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Sourav Pan
23 Aug 2024

What will be the probability of having a colour-blind daughter to a phenotypically normal woman, who already had one colour-blind son, and is married to a colour-blind man? Options: (A) 75 % (B) 50 % (C) 25 % (D) 15%

What will be the probability of having a colour-blind daughter to a phenotypically normal woman, who already had one colour-blind son, and is married to a colour-blind man? Options: (A) 75 % (B) 50 % (C) 25 % (D) 15%

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Avatar for Sourav Pan
Sourav Pan
23 Aug 2024

Structured William’s model: P. can describe the changes in intracellular components of the cell during growth Q. can not describe the death phase of the cells R. can describe the variation of size of cells in the different phases of growth S. can not describe the lag period of growth Options: (A) P, Q and S only (B) P, Q and R only (C) Q, R and S only (D) P, R and S only

Structured William’s model: P. can describe the changes in intracellular components of the cell during growth Q. can not describe the death phase of the cells R. can describe the variation of size of cells in the different phases of growth S. can not describe the lag period of growth Options: (A) P, Q and … Read more

Avatar for Sourav Pan 1 Answer
Avatar for Sourav Pan
Sourav Pan
23 Aug 2024

Match items in Group I with Group II: Group I P. Glycolytic pathway Q. Eukaryotic oxidative metabolism R. Glyoxylate cycle S. Calvin cycle Group II 1. Chloroplast 2. Glyoxysomes 3. Mitochondria 4. Cytosol Options: (A) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4 (B) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1 (C) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1 (D) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

Match items in Group I with Group II: Group I P. Glycolytic pathway Q. Eukaryotic oxidative metabolism R. Glyoxylate cycle S. Calvin cycle Group II 1. Chloroplast 2. Glyoxysomes 3. Mitochondria 4. Cytosol Options: (A) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4 (B) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1 (C) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1 (D) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

Avatar for Sourav Pan 1 Answer
Avatar for Sourav Pan
Sourav Pan
23 Aug 2024

Match items in Group I with Group II: Group I P. Alzheimer’s disease Q. Mad cow disease R. Sickle cell anaemia S. Swine flu Group II 1. H1N1 2. Hemoglobin 3. Prions 4. Amyloid Options: (A) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1 (B) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2 (C) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3 (D) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4

Match items in Group I with Group II: Group I P. Alzheimer’s disease Q. Mad cow disease R. Sickle cell anaemia S. Swine flu Group II 1. H1N1 2. Hemoglobin 3. Prions 4. Amyloid Options: (A) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1 (B) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2 (C) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3 (D) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4

Avatar for Sourav Pan 1 Answer
Avatar for Sourav Pan
Sourav Pan
23 Aug 2024

Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion (a) and the Reason (r): Assertion: The elucidation of ribosome structure helps in the development of new generation drugs. Reason: The high resolution of macromolecular structure has enabled in structure-based drug design. Options: (A) both (a) and (r) are true and (r) is the correct reason for (a) (B) both (a) and (r) are true but (r) is not the correct reason for (a) (C) (a) is true but (r) is false (D) (a) is false but (r) is true

Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion (a) and the Reason (r): Assertion: The elucidation of ribosome structure helps in the development of new generation drugs. Reason: The high resolution of macromolecular structure has enabled in structure-based drug design. Options: (A) both (a) and (r) are true and (r) is the correct reason … Read more

Avatar for Sourav Pan 1 Answer
Avatar for Sourav Pan
Sourav Pan
23 Aug 2024

Match the terms in Group I with their associated functions in Group II: Group I P. Shine-Dalgarno sequences Q. Leucine zipper R. Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase S. RNA interference (RNAi) Group II 1. Aminoacylation of tRNA 2. Gene silencing 3. Ribosome binding and facilitation of translation initiation 4. Transcription factors Options: (A) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2 (B) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1 (C) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4 (D) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1

Match the terms in Group I with their associated functions in Group II: Group I P. Shine-Dalgarno sequences Q. Leucine zipper R. Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase S. RNA interference (RNAi) Group II 1. Aminoacylation of tRNA 2. Gene silencing 3. Ribosome binding and facilitation of translation initiation 4. Transcription factors Options: (A) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2 … Read more

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