Distinguish between Atopic dermatitis and Contact dermatitis.
Distinguish between Atopic dermatitis and Contact dermatitis.

Distinguish between Atopic dermatitis and Contact dermatitis.
What immunologic mechanisms most likely account for aperson’s developing each of the following reactions, after an insect bite? (i) Within 1-2 minutes after being bitten, swelling and redness appear at the site and then disappear by 1 h.r (ii) 6-8 hrs later, swelling and redness again appear and persist for 24 hrs. (iii) 72 hrs … Read more
What is measured by Sandwich ELISA?
RBCs, unlike nucleated cells, aer more sensitive to complement mediated cell lysis. Explain why?
Why does the human system has three separate complement pathways when all of them converge to a single result, i.e. cell lysis?
What is agglutination inhibition? Briefly state one application of this method.
For each of the following set of cells, state the latest common progenitor cel that gives rise to both cell types — ( i) Monocytes and neutrophils (ii) Natural killer cells and B cells.
Infants immediately after birth are often at risk for infection with group B streptococcus. A vaccine is proposed for administration ot women of childbearing years. How can immunizing hte mothers, help hte babies?
For each pair of antigens listed below, indicate which is likely to be more immunogenic. Explain your answer (i) Insulin and Insulin-BSA conjugate. (ii) A monomeric polypeptide (X) and a dimeric protein molecule
What aer the two primary characteristics that distinguish hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells?