Cardiac Conduction – Cardiovascular System Physiology

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What is Heart Conduction System?

  • The heart conduction system, also known as the cardiac conduction system or intrinsic conduction system, is a complex network of specialized cells and tissues that generates and transmits electrical impulses across the heart. This system plays a crucial role in regulating the heart’s pumping action, ensuring that blood circulates effectively throughout the body.
  • The heart comprises numerous myocytes, or heart cells, which have the intrinsic ability to conduct electrical impulses. However, only a select group of these myocytes is specialized for the conduction of cardiac action potentials. Therefore, this specialized network of modified myocytes is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. The conduction system operates independently of external neuronal influences, as it relies on the intrinsic properties of these myocytes to generate impulses.
  • Central to the conduction system are four major components: the sinoatrial node (SA node), atrioventricular node (AV node), Bundle of His, and Purkinje fibers. Each of these components plays a unique role in ensuring that the heart beats in a coordinated manner.
  • The sinoatrial node serves as the primary pacemaker of the heart. Located in the upper right atrium, it generates electrical impulses that initiate heartbeats. The SA node spontaneously produces these impulses, which are then transmitted to the atrial myocardium, causing the atria to contract.
  • The atrioventricular node is situated at the junction of the atria and ventricles. Its primary function is to receive the electrical impulse from the SA node and introduce a brief delay before passing it along to the ventricles. This delay is essential for allowing the atria to fully contract and pump blood into the ventricles before the ventricles themselves contract.
  • Next in the conduction pathway is the Bundle of His, which conducts the electrical impulse from the AV node into the ventricles. This bundle divides into right and left bundle branches that further distribute the impulse to the respective ventricles.
  • Finally, the Purkinje fibers, originating from the Bundle of His, form a network that transmits the electrical impulse throughout the ventricular myocardium. This extensive network ensures that the ventricles contract efficiently and simultaneously, facilitating effective blood ejection from the heart.

Components of Heart Conduction System

The heart conduction system is a specialized network that plays a critical role in maintaining the heart’s rhythm and ensuring effective blood circulation throughout the body. This system consists of various components, each with unique functions that contribute to the synchronized contraction of the heart muscle. The primary components include the sinoatrial node (SA node), atrioventricular node (AV node), Bundle of His, and Purkinje fibers.

  • Sinoatrial Node (SA Node)
    • The SA node is a small, oval-shaped mass of specialized myocytes, known as pacemaker cells, responsible for generating electrical impulses that initiate heartbeats.
    • It measures approximately 15 mm by 3 mm by 1 mm and is located in the upper back portion of the epicardium of the right atrium, just below and beside the superior vena cava.
    • Surrounding the SA node are perinodal cells and connective tissues, which insulate the action potential generated within the node.
    • The primary function of the SA node is to spontaneously generate cardiac action potentials (electrical impulses), thus serving as the heart’s natural pacemaker.
    • These impulses are transmitted from the pacemaker cells to the perinodal cells, then further distributed to other components of the conduction system.
    • The activity of the SA node is modulated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, though the generation of impulses is solely the function of the pacemaker cells.
  • Atrioventricular Node (AV Node)
    • The AV node is another small, oval-shaped collection of specialized myocytes, measuring about 5 mm by 3 mm by 1 mm.
    • Located near the center of the heart at the lower right end of the interatrial septum, the AV node is in close proximity to the ventricles.
    • Its main function is to coordinate the contractions of the atria and ventricles. It collects cardiac impulses from the atria, introducing a delay of approximately 0.09 seconds before relaying the impulse to the ventricles, ensuring proper timing between atrial and ventricular contractions.
    • In addition to its coordinating role, the AV node can spontaneously generate electric impulses at a rate of 40 to 60 beats per minute. This capacity allows it to function as a secondary pacemaker in cases where the SA node fails to generate impulses, maintaining the overall cardiac cycle.
  • Bundle of His
    • Also referred to as the atrioventricular (AV) bundle, the Bundle of His consists of specialized myocytes that conduct cardiac impulses from the AV node to the Purkinje fibers.
    • It descends from the AV node and divides into two branches: the right bundle branch and the left bundle branch.
    • The right bundle branch transmits impulses to the Purkinje fibers in the right ventricle, while the left bundle branch sends impulses to the Purkinje fibers in the left ventricle.
  • Purkinje Fibers
    • Purkinje fibers are a network of specialized myocytes responsible for transmitting cardiac electric impulses throughout the ventricles.
    • They originate from the Bundle of His and are distributed across the ventricular walls, specifically within the subendocardial space, below the endocardium.
    • These fibers consist of electrically excitable cells, which are larger than typical myocytes and contain many mitochondria and fewer myofibrils, enabling them to conduct impulses more rapidly and efficiently.
    • Besides serving as conduits for electrical impulses, Purkinje fibers are also capable of generating cardiac action potentials independently. They can produce impulses at a rate of 20 to 40 beats per minute, acting as a backup system if the primary pacemaker (SA node) malfunctions.

