Speciation – Definition, Causes, Types, Process

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What is Speciation?

  • Speciation is the evolutionary process where new, genetically distinct species arise from an existing species. This formation occurs as populations become reproductively isolated, leading to genetic differentiation that hinders interbreeding even if the groups were to reconvene. Essentially, speciation is a key mechanism in evolution, driving diversity by fostering populations with adaptive traits suited to specific environmental conditions or niches.
  • There are two primary pathways through which speciation occurs. First, transformation can modify an existing species over time into a distinct one, evolving new traits that better adapt it to its environment. Second, a single species may split into several, each branching into unique forms that become independent species. This divergence can happen either with geographic separation, known as allopatric speciation, or within the same location, called sympatric speciation.
  • In allopatric speciation, geographic barriers such as mountains or rivers divide a population, isolating subgroups from each other. Without gene flow between these subpopulations, they evolve independently due to different selective pressures and random genetic drift. Over time, genetic changes can accumulate to the point that interbreeding between the separated groups becomes impossible, marking the formation of new species.
  • Sympatric speciation, by contrast, occurs within a single geographical area. This can happen if, for example, a genetic mutation or trait preference in mating isolates a subgroup within the population. Polyploidy—where the chromosome number doubles—is a mechanism of rapid sympatric speciation, often seen in plants, which can instantly create a reproductively isolated group within the same area. Hybridization can also lead to speciation if hybrids are better suited to a niche and become reproductively isolated from the parent species.
  • Genetic drift and natural selection significantly influence speciation. Isolated populations may experience different environmental conditions, leading natural selection to favor different traits. For instance, if predators selectively pressure one population but not another, the impacted population may develop distinct adaptive traits, while the unaffected population remains unchanged. Over generations, these separate evolutionary paths result in the emergence of new species, each with unique adaptations.
  • Speciation’s impact on biodiversity is fundamental, contributing to the complexity of life on Earth by allowing populations to evolve specialized adaptations that enhance survival and reproduction in varied environments.
Darwin's finches or Galapagos finches.
Darwin’s finches or Galapagos finches. (John Gould (14.Sep.1804 – 3.Feb.1881), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

Definition of Speciation

Speciation is the evolutionary process through which new, genetically distinct species arise from an existing species, often due to reproductive isolation and genetic differentiation between populations. This can occur via mechanisms such as allopatric or sympatric speciation.

Factors Influencing Speciation

Speciation, or the process by which new species arise, is influenced by multiple factors that alter the genetic and reproductive characteristics of populations. Each factor contributes uniquely to the divergence necessary for new species to emerge. These factors include:

  • Genetic Drift (Sewell Wright Effect)
    • Genetic drift is a random change in allele frequencies within a population, occurring by chance and without direction. This randomness can lead to the elimination of certain alleles and the fixation of others in the gene pool.
    • Genetic drift has significant evolutionary implications, as it can shift allele frequencies independently of natural selection, thus contributing to genetic divergence and speciation when populations are isolated.
  • Natural Selection
    • Through natural selection, organisms better suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. This process influences speciation by favoring advantageous traits, which accumulate in the population over time.
    • Natural selection promotes adaptations that may eventually cause populations to diverge, leading to the formation of new species when reproductive isolation is established.
  • Mutation
    • Mutations introduce changes in an organism’s DNA sequence, creating genetic variation within a population. These alterations can occur due to errors in DNA replication, exposure to mutagens, or viral infections.
    • As mutations accumulate, they contribute to genetic diversity, facilitating evolutionary changes that drive populations toward speciation under the right conditions.
  • Geographic Isolation
    • Physical barriers, such as mountains, rivers, or habitat fragmentation, can divide a population, resulting in geographic isolation. When populations are physically separated, they cannot interbreed, and gene flow is interrupted.
    • Geographic isolation often leads to speciation as each isolated group adapts independently to its unique environment, accumulating genetic differences that foster reproductive isolation.
  • Recombination
    • Recombination, the process by which DNA strands are broken and rejoined, creates new combinations of alleles and increases genetic diversity. This process is essential in multicellular organisms and contributes to variation within populations.
    • By reshuffling alleles, recombination plays a role in generating genetic differences among individuals, thereby promoting divergence that can eventually lead to speciation.
  • Hybridization
    • Hybridization, the interbreeding of individuals from different populations or species, can occur during the process of speciation, creating hybrids with mixed genetic backgrounds.
    • Studying hybridization patterns, including introgression (gene flow between populations through hybrids) and hybrid zones, provides insights into genetic divergence and the mechanisms behind reproductive isolation. Hybridization can sometimes blur species boundaries but may also accelerate divergence under specific conditions, contributing to the speciation process.

