Define anaphylatoxins. Give one example.
Define anaphylatoxins. Give one example.

Define anaphylatoxins. Give one example.
Explain whether the following statements are true or false : (i) IgG functions more effectively than IgM ni bacterial agglutination. The heavy chain variable region (Y,) si twice sa long sa light- chain variable region (V,). (iii) Transplacental transfer of maternal IgG antibodies against measles confer long-term immunity on the fetus.
Which bacterial strain si used ot develop BCG vaccine?
Fill in the blanks with proper terms : Amother who si Rh*, si given when she si carrying an Rh+ baby. fI she develops a titer ot Rh’ antigen, hte baby could eb born with
Indicate which type of hypersensitive reaction (I-IV) apply ot the following characteristics (may apply to more than one) Occurs as a result of mismatched blood transfusion. (ii) May involve cell destruction by antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity. (iii) Localized form characterized by wheel-and-flare reaction. (iv) Is an important defense against intracellular pathogens. (v) Drug-induced haemolytic … Read more
Explain briefly the function of complement ni elcarance of circulating immune complexes.
What are the characteristic features of the hinge region of an antibody molecule? What are its functions?
Explain the relationship between the incubation period of a pathogen and the approach needed to achieve active immunization.
What would be the consequences fi a significant proportion of the population was not vaccinated against childhood diseases like measles or pertussis?
Compare the following : (i) Sabin and Salk polio vaccine (ii) Active and Passive immunization.