Features of the Human Circulatory System

The human circulatory system is a complex network that plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis and supporting life. It consists of various components working together to transport essential substances throughout the body. This system encompasses the heart, blood vessels, blood, and the lymphatic system, each contributing to its overall functionality.

  • System Components
    • The circulatory system comprises four main components:
      • Heart: The primary organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
      • Blood Vessels: A network that includes arteries, veins, and capillaries, facilitating blood flow.
      • Blood: A fluid connective tissue that circulates through the blood vessels, carrying various substances.
      • Lymphatic System: A component that aids in transporting lymph and supporting immune functions.
  • Blood Characteristics
    • Blood serves as a vital fluid connective tissue that flows continuously through the circulatory system.
    • It is responsible for transporting nutrients, waste products, hormones, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.
    • This transport function is essential for cellular metabolism and overall physiological balance.
  • Heart Functionality
    • The heart functions as the main blood-pumping organ, ensuring effective circulation.
    • It has four chambers—two atria and two ventricles—arranged on each side to facilitate the separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
  • Blood Vessels
    • Blood vessels are characterized by varying thickness and elasticity, which depend on the blood pressure exerted on them.
    • There are three primary types of blood vessels:
      • Arteries: Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to various body tissues.
      • Veins: Transport deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
      • Capillaries: Tiny vessels that enable the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and wastes between blood and tissues.
  • Circulatory Loops
    • The circulatory system operates in two loops:
      • Pulmonary Loop: Circulates deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs, where it becomes oxygenated.
      • Systemic Loop: Distributes oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
  • Vascular Network
    • The extensive network of blood vessels in the human body is approximately 105 kilometers in length, allowing for efficient distribution of blood and nutrients.
    • This vast network ensures that every cell in the body receives the necessary substances for survival and that metabolic wastes are efficiently removed.

Cardiac Conduction Pathway

The pathway of cardiac conduction is a crucial process that regulates the heart’s contraction and relaxation through the generation and transmission of electrical impulses, also known as cardiac action potentials. This process ensures that the heart beats rhythmically and efficiently, allowing for effective blood circulation throughout the body. The cardiac conduction system operates in a series of well-coordinated steps that can be summarized as follows:

  1. Impulse Generation by the SA Node
    • The conduction process begins with the sinoatrial (SA) node, which acts as the heart’s natural pacemaker. The SA node spontaneously generates electrical impulses at a rate of 60 to 100 times per minute.
    • As these impulses are created, they are transmitted through the internodal tract, which passes through the right atrial wall.
    • Furthermore, the impulses are conveyed to the left atrial wall via Bachmann’s bundle, ensuring that both atria contract almost simultaneously.
  2. Impulse Conduction by the AV Node
    • After the atria have been activated, the impulses reach the atrioventricular (AV) node. This node serves as a critical relay point for the electrical signals originating from the atria.
    • The AV node collects all the incoming impulses from the atria and introduces a delay of approximately 0.09 seconds. This delay is essential as it allows the atria to complete their contraction and effectively fill the ventricles with blood before the ventricles contract.
  3. Relay of Impulse by the AV Bundle
    • Following the brief delay, the AV bundle, also known as the Bundle of His, transmits the electrical impulse from the AV node down toward the ventricles.
    • The AV bundle functions as a crucial link between the atria and the Purkinje fibers, enabling the cardiac impulse to travel through the heart’s conduction system efficiently.
  4. Conduction of Impulse by Purkinje Fibers
    • The final step occurs when the cardiac impulse reaches the Purkinje fibers. These fibers are an extensive network of specialized myocytes that distribute the electrical signals across the ventricular walls.
    • The Purkinje fibers branch out and spread the impulse throughout the ventricles, ensuring a coordinated and rapid contraction of the ventricular myocardium, which effectively ejects blood from the heart.

Cardiac Action Potential

The cardiac action potential is a crucial physiological process characterized by changes in the membrane voltage of cardiomyocytes, resulting from the movement of ions across the cell membrane. Key ions such as sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca²+), and chloride (Cl⁻) significantly influence the generation and propagation of this electrical activity. Cardiac action potentials, also referred to as cardiac impulses, are intrinsically generated by specialized pacemaker cells and play a vital role in initiating and regulating the rhythmic contractions of the heart. The continuous changes in cardiac action potential can be recorded through an electrocardiogram (ECG), which is essential for studying the cardiac conduction system and monitoring heart rhythms.

The cardiac action potential in cardiomyocytes progresses through a closed cycle consisting of five distinct phases, designated as Phase 0 through Phase 4. Each phase reflects specific ionic movements and electrical changes that facilitate the heart’s function.

  • Phase 4 (Resting Membrane Potential)
    • Phase 4 represents the resting membrane potential (RMP), during which non-pacemaker cardiomyocytes maintain a membrane potential of approximately -90 mV. At this stage, the heart chambers are in diastole.
    • Continuous efflux of K+ ions occurs through inward rectifier channels, while Na+ and Ca²+ channels remain closed. In pacemaker cells, this phase involves an increase in action potential to around -40 mV, attributed to the activity of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels or the calcium clock mechanism, which allows sodium ions to enter in exchange for calcium ions. This stage is often referred to as the pacemaker potential.
  • Phase 0 (Depolarization Phase)
    • Known as the depolarization phase, Phase 0 is marked by a rapid increase in the cardiac action potential, rising from -90 mV to approximately +50 mV. This rapid change is primarily due to the opening of voltage-gated sodium channels, allowing Na+ ions to flood into non-pacemaker cardiomyocytes.
    • In pacemaker cells, L-type calcium channels facilitate the inflow of Ca²+, contributing to the rise in action potential.
  • Phase 1 (Early Repolarization Phase)
    • Phase 1 is characterized by early repolarization, wherein the sodium channels become rapidly inactivated, thus limiting further Na+ influx. Concurrently, the opening of K+ and Cl⁻ channels promotes repolarization.
    • It is important to note that Phase 1 is not significantly observed in pacemaker cells.
  • Phase 2 (Plateau Phase)
    • The plateau phase, or Phase 2, maintains the membrane potential just below 0 mV. During this phase, L-type calcium channels and delayed rectifier potassium channels remain open, facilitating a continuous influx of Ca²+ ions and an efflux of K+ ions.
    • The activated Ca²+ channels also trigger the opening of Cl⁻ channels, allowing Cl⁻ ions to enter. Similar to Phase 1, this phase does not have a significant presence in pacemaker cells.
  • Phase 3 (Rapid Repolarization Phase)
    • Phase 3 is defined by rapid repolarization, during which L-type calcium channels close while K+ channels open. The swift efflux of K+ ions surpasses the influx of Ca²+ ions, causing the membrane potential to revert to approximately -90 mV.
    • This triggers the inactivation of the Ca²+ channels, allowing Na+ and Ca²+ ions to exit the cell into the extracellular space, while K+ ions re-enter, restoring the resting membrane potential.

Cardiac Cycle

The cardiac cycle is an intricate and continuous sequence of events that ensures the systematic contraction and relaxation of the heart chambers. Governed by the cardiac action potential, this cycle is essential for maintaining effective blood circulation throughout the body. Typically, the duration of one complete cardiac cycle is approximately 0.8 seconds, encompassing a series of well-defined stages that facilitate the rhythmic pumping of blood.

The human cardiac cycle can be categorized into five primary stages, each contributing to the overall function of the heart:

