment is balanced and not overly acidic when food is not present.
  • Secretin
    • Secretin is produced in the duodenum and plays an essential role during the intestinal phase of digestion.
    • Its primary function is to neutralize the acidic chyme that enters the duodenum from the stomach.
    • Secretin stimulates the pancreas to produce an alkaline bicarbonate solution, which is delivered to the duodenum. This bicarbonate neutralizes gastric acid, creating a more favorable pH for digestive enzymes to function effectively.
  • Cholecystokinin (CCK)
    • CCK is another hormone secreted in response to the presence of fats and proteins in the duodenum.
    • It stimulates the pancreas to produce and release pancreatic juices, which contain enzymes essential for the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
    • CCK also prompts the gallbladder to release bile into the duodenum, which is critical for the emulsification and absorption of dietary fats.
  1. Patricia JJ, Dhamoon AS. Physiology, Digestion. [Updated 2022 Sep 12]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:
  2. Camilleri M. Gastrointestinal hormones and regulation of gastric emptying. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2019 Feb;26(1):3-10. doi: 10.1097/MED.0000000000000448. PMID: 30418188; PMCID: PMC6615897.
  3. Patricia JJ, Dhamoon AS. Physiology, Digestion. 2022 Sep 12. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan–. PMID: 31334962.
  4. Faris, Mohmmed & Ibrahim, Radhwan & Al-Mukhtar, Salwa. (2021). Physiology of the digestive system.

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