Speciation Types

Speciation, or the formation of new species, occurs through different modes based on the level of geographical separation and gene flow reduction between populations. Each mode provides unique insights into the evolutionary process that drives biodiversity. The primary modes of speciation include:

  1. Allopatric Speciation
    • Occurs when a physical barrier divides an original population, leading to reproductive isolation.
    • Proposed by Mayr, this model suggests that barriers such as mountains, rivers, or deserts split a species into subpopulations, preventing interbreeding.
    • Each isolated group then adapts to its environment, accumulating genetic differences over time and evolving independently into distinct species.
    • Although some gene flow may occasionally occur, it remains significantly reduced to allow divergence.
    • Example: Darwin’s finches on the Galapagos Islands developed distinct body sizes and beak shapes in response to varying food sources across islands. Another example is the Grand Canyon Squirrels, which evolved into different species following the formation of the canyon.
  2. Peripatric Speciation
    • A special form of allopatric speciation occurring in small, isolated populations.
    • In peripatric speciation, the smaller population size increases the impact of genetic drift, allowing rare genetic traits to become fixed quickly.
    • Over time, natural selection favors traits suited to the new environment, leading to the formation of a new species.
    • Although this mode of speciation can be challenging to observe directly, it highlights the role of genetic drift in smaller populations.
    • Example: The Australian bird Petroica multicolor and the London Underground mosquito (Culex pipiens) are cases of peripatric speciation, where genetic drift and selection shaped species evolution in isolated environments.
  3. Parapatric Speciation
    • Involves populations distributed across a large geographic range without a distinct physical barrier.
    • Although populations are continuous, gene flow is reduced as individuals tend to mate more frequently with neighbors than with distant members.
    • As a result, genetic differentiation occurs due to varying selection pressures across the range.
    • Over generations, new species can emerge within the same population range due to reduced gene flow.
    • Example: In the grass species Anthoxanthum odoratum, populations near mines developed tolerance to heavy metals, while other populations did not. Limited interbreeding led to genetic divergence within the same general area.
  4. Sympatric Speciation
    • Occurs within a single population that occupies the same geographic area, without physical isolation.
    • New populations may exploit different ecological niches or develop reproductive isolation due to factors like chromosomal changes or non-random mating.
    • Often seen in herbivorous insects that shift to new plant hosts, sympatric speciation requires strong selection pressures to drive population divergence.
    • Example: The apple maggot fly, which historically laid eggs only on hawthorns, began using domestic apples within the last 200 years. This shift reduced gene flow between flies on hawthorns and apples, initiating genetic divergence and, ultimately, speciation.
Comparison of allopatric, peripatric, parapatric and sympatric speciation
Comparison of allopatric, peripatric, parapatric and sympatric speciation (Ilmari Karonen, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

1. Allopatric Speciation

Allopatric speciation is a significant mechanism of evolutionary change where a population is geographically isolated, leading to the formation of new species. This process is characterized by reproductive isolation due to physical barriers that prevent members of the population from interbreeding, ultimately resulting in divergent evolution.

  • Definition and Concept
    • Allopatric speciation occurs when a single, large population is divided by a geographical barrier, which inhibits gene flow between the resulting smaller populations.
    • The concept, initially articulated by Ernst Mayr, underscores that physical barriers such as oceans, mountains, glaciers, rivers, or deserts are pivotal in initiating the speciation process.
  • Mechanisms of Isolation
    • Geographic isolation can arise from various events, including the formation of new water bodies, erosion leading to new valleys, or the migration of individuals to remote areas.
    • The likelihood of speciation is influenced by the biology of the organisms involved; for instance, organisms capable of flight may continue to interbreed across barriers, while those less mobile are more likely to experience reproductive isolation.
  • Types of Allopatric Speciation
    • Dispersal: This occurs when a few individuals migrate to a new geographical area, leading to separation from the original population.
    • Vicariance: This involves physical separation due to natural processes, such as geological changes that split populations.
  • Process of Allopatric Speciation
    • The geographical separation creates different selective pressures on each population. As they adapt to their unique environments, they accumulate genetic and phenotypic changes over time.
    • Mutations contribute to this divergence, with natural selection favoring traits that enhance survival and reproduction in the respective environments.
    • Over time, these adaptations may lead to significant morphological differences, resulting in reproductive isolation and the emergence of new species.
  • Gene Flow and Reproductive Isolation
    • While gene flow must be reduced for allopatric speciation to occur, it does not have to cease completely. Some limited interbreeding may still occur, but significant divergence will still lead to reproductive isolation.
    • If populations become distinct enough, they may be classified as new species, with the inability to interbreed even if they come into contact again.
  • Examples of Allopatric Speciation
    • A classic example is Darwin’s finches in the Galapagos Islands. These finches, which evolved from a common ancestor, exhibit various adaptations in beak size and shape corresponding to different food sources on the islands. The isolation of these populations led to adaptive radiation, producing numerous distinct species.
    • Another example is the Grand Canyon squirrels, which were separated by the geological formation of the canyon, resulting in two different squirrel species.

