Pyrimidines and Purines Nucleotides – Structure, Occurrence and Properties

Pyrimidines and Purines Nucleotides - Structure, Occurrence and Properties

Pyrimidines and Pyrimidine Nucleotides Structure of Pyrimidines and Pyrimidine Nucleotides Occurrence of Pyrimidines and Pyrimidine Nucleotides Properties of Pyrimidines and Pyrimidine Nucleotides Biosynthesis of Pyrimidine  Pyrimidine Nucleotide Examples Cytosine Thymine Uracil Purines and Purine Nucleotides Structure of Purines and Purine Nucleotides Occurrence of Purines and Purine Nucleotides Properties of Purines and Purine Nucleotides Purine Nucleotides … Read more

DNA – Definition, Structure, Properties, Types, Functions

DNA - Definition, Structure, Properties, Types, Functions

What is DNA? DNA is a polymer of deoxyribonucleotides stuck together (or simply deoxynucleotides). It is made up of deoxyadenylate (dAMP), deoxyguanylate (dGMP), deoxycytidylate (dCMP), and deoxythymidylate (dTMP) units (dTMP) (Some authors prefer to use TMP instead of deoxythymidylate because it is only found in DNA.) History of DNA The history of DNA begins with … Read more

Experiments on DNA – Watson and Crick, Griffith, Chargaff, Hershey and Chase, Avery, McCarty, and MacLeod 

Experiments on DNA Structure

Many individuals believe that in the 1950s, American biologist James Watson and English physicist Francis Crick discovered DNA. In actuality, this is not true. DNA was discovered by the Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher in the late 1860s. Then, in the decades that followed Miescher’s discovery, other scientists, notably Phoebus Levene and Erwin Chargaff, conducted a … Read more

Hershey–Chase experiment On DNA

Hershey–Chase experiment On DNA

Hershey–Chase experiment Experiment DNA as Genetic Material Observation Conclusion Why is DNA Considered a Genetic Material? It was found that DNA was the most important part of most species’ genes. There were some important exceptions, such as viruses whose genes were made of RNA. But what makes DNA different from other molecules that can be … Read more

Nucleotides and Nucleosides – Definition, Structure, Function, Types

Nucleotides and Nucleosides - Definition, Structure, Function, Types

What is Nucleotide? Nucleotide Structure The structure of a nucleotide is simple, but the structure they can make when they come together is complicated. This molecule is made up of two strands that wrap around each other. Hydrogen bonds hold the structure together in the middle. Each nucleotide has a specific shape that makes this … Read more

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