Xanthophyta – General characteristics, thallus organization, Occurrence, morphology and life-cycle of Vaucheria.

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What is Xanthophyta?

  • Xanthophyta, commonly referred to as yellow-green algae, is a diverse group that encompasses over 600 species. These organisms are primarily photosynthetic and predominantly inhabit freshwater environments. However, some species are also found in marine settings, damp soils, and even on the surfaces of tree trunks. Their distribution is notably patchy, with many species being rare and only recorded a few times. Despite their general scarcity, certain members, such as Tribonema, are widespread and can be found in various global locations. In specific ecosystems, particularly salt marshes, Xanthophyta can serve as significant producers, demonstrating their ecological importance.
  • One of the defining features of Xanthophyta is their pigmentation. Unlike other groups within the Chromista, such as brown algae, Xanthophyta completely lack the brown pigment fucoxanthin. Additionally, they do not possess chlorophyll b but instead contain chlorophyll c, which imparts a distinctive yellowish-green hue. This coloration can make them challenging to identify within their broader chromist relatives, which typically exhibit a golden coloration due to the presence of fucoxanthin.
  • Xanthophytes display a variety of structural characteristics, particularly regarding their cell walls. While many members produce a cell wall, its composition does not include cellulose, which is typical of higher plants, nor chitin, found in fungi. The exact composition of these cell walls remains unidentified, although it is noted that cysts within this group frequently contain silica. Typically, the walls of Xanthophytes consist of two overlapping cylindrical halves that fit together, although this is not a universal characteristic.
  • In terms of their life forms, Xanthophytes can be categorized as either sessile or free-living. A majority are flagellated unicellular organisms, yet many exhibit colonial behavior, residing as naked cells within a gelatinous envelope. There are also filamentous varieties that form extensive chains of cells, along with coenocytic forms like Vaucheria, which consist of multinucleated tubular filaments without internal cell partitions. Some members may also display amoeboid stages, similar to other chromist groups like slime nets. Current phylogenetic analyses suggest that Xanthophyta are more closely related to brown algae than to other groups.
  • Reproductive strategies within Xanthophyta are diverse, with sexual reproduction documented in only two genera: Botrydium, which is isogamous, and Vaucheria, which is oogamous. Asexual reproduction is more common and can occur through various mechanisms, including filament fragmentation and spore production. Spores can be flagellated and motile (zoospores) or non-flagellated (aplanospores), with the latter often formed internally and released when the parent cell wall ruptures.
  • Despite their ecological significance, Xanthophyta are underrepresented in the fossil record. No positively identified fossils exist, although spores and sedimentary deposits from the Miocene and Pleistocene eras have been attributed to this group. This lack of fossil evidence is likely due to the underexplored morphology of their cysts rather than an absence of preservation, as the silicified cysts typical of Xanthophyta should be identifiable in geological formations.

Characteristics of Xanthophyceae

Xanthophyceae, commonly known as yellow-green algae, is a diverse group that primarily inhabits freshwater environments, although some species can be found in marine and terrestrial habitats. This group exhibits a variety of morphological and physiological characteristics that distinguish it from other algal divisions. Below is a structured overview of the main characteristics of Xanthophyceae:

  • Habitat and Distribution:
    • Members of Xanthophyceae predominantly inhabit freshwater ecosystems, such as ponds and lakes.
    • Tribonema is a notable representative found in these environments.
    • Some species, like Botrydium, grow in muddy substrates, while others such as Characiopsis and Ophiocytium may be found on tree trunks or walls.
    • A few species, including Halosphaera, are adapted to marine environments.
  • Cellular Structure:
    • Xanthophyceae can be unicellular, such as Heterochloris, or multicellular.
    • The multicellular forms exhibit various morphologies, including palmelloid (Chlorogloea), dendroid (Mischococcus), coccoid (Chlorobotrys), rhizopodial (Stipitococcus), filamentous (Heterococcus), and siphonaceous (Botrydium).
  • Cell Wall Composition:
    • The cell wall is often absent, but when present, it is richer in pectic compounds compared to Chlorophyceae.
    • Occasionally, cellulose is found, and in certain non-motile forms, the wall is silicified and constructed from two overlapping halves.
  • Flagella:
    • Motile forms typically possess two unequal flagella, which are inserted at the anterior end.
    • The longer flagellum is classified as tinsel (or pantonematic), featuring hair-like appendages, while the shorter flagellum is whiplash (or acronematic), characterized by a smooth surface.
  • Photosynthetic Pigments:
    • The chromatophores are discoid and numerous within each cell.
    • The plastids exhibit a yellow-green coloration, containing chlorophyll a, chlorophyll e, and β-carotene, along with various xanthophylls.
    • Notable xanthophylls include diadinoxanthin, violaxanthin, lutein, neoxanthin, flavoxanthin, and flavacin.
    • Chlorophyll b is absent, and the carotenoids generally exceed the chlorophyll concentration.
  • Storage and Reserve Materials:
    • The reserve food materials include oil, lipids, and chrysolaminarin, but starch is not produced.
  • Reproductive Strategies:
    • Xanthophyceae primarily reproduce through vegetative and asexual methods, with vegetative reproduction occurring via cell division.
    • Asexual reproduction involves the formation of zoospores, aplanospores, or akinetes.
    • While sexual reproduction is rare, it may occur in various forms, including isogamous and anisogamous.
    • In Vaucheria, oogamous reproduction is observed, and isogamy is the more common mode found in species like Botrydium.
  • Ecological Roles:
    • As primary producers, Xanthophyceae play a crucial role in freshwater ecosystems and can also contribute to nutrient cycling in terrestrial environments.
    • Their diverse structures and reproductive strategies allow them to adapt to various ecological niches, making them important components of their habitats.

Classification of Vaucheria


Occurrence of Vaucheria

Vaucheria, a genus within the division of Xanthophyceae, comprises 54 identified species, with approximately 19 of these species occurring in India. This group of yellow-green algae exhibits diverse habitat preferences, predominantly thriving in freshwater environments. However, it also includes marine and terrestrial species, demonstrating its adaptability to various ecological niches.

  • Habitat Distribution:
    • The majority of Vaucheria species are primarily found in freshwater habitats.
    • Among the identified species, six are marine, with Vaucheria poloboloides being a notable example.
    • Additionally, some species inhabit terrestrial environments, growing in moist soils.
  • Terrestrial Species:
    • Terrestrial members such as Vaucheria sessilis and Vaucheria terrestris are often observed forming green mats in moist soil, particularly in shady areas, including greenhouses.
    • Vaucheria hamata is another terrestrial species known to occupy similar environments.
  • Amphibious Species:
    • Vaucheria amphibia is recognized as an amphibious species, indicating its ability to thrive both in aquatic and moist terrestrial environments.
  • Specific Findings:
    • Vaucheria jonesii was notably reported by Prescott in 1938, found in winter ice in the United States, showcasing the genus’s capacity to endure extreme conditions.
  • Common Indian Species:
    • In India, several species are frequently encountered, including Vaucheria amphibia, Vaucheria geminata, Vaucheria polysperma, Vaucheria sessilis, and Vaucheria uncinata.

Structure of Vaucheria

The structure of Vaucheria, a genus of yellow-green algae, is characterized by its unique filamentous, branched, coenocytic, and siphonaceous thallus. This distinctive organization allows Vaucheria to thrive in various habitats, primarily freshwater and some terrestrial environments.

Structure of Vaucheria

Vaucheria A. Thallus structure B. T.S. of vegetative filament
  • Filamentous Structure:
    • The body of Vaucheria consists of long, cylindrical filaments that are predominantly aseptate, meaning they lack internal cross-walls.
    • In instances of injury or during the development of reproductive structures, septa may form, temporarily dividing the filament.
    • The thallus is sparingly branched and coenocytic, which indicates that it has a continuous protoplasm containing multiple nuclei along its length.
  • Attachment and Growth:
    • Terrestrial species of Vaucheria attach to soil substrates through branched structures known as rhizoids.
    • In contrast, floating species either lack rhizoids or possess poorly developed ones, which is consistent with their adaptation to a free-floating lifestyle.
    • Growth occurs primarily at the apical ends of the filaments, allowing for elongation through apical growth of all branches.
  • Cell Wall Composition:
    • The cell wall of Vaucheria consists of two distinct layers: an outer pectic layer and an inner cellulosic layer.
    • This structure contributes to the overall integrity of the filament while remaining relatively thin and less elastic.
  • Central Vacuole and Protoplast:
    • Within the filament lies a central vacuole filled with cell sap, which runs continuously from one end of the thallus to the other.
    • The protoplast, located between the cell wall and the vacuole, contains various organelles, including the nuclei and chromatophores.
  • Chromatophores:
    • The chromatophores of Vaucheria are elliptical or disc-shaped chloroplasts that house several pigments essential for photosynthesis.
    • Notably, they contain chlorophyll a, chlorophyll e, xanthophylls, and carotenoids, but lack pyrenoids, which distinguishes them from some other algal groups.
  • Reserve Food Storage:
    • Unlike many plants that store starch, Vaucheria reserves food in the form of oils.
    • These can be observed as colorless droplets within the cytoplasm, serving as an energy source for the organism.
  • Reproductive Structures:
    • Vaucheria features distinct male and female reproductive organs; the male is referred to as an antheridium, while the female is termed an oogonium.
    • The formation of septa occurs primarily during the reproductive phase, allowing for the organization of reproductive cells.

Reproduction in Vaucheria

Reproduction in Vaucheria occurs through three distinct modes: vegetative reproduction, asexual reproduction, and sexual reproduction. Each mode plays a crucial role in the life cycle and adaptability of this genus of algae, allowing it to thrive in various environmental conditions.

Vaucheria, Asexual reproduction: Development of Zoospore A-Zoosporangium, B- C. Liberation of zoospore, D- Synzoospore, E- T.S. of synzoospore
Vaucheria, Asexual reproduction: Development of Zoospore A-Zoosporangium, B- C. Liberation of zoospore, D- Synzoospore, E- T.S. of synzoospore
  • I. Vegetative Reproduction:
    • Vegetative reproduction occurs primarily through fragmentation.
    • When the thallus experiences mechanical injury, it may break into smaller segments.
    • Each broken fragment can develop a thick wall and subsequently grow into a new thallus, ensuring the continuation of the organism.
  • II. Asexual Reproduction: Asexual reproduction in Vaucheria involves several types of spores, each with distinct characteristics:
    1. Zoospores:
      • This mode is prevalent among aquatic species of Vaucheria.
      • Zoospores are formed under favorable conditions within elongated, club-shaped structures known as zoosporangia.
      • The zoosporangium is sectioned by a septum at its base, causing the protoplast to shrink slightly and develop a pair of flagella of unequal length.
      • This multinucleate, multiflagellate sporangial mass behaves as zoospores, which are distinct from those of other green algae due to their unique flagellar structure.
      • After liberation, the zoospores come to rest, losing their flagella and secreting a thin mucilaginous layer around themselves.
      • Under suitable conditions, these spores germinate and give rise to new thalli.
    2. Aplanospores:
      • Aplanospores are typically formed in terrestrial species.
      • They develop singularly within aplanosporangia at the terminal ends of the filaments.
      • Unlike zoospores, aplanospores are non-motile.
      • In Vaucheria uncinata, aplanospores are spherical and are liberated when the sporangial wall ruptures.
      • Following their release, aplanospores germinate into new thalli.
    3. Akinetes:
      • Akinetes are thick-walled, multinucleate structures, also known as cysts or hypnospores.
      • These structures form under unfavorable conditions, providing a survival mechanism for Vaucheria.
      • When numerous akinetes remain attached to the parent thallus, they create a resemblance to another alga, Gongrosira, leading to this stage being referred to as the Gongrosira stage.
      • Under favorable conditions, akinetes can develop into new thalli.
  • III. Sexual Reproduction:
    • Sexual reproduction in Vaucheria is advanced and exhibits an oogamous type.
    • The male and female reproductive structures are referred to as antheridia and oogonia, respectively.
    • Most species are homothallic or monoecious, although some, like V. dichotoma and V. litorea, are heterothallic or dioecious.
    Important developmental stages of sexual reproduction include:
    1. The mature antheridium may present as cylindrical, tubular, straight, or curved and can be sessile, arising directly from the main branch.
    2. Young antheridia typically appear green and contain cytoplasm, nuclei, and chloroplasts.
    3. Antherozoids, which lack chloroplasts and eyespots, are biflagellate and are liberated through an aperture at the anterior end of the antheridium.
    4. The mature oogonium is spherical or sub-spherical and has an apical beak. It is uninucleate, and the nucleus within the oogonium develops into a single egg.
    5. The oogonium secretes a gelatinous material through a pore near the beak. Numerous liberated antherozoids adhere to this gelatinous substance, with only one entering the oogonium.
    6. Upon fertilization, the nucleus of the antherozoid increases in size and fuses with the egg nucleus, resulting in the formation of a zygote.
    7. The zygote secretes a thick protective layer around itself. Initially green, the zygote turns red as chlorophyll degrades, entering a dormant phase lasting several months before germination.
    8. Upon germination, the zygote develops into a new coenocytic thallus.
Vaucheria, Asexual reproduction: A. aplanospore, B Akinetes
Vaucheria, Asexual reproduction: A. aplanospore, B Akinetes
Vaucheria, Sexual reproduction and germination of zygote
Vaucheria, Sexual reproduction and germination of zygote

Thallus Structure of Vaucheria

The thallus of Vaucheria presents a unique and complex structure characterized by its filamentous, coenocytic, and siphonaceous nature. This morphology enables the organism to thrive in diverse aquatic and terrestrial environments, allowing for effective nutrient absorption and adaptability.

  • General Structure:
    • The thallus comprises long, cylindrical, well-branched filaments that are aseptate and coenocytic.
    • These filaments attach to the substrate using branched rhizoids or holdfasts known as haptera.
    • In species like V. mayyanadensis, a differentiation exists between a subterranean branched rhizoidal system and an erect aerial system.
    • The filaments are interwoven, rough, and exhibit a dark green felt-like appearance, contributing to their ecological role.
  • Branching and Composition:
    • Branching can occur laterally or dichotomously, enhancing the surface area for absorption.
    • The filaments lack septa, allowing for a continuous flow of protoplasm, which contains numerous nuclei distributed along the length of the thallus.
    • Septa formation is typically restricted to specific circumstances such as reproduction, the Gongrosira condition, or in response to injuries.
  • Cell Wall and Protoplasm:
    • The thallus structure is differentiated into a cell wall and protoplasm.
    • The cell wall is thin, weak, and non-elastic, composed of two layers: an outer pectic layer and an inner cellulosic layer.
    • Beneath the cell wall lies a thick layer of protoplasm, which plays a crucial role in the overall functioning of the thallus.
  • Vacuole and Chloroplasts:
    • A large central vacuole filled with cell sap runs longitudinally through the filament, forming a continuous canal that aids in maintaining turgor pressure and nutrient transport.
    • The peripheral protoplasm contains numerous small, oval, or disc-shaped chloroplasts that lack pyrenoids.
    • The chromatophores within Vaucheria contain various pigments, including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll e, carotenoids, and an unidentified xanthophyll, aligning with the pigmentation typical of the Xanthophyceae group, as chlorophyll b, characteristic of Chlorophyceae, is absent.
  • Nuclei and Cell Organelles:
    • Many small nuclei are embedded in the cytoplasm beneath the layer of chloroplasts.
    • Notably, the arrangement of these nuclei changes during the formation of zoospores.
    • The cytoplasm also houses other membrane-bound organelles, including mitochondria and small vesicles, which are essential for cellular metabolism and energy production.
    • Nutrients are stored in the form of oil droplets within the cytoplasm.
  • Growth Characteristics:
    • The growth of Vaucheria filaments is primarily apical, meaning the length increases through apical growth of all branches.
    • This mode of growth facilitates rapid colonization of available substrates and maximizes exposure to light and nutrients.
  • Nature of Thallus:
    • The thallus of Vaucheria, while appearing to function like a single large cell due to its non-septate and multinucleate structure, should not be classified as a single cell.
    • Instead, it represents an acellular coenocyte in which mitotic divisions occur, increasing the number of nuclei while maintaining a cohesive structure.

Affinities of Vaucheria

The classification and evolutionary affinities of Vaucheria have been subjects of considerable debate among phycologists and taxonomists. Various researchers have proposed different classifications based on morphological and reproductive characteristics. Therefore, understanding the affinities of Vaucheria is essential for situating it within the broader context of algal taxonomy and phylogeny.