2. Peripatric Speciation

Peripatric speciation represents a unique evolutionary process in which a small group of individuals from a larger population becomes isolated and subsequently evolves into a new species. This type of speciation shares characteristics with allopatric speciation but is distinct due to the size of the isolated population and the significant role of genetic drift.

  • Definition and Mechanism
    • Peripatric speciation occurs when individuals located at the periphery of a larger population become separated from the main group, often entering a distinct biological niche.
    • This isolation can result from geographical barriers or changes in environmental conditions, causing the small group to adapt to its new surroundings, such as utilizing different food sources or surviving in a unique habitat.
  • Role of Genetic Drift
    • The isolated population is typically small, leading to heightened effects of genetic drift, which can rapidly change allele frequencies within this group.
    • For instance, if a predominantly blue bird population includes a small number of red individuals, a subgroup may break away, with red becoming the majority in this new population. This shift can lead to a predominance of red in subsequent generations.
    • Genetic drift may also allow rare alleles from the small population to become fixed, meaning that these traits will be expressed in all individuals of the new population.
  • Adaptation and Divergence
    • Over time, the small isolated group may develop new genetic traits through natural selection, favoring those individuals best suited to the specific conditions of their environment.
    • As these adaptations accumulate, reproductive isolation may occur, leading to the emergence of a new species distinct from the original population.
  • Challenges in Identifying Peripatric Speciation
    • One of the difficulties in studying peripatric speciation lies in the challenge of determining the specific impact of genetic drift versus natural selection in the divergence of the populations.
    • Because the evidence can be subtle, differentiating the roles of these mechanisms often requires extensive research.
  • Examples of Peripatric Speciation
    • A notable example is the London Underground mosquito (Culex pipiens f. molestus), which adapted to the underground habitats of London. Originally a variant of the above-ground Culex pipiens, it has developed unique characteristics, such as being cold intolerant and breeding year-round, while the above-ground species hibernates in winter. Studies have indicated that these mosquitoes are reproductively isolated, as cross-breeding with the above-ground species results in infertile eggs.
    • Another example includes the Australian bird Petroica multicolor, which has evolved distinct traits in isolation.

3. Parapatric Speciation

Parapatric speciation is a mode of speciation characterized by the presence of subpopulations that are largely isolated but share a small region of overlap in their geographical ranges. This process can lead to the formation of distinct species without a complete geographical barrier separating them.

  • Definition and Mechanism
    • In parapatric speciation, populations are continuous but do not mate randomly. Individuals are more likely to interbreed with their neighboring members rather than those located farther away, resulting in reduced gene flow across the broader population.
    • This isolation often arises due to varying selection pressures across the population’s range, where environmental conditions differ significantly, influencing traits such as morphology and behavior.
  • Gene Flow and Mating Patterns
    • Due to the non-random mating behavior, individuals at the ends of the geographical distribution may exhibit traits that prevent them from successfully interbreeding with each other, even though they are part of the same species. This phenomenon can lead to what is termed a ring species, where neighboring populations can interbreed, but those at the extremes cannot.
    • The result of this selective mating can be an increase in dimorphism within populations, where distinct morphological variations appear within the same species due to the specific adaptations to their local environments.
  • Formation of Sister Species
    • Over time, the accumulation of genetic differences between these subpopulations can result in one or more distinct sister species that coexist with overlapping ranges. These species are typically genotypically dimorphic, reflecting the varying evolutionary pressures they have encountered.
  • Examples of Parapatric Speciation
    • A well-documented example of parapatric speciation is found in the grass species Agrostis tenuis, which exists in populations that inhabit both mine tailings and natural soils. Within these populations, individuals that are tolerant to heavy metals thrive in polluted environments but struggle in uncontaminated soils. Conversely, heavy metal-intolerant individuals perform poorly in contaminated soils.
    • Gene flow does occur between these subpopulations, particularly where their ranges overlap; however, variations in flowering times inhibit hybridization, allowing distinct genetic adaptations to persist.
    • Another illustrative example is Anthoxanthum odoratum, where populations residing near heavy metal-rich areas have developed tolerance to these metals. These populations can potentially hybridize, despite differences in tolerance levels, due to their close proximity, further blurring the lines of species differentiation.

