What are the steps in the scientific process? Describe each one.
What are the steps in the scientific process? Describe each one.

What are the steps in the scientific process? Describe each one.
What are the different levels of analysis in neuroscience research? What questions do research- ers ask at each level?
A region of the cerebrum is now called Broca’s area. What function do you think this region performs, and why?
What is the meaning of the term animal model?
What did Flourens’ experiments suggest were the functions of the cerebrum and the cerebellum?
What experiment did Bell perform to show that the nerves of the body contain a mixture of sensory and motor fibers?
What are brain ventricles, and what functions have been ascribed to them over the ages?
What is myelin? What does it do? Which cells provide it in the central nervous system?
Knowledge of genes uniquely expressed in a particular category of neurons can be used to under- stand how those neurons function. Give one example of how you could use genetic information to study a category of neuron.
Classify the cortical pyramidal cell based on (1) the number of neurites, (2) the presence or ab- sence of dendritic spines, (3) connections, and (4) axon length.