Monosaccharides – Definition, Structure, Types, Examples

Monosaccharides - Definition, Structure, Types, Examples

What are Monosaccharides? Definition of Monosaccharides Monosaccharides are single sugar molecules that are the basic units of carbohydrates. They are simple sugars with a variety of structures and functions in biological systems. Vant Hoff’s Rule of ‘n’ The number of imaginable isomers of any delivered compound relies upon the digit of the molecule’s asymmetric carbon … Read more

Isomerism – Definition, Types, Examples, Structures

Isomerism Definition, Types, Examples, Structures

Isomerism Definition Isomerism refers to the phenomenon where more than one compound has identical chemical formulas, but different chemical structures. Chemical compounds with identical chemical formulae, but differ in the properties and arrangement of the atoms within the molecule are known as isomers. Thus, compounds with isomerism are referred to as isomers. The term “isomer” … Read more

Microbial degradation of Pectin – Enzymes, Steps, Mechanisms

Microbial degradation of Pectin - Enzymes, Steps, Mechanisms

Pectin is a carbohydrate that occurs naturally in plant cell walls. Long chains of galacturonic acid molecules are joined together to form this complex polysaccharide. Apples, citrus fruits, and berries are good sources of pectin since it is a natural gelling factor in food. Pectin’s gel-forming properties make it ideal for use in the preparation … Read more

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