  • Position in Algal Classification:
    • The positioning of Vaucheria within the algal groups has varied over time.
    • Fritsch (1935) initially classified it in the order Siphonales of the class Chlorophyceae, a view supported by Iyengar (1951).
    • Chadefaud later transferred Vaucheria to the class Xanthophyceae, which was subsequently supported by Smith (1959) in his placement of Vaucheria within the order Heterosiphonales of the Xanthophyceae.
    • This classification was further endorsed by researchers such as Chapman (1962), Taylor, Prescott (1969), and Morris (1968).
  • Affinities with Xanthophyceae:
    • Siphonaceous Structure: Vaucheria exhibits a siphonaceous, acellular thallus, which is a key characteristic of the Xanthophyceae.
    • Pigment Composition: The predominance of carotenoids over chlorophylls is notable. Vaucheria lacks chlorophyll b, which is typically found in Chlorophyceae, indicating its closer affinity to the Xanthophyceae.
    • Chloroplast Structure: The chloroplasts in Vaucheria do not possess pyrenoids, aligning with features common to the Xanthophyceae.
    • Reserve Food Material: Unlike many green algae that store food as starch, Vaucheria stores reserve food in the form of oil.
    • Flagellation of Antherozoids: The antherozoids in Vaucheria exhibit heterokontic flagellation, featuring two lateral, unequal flagella. The anterior flagellum is of the tinsel type, while the posterior flagellum is whiplash in nature.
  • Affinities with Chlorophyceae:
    • Thallus Structure: Vaucheria possesses a multinucleate, aseptate, coenocytic thallus, which is reminiscent of certain characteristics found in the Chlorophyceae.
    • Sexual Reproduction: The sexual reproduction in Vaucheria is advanced and oogamous, sharing this trait with many members of the Chlorophyceae.
  • Affinities with Oomycetes (Fungi):
    • Development of Sex Organs: The development of sexual organs in Vaucheria bears a striking resemblance to certain members of the Oomycetes, indicating potential evolutionary links.
    • Coenocytic Thallus: The coenocytic nature of the Vaucheria thallus is comparable to that observed in the Saprolegniaceae, a family within the Oomycetes.

Ecology of Vaucheria

Vaucheria, a member of the Xanthophyta class, showcases diverse ecological characteristics and interactions within its environment. Its habitats, reproduction, and responses to environmental factors highlight its ecological importance and adaptability.

  • Habitat Preferences:
    • Vaucheria species are predominantly found in freshwater environments, including wetlands, moist soil, and on tree trunks.
    • Some species have adapted to marine environments, although they are less common in saltwater compared to freshwater habitats.
    • These organisms thrive in areas rich in iron and can endure low pH conditions, showcasing their ability to adapt to specific ecological niches.
  • Environmental Responses:
    • The ability of Vaucheria to perform cytoplasmic streaming is essential for its growth and nutrient distribution. However, this ability is compromised in aluminum-rich environments, leading to a loss of organization among vegetative filaments.
    • Many species are particularly prevalent during late winter, often found among floating mats in still water. This seasonal abundance indicates their adaptation to specific climatic conditions and habitat availability.
  • Interactions with Other Organisms:
    • Vaucheria longicaulis exhibits a unique ecological relationship with the larvae of Alderua modesta. When these larvae come into contact with Vaucheria longicaulis, they undergo spontaneous metamorphosis.
    • The adults of Alderua modesta can produce two types of larvae: planktotrophic larvae, which feed in the water column, and lecithotrophic larvae, which depend on the nutrient stores provided by their yolk.
    • Lecithotrophic clutches consist of a mix of larvae; some settle spontaneously while others require exposure to Vaucheria longicaulis for successful development.
    • Experimental investigations demonstrated that out of 17 different algae tested, only Vaucheria longicaulis influenced the metamorphosis of Alderua modesta larvae, indicating a specific and unique interaction that emphasizes Vaucheria’s ecological role.

Vaucheria sp. Life Cycle

The life cycle of Vaucheria is characterized by both sexual and asexual reproductive strategies, allowing it to adapt and thrive in various environmental conditions. Understanding these reproductive methods provides insight into the biological processes that underpin the growth and propagation of this organism.

