What is DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ)?

The DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) is a pivotal resource in the realm of genomics and bioinformatics, playing a crucial role in advancing scientific research and collaboration. Established in 1987, DDBJ was created to support the growing need for accessible, comprehensive genomic data. Its mission is to collect, maintain, and disseminate DNA sequence data, ensuring that researchers worldwide have access to high-quality, reliable genomic information.

DDBJ’s significance lies in its extensive database, which serves as a repository for nucleotide sequences and related data. It supports a wide range of scientific endeavors, from basic research to applied genomics, by providing a centralized platform for data sharing and analysis. By collaborating with other major databases like GenBank and EMBL-EBI, DDBJ contributes to a global network of genomic information, facilitating international research and fostering collaborative efforts across the scientific community.

Historical Background

The DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) has a rich history that mirrors the rapid advancements in genomic research and technology. Established in 1987, DDBJ was founded as a response to the increasing volume of DNA sequence data emerging from scientific research. Its creation marked a significant step in the global effort to catalog and share genomic information, aligning with the goals of other major nucleotide sequence databases like GenBank and EMBL-EBI.

Key Milestones:

  • 1987: DDBJ is officially launched, aiming to provide a centralized repository for DNA sequences and related data. This initiative was crucial in the early days of genomics, when data sharing and standardization were just beginning to take shape.
  • 1992: DDBJ introduces its first web-based interface, allowing researchers to access and retrieve data more efficiently. This move was part of a broader trend toward making genomic information more accessible and user-friendly.
  • 1999: The establishment of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) formalizes collaboration between DDBJ, GenBank, and EMBL-EBI. This partnership enhances data sharing and standardization across the three databases, ensuring consistency and reliability in genomic data.
  • 2000s: Technological advancements in sequencing technologies lead to a significant increase in the volume of data. DDBJ adopts new data management and storage technologies to handle the growing influx of sequences, improving its capacity and efficiency.
  • 2010: DDBJ launches the DDBJ Sequence Read Archive (DRA), providing a platform for storing and accessing raw sequencing data. This expansion reflects the evolving needs of the research community and the increasing importance of raw sequence data in various scientific applications.
  • 2020s: DDBJ continues to innovate and adapt to emerging technologies, such as next-generation sequencing and large-scale genomic projects. The database integrates advanced computational tools and data analysis capabilities to support a wide range of research endeavors.

Throughout its history, DDBJ has played a crucial role in the global genomics landscape, evolving alongside technological advancements and expanding its services to meet the needs of the scientific community. Its commitment to data sharing, collaboration, and innovation has solidified its position as a key player in genomic research and bioinformatics.

Objectives and Mission

The DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) is driven by a clear set of objectives and a mission that underscores its pivotal role in the global scientific community. Its core mission is to facilitate the advancement of genomics and bioinformatics by providing a comprehensive, accessible, and reliable repository of DNA sequence data.

Primary Objectives:

  1. Data Collection and Maintenance: DDBJ aims to collect, curate, and maintain high-quality DNA sequence data from diverse sources. This includes genomic sequences, transcriptomic data, and associated metadata, ensuring that researchers have access to a rich and comprehensive dataset for their studies.
  2. Facilitation of Data Sharing: One of DDBJ’s fundamental goals is to promote open access to genomic data. By providing a centralized platform for data sharing, DDBJ supports transparency and reproducibility in scientific research, allowing researchers to validate findings, build upon existing knowledge, and collaborate more effectively.
  3. Support for Research and Discovery: DDBJ’s mission is to enhance the capabilities of researchers by offering tools and resources for data analysis and interpretation. This includes advanced search functionalities, data visualization tools, and integration with other bioinformatics resources to facilitate a deeper understanding of genomic information.
  4. Promotion of International Collaboration: DDBJ is committed to fostering global research efforts through its collaborations with other major nucleotide sequence databases, such as GenBank and EMBL-EBI. This collaboration ensures that data is consistently formatted and shared across different platforms, promoting international cooperation and accelerating scientific discoveries.
  5. Adaptation to Technological Advancements: As the field of genomics evolves, DDBJ strives to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. This includes adopting new sequencing technologies, improving data management systems, and integrating cutting-edge bioinformatics tools to meet the changing needs of the scientific community.

