How does the human body respond to the increased demand for energy during exercise?
How does the human body respond to the increased demand for energy during exercise?

How does the human body respond to the increased demand for energy during exercise?
Why is the breakdown of excess proteins to form urea important for excretion?
How does respiration fit into the overall metabolic processes?
How are amino acids formed from glucose and nitrate ions, and what is their role in protein synthesis?
How are lipid molecules formed from glycerol and fatty acids in metabolism?
How is glucose converted into starch, glycogen, and cellulose in metabolism?
What role does metabolism play in the synthesis of new molecules in the body?
How is the energy transferred by respiration used in the processes of metabolism?
What is metabolism, and how does it relate to the reactions in cells or the body?
Why are sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, and glycerol important in the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids?