What is Polyembryony?
- Polyembryony is a biological phenomenon wherein multiple embryos form within a single ovule, seed, or fertilized ovum. This process, first documented by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1719, involves the development of more than one embryo from a single egg. Although the embryos originate from the same egg and thus share genetic identity with each other, they are genetically distinct from the parent plant.
- Polyembryony contrasts sharply with other reproductive strategies like budding and sexual reproduction. In budding, new individuals arise from a part of the parent organism, leading to genetically identical offspring. Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, produces genetically diverse offspring through the combination of genetic material from two parents. Polyembryony, however, results in multiple embryos that are genetically similar to one another but distinct from the parent.
- One common type of polyembryony is nucellar embryony, where multiple embryos develop from cells in the nucellus, a tissue surrounding the ovule. This can occur if more than one nucleus forms within the embryo sac or if early cleavage of the pro-embryo leads to multiple embryos. Such mechanisms are particularly observed in conifers. In fruit crops, like mangoes and citrus fruits, polyembryony is frequently observed.
- In citrus and mango species, polyembryony can result in both zygotic embryos, formed from the fertilization of an egg cell, and apomictic embryos, which develop asexually from cells of the nucellus. For example, in trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata), a single seed can produce several seedlings. Typically, one of these seedlings may be sexual, while the others develop apomictically from nucellar cells, presenting diploid genotypes identical to the mother plant.
- Nucellar seedlings in citrus are notably advantageous because they are free from viruses, a benefit attributed to powerful substances present in the embryo sac and adjacent tissues that eradicate viruses. This characteristic makes polyembryony particularly useful in horticulture. The advantages include the production of true-to-type seedlings, which maintain genetic uniformity and can serve as virus-free rootstocks. Furthermore, these seedlings often exhibit greater vigor compared to those produced through continuous vegetative propagation, which tends to reduce plant vitality over time.
- Overall, polyembryony holds significant horticultural value by facilitating the development of virus-free seedlings and contributing to breeding programs. Its various mechanisms and applications underscore its importance in both natural and agricultural contexts.
Definition of Polyembryony
Polyembryony is the development of multiple embryos from a single ovule or seed, resulting in several embryos within the same seed, which are genetically identical to each other but distinct from the parent plant.

Types of Polyembryony
Polyembryony can be classified based on various criteria including the source of origin, frequency of occurrence, and ploidy level. Below are the primary types of polyembryony:
- Classification Based on Frequency of Occurrence:
- Strictly Monoembryonic:
- Definition: Plant species where the occurrence of multiple embryos is less than 6% are classified as strictly monoembryonic. These species typically produce a single embryo per seed.
- Characteristics: The low frequency of polyembryony in these species suggests that they primarily reproduce through a single embryo, with polyembryony being a rare event.
- Nearly Monoembryonic:
- Definition: In nearly monoembryonic plant species, the frequency of polyembryony ranges between 6% and 10%. This indicates a relatively low but noticeable occurrence of multiple embryos.
- Characteristics: While these plants predominantly exhibit monoembryony, there is a moderate presence of polyembryony, making it a more common but still infrequent phenomenon.
- Polyembryonic:
- Definition: Species where the occurrence of multiple embryos exceeds 10% are classified as polyembryonic. These plants frequently produce multiple embryos per seed.
- Characteristics: Polyembryonic plants exhibit a high frequency of multiple embryos, making polyembryony a significant feature of their reproductive biology.
- Strictly Monoembryonic:
- Classification Based on Embryogenesis:
- True Polyembryony:
- Definition: True polyembryony occurs when two or more embryos arise from the same embryo sac. These embryos can originate from various sources such as the nucellus, integument, or synergid cells.
- Examples: Plants such as citrus, mango, and jamun display true polyembryony, where multiple embryos develop within a single embryo sac, leading to the formation of multiple seeds.
- False Polyembryony:
- Definition: False polyembryony involves the formation of multiple embryo sacs within a single ovule, followed by the development of multiple embryos from these separate embryo sacs.
- Examples: In Fragaria species (such as strawberries), multiple embryo sacs are formed within an ovule, and each sac can give rise to one or more embryos.
- True Polyembryony:
- Classification Based on Genetic Basis:
- Gametophytic Polyembryony:
- Definition: This type of polyembryony occurs when multiple embryos develop from gametic cells within the embryo sac. These embryos can form from synergid or antipodal cells, either before or after fertilization.
- Ploidy: The resulting embryos can be haploid or diploid, depending on the stage of gametic cell division and fertilization events.
- Characteristics: Gametophytic polyembryony involves the formation of embryos from cells directly involved in gametic development, which may or may not require fertilization.
- Sporophytic Polyembryony:
- Definition: Sporophytic polyembryony arises when multiple embryos develop from sporophytic cells of the ovule, such as the nucellus or integument, without the need for fertilization.
- Ploidy: The embryos produced are diploid and genetically identical to the parent plant.
- Characteristics: This type of polyembryony results in embryos that are genetically similar to the parent plant, as they originate from non-gametic tissues of the ovule.
- Gametophytic Polyembryony:
- Classification Based on the Origin of Embryos:
- Adventitious Polyembryony: This is the most common form, where additional embryos develop from maternal tissues.
- Cleavage Polyembryony: This occurs when a fertilized embryo divides to form additional embryos.

Polyembryony in Gymnosperms
Polyembryony, the development of multiple embryos from a single seed, is a phenomenon observed across various groups of gymnosperms, including Cycadales, Coniferales, Taxales, and Gnetales. Each of these groups exhibits distinct mechanisms and frequencies of polyembryony, contributing to their reproductive success and genetic diversity. Below is a detailed exploration of polyembryony in these gymnosperm groups:
- Polyembryony in Cycadales:
- Group Characteristics: Cycadales, commonly referred to as cycads, are ancient gymnosperms recognized for their palm-like appearance and large, compound leaves.
- Mechanism: In cycads, polyembryony often involves the formation of multiple embryos from a single fertilized egg cell. This process may occur through cleavage, where the zygote divides into several cells, each capable of developing into an independent embryo.
- Function: The occurrence of polyembryony in Cycadales can result in the production of multiple seedlings from a single seed, enhancing the species’ chances of survival and dispersal, particularly in harsh environments.
- Polyembryony in Coniferales:
- Group Characteristics: Coniferales, or conifers, include well-known trees such as pines, spruces, firs, and cedars. These gymnosperms are characterized by their needle-like leaves and cone-bearing reproductive structures.
- Mechanism: Polyembryony in conifers can manifest through several mechanisms:
- Multiple Fertilized Egg Cells: In some cases, multiple embryos may arise from several fertilized egg cells within the same seed.
- Adventitious Embryos: Alternatively, embryos can develop from tissues other than the fertilized egg, such as the nucellus or integuments, a process known as adventitious embryony.
- Function: By producing multiple seedlings from a single seed, polyembryony in Coniferales enhances reproductive success and contributes to genetic diversity, which is critical for the adaptability of these long-lived plants.
- Polyembryony in Taxales:
- Group Characteristics: Taxales, represented primarily by the genus Taxus (yews), are gymnosperms known for their unique reproductive structures and often slow growth.
- Mechanism: While polyembryony is less common in Taxales, it still occurs. This can involve the formation of multiple embryos from a single fertilized egg cell or from multiple fertilized egg cells within the same seed.
- Function: Similar to other gymnosperms, the occurrence of polyembryony in Taxales can lead to the production of several seedlings from a single seed, potentially increasing the likelihood of successful seedling establishment and contributing to the species’ persistence in its environment.
- Polyembryony in Gnetales:
- Group Characteristics: Gnetales is a small, distinct group of gymnosperms that includes the genera Gnetum, Ephedra, and Welwitschia. These plants exhibit unique reproductive traits compared to other gymnosperms.
- Mechanism: Polyembryony in Gnetales is relatively rare. When it does occur, it may involve the development of multiple embryos either from a single fertilized egg cell or from multiple fertilized egg cells within the same seed.
- Function: Although less common, polyembryony in Gnetales can still contribute to reproductive success by producing multiple seedlings from a single seed, thereby enhancing the potential for species dispersal and survival in various environments.
Different Theories for Causes of Polyembryony
Polyembryony, the phenomenon where multiple embryos develop within a single ovule or seed, can arise from various mechanisms. Two primary theories provide explanations for this occurrence:
- Necrohormone Theory
- Description: This theory posits that polyembryony results from the degeneration of cells in the nucellus, a tissue surrounding the ovule.
- Mechanism: As the nucellus cells degenerate, they release substances that act as necrohormones. These necrohormones stimulate the adjacent cells to divide and differentiate, leading to the formation of additional embryos. This process can result in the development of adventive embryos, which are embryos arising from non-embryonic tissues.
- Hybridisation Theory
- Description: The hybridisation theory attributes polyembryony to genetic recombination during the process of hybridisation.
- Mechanism: When hybridisation occurs, genes from different parent plants combine to form a new genetic unit. This recombination can lead to the formation of multiple embryos within a single seed. The theory suggests that the genetic material from the hybridisation event causes the ovule to produce several embryos.
Possible Causes of Polyembryony
Polyembryony, where multiple embryos develop from a single seed, is influenced by a variety of factors. Understanding these causes is critical for advancing both fundamental biological knowledge and practical applications in agriculture. The primary causes of polyembryony can be categorized into genetic, environmental, and experimental factors.
- Genetic Factors:
- Chromosomal Irregularities: Polyembryony can arise from abnormalities during meiosis or mitosis. Irregularities in chromosome number or structure can lead to the formation of multiple embryos. For example, the ig gene has been implicated in maize, where mutations in this gene affect the number of mitotic divisions and may result in multiple embryonic cells. However, evidence linking the ig gene directly to polyembryony remains insufficient.
- Polyploidy: The presence of multiple sets of chromosomes, known as polyploidy, can also contribute to polyembryony. Polyploid plants often exhibit increased cellular and genetic complexity, which can enhance the likelihood of multiple embryos developing from a single seed.
- Hybridization: Polyembryony is sometimes observed in polyploid hybrids, where genetic mixing from different species or varieties may influence embryo development.
- Hormonal Imbalance:
- Auxin Regulation: One of the early hypotheses for polyembryony involves hormonal imbalances, particularly involving auxins. Auxins are plant hormones that regulate various developmental processes. Disruptions in auxin levels or auxin transport can lead to the formation of multiple embryos. Synthetic auxins, such as 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), have been used experimentally to induce polyembryony.
- Environmental Factors:
- Pollination and Fertilization: Factors affecting pollination and fertilization, such as the type of pollinator, pollen quantity, and timing of pollination, can influence polyembryony. Delayed pollination and specific pollinator types have been reported to increase the incidence of polyembryony in some species.
- Growing Conditions: Environmental conditions during the growing season can significantly impact polyembryony. For example, temperature, soil moisture, and air velocity can affect the frequency and development of polyembryonic seeds. In Citrus volkameriana, variations in these conditions were found to influence the occurrence of polyembryony.
- Experimental Induction:
- Chemical Treatments: Polyembryony can be induced experimentally by treating seeds or developing caryopses with specific chemicals. For instance, treatment with 2,4-D shortly after pollination has been shown to increase the incidence of polyembryony in maize, though this often results in smaller seeds with lower growth potential.
- Genetic Diversity and Variability:
- Differences in Genetic Basis: Studies have reported differing genetic foundations for polyembryony across species. For example, research by Shukla in mango and Andrade-Rodriguez in Citrus reshni identified distinct genetic markers associated with polyembryony. In contrast, some studies, such as those by Martínez-Gómez and Gradziel, found similar genetic compositions in mono- and polyembryonic seeds, indicating that the genetic basis of polyembryony can vary.
Examples of Polyembryony
Polyembryony is exhibited across various plant species, and different types of polyembryony can be observed in distinct plant groups. Here are some examples:
- Cleavage Polyembryony
- Description: This type of polyembryony involves the formation of multiple embryos from a single fertilized egg.
- Examples:
- Gymnosperms: Cleavage polyembryony is commonly observed in gymnosperms such as Pine, Cedrus, and Tsuga. In these species, a single fertilized egg can divide to produce multiple embryos.
- Simple Polyembryony
- Description: Simple polyembryony occurs when multiple embryos develop from fertilization of more than one egg or archegonium.
- Examples:
- Brassica: This plant genus, including crops like cabbage and mustard, demonstrates simple polyembryony where multiple embryos can develop from a single ovule.
- Mixed Polyembryony
- Description: Mixed polyembryony involves the occurrence of both cleavage and adventive embryos within a single seed.
- Examples:
- Argemone Mexicana: In this species, mixed polyembryony can be observed with various embryos developing through different mechanisms.
- Ulmus Americana: The American elm also exhibits mixed polyembryony, with embryos forming through both cleavage and other means.
- Adventive Polyembryony
- Description: Adventive polyembryony refers to the development of embryos from tissues other than the fertilized ovule.
- Examples:
- Citrus Plants: In species like oranges and lemons, adventive polyembryony is common, where multiple embryos arise from the nucellar tissue.
- Mangifera: The mango also exhibits adventive polyembryony, with multiple embryos developing from non-fertilized tissues.
- Opuntia: Commonly known as prickly pear cactus, this plant shows adventive polyembryony, with embryos arising from the nucellar cells.
Functions of Polyembryony
Polyembryony holds significant value in various aspects of plant breeding, horticulture, and propagation. Its benefits are observed in the maintenance of genetic uniformity and the enhancement of plant breeding practices. The following points outline the key importance of polyembryony:
- Plant Breeding and Horticulture
- Genetic Uniformity: In fruit trees such as citrus and mango, polyembryony results in embryos that are genetically identical to each other. This genetic uniformity ensures the consistency of desirable traits across generations, which is crucial for maintaining specific characteristics in cultivated plants.
- Trait Preservation: By using polyembryony, horticulturists can preserve and propagate beneficial traits, ensuring that new generations of plants retain the quality and characteristics of the parent plant.
- Nucellar Disease Management
- Consistent Quality: Polyembryony helps in the propagation of fruit trees by producing genetically uniform embryos. This uniformity is essential for maintaining consistent quality and characteristics in seedlings, which is beneficial for commercial fruit production.
- Propagation
- Homozygous Diploid Plants: Polyembryony provides a method for developing homozygous diploid plants. These plants are advantageous in breeding programs aimed at stabilizing and fixing desirable traits. The ability to produce uniform plant material supports efficient breeding and selection processes.
- Artificial Production
- Controlled Breeding: Polyembryony can be artificially induced, allowing for the creation of genetically uniform plant material from eggs or synergids. This controlled approach ensures the production of high-quality and productive fruit tree crops, enhancing agricultural outcomes.
- Multiplication of Fruit Trees
- Efficient Propagation: Polyembryony enables the efficient multiplication of fruit trees, facilitating large-scale production and the dissemination of high-quality plant material.
- Advancements in Horticulture
- Breeding Programs: Horticulturists leverage polyembryony in plant breeding to achieve precise control over plant genetics, which is crucial for developing new varieties with specific traits and improving crop yields.
What are the Agronomic benefits from Polyembryony?
Polyembryony, the phenomenon where multiple embryos develop from a single seed, presents several agronomic advantages that are of significant interest in crop production. This trait is especially valuable in commercial agriculture due to its potential to enhance plant productivity and reduce production costs. Here, we explore the primary agronomic benefits of polyembryony:
- Increased Plant Density:
- Enhanced Production: Polyembryony can lead to the development of multiple plants from a single seed. For instance, in maize, although polyembryony is rare, it can result in two to six normal plants per seed. This increase in plant density directly contributes to higher overall production.
- Efficient Land Use: With more plants emerging from the same number of seeds, the utilization of land becomes more efficient. This means that a given area of land can support a greater number of plants, potentially increasing the yield per unit area.
- Reduced Seed Requirements:
- Cost Efficiency: The ability to produce multiple plants from a single seed translates into lower seed requirements for planting. This reduction in seed quantity needed per unit area lowers the initial cost of sowing.
- Storage and Transportation Savings: Fewer seeds mean reduced storage and transportation costs. This cost efficiency is particularly beneficial for large-scale commercial operations where seed handling can represent a significant portion of the total production expenses.
- Uniformity and Reliability:
- Consistent Plant Characteristics: In species like citrus, where polyembryony results in embryos developing from the ovule nucellus, the resulting plants are genetically identical to the parent. This uniformity can be advantageous for producing rootstocks that exhibit consistent performance and traits.
- Predictable Performance: The genetic uniformity provided by polyembryony helps in predicting plant performance and ensuring that the desired agronomic traits are reliably expressed in the progeny.
- Potential for Increased Competitiveness:
- Enhanced Plant Vigor: Multiple embryos in a seed can lead to increased plant competitiveness, as the resultant plants may exhibit better growth and resilience. This enhanced vigor contributes to higher productivity and competitiveness within the crop.
- Lower Production Costs:
- Efficient Resource Use: With fewer seeds required to achieve the same or higher plant density, the cost of seeds is reduced, and fewer resources are needed for planting. This reduction in input costs can improve the overall profitability of crop production.
- Need for Further Research:
- Yield Performance Assessment: Despite these benefits, the impact of polyembryony on grain yield requires further investigation. Experimental studies on yield performance and population density are necessary to fully understand how polyembryonic varieties influence overall productivity and whether they offer substantial improvements in grain yield.
What are the Nutritional benefits from Polyembryony?
Polyembryony, where multiple embryos develop from a single seed, offers notable nutritional advantages. The enhanced nutritional profile of polyembryonic maize, compared to single-embryo varieties, underscores its potential in agricultural and dietary applications. This section details the primary nutritional benefits associated with polyembryony:
- Increased Protein Content:
- Higher Protein Levels: Studies have shown that polyembryonic maize grains exhibit a significant increase in protein content. Specifically, there is an enhancement of 4.5% in protein levels compared to single-embryo varieties.
- Lysine Enrichment: The lysine content, an essential amino acid, is notably higher in polyembryonic maize. Lysine levels range from 38–70.9 grams per 100 grams of dry material, with an increase of 21.3–34.0% per 100 grams of protein. This enhancement is crucial for improving the nutritional value of maize, especially in regions where lysine deficiency is prevalent.
- Enhanced Oil Content:
- Crude Fat Improvement: Polyembryonic maize grains demonstrate increased oil content, with reported improvements ranging from 3.5% to 13.6%. This increase in crude fat content is associated with a higher percentage of unsaturated oils.
- Optimal Oil Composition: The relationship between oleic and linoleic acids is more favorable in polyembryonic maize, contributing to better oil quality and nutritional profile.
- Superior Nutrient Quality:
- Crude Protein and Fat: The average crude protein content in polyembryonic maize is about 10%, which is 8% higher than that in native varieties. Additionally, the crude fat content in certain populations averages 6.2%. These improvements are linked to the higher lipid concentrations observed in polyembryonic grains.
- Increased Lysine and Fat Content: Selection for polyembryony has been associated with higher levels of crude fat and lysine in the grain. For instance, the lysine content can reach up to 4% in certain populations, providing enhanced nutritional value.
- Germplasm Optimization:
- Nutritional Quality Combinations: Research involving crosses between polyembryonic maize and high oil content (HOC) varieties has led to optimal germplasm combinations. The 50:50 ratio of polyembryonic to HOC germplasm achieved lysine levels of 2.7% and crude fat content of 6.9%, surpassing those found in common maize varieties. This suggests that specific combinations can significantly enhance the nutritional quality of maize grains.
- Potential for Specialized Varieties:
- Designing High-Quality Varieties: The increased lysine and oil content in polyembryonic maize can be utilized to develop varieties with specific nutritional profiles. This trait holds potential for designing maize varieties that cater to particular dietary needs or agricultural applications.
- Acceptable Product Quality:
- Physical and Chemical Properties: Polyembryonic maize meets the physical and chemical standards required for producing food products such as tortillas and flour. This ensures that the enhanced nutritional benefits do not compromise the quality of maize-based food products.
What are the different ways polyembryony can occur?
Polyembryony can occur through several different mechanisms. The main ways include:
- Formation of Embryos from Sporophytic/Maternal Tissue:
- This is the most common form of polyembryony, where additional embryos develop from the maternal tissues of the ovule, such as the nucellus or integument.
- Formation of Embryos from Cells of the Embryo Sac Other than the Egg Cell:
- In this case, embryos can develop from synergids or antipodal cells within the embryo sac.
- Development of More than One Embryo Sac within the Same Ovule:
- This involves the formation of multiple embryo sacs in a single ovule, which can lead to the development of several embryos.
- Cleavage of Proembryos:
- Here, the embryo that forms after fertilization divides irregularly, resulting in a mass of cells that proliferate and develop into multiple embryos.

What role do maternal tissues play in polyembryony?
Maternal tissues play a crucial role in polyembryony, particularly in the formation of additional embryos. Here are the key functions and contributions of maternal tissues in this process:
- Source of Adventive Embryos:
- In many cases of polyembryony, additional embryos develop from the maternal tissues of the ovule, such as the nucellus and integument. This is known as adventitious polyembryony, where the embryos are formed without fertilization and are genetically identical to the mother plant .
- Nucellar Embryogenesis:
- Nucellar embryony, which is the most common form of polyembryony, involves the initiation of embryos from the somatic cells of the nucellus. These cells can enter an embryonic developmental pathway, leading to the formation of nonzygotic embryos alongside a zygotic embryo within the same seed.
- Support for Embryo Development:
- Maternal tissues provide the necessary nutrients and support for the developing embryos. As the embryo sac expands, the embryogenic nucellar cells gain access to the endosperm, which is essential for their growth and development.
- Genetic Consistency:
- Since the additional embryos formed from maternal tissues are clones of the mother plant, they ensure the propagation of desirable traits. This is particularly beneficial in horticulture and agriculture, where true-to-type plants are often desired for cultivation.
- Facilitation of Multiple Embryo Formation:
- Maternal tissues can facilitate the simultaneous growth of multiple embryos, allowing for the coexistence of both zygotic and nucellar embryos in the same seed. This can enhance the reproductive success of the plant by increasing the number of viable offspring.
How do environmental factors affect the occurrence of polyembryony?
Environmental factors significantly influence the occurrence and degree of polyembryony in plants. Here are some key ways in which these factors can affect polyembryony:
- Pollination Conditions:
- The success of pollination can impact the formation of zygotic embryos and, consequently, the overall occurrence of polyembryony. Factors such as the availability of pollinators, timing of flowering, and environmental conditions during pollination can affect the fertilization process, which in turn influences the development of multiple embryos.
- Soil and Nutrient Availability:
- The availability of nutrients in the soil can affect the growth and development of embryos. Adequate nutrient supply is essential for the development of both zygotic and nucellar embryos. Poor soil conditions may limit the growth of embryos, potentially reducing the frequency of polyembryony.
- Water Availability:
- Soil moisture levels can also play a critical role. Sufficient water is necessary for the proper development of embryos and endosperm. If water availability is low, it may hinder the growth of embryos, affecting the overall occurrence of polyembryony.
- Temperature:
- Temperature fluctuations can influence the physiological processes involved in embryo development. Extreme temperatures may stress the plant and affect the normal processes of fertilization and embryo formation, potentially leading to variations in polyembryony rates.
- Light Conditions:
- Light intensity and quality can affect plant growth and reproductive processes. Adequate light is necessary for photosynthesis, which supports the energy needs of the plant during seed development. Insufficient light may lead to reduced seed and embryo development, impacting polyembryony.
- Genotype-Environment Interaction:
- The interaction between the plant genotype and environmental conditions can also affect the degree of polyembryony. Some genotypes may be more responsive to environmental factors, leading to variations in the frequency of polyembryony across different species and varieties.
What genetic factors influence polyembryony in plants?
Genetic factors play a crucial role in influencing polyembryony in plants. Here are the key genetic aspects that affect this phenomenon:
- Dominant Genes:
- Polyembryony is often controlled by dominant genes. Specifically, a dominant gene with a heterozygous allele (Pp) has been linked to the occurrence of polyembryony. The presence of this dominant allele can lead to the formation of multiple embryos, while its absence may result in monoembryony.