  • Atrial Systole
    • Atrial systole involves the contraction of the atrial myocardium, propelling blood from the atria into the ventricles. This phase is initiated by the electrical impulse generated by the sinoatrial (SA) node, the heart’s natural pacemaker.
    • Atrial systole is also referred to as presystole or the last rapid filling phase, as it coincides with the late stage of ventricular diastole. During this phase, approximately 20% of the remaining blood in the atria is forcibly transferred into the ventricles. This stage is typically completed in about 0.11 seconds.
  • Ventricular Systole
    • Ventricular systole marks the contraction of the ventricles, resulting in the expulsion of blood from the heart. This stage lasts approximately 0.3 seconds and can be further subdivided into three key phases:
    • Isovolumetric Ventricular Contraction
      • In this initial phase, the volume of the ventricles remains constant while muscle tension increases as the ventricles contract. The pressure within the ventricles rises above that of the atria, leading to the closure of the atrioventricular (AV) valves. During this phase, the aortic and pulmonary valves also remain closed, preventing blood egress and elevating the internal ventricular pressure. This phase lasts around 0.05 seconds.
    • Rapid Ventricular Ejection
      • During rapid ventricular ejection, the pressure within the right ventricle reaches slightly above 8 mm Hg, while the left ventricle pressure surges to about 80 mm Hg. This pressure differential forces the semilunar valves to open, allowing approximately 70% of the high-pressure ventricular blood to be ejected into the aorta and pulmonary arteries within about 0.13 seconds.
    • Reduced Ventricular Ejection
      • This phase signifies the continued expulsion of blood from the ventricles, where the remaining 30% is ejected. As blood travels into smaller arteries, the ventricular pressure declines. The reduced ventricular ejection phase typically lasts around 0.09 seconds.
  • Protodiastole
    • Protodiastole serves as the transitional phase between systole and diastole. It marks the onset of ventricular diastole, where the ventricular pressure drops following blood ejection. As a result, the pressure inside the ventricles falls below that in the aorta and pulmonary artery, leading to the closure of the semilunar valves. This stage lasts for approximately 0.04 seconds.
  • Atrial Diastole
    • Atrial diastole represents the beginning of a new cardiac cycle. It occurs immediately prior to ventricular diastole, during which the AV valves remain closed. Blood returns to the atria from the systemic and pulmonary veins, filling them in preparation for the next cycle. This stage lasts about 0.7 seconds and overlaps with ventricular systole.
  • Ventricular Diastole
    • Ventricular diastole is characterized by blood entering the ventricles, leading to an increase in ventricular pressure. This stage lasts for about 0.5 seconds and can be further divided into the following phases:
    • Isovolumetric Ventricular Relaxation
      • In this phase, the volume within the ventricles remains unchanged while the tension in the ventricular walls decreases. The reduction in pressure causes the semilunar valves to close, preventing blood flow into the ventricles. The AV valves remain closed during this period, maintaining constant ventricular volume. This phase lasts approximately 0.08 seconds.
    • Rapid Ventricular Filling
      • The pressure difference between the atria and ventricles triggers the opening of the AV valves, allowing about 70% of atrial blood to rush into the ventricles. This stage is completed in about 0.11 seconds.
    • Reduced Ventricular Filling (Diastasis)
      • This stage, also known as diastasis, represents the second phase of ventricular filling, during which approximately 20% of atrial blood enters the ventricles at a slower pace. The duration of this phase varies with heart rate and typically lasts around 0.19 seconds.
    • Rapid Ventricular Filling
      • The final phase of ventricular filling overlaps with atrial systole, as the remaining 10% of blood is pumped into the ventricles. This phase is completed in about 0.1 seconds.

Heart Beat and Heart Sound

Heartbeat and heart sound are fundamental aspects of cardiovascular physiology, serving as indicators of heart function and overall health. The heartbeat results from the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the heart’s chambers, orchestrated by electrical impulses generated by the sinoatrial (SA) node. This rhythmic cycle encompasses two main phases: systole and diastole. Meanwhile, heart sounds arise from the mechanical actions of heart valves during this cycle, manifesting as the well-known “lub-dub” sounds. Understanding these components is crucial for students and educators alike.

  1. Heartbeat
    • The regular contraction and relaxation of the heart chambers are termed the heartbeat.
    • The cardiac action potential, initiated by the SA node, propagates through the heart conduction system, ensuring a continuous cardiac cycle.
    • The cardiac cycle consists of two primary phases: systole (the contraction phase) and diastole (the relaxation phase).
  2. Heart Sounds
    • The sound produced by the opening and closing of heart valves during the cardiac cycle is referred to as heart sound.
    • Heart sounds can be categorized into four types, including two primary heart sounds resulting from the closure of heart valves and two secondary heart sounds associated with blood flow dynamics.
    • First Heart Sound (S1)
      • S1, also known as the first heart sound, is produced by the sudden closure of the two atrioventricular (AV) valves during the ventricular systole phase.
      • This sound occurs during the isovolumetric ventricular contraction phase and is characterized as a low-pitched, soft, and prolonged sound with a frequency range of approximately 25 to 45 Hz, often described as the “Lub” sound.
      • The S1 sound lasts for about 0.14 seconds, marking a significant transition in the cardiac cycle.
    • Second Heart Sound (S2)
      • S2, the second heart sound, results from the sudden closure of the two semilunar valves at the end of ventricular systole and the beginning of ventricular diastole, known as protodiastole.
      • This sound is identified as a high-pitched, loud, and short sound with a frequency around 50 Hz, commonly referred to as the “Dub” sound.
      • The S2 sound lasts for approximately 0.1 seconds, signifying the conclusion of ventricular contraction.
    • Third Heart Sound (S3)
      • S3, also called the protodiastolic gallop or Kentucky gallop, is produced by the oscillation of blood within the ventricular walls during the rapid inflow from the atria.
      • This sound is typically low-pitched and weak, making it rare to hear in normal adult conditions.
      • When audible, it may present as the “Lub-Dub-Ta” sound and can indicate conditions such as congestive heart failure or increased blood volume.
    • Fourth Heart Sound (S4)
      • S4, known as the atrial gallop or presystolic gallop, occurs due to blood flow during atrial systole.
      • This sound is very weak and of low intensity, generally difficult to detect in normal conditions, and is heard just before the S1 sound.
      • When pronounced, the S4 sound is referred to as the “Ta-Lub-Dub” sound, and its prominence may indicate a higher likelihood of heart disease or heart failure.

Conduction system-related disorders encompass a variety of conditions that affect the heart’s ability to generate and conduct electrical impulses effectively.

  • Sick Sinus Syndrome (Sinus Node Dysfunction):
    • This condition is marked by irregularities in the heart’s primary pacemaker, the sinoatrial (SA) node.
    • Abnormalities may arise from either dysfunction within the pacemaker cells themselves or defects in the conduction pathways involving the perinodal cells.
    • As a result, patients may experience irregular heart rhythms, which can lead to various clinical manifestations.
  • Sinus Bradycardia:
    • Sinus bradycardia is defined by a heart rate that falls below 60 beats per minute.
    • This condition can be physiological, as seen in well-trained athletes, or pathological, resulting from issues such as increased vagal tone, medication effects, or intrinsic cardiac disease.
    • While some individuals may be asymptomatic, others may present with fatigue, dizziness, or syncope due to inadequate blood flow.
  • Sinus Tachycardia:
    • In contrast, sinus tachycardia is characterized by an elevated heart rate exceeding 100 beats per minute.
    • This condition may occur as a normal physiological response to stimuli such as exercise, stress, or fever. However, it can also indicate underlying pathologies, including heart disease, anemia, or hyperthyroidism.
    • Persistent sinus tachycardia may necessitate further evaluation to determine the underlying cause and appropriate management.
  • Decremental Conduction:
    • Decremental conduction refers to a decline in both the speed and amplitude of cardiac action potentials as they traverse the conduction pathways.
    • This phenomenon may lead to inadequate propagation of electrical impulses, potentially causing arrhythmias or impaired myocardial contraction.
    • Identifying decremental conduction is crucial, as it may indicate underlying issues with the cardiac conduction system.
  • Bundle Branch Block:
    • Bundle branch block is characterized by a delay in the transmission of electrical impulses through the Bundle of His, which divides into the right and left bundle branches.
    • This delay can disrupt the synchronized contraction of the ventricles, leading to altered cardiac function.
    • Bundle branch block may be classified as either right or left, depending on which branch is affected, and can be associated with various cardiovascular conditions.

Physiology of the Heart

The physiology of the heart is a complex interplay of mechanical and electrical functions that ensure effective circulation throughout the body. Key concepts such as cardiac output, stroke volume, preload, afterload, and ejection fraction are essential to understanding how the heart operates. Additionally, the cardiac cycle describes the flow of blood through the heart, while various regulatory mechanisms influence cardiovascular dynamics.