4. Sympatric Speciation

Sympatric speciation is an evolutionary process in which new species arise from a single ancestral species while inhabiting the same geographical area. This form of speciation contrasts with allopatric speciation, where geographical barriers separate populations, limiting gene flow. In sympatric speciation, various ecological niches become the driving force behind the reproductive isolation and eventual divergence of populations.

  • Mechanism of Sympatric Speciation
    • Sympatric speciation often occurs when members of a single population exploit a new niche within their shared environment. For example, if a herbivorous insect begins to feed on a novel plant species, the specialized feeding behavior may lead to the evolution of distinct populations.
    • Over time, as individuals of the insect specialize in feeding and mating on specific plants, the gene flow between populations that utilize different plant sources diminishes. This reduction in gene flow fosters reproductive isolation, contributing to the emergence of new species.
    • Sympatric speciation can also manifest through polyploidy, which is characterized by an increase in the number of chromosome sets within an organism, often resulting from a meiotic error. This mechanism can occur in both plants and animals but is particularly prevalent in plants.
  • Types of Polyploidy
    • Autopolyploidy: This form of polyploidy occurs when individuals possess multiple complete sets of chromosomes derived from their own species. For instance, if a plant species with a diploid number of chromosomes (2n=6) undergoes an error during meiosis, it may produce gametes with double the chromosome number. These autopolyploid individuals become reproductively isolated from the original population, leading to rapid speciation as they can only interbreed with other autopolyploids.
    • Allopolyploidy: This type arises when two different species hybridize to produce fertile offspring with a new chromosomal composition. Cultivated varieties of wheat, cotton, and tobacco serve as examples of allopolyploidy, showcasing how hybridization can facilitate speciation.
  • Non-Polyploid Sympatric Speciation
    • Sympatric speciation can also occur without polyploidy. For instance, consider a species of fish in a lake experiencing increased competition for food. If a subset of the fish population adapts to exploit a different food source at a varying depth, these individuals may begin to communicate and breed predominantly with one another.
    • As this subgroup continues to occupy a distinct niche and remains isolated from the original population, genetic differences will accumulate over generations, eventually leading to speciation.
  • Example of Sympatric Speciation: Cichlid Fish
    • A notable example of sympatric speciation can be observed in the cichlid fish inhabiting a small volcanic crater lake in Tanzania. Within this population, two distinct ectomorphs exist: a yellow-green form residing near the shore and a blue-black form dwelling in the lake’s depths.
    • Genetic analysis reveals that these two forms are genetically distinct, indicating that they are undergoing a gradual process of speciation. The divergence in physical characteristics is likely linked to their adaptation to different ecological niches within the same habitat.

5. Artificial Speciation

Artificial speciation is a form of speciation that occurs through deliberate human intervention. This process can lead to the creation of new, distinct species by manipulating populations in ways that prevent reproduction or by selectively breeding individuals with specific morphological or genetic traits. Often associated with agriculture and animal husbandry, artificial speciation highlights the impact of human choices on the evolutionary trajectory of various organisms.

  • Mechanisms of Artificial Speciation
    • Population Separation: By isolating certain populations from their original groups, humans can prevent interbreeding. This isolation creates conditions conducive to divergence as genetic differences accumulate over time due to the lack of gene flow.
    • Selective Breeding: Also referred to as artificial selection, this method involves choosing specific individuals with desirable traits to reproduce. Over successive generations, these selected traits can become pronounced within a population, ultimately leading to the emergence of a new species.
  • Time Frame of Evolutionary Changes
    • The process of artificial selection has shaped the evolution of modern crops and livestock over thousands of years. However, in organisms with shorter life cycles, changes can be observed more rapidly. This accelerated rate allows researchers to witness the immediate effects of selective breeding and environmental adaptations.
  • Example of Artificial Speciation: Drosophila melanogaster
    • The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, serves as a prominent example of artificial speciation through experimental selection. In studies involving these flies, researchers place them in various environments that present different resources or habitats.
    • Over multiple generations, Drosophila melanogaster adapts to the specific conditions of its environment. For instance, when exposed to a particular food source, the flies evolve traits that enhance their ability to exploit that resource.
    • After several generations of adaptation, the flies are removed from their experimental environments and allowed to coexist. However, they remain reproductively isolated due to the changes that have occurred during their time in isolation. This reproductive isolation is a critical factor in the potential emergence of new species, as genetic differences may prevent successful mating between the adapted populations and their ancestral form.

Speciation Process: How Does Speciation Occur?

The process of speciation, or the formation of new species, generally unfolds in sequential stages that involve population isolation, trait divergence, and reproductive isolation. This series of steps highlights the mechanisms through which populations evolve genetic independence from one another, ultimately becoming distinct species. Speciation typically proceeds as follows:

  • Population Isolation
    • Speciation begins when a subpopulation of a species becomes isolated, preventing gene flow with the original population.
    • This isolation can be physical, as in allopatric speciation, where a geographical barrier separates the groups, or genetic, as seen in sympatric speciation, where isolation arises within the same location due to factors like niche differentiation.
    • Once separated, gene flow between populations is limited, initiating independent evolutionary paths.
  • Genetic Divergence
    • Following isolation, the separated populations accumulate genetic changes over time.
    • These changes result from various evolutionary forces, such as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift, which begin to shift traits within the isolated groups.
    • Over generations, these genetic modifications create observable differences in traits, such as mating behaviors, feeding habits, or habitat use, driving divergence.
    • Small but critical alterations, such as changes in mating signals or physical structures like male genitalia, can further reinforce separation by reducing the likelihood of interbreeding.
  • Reproductive Isolation
    • Eventually, genetic divergence becomes so pronounced that the isolated populations cannot interbreed successfully, even if they come into contact again.
    • This reproductive isolation may be physiological, where hybrid offspring are inviable, or developmental and behavioral, where differences in mating systems or courtship prevent reproduction.
    • Therefore, reproductive isolation preserves the distinctiveness of each population, solidifying their status as separate species.
An experiment demonstrating allopatric speciation in the fruit fly (Drosophila pseudoobscura) conducted by Diane Dodd.
An experiment demonstrating allopatric speciation in the fruit fly (Drosophila pseudoobscura) conducted by Diane Dodd. (No machine-readable author provided. Fastfission~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims)., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

Causes of Speciation

Speciation, or the formation of new species, arises from various factors that lead to the genetic divergence and reproductive isolation of populations. These processes are shaped by environmental forces, genetic mechanisms, and biological events that reduce gene flow and gradually establish distinct populations. The primary causes include:

  • Natural Selection
    • Natural selection drives speciation by favoring specific traits that improve survival and reproduction. According to Darwin, individuals within a species may develop advantageous characteristics that alter their genetic makeup.
    • Over time, these traits become conserved within the population, leading to the eventual formation of distinct species. In this process, one species may split into multiple species, increasing species diversity.
  • Genetic Drift
    • Genetic drift refers to changes in allele frequencies due to random sampling errors in allele selection for subsequent generations.
    • Although some argue genetic drift primarily drives evolution rather than speciation, it still plays a role in creating genetic differences within populations, which may ultimately contribute to new species development when coupled with other speciation factors.
  • Migration
    • Migration, or the movement of individuals from one region to another, can lead to the establishment of geographically isolated populations.
    • When populations migrate and settle in new areas, they may undergo genetic changes distinct from the original population, particularly as they adapt to different environmental conditions. This geographic isolation can reduce gene flow and eventually promote speciation.
  • Chromosomal Mutations
    • Chromosomal mutations can serve as isolating mechanisms by preserving favorable gene combinations that differ from those in the original population.
    • When such mutations are passed from generation to generation, they may create unique gene combinations within a population, gradually contributing to reproductive isolation and the formation of new species.
  • Natural Causes (Environmental Barriers)
    • Environmental events like the formation of rivers, mountains, or deserts can separate once-continuous populations into smaller, isolated groups.
    • This geographic isolation restricts gene flow between populations, and over time, reproductive isolation may develop, leading to distinct species adapted to their specific environments.
  • Reduction of Gene Flow
    • Speciation can occur without physical barriers if gene flow is reduced across a broad geographic range.
    • For instance, populations at opposite ends of a large range may rarely interact or mate, leading to limited gene exchange. Coupled with selective pressures like genetic drift, these isolated populations can undergo genetic divergence and eventually form new species.
  1. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/speciation-evolution/
  2. https://www.onlinebiologynotes.com/speciation-causes-process-types-and-examples/
  3. https://www.savemyexams.com/dp/biology/hl/25/revision-notes/unity-and-diversity/evolution-and-speciation/speciation/
  4. https://www.biologyonline.com/dictionary/allopatric-speciation
  5. https://biologywise.com/basic-modes-of-speciation#google_vignette
  6. https://www.biologyonline.com/dictionary/sympatric-speciation
  7. https://inspiritvr.com/speciation-study-guide/
  8. https://www.visiblebody.com/learn/biology/evolution/speciation
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciation
  10. https://byjus.com/biology/speciation-evolution-factors/
  11. https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/speciation-the-origin-of-new-species-26230527/

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