Endemic, Epidemic, and Pandemic Definition In Microbiology.

Epidemiology Definition: Endemic, Epidemic, Pandemic.

Hey there today in this article we will learn about epidemiology. Before we know about the epidemiology, first we need to analyse the term epidemiology. The term epidemiology comes from a Greek word epidemios which mean “among the people” and logos, meaning “study”. Epidemiology is a branch of microbiology in which epidemiologist are concern about … Read more

Monkeypox Virus – Pictures, Structure, Classification, Prevention, Treatment, Spread

Monkeypox Virus - Pictures, Structure, Classification, Prevention, Treatment, Spread

What is monkeypox virus? Classification of Monkeypox Virus Morphology of Monkeypox Virus/Structure of Monkeypox Virus Genome Structure of Monkeypox Virus Genome Structure Replication Cycle of Monkeypox Virus The cycle of replication for poxviruses is different from that of other DNA viruses, is carried out in the cytoplasm within the cell that hosts them. Poxviruses infiltrate … Read more

Bacteriophages – Definition, Morphology, Life cycle, Significance

Bacteriophages - Definition, Morphology, Life cycle, Significance

Viruses that infect bacteria are known as phages or bacteriophages. Twort (19l5) described a degenerative alteration in staphylococcal colonies isolated from calf lymph that was transmissible serially via application of culture filtrates from the original growth. d’Herelle (1917) observed that the filtrates of dysentery patient faeces cultures produced transmissible lysis of a dysentery bacillus broth … Read more

Poxviruses – Definition, Classification, Morphology, Life cycle

Poxviruses - Definition, Classification, Morphology, Life cycle

What are Poxviruses? Classification of Poxviruses Based on whether they infect insect or vertebrate hosts, the family Poxviridae has been divided into two subfamilies: Chordopoxvirinae and Entomopoxvirinae. The subfamily Chordopoxvirinae encompasses viruses that infect vertebrate hosts and consists of eight genera, at least four of which cause human illness. These are the categories: The genera … Read more

Viral Replication Cycle – Definition, Steps, Mechanisms

Viral Replication Cycle - Definition, Steps, Mechanisms

Viral replication is the process of forming of biological viruses in the course of the infection process within the host cells.
A virus has to go through the process of reproduction to generate new, infectious virions which are able to infect cells within the body and subsequent hosts.

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