  • Sexual Reproduction:
    • Vaucheria employs a method of sexual reproduction involving distinct male and female reproductive structures.
    • The male organs are termed antheridia, while the female organs are referred to as oogonia.
    • These reproductive structures develop as lateral outgrowths at scattered intervals along the filament.
    • In monoecious species of Vaucheria, antheridia and oogonia typically arise side by side on the same filament or on short lateral branches of the filament.
    • Process of Fertilization:
      • The oogonium contains the egg cell, while the antheridium produces sperm cells.
      • Sperm cells mature within the antheridium and subsequently emerge through an aperture.
      • Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell enters the oogonium, leading to the formation of a zygote.
      • Following fertilization, the zygote develops into a new filament, continuing the life cycle of Vaucheria.
  • Asexual Reproduction:
    • Asexual reproduction in Vaucheria occurs through the formation of large solitary zoospores.
    • The apex of the filament swells and takes on a club shape, becoming known as the zoosporangium.
    • A septum separates this club-shaped body from the rest of the filament.
    • Inside the zoosporangium, the protoplasmic contents round off to form a single zoospore.
    • As the zoosporangium matures, its wall ruptures at the apex, allowing the zoospore to escape through a terminal pore.
    • Upon liberation, the zoospore rotates as it begins its independent existence.
    • The zoospore is characterized as an oval body that contains a large central vacuole, surrounded by a zone of protoplasm.

Morphology of Vaucheria

Vaucheria, a member of the Xanthophyta class, exhibits a distinct morphology characterized by its tubular structure and cellular composition. Understanding the morphology of Vaucheria provides insight into its ecological roles and functional adaptations.

  • General Structure:
    • The plant body of Vaucheria is tubular or cylindrical, displaying an irregular branching pattern. This branching facilitates the organism’s interactions within its habitat.
    • Terrestrial species of Vaucheria anchor themselves to the substratum using specialized structures known as rhizoids. These rhizoids play a critical role in nutrient absorption and stability within their environment.
  • Cellular Organization:
    • Vaucheria is characterized by an aseptate, multinucleate structure, known as coenocyte. This feature allows the organism to maintain a continuous flow of protoplasm throughout its length.
    • Although the filaments are generally aseptate, septa formation can occur at the base of reproductive organs, indicating a specialized adaptation during reproduction.
  • Cell Wall Composition:
    • The filament walls of Vaucheria are thin and elastic, comprising two distinct layers. The outer layer is predominantly pectose, which provides flexibility, while the inner layer consists of cellulose, imparting structural integrity to the filaments.
  • Cytoplasmic Components:
    • Within the cytoplasm, Vaucheria contains numerous chloroplasts and nuclei. The chloroplasts are typically oval or discoid in shape and are organized in a layer adjacent to the cell wall. This arrangement maximizes their exposure to light for photosynthesis.
    • Located next to the chloroplasts, a layer of nuclei ensures that genetic material is readily accessible for metabolic processes and cellular functions. However, Vaucheria lacks pyrenoids, which are often found in other algal groups and typically function in the concentration of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.
  • Reserve Food and Vacuoles:
    • Vaucheria stores reserve food material primarily in the form of oil droplets, which are crucial for energy storage and metabolic processes. This adaptation allows Vaucheria to survive in environments where immediate access to nutrients may be limited.
    • A notable characteristic of Vaucheria is the presence of a large central vacuole within the thallus. This vacuole plays an essential role in maintaining turgor pressure, regulating the internal environment, and storing nutrients.
  1. https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/chromista/xanthophyta.html
  2. https://www.biologydiscussion.com/algae/morphology-of-vaucheria-with-diagram-algae/54200
  3. https://www.biologydiscussion.com/algae/life-cycle-of-vaucheria-with-diagram-xanthophyta/53828
  4. https://ddugu.ac.in/ePathshala_Attachments/STUDY349@430316.pdf
  5. https://www.biologydiscussion.com/algae/biology-notes-on-xanthophyta-algae/58055
  6. https://www.biologydiscussion.com/algae/9-main-characteristics-of-xanthophyceae/46897
  7. https://www.biologyonline.com/dictionary/xanthophyceae
  8. https://edscl.in/pluginfile.php/4047/mod_resource/content/1/Xanthophyta.pdf
  9. https://www.uou.ac.in/lecturenotes/science/MSCBOT-17/PPT-Paper%20Code-502.pdf

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