- Modifier Genes:
- In addition to the primary genes controlling polyembryony, modifier genes can also influence the degree and frequency of embryo formation. These genes may interact with the dominant gene to alter the expression of polyembryony, leading to variations in the number of embryos produced.
- Minor Genes:
- Minor genes may also play a role in the regulation of polyembryony. These genes can affect the expression of polyembryony traits and contribute to the variability observed among different species and varieties.
- Genetic Background:
- The overall genetic background of a plant species or variety can influence its propensity for polyembryony. Certain species are inherently more polyembryonic due to their genetic makeup, which may include specific alleles or gene combinations that promote the development of multiple embryos.
- Genotype-Environment Interaction:
- The interaction between genetic factors and environmental conditions can also affect polyembryony. Some genotypes may respond more favorably to environmental stimuli, leading to increased rates of polyembryony under specific conditions
- Biochemical and Molecular Markers:
- Advances in molecular biology have identified specific genes associated with polyembryony, such as those linked to somatic embryogenesis. For example, genes like msg-2 and SERK have been associated with the embryogenic processes in various plant species, providing insights into the genetic control of polyembryony.
How do heterozygous dominant genes affect polyembryony ratios?
Heterozygous dominant genes significantly influence the ratios of polyembryony in plants. Here’s how they affect these ratios:
- Control of Polyembryony:
- The presence of a heterozygous dominant gene (e.g., Pp) is often responsible for the occurrence of polyembryony. This gene can promote the development of multiple embryos within a single seed. When this dominant allele is present, it increases the likelihood of polyembryony occurring.
- Progeny Ratios:
- The ratios of polyembryony in progeny can vary widely depending on the genetic makeup of the parents. For instance, when crossing polyembryonic parents, the progeny ratios can range from 1:1 to 3:1, indicating that the expression of polyembryony can be influenced by the alleles inherited from both parents. This variability suggests that the dominant gene can interact with other genetic factors, leading to different outcomes in the offspring.
- Expression of Polyembryony:
- The degree of polyembryony can also be affected by whether the dominant gene is expressed in a homozygous (PP) or heterozygous (Pp) state. In some cases, homozygous dominant individuals may exhibit a higher frequency of polyembryony compared to heterozygous individuals, although this can vary by species and environmental conditions.
- Modifier Genes:
- The presence of modifier genes can further influence the ratios of polyembryony. These genes may interact with the dominant gene to enhance or suppress the expression of polyembryony, leading to variations in the number of embryos produced per seed. This interaction can create a more complex inheritance pattern, affecting the expected ratios in progeny.
- Environmental Interaction:
- The expression of heterozygous dominant genes can also be influenced by environmental factors, which may affect the overall ratios of polyembryony observed in different conditions. For example, certain environmental stresses may enhance the expression of polyembryony in plants carrying the dominant allele, leading to higher ratios of multiple embryos.
What are the agricultural implications of polyembryony?
Polyembryony has several agricultural implications that can significantly affect plant breeding, crop production, and the management of plant genetic resources. Here are some key implications:
- True-to-Type Propagation:
- Polyembryony allows for the production of genetically identical seedlings, which can be beneficial for maintaining desirable traits in cultivated varieties. This is particularly important in fruit tree crops and other perennial plants where consistent quality and characteristics are desired .
- Increased Seedling Production:
- The occurrence of multiple embryos in a single seed can lead to a higher number of seedlings per seed, which can enhance the efficiency of seed use and reduce the need for additional planting material. This can be particularly advantageous in commercial horticulture and forestry.
- Challenges in Hybridization:
- While polyembryony can be beneficial for producing true-to-type plants, it can also pose challenges for hybridization programs. The presence of multiple embryos can complicate the identification and selection of zygotic seedlings, which are often preferred for breeding new varieties. This can hinder the development of hybrids with improved traits.
- Genetic Diversity:
- Polyembryony can impact genetic diversity within populations. While it promotes the propagation of specific desirable genotypes, it may reduce genetic variability if the same genotypes are repeatedly propagated. This can make crops more susceptible to diseases and pests, as a lack of diversity can limit the ability of a population to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
- Utilization of Apomixis:
- Polyembryony is often associated with apomixis, a form of asexual reproduction that allows for the production of seeds without fertilization. This can be harnessed in breeding programs to produce hybrid seeds that maintain the genetic integrity of the parent plants, potentially leading to more stable and uniform crop varieties.
- Economic Benefits:
- The ability to produce multiple seedlings from a single seed can lead to cost savings in seed production and nursery operations. This can enhance the economic viability of certain crops, particularly in regions where labor and resources are limited.
- Research and Development:
- Understanding the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying polyembryony can lead to advancements in plant breeding techniques. This knowledge can be applied to develop new varieties with improved traits, such as disease resistance, drought tolerance, and higher yields.
How can knowledge of polyembryony be applied in plant breeding?
Knowledge of polyembryony can be effectively applied in plant breeding in several ways, enhancing the efficiency and outcomes of breeding programs. Here are some key applications:
- Selection of Desirable Traits:
- By understanding polyembryony, breeders can select for specific traits in polyembryonic species. Since multiple embryos can arise from a single seed, breeders can evaluate and select the best-performing seedlings that exhibit desirable characteristics, such as disease resistance, yield, or fruit quality.
- True-to-Type Propagation:
- Polyembryony allows for the production of genetically identical seedlings, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity of elite cultivars. Breeders can utilize this feature to propagate superior genotypes without the risk of genetic segregation, ensuring that the offspring retain the desired traits of the parent plant.
- Facilitating Hybridization:
- Understanding the mechanisms of polyembryony can help breeders design hybridization strategies that account for the presence of multiple embryos. By identifying and isolating zygotic embryos, breeders can enhance the chances of producing hybrids with improved traits while minimizing the complications associated with polyembryony.
- Utilization of Apomixis:
- Since polyembryony is often associated with apomixis, breeders can exploit this phenomenon to produce hybrid seeds that maintain the genetic makeup of the parent plants. This can lead to the development of stable and uniform crop varieties, which are particularly valuable in commercial agriculture.
- Enhancing Genetic Diversity:
- While polyembryony can lead to the propagation of specific genotypes, breeders can also use it to introduce genetic diversity into breeding programs. By crossing polyembryonic plants with diverse genetic backgrounds, breeders can create a wider range of phenotypes and genotypes, which can improve the resilience of crops to environmental stresses.
- Molecular Marker Development:
- Knowledge of the genetic basis of polyembryony can facilitate the development of molecular markers that distinguish between zygotic and nucellar seedlings. This can aid in the selection process during breeding, allowing breeders to track and select for specific genetic traits more efficiently.
- Improving Seed Production Efficiency:
- By leveraging polyembryony, breeders can increase the efficiency of seed production. The ability to produce multiple seedlings from a single seed can reduce the overall cost of seed production and improve the economic viability of certain crops, particularly in resource-limited settings.
- Research and Innovation:
- Continued research into the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying polyembryony can lead to innovative breeding techniques. Understanding these mechanisms can help breeders develop new strategies for enhancing polyembryony in crops, potentially leading to improved yields and better adaptation to changing environmental conditions.
Difference Between Apomixis and Polyembryony
Apomixis and polyembryony are two unique phenomena related to plant reproduction, each with distinct mechanisms and outcomes. Understanding these differences is crucial for comprehending the broader spectrum of reproductive strategies in plants.
- Type of Reproduction:
- Apomixis: Apomixis is a form of asexual reproduction. It allows plants to produce seeds without the fusion of gametes, meaning no fertilization is required. This process bypasses the sexual reproduction cycle entirely.
- Polyembryony: Polyembryony, on the other hand, can occur in sexually reproducing plants. It involves the development of multiple embryos within a single seed, typically following fertilization.
- Mechanism:
- Apomixis: The primary mechanisms of apomixis include parthenogenesis (development of an embryo from an unfertilized egg), adventitious embryony (formation of embryos from somatic cells), and apogamy (embryo formation without fertilization). These processes lead to the development of embryos without the genetic recombination that typically occurs during fertilization.
- Polyembryony: Polyembryony involves the formation of multiple embryos from one or more fertilized egg cells within the same ovule. These embryos may develop through various mechanisms, such as cleavage of the zygote or the initiation of embryos from different cells in the embryo sac.
- Genetic Diversity:
- Apomixis: Offspring produced through apomixis are genetically identical to the parent plant, as there is no genetic contribution from a second parent. This results in clones of the parent plant, preserving the genetic makeup across generations.
- Polyembryony: In contrast, polyembryony can result in genetically diverse offspring. If multiple embryos arise from different fertilized egg cells, the offspring may exhibit genetic variation. However, in cases where polyembryony results from somatic tissues or cleavage of a single zygote, the offspring may be genetically identical.
- Occurrence:
- Apomixis: Apomixis occurs in various plant taxa, including certain species of grasses, dandelions, and citrus fruits. It is particularly advantageous in stable environments where genetic uniformity is beneficial.
- Polyembryony: Polyembryony is observed in a wide range of plant species, including cycads, conifers, and various angiosperms. It may be induced by genetic factors, developmental processes, or environmental conditions.
- Seed Development:
- Apomixis: In apomixis, seeds develop without the need for pollination or fertilization. This process ensures that the seed carries the exact genetic information of the parent plant.
- Polyembryony: Typically, seeds in polyembryony develop after fertilization, with multiple embryos forming within a single seed. These embryos may all develop into viable seedlings, leading to multiple offspring from a single reproductive event.
- Reproductive Advantages:
- Apomixis: The primary advantage of apomixis is the preservation of genetic uniformity, which can be crucial in maintaining desirable traits within a plant population. This process also eliminates the dependency on pollination and fertilization, which can be advantageous in environments where pollinators are scarce.
- Polyembryony: Polyembryony offers the potential for increased genetic diversity and reproductive success. By producing multiple offspring from a single seed, plants can enhance their chances of survival and dispersal, especially in challenging environments.