  • Cardiac Output (CO)
    • Cardiac output is defined as the volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle in one minute.
    • It can be calculated using the formula: CO = stroke volume (SV) x heart rate (HR).
    • CO is also determined by the rate of oxygen consumption divided by the difference between arterial and venous oxygen content, demonstrating the relationship between heart function and metabolic demand.
  • Stroke Volume (SV)
    • Stroke volume represents the amount of blood pumped from the heart with each contraction.
    • It is calculated as the difference between end-diastolic volume (EDV) and end-systolic volume (ESV).
    • Stroke volume can increase due to enhanced contractility, increased preload, or decreased afterload.
    • The contractility of the left ventricle is influenced by catecholamines, which increase intracellular calcium levels and decrease extracellular sodium levels, enhancing the heart’s pumping efficiency.
  • Preload
    • Preload refers to the pressure exerted on the ventricular muscle by the end-diastolic volume (EDV).
    • It indicates the degree of stretch in the heart muscle before contraction, influencing stroke volume.
  • Frank-Starling Law
    • The Frank-Starling law articulates the relationship between end-diastolic volume (EDV) and stroke volume (SV).
    • This law posits that the heart adjusts its output to match venous return; as venous return increases, the EDV of the left ventricle rises, resulting in increased stretching of the ventricular walls.
    • This stretching leads to a more forceful contraction, thereby increasing stroke volume and ensuring that cardiac output is aligned with venous return.
  • Afterload
    • Afterload is the resistance the left ventricle must overcome to eject blood during systole.
    • Mean arterial pressure serves as the best estimate of afterload, as it reflects the pressure needed to open the aortic valve, corresponding to diastolic pressure.
    • An increase in afterload necessitates a more vigorous contraction of the left ventricle to maintain cardiac output.
  • Ejection Fraction (EF)
    • The ejection fraction is defined as the ratio of stroke volume to end-diastolic volume (EF = SV/EDV).
    • A normal ejection fraction exceeds 55%, while a reduced EF may indicate heart failure, reflecting diminished contractility.
  • Cardiac Cycle
    • The cardiac cycle outlines the sequence of events in the heart during one complete heartbeat, which includes:
      • Atrial contraction leading to the closure of the mitral valve.
      • Isovolumetric contraction phase, where all heart valves are closed, and pressure builds in the ventricles.
      • Opening of the aortic valve as pressure in the left ventricle exceeds that in the aorta.
      • Ejection phase, consisting of rapid and reduced ejection of blood, leading to ventricular emptying.
      • Closure of the aortic valve as the ventricular pressure falls.
      • Isovolumetric relaxation, where the heart muscle relaxes but all valves remain closed.
      • Opening of the mitral valve, allowing blood to flow into the left ventricle.
      • The filling phase, comprising rapid and reduced filling of the left ventricle.
  • Vascular Resistance and Blood Pressure
    • Blood pressure typically decreases from arteries to veins due to the resistance encountered in the vascular system.
    • Arterioles, in particular, exhibit significant resistance, resulting in the largest drop in blood pressure as blood flows through the circulatory system.
    • The constriction and dilation of arterioles play critical roles in regulating blood flow to tissues, influencing systemic blood pressure.
  • Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP)
    • Diastolic blood pressure represents the lowest arterial pressure at the beginning of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are relaxing and filling.
    • It correlates directly with total peripheral resistance (TPR) and is influenced by the recoil of the compliant aorta during diastole.
  • Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP)
    • Systolic blood pressure reflects the peak arterial pressure at the end of the cardiac cycle during ventricular contraction.
    • It is directly related to stroke volume, such that an increase in stroke volume elevates systolic pressure, with aortic compliance also playing a role.
  • Pulse Pressure
    • Pulse pressure is defined as the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
    • It is proportional to stroke volume and inversely related to arterial compliance; stiffer arteries result in a higher pulse pressure.
  • Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
    • Mean arterial pressure is the average arterial pressure throughout the cardiac cycle, generally closer to diastolic pressure.
    • It is calculated as MAP = DBP + 1/3 (pulse pressure) and can also be expressed as MAP = CO x TPR.
    • Maintaining MAP is crucial; if cardiac output decreases, total peripheral resistance must increase to sustain arterial pressure, especially in pathological conditions.
  • Blood Velocity and Resistance
    • Blood velocity in the vascular system inversely correlates with the total cross-sectional area: volumetric flow rate (Q) equals flow velocity (v) multiplied by cross-sectional area (A).
    • Arteries and veins, having smaller cross-sectional areas, exhibit higher velocities, whereas capillaries, with the largest cross-sectional areas, have lower velocities.
    • Resistance can be quantified using the equation R = (8 * viscosity * length) / (π * r^4), indicating that resistance increases with vessel length and viscosity while decreasing with increasing radius.
  • Poiseuille Equation
    • The Poiseuille equation relates the flow of blood through a vessel to pressure and resistance, expressed as Flow = (P1 – P2) / R.
    • In systemic circulation, this equation approximates cardiac output (CO) as CO = MAP / TPR, highlighting the relationship between cardiac function and vascular resistance.
  • Regulation of the Cardiovascular System
    • The nervous system regulates cardiovascular function through baroreceptors and chemoreceptors located in the carotid sinus and aortic arch.
    • Baroreceptors respond to changes in blood pressure, with decreased pressure leading to sympathetic activation and increased heart rate, contractility, and vascular resistance.
    • Chemoreceptors detect changes in oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH levels, influencing respiratory and cardiovascular responses to maintain homeostasis.
  • Autoregulation
    • Autoregulation refers to the intrinsic ability of organs or tissues to maintain blood flow despite variations in perfusion pressure.
    • Two primary theories explain this phenomenon:
      • Myogenic Theory: This intrinsic response occurs when vascular smooth muscle stretches due to increased perfusion, leading to constriction of the artery; conversely, reduced stretching leads to vasodilation.
      • Metabolic Theory: Increased metabolic activity produces vasoactive substances that stimulate vasodilation, ensuring sufficient blood flow to meet tissue demands.
  • Capillary Fluid Exchange
    • The Starling equation describes the balance of oncotic and hydrostatic pressures affecting fluid movement across capillary membranes.
    • Edema may result from increased capillary pressure, decreased plasma protein levels, lymphatic obstruction, or increased capillary permeability due to various pathologies.