Contribution to Global Research Efforts:

DDBJ plays a critical role in the global genomics landscape by acting as a central hub for DNA sequence data. Its efforts to provide open access to high-quality data, support data sharing, and promote international collaboration significantly contribute to the acceleration of scientific research and discovery. By ensuring that genomic data is accessible, reliable, and well-curated, DDBJ helps researchers worldwide tackle complex biological questions, develop new applications, and drive forward the frontiers of genomics and bioinformatics.

Resources at DDBJ

The DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) provides a diverse array of resources designed to support researchers in genomics and bioinformatics. These resources encompass databases, tools, and services that facilitate the storage, retrieval, and analysis of biological data.


  1. DDBJ Nucleotide Sequence Database: This is the core database of DDBJ, housing a vast collection of nucleotide sequences from various organisms. It includes genomic, transcriptomic, and other DNA sequence data, which are essential for a wide range of research applications.
  2. DDBJ Sequence Read Archive (DRA): The DRA is a repository for raw sequencing data, including reads from next-generation sequencing technologies. It provides access to high-throughput sequencing datasets, enabling researchers to perform their own analyses and validations on the raw data.
  3. DDBJ Protein Database: While DDBJ primarily focuses on nucleotide sequences, it also provides related protein sequence information. This database includes protein sequences that are annotated based on their corresponding nucleotide data.
  4. DDBJ Taxonomy Database: This resource offers detailed information on the taxonomy of the organisms whose sequences are housed in DDBJ. It provides context on the evolutionary relationships and classification of these organisms.


  1. Search and Retrieval Tools: DDBJ offers a range of search and retrieval tools to facilitate access to its databases. These tools allow researchers to query nucleotide and protein sequences, retrieve specific datasets, and explore related information.
  2. Sequence Analysis Tools: DDBJ provides various tools for sequence analysis, including alignment tools, sequence annotation, and functional prediction tools. These tools help researchers analyze the biological significance of the sequences and interpret their functional roles.
  3. Data Visualization Tools: Visualization tools available at DDBJ enable researchers to view and interpret data in graphical formats. These tools support visual exploration of sequence alignments, gene structures, and other critical aspects of genomic data.


  1. Data Submission Services: DDBJ provides a platform for researchers to submit their nucleotide and protein sequence data. The submission process is designed to ensure that new data is integrated into the database accurately and efficiently.
  2. Data Annotation Services: To enhance the utility of the data, DDBJ offers annotation services that add valuable information to the sequences. This includes functional annotations, structural predictions, and other relevant details that aid in the interpretation of the data.
  3. Collaborative Research Support: DDBJ supports collaborative research efforts by providing access to shared data resources and tools. This includes partnerships with other major nucleotide sequence databases and participation in international research projects.

By offering these comprehensive resources, DDBJ plays a crucial role in supporting the scientific community’s efforts to advance knowledge in genomics and bioinformatics. Its databases, tools, and services provide essential infrastructure for data management, analysis, and sharing, driving forward research and discovery in the field.

Data Submission Process

The data submission process at the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) is designed to facilitate the efficient and accurate integration of genomic data into the database. This section outlines the procedures and guidelines that researchers and institutions must follow to contribute their data to DDBJ.

1. Submission Preparation:

  • Data Format: Ensure that the data is in the appropriate format as specified by DDBJ. Typically, nucleotide sequences should be submitted in FASTA or GenBank format, while protein sequences should follow similar conventions. Detailed format guidelines can be found on the DDBJ website.
  • Metadata: Prepare comprehensive metadata to accompany your sequences. This includes information about the organism, experimental conditions, sequencing technology used, and any other relevant details. Accurate metadata is crucial for the proper annotation and utilization of the data.
  • Quality Check: Conduct a thorough quality check of your data before submission. Ensure that the sequences are accurate, complete, and free of errors. This helps to maintain the high quality of the DDBJ database and avoids issues during the data integration process.