- Examples:
- Apomixis: Examples of plants exhibiting apomixis include certain species of grasses (Poaceae family), dandelions (Taraxacum spp.), and citrus fruits (Citrus spp.).
- Polyembryony: Polyembryony is observed in plants such as cycads (Cycadales), conifers (Coniferales), and various angiosperms like mangoes (Mangifera indica).
Feature | Apomixis | Polyembryony |
Type of Reproduction | Apomixis is an asexual form of reproduction, where seeds are produced without the process of fertilization. This bypasses the need for male gametes. | Polyembryony occurs in plants that typically reproduce sexually. It involves the development of multiple embryos within a single seed, which may originate from fertilized egg cells or other embryonic structures. |
Mechanism | In apomixis, the embryo develops without fertilization through mechanisms such as parthenogenesis (where an embryo forms from an unfertilized egg), adventitious embryony (where embryos form from somatic cells of the ovule), or apogamy (where the embryo develops from a gametophyte cell without sexual fusion). | Polyembryony involves the formation of multiple embryos within one seed. These embryos can develop from a single fertilized egg cell through processes like cleavage or from multiple fertilized egg cells, each forming a separate embryo. The embryos may also arise adventitiously from non-gametic tissues, such as the nucellus or integuments. |
Genetic Diversity | Offspring produced through apomixis are genetically identical clones of the parent plant. This results in no genetic variation among the offspring, as they are exact replicas of the mother plant. | In polyembryony, the resulting offspring can be either genetically identical or genetically diverse. If all embryos arise from the same fertilized egg, they are clones. However, if multiple embryos form from different fertilized eggs, there is potential for genetic diversity. |
Occurrence | Apomixis can be found across various plant taxa, including many species of grasses, some dandelions, and certain citrus fruits. This process allows these plants to reproduce efficiently in environments where sexual reproduction may be challenging. | Polyembryony is widespread across different plant species and can be found in both gymnosperms (like cycads and conifers) and angiosperms. The occurrence can be influenced by genetic, developmental, or environmental factors, making it a versatile reproductive strategy. |
Seed Development | In apomixis, seeds develop without any need for pollination or fertilization. The process ensures that the seeds contain embryos genetically identical to the parent, enabling the perpetuation of favorable traits. | Seeds that undergo polyembryony typically form after fertilization, where multiple embryos develop within a single seed. Each embryo has the potential to grow into an individual plant, resulting in multiple seedlings from a single seed. |
Reproductive Advantages | Apomixis provides the advantage of producing uniform offspring, which can be beneficial in maintaining desirable traits across generations. It also eliminates the dependence on pollination, which can be advantageous in environments where pollinators are scarce. | Polyembryony can enhance genetic diversity when multiple embryos arise from different fertilized eggs. It also increases the likelihood of successful seedling establishment by producing several offspring from one seed, thereby enhancing the plant’s reproductive success. |
Examples | Apomixis is observed in species such as certain grasses, dandelions, and citrus fruits, where it allows for efficient asexual reproduction. | Polyembryony is seen in various gymnosperms like cycads and conifers, as well as in several angiosperms, providing a robust reproductive strategy that can adapt to various environmental conditions. |
What is polyembryony?
Polyembryony is a phenomenon where multiple embryos develop from a single ovule or seed. This can occur through various mechanisms, resulting in several embryos originating from one fertilized egg or from non-fertilized tissues.
What are the different types of polyembryony?
The main types of polyembryony include:
Cleavage Polyembryony: Multiple embryos are formed from a single fertilized egg.
Simple Polyembryony: Multiple embryos develop from the fertilization of several eggs or archegonia.
Mixed Polyembryony: A combination of cleavage and adventive embryos within a single seed.
Adventive Polyembryony: Embryos arise from non-fertilized tissues such as the nucellus.
Can polyembryony be artificially induced?
Yes, polyembryony can be artificially induced through techniques such as manipulating the growth conditions or using specific growth media. This controlled approach allows for the production of genetically uniform plant material, enhancing the quality and consistency of crops.
What is the significance of polyembryony in agriculture?
Polyembryony is important in agriculture for several reasons:
Genetic Uniformity: It ensures the production of genetically uniform plants, which helps in maintaining desirable traits and quality in crops.
Efficient Propagation: It allows for the rapid and consistent multiplication of fruit trees and other crops.
Disease Management: It aids in producing virus-free seedlings and rootstocks, improving plant health and productivity.
What are the causes of polyembryony?
Polyembryony can be caused by several factors:
Necrohormone Theory: Degeneration of nucellar cells releases substances that induce nearby cells to form additional embryos.
Hybridisation Theory: Genetic recombination during hybridization can lead to the development of multiple embryos from a single ovule.
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- https://www.brainkart.com/article/Polyembryony_38206/
- https://botany.one/2010/08/polyembryony-in-non-apomictic-citrus-genotypes/
- https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.11.17.387340v1.full
- https://www.adda247.com/school/polyembryony/
- https://www.