Organs of the Human Circulatory System

The human circulatory system is a sophisticated network of organs that plays a vital role in transporting blood and nutrients throughout the body. Composed of the heart, blood, blood vessels, and the lymphatic system, each component performs distinct and critical functions that are essential for maintaining homeostasis and supporting overall health.

  • Heart
    • The heart serves as the main blood-pumping organ of the circulatory system, functioning as a muscular organ composed of specialized cardiac tissue.
    • It is roughly the size of a closed fist and is situated in the thoracic cavity between the right and left lungs, with its apex slightly tilted toward the left side.
    • The heart comprises four chambers:
      • Right Atrium: Receives deoxygenated blood from the body.
      • Right Ventricle: Pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation.
      • Left Atrium: Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs.
      • Left Ventricle: Pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.
    • The heart is enveloped by a protective layer known as the pericardium, which serves to cushion and stabilize the organ.
    • The septum separates the chambers on the right and left sides of the heart, while the atrioventricular septum contains valves that regulate blood flow between the atria and ventricles.
  • Blood
    • Blood functions as a fluid connective tissue, serving as the primary medium for transport within the body.
    • It consists of two main components: blood cells and plasma.
      • Blood Cells:
        • Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes): These cells lack a nucleus and contain hemoglobin, which is crucial for transporting oxygen and gives blood its red color. They also possess antigens that determine an individual’s blood group.
        • White Blood Cells (Leukocytes): Responsible for the immune response, these cells are categorized into several types, including lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.
        • Platelets (Thrombocytes): These are small, disc-shaped fragments produced in the bone marrow that play a key role in blood clotting during injuries.
      • Blood Plasma: A straw-colored fluid that comprises water and various dissolved substances, including proteins, nutrients, and waste products.
  • Blood Vessels
    • Blood vessels form an extensive network of pipelines throughout the body, facilitating the transport of blood.
    • They are classified into three main types:
      • Arteries: Thick, elastic vessels responsible for carrying high-pressure blood away from the heart. Arteries transport oxygenated blood to body tissues and deoxygenated blood to the lungs.
      • Veins: Thinner and less elastic than arteries, veins transport low-pressure blood back to the heart. They carry deoxygenated blood from the body and oxygenated blood from the lungs.
      • Capillaries: These delicate, one-cell-thick vessels are embedded within tissues and are responsible for the exchange of materials, such as oxygen and nutrients, between the blood and cells.
  • Lymphatic System
    • The lymphatic system connects to the circulatory system and includes lymph, a pale yellow fluid derived from blood.
    • Lymph is unique as it lacks red blood cells; it seeps from the blood circulatory system and requires lymphatic vessels to return to the bloodstream.
    • Lymph nodes, integral components of the lymphatic system, play a crucial role in detecting pathogens or antigens present in the body’s tissues, thus contributing to immune surveillance and response.
  1. Chaudhry R, Miao JH, Rehman A. Physiology, Cardiovascular. [Updated 2022 Oct 16]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:

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