9. Hydrated synthetic seeds which are produced by ion exchange reaction involve mixing the somatic embryos in a solution of: (A) sodium alginate and dropping it in a solution of calcium nitrate (B) calcium alginate and dropping it in a solution of sodium nitrate (C) calcium alginate and dropping it in a solution of ammonium … Read more
10. Shoot organogenesis by tissue culture results into: (A) a bipolar structure that has no vascular connection with the explant (B) a monopolar structure that has a strong connection with the pre-existing vascular tissue of the explant (C) a monopolar structure that has no vascular connection with the explant (D) a bipolar structure that has a strong connection with the pre-existing vascular tissue of the explant
10. Shoot organogenesis by tissue culture results into: (A) a bipolar structure that has no vascular connection with the explant (B) a monopolar structure that has a strong connection with the pre-existing vascular tissue of the explant (C) a monopolar structure that has no vascular connection with the explant (D) a bipolar structure that has … Read more
11. ‘Hairy roots’ induced in vitro by the infection of Agrobacterium rhizogenes are characterized by: (A) P and R only (B) P and Q only (C) Q and R only (D) R and S only Where: P. a high degree of lateral branching Q. genetic instability of culture R. an absence of geotropism S. poor biomass production
11. ‘Hairy roots’ induced in vitro by the infection of Agrobacterium rhizogenes are characterized by: (A) P and R only (B) P and Q only (C) Q and R only (D) R and S only Where: P. a high degree of lateral branching Q. genetic instability of culture R. an absence of geotropism S. poor … Read more
13. In N-linked glycosylation, the oligosaccharide chain is attached to protein by: (A) asparagine (B) arginine (C) serine (D) threonine
13. In N-linked glycosylation, the oligosaccharide chain is attached to protein by: (A) asparagine (B) arginine (C) serine (D) threonine
16. Wash out (as defined by D=max) of a continuous stirred tank fermenter is characterized by (X=biomass, S=substrate concentration in bioreactor, So=substrate concentration in feed, P=product concentration in bioreactor): (A) X = 0, S = 0, P = 0 (B) X = 0, S = So, P = 0 (C) X =0, S < 0, P = 0 (D) X <0, S <0, P <0
16. Wash out (as defined by D=max) of a continuous stirred tank fermenter is characterized by (X=biomass, S=substrate concentration in bioreactor, So=substrate concentration in feed, P=product concentration in bioreactor): (A) X = 0, S = 0, P = 0 (B) X = 0, S = So, P = 0 (C) X =0, S < 0, … Read more
17. The study of evolutionary relationships is known as: (A) genomics (B) proteomics (C) phylogenetics (D) genetics
17. The study of evolutionary relationships is known as: (A) genomics (B) proteomics (C) phylogenetics (D) genetics
18. The lipopolysaccharides present in bacterial cell wall has lipid A which is connected to: (A) O-polysaccharide (B) core polysaccharide (C) both with O-polysaccharide and core polysaccharide (D) rhamnose-mannose disaccharide
18. The lipopolysaccharides present in bacterial cell wall has lipid A which is connected to: (A) O-polysaccharide (B) core polysaccharide (C) both with O-polysaccharide and core polysaccharide (D) rhamnose-mannose disaccharide
19. Molecular chaperones are a class of proteins that facilitate: (A) the proper folding of newly synthesized proteins (B) unfolding of newly synthesized proteins (C) degradation of newly synthesized proteins (D) targeting of newly synthesized proteins
19. Molecular chaperones are a class of proteins that facilitate: (A) the proper folding of newly synthesized proteins (B) unfolding of newly synthesized proteins (C) degradation of newly synthesized proteins (D) targeting of newly synthesized proteins
1. Embryonic stem cells are derived from: (A) fertilized embryo (B) unfertilized embryo (C) sperm (D) kidney
1. Embryonic stem cells are derived from: (A) fertilized embryo (B) unfertilized embryo (C) sperm (D) kidney
20. Gas vacuoles are present in: (A) Anabaena flos-aquae (B) Bacillus subtilis (C) Acanthurus nigrofuscus (D) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
20. Gas vacuoles are present in: (A) Anabaena flos-aquae (B) Bacillus subtilis (C) Acanthurus nigrofuscus (D) Mycobacterium tuberculosis