2. Submission Process:

  • Online Submission Portal: Submit your data using the DDBJ online submission portal. This portal provides a user-friendly interface for uploading data files, entering metadata, and tracking the progress of your submission.
  • Submission Forms: Complete the required submission forms available on the DDBJ portal. These forms will guide you through the necessary steps for providing data and metadata. Be sure to fill out all fields accurately and completely.
  • Data Validation: Once submitted, your data will undergo a validation process to ensure it meets DDBJ’s quality and format standards. This may involve automated checks as well as manual review by DDBJ staff.

3. Data Integration and Publication:

  • Integration: After successful validation, your data will be integrated into the DDBJ database. During this process, it will be assigned a unique accession number, which will be used to identify and retrieve the data in the future.
  • Annotation: DDBJ will annotate the submitted data with additional information where applicable. This may include functional annotations, taxonomic classifications, and other relevant details.
  • Publication: Once integrated and annotated, your data will be publicly accessible through the DDBJ database and associated resources. You will receive a confirmation of publication, along with the accession number assigned to your data.

4. Post-Submission Support:

  • Updates and Corrections: If you need to update or correct your data after submission, you can do so through the DDBJ portal. Provide detailed information about the changes to ensure that the updates are processed accurately.
  • Support Services: DDBJ offers support services to assist with the submission process. If you encounter any issues or have questions, you can contact DDBJ support for guidance and assistance.

By following these procedures and guidelines, researchers and institutions can contribute their genomic data to DDBJ efficiently and effectively.

Data Access and Usage

Accessing and utilizing the data stored in the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) is streamlined through a range of user-friendly interfaces and powerful search functionalities. This section outlines how researchers can navigate the DDBJ resources to retrieve relevant information and make the most of the available data.

1. User Interface:

  • Website Access: Researchers can access DDBJ through its official website, which provides a centralized hub for navigating the database and utilizing its resources. The website features a clean and intuitive design, with easy access to various sections including search tools, data archives, and submission portals.
  • Data Browsers: DDBJ offers dedicated data browsers for exploring nucleotide sequences, protein sequences, and related information. These browsers provide visual interfaces for navigating large datasets, with options to filter and sort data based on various criteria.

2. Search Functionalities:

  • Basic Search: The basic search function allows users to perform straightforward queries based on accession numbers, sequence identifiers, or keywords. This is ideal for quickly locating specific sequences or datasets.
  • Advanced Search: For more detailed queries, DDBJ provides advanced search options that enable researchers to specify multiple search criteria. This includes filtering by organism, sequence length, date of submission, and other relevant parameters.
  • BLAST Searches: DDBJ integrates BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) functionality, allowing users to perform sequence similarity searches. This tool helps researchers identify sequences with similar patterns or functions, aiding in functional annotation and comparative analysis.

3. Types of Queries:

  • Sequence Retrieval: Researchers can retrieve specific nucleotide or protein sequences by entering accession numbers or sequence identifiers. The retrieved sequences are displayed along with detailed annotations and metadata.
  • Metadata Queries: Users can search for sequences based on associated metadata, such as organism name, experimental conditions, or sequencing technology. This is useful for finding sequences that meet particular research criteria or conditions.
  • Functional Annotations: Queries can also focus on retrieving sequences with specific functional annotations or classifications. This helps researchers find data related to particular genes, proteins, or biological functions of interest.

4. Data Access Tools:

  • Download Options: DDBJ provides options for downloading data in various formats, such as FASTA, GenBank, and text files. Users can select individual sequences or bulk download datasets based on their needs.
  • API Access: For automated data retrieval and integration into custom applications, DDBJ offers API (Application Programming Interface) access. This allows researchers to programmatically query and download data, facilitating integration with bioinformatics tools and workflows.

5. Support and Documentation:

  • User Guides: DDBJ provides comprehensive user guides and documentation to assist researchers in navigating the database and utilizing its features. These guides cover everything from basic search techniques to advanced data analysis.
  • Help Desk: For additional support, DDBJ offers a help desk where users can submit inquiries and receive assistance with accessing data or using the available tools. This ensures that researchers have access to expert support when needed.

Collaboration and Partnerships

The DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) actively engages in collaborations and partnerships with other genomic databases and research institutions. These alliances are crucial for enhancing data sharing, promoting scientific advancements, and fostering a global research community. This section highlights DDBJ’s key collaborations and the significance of these partnerships.

1. International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC):

  • Overview: DDBJ, along with GenBank (USA) and EMBL-EBI (Europe), is a founding member of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC). This collaboration is essential for maintaining a global, unified approach to nucleotide sequence data sharing.
  • Goals: The primary goal of INSDC is to ensure that nucleotide sequence data is consistently formatted, annotated, and made accessible across different platforms. This collaboration facilitates the seamless exchange of data between the three major databases, providing researchers with a comprehensive and integrated resource.
  • Impact: By working together, INSDC members reduce duplication of effort, improve data quality, and enhance the overall accessibility of genomic information. Researchers benefit from a cohesive and reliable global data infrastructure, which accelerates scientific discoveries and supports cross-disciplinary research.

2. Collaborative Research Projects:

  • Joint Initiatives: DDBJ participates in various collaborative research projects that involve multiple institutions and organizations. These projects often focus on large-scale genomic studies, including human genome projects, biodiversity surveys, and pathogen genomics.
  • Data Sharing: Through these collaborations, DDBJ contributes to and benefits from shared datasets, resources, and expertise. This collective approach enhances the depth and breadth of research findings, leading to more comprehensive and impactful scientific outcomes.
  • Examples: Notable projects include the Human Genome Project, the 1000 Genomes Project, and various national and international initiatives aimed at understanding genetic variation and function. DDBJ’s involvement in these projects underscores its commitment to advancing genomics through collaboration.

3. Partnerships with Research Institutions:

  • Academic and Research Institutions: DDBJ collaborates with academic and research institutions worldwide to support various research initiatives and projects. These partnerships often involve data sharing, joint research efforts, and the development of new tools and technologies.
  • Benefits: Collaborations with research institutions provide DDBJ with access to cutting-edge research and emerging technologies. In return, partner institutions benefit from DDBJ’s extensive data resources and bioinformatics expertise, fostering mutual growth and innovation.

4. Data Exchange Agreements:

  • Agreements: DDBJ has established data exchange agreements with various genomic databases and research organizations. These agreements facilitate the sharing of data and resources, ensuring that valuable genomic information is disseminated efficiently and effectively.
  • Significance: Data exchange agreements are vital for maintaining a comprehensive and up-to-date repository of genomic data. They support the integration of diverse datasets and enhance the overall quality and utility of genomic resources.

5. Enhancing Data Accessibility:

  • Global Access: Through its collaborations, DDBJ helps to ensure that genomic data is accessible to researchers worldwide. This global access promotes transparency and reproducibility in scientific research, enabling researchers from different regions to contribute to and benefit from a shared pool of knowledge.
  • Cross-Platform Integration: Collaborative efforts lead to better integration of data across different platforms, making it easier for researchers to access and analyze information from multiple sources. This integration supports a more holistic understanding of genomic data and its applications.

Impact on Research and Innovation

The DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) has had a profound impact on scientific research and innovation by providing critical genomic data and resources. Its comprehensive database and collaborative efforts have facilitated numerous discoveries and advancements in genomics and related fields. This section analyzes the influence of DDBJ on research and innovation, highlighting notable examples and contributions.

1. Facilitating Major Genomic Discoveries:

  • Human Genome Project: DDBJ played a key role in the Human Genome Project, one of the most ambitious and impactful genomic endeavors. By providing essential sequence data and collaborating with other major databases, DDBJ contributed to the successful mapping and sequencing of the human genome. This project has revolutionized our understanding of human genetics, enabling breakthroughs in gene discovery, disease understanding, and personalized medicine.
  • Cancer Genomics: Research on cancer genomics has been significantly advanced through the data available at DDBJ. For instance, studies on genetic mutations associated with various cancers have utilized DDBJ’s nucleotide sequence data to identify key oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. This has led to the development of targeted therapies and improved diagnostic tools for cancer treatment.

2. Supporting Biodiversity Research:

  • Genomic Surveys of Biodiversity: DDBJ has facilitated genomic surveys of biodiversity by providing data on a wide range of species. This has enabled researchers to explore genetic diversity, evolutionary relationships, and adaptation mechanisms across different organisms. Notable examples include the sequencing of various plant and animal genomes that have contributed to our understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics.
  • Conservation Genomics: Data from DDBJ has been used in conservation genomics to study endangered species and develop strategies for their preservation. By analyzing genetic diversity and population structure, researchers can make informed decisions about conservation efforts and manage genetic resources effectively.

3. Advancing Microbial Genomics:

  • Pathogen Genomics: DDBJ has supported research on microbial pathogens by providing genomic data for various bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. This has facilitated the identification of pathogenic strains, the study of antibiotic resistance, and the development of new treatments and vaccines.
  • Microbiome Research: The data available at DDBJ has also contributed to microbiome research, which explores the complex communities of microorganisms living in various environments, including the human body. Insights gained from these studies have implications for health, disease, and environmental management.

4. Enabling Functional Genomics and Systems Biology:

  • Gene Function and Regulation: DDBJ’s resources support functional genomics studies aimed at understanding gene function and regulation. Researchers use data from DDBJ to identify gene functions, regulatory elements, and interactions, which are crucial for unraveling complex biological processes and pathways.
  • Systems Biology: In systems biology, DDBJ data helps researchers integrate genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic information to build comprehensive models of biological systems. These models enhance our understanding of cellular processes, disease mechanisms, and potential therapeutic targets.

5. Promoting Technological Innovation:

  • Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): The growth of next-generation sequencing technologies has been supported by DDBJ’s Sequence Read Archive (DRA), which stores raw sequencing data. This has enabled researchers to explore new sequencing techniques, improve data quality, and develop innovative applications in genomics.
  • Bioinformatics Tools: DDBJ’s contributions to the development of bioinformatics tools and resources have facilitated data analysis and interpretation. By providing access to advanced search functionalities, alignment tools, and visualization resources, DDBJ has supported innovation in data analysis and computational genomics.

Examples of Significant Discoveries:

  • Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS): Data from DDBJ has been instrumental in genome-wide association studies that identify genetic variants associated with complex diseases. These studies have led to the discovery of numerous genetic markers linked to conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and psychiatric disorders.
  • Drug Development: Research facilitated by DDBJ data has contributed to the discovery of new drug targets and the development of novel therapeutics. Insights gained from genomic data have guided drug discovery efforts and the design of precision medicine approaches.

Future Directions

As the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) continues to evolve, it faces both challenges and opportunities that will shape its future. This section explores potential developments in technology, data management, and international collaboration, outlining the directions DDBJ might take and the implications for the broader scientific community.

1. Technological Advancements:

  • Integration of Emerging Sequencing Technologies: The rapid advancement of sequencing technologies, such as long-read sequencing and single-cell genomics, presents opportunities for DDBJ to expand its data offerings. Integrating these new technologies will allow DDBJ to accommodate more complex and diverse datasets, providing deeper insights into genomic variation and function.
  • Enhanced Data Analytics and AI: The application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in data analysis is a growing trend. DDBJ may leverage these technologies to enhance data processing, annotation, and interpretation. AI-driven tools could improve the accuracy of functional predictions, identify novel patterns in genomic data, and streamline data management processes.
  • Cloud Computing and Big Data: As genomic data volumes continue to grow, cloud computing solutions offer scalable storage and processing capabilities. DDBJ might adopt cloud-based infrastructure to manage big data more effectively, enabling faster access and analysis of large-scale datasets while reducing costs associated with physical storage.

2. Data Management and Accessibility:

  • Data Integration and Interoperability: To support more comprehensive research, DDBJ will need to enhance its data integration capabilities. This includes improving interoperability with other genomic databases and bioinformatics resources. Implementing standardized data formats and protocols will facilitate smoother data exchange and integration across different platforms.
  • Enhanced Data Curation and Annotation: Future developments may include advanced curation and annotation techniques to improve data quality and usability. Automating these processes through AI and advanced algorithms could help maintain high standards of data accuracy and completeness.
  • User-Centric Interfaces: Improving user interfaces and accessibility features will be crucial for supporting a diverse user base. DDBJ may focus on developing more intuitive and user-friendly tools that cater to both novice and experienced researchers, making it easier to access and utilize data.

3. International Collaboration and Global Efforts:

  • Strengthening INSDC Partnerships: Continued collaboration with GenBank and EMBL-EBI through the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) will remain a cornerstone of DDBJ’s strategy. Expanding these partnerships to include new organizations and databases could further enhance global data sharing and integration.
  • Participating in Global Genomic Initiatives: DDBJ may increase its involvement in global genomic initiatives, such as the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) and other international consortia. These collaborations will support large-scale projects, drive innovation, and promote the adoption of best practices in data management and sharing.
  • Supporting Regional and National Initiatives: DDBJ could also focus on supporting regional and national genomics initiatives, particularly in areas with emerging research communities. By providing data and resources to these initiatives, DDBJ can help build local expertise and foster international collaborations.

4. Addressing Challenges:

  • Data Privacy and Security: Ensuring the privacy and security of genomic data is a significant challenge, especially with the increasing use of sensitive human genetic information. DDBJ will need to implement robust security measures and comply with data protection regulations to safeguard user data and maintain trust.
  • Handling Data Growth: The exponential growth of genomic data presents challenges in terms of storage, management, and retrieval. DDBJ will need to develop scalable solutions to handle this data growth while maintaining performance and accessibility.
  • Sustaining Funding and Resources: Securing adequate funding and resources is crucial for sustaining and expanding DDBJ’s operations. The organization may explore new funding models, partnerships, and collaborations to support its ongoing activities and future developments.

5. Exploring New Frontiers:

  • Integrative Omics Approaches: Future directions may include expanding beyond nucleotide sequences to integrate other omics data, such as proteomics, metabolomics, and epigenomics. This integrative approach will provide a more comprehensive understanding of biological systems and disease mechanisms.
  • Citizen Science and Public Engagement: Engaging with the public and involving citizen scientists in genomic research could become a focus for DDBJ. By fostering public participation, DDBJ can raise awareness, gather valuable data, and promote greater involvement in scientific discovery.


The DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) stands as a cornerstone of the global scientific community, playing a pivotal role in advancing genomics and bioinformatics. Through its extensive resources, technological innovations, and international collaborations, DDBJ has significantly contributed to the understanding of genetic information and the advancement of scientific research.

Summary of Key Points:

  • Overview and Historical Background: Established as a critical resource for nucleotide sequence data, DDBJ has grown from its inception to become a major player in the field of genomics. Its evolution reflects a commitment to enhancing data quality, accessibility, and utility.
  • Objectives and Mission: DDBJ’s primary objectives include promoting data sharing, supporting global research efforts, and adapting to technological advancements. Its mission underscores the importance of open access to genomic data for fostering scientific discovery and collaboration.
  • Resources and Data Submission: DDBJ offers a range of databases, tools, and services that facilitate the storage, retrieval, and analysis of genomic data. The data submission process is designed to integrate new contributions efficiently, ensuring high-quality and well-annotated data is available to researchers.
  • Data Access and Usage: Researchers benefit from user-friendly interfaces and advanced search functionalities that allow for effective data retrieval and analysis. Tools and services provided by DDBJ support a wide array of research activities, from sequence analysis to data visualization.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: DDBJ’s collaborations with other genomic databases and research institutions are crucial for enhancing data sharing and supporting global research initiatives. Its role in international collaborations and data exchange agreements ensures that genomic data is integrated and accessible across platforms.
  • Impact on Research and Innovation: The data provided by DDBJ has led to significant discoveries and advancements in various fields, including human genomics, biodiversity, microbial genomics, and functional genomics. These contributions have driven innovation in medicine, conservation, and technology.
  • Future Directions: Looking ahead, DDBJ faces opportunities and challenges related to technological advancements, data management, and international collaboration. Embracing new technologies, enhancing data integration, and strengthening global partnerships will be key to its continued success.

In conclusion, DDBJ’s role in the global scientific community cannot be overstated. Its commitment to data sharing and collaboration is essential for advancing genomic research and fostering innovation. As the field of genomics continues to evolve, DDBJ will remain a vital resource, driving forward scientific discovery and supporting researchers around the world. The ongoing efforts to enhance data accessibility, integrate new technologies, and collaborate internationally will ensure that DDBJ continues to play a central role in the future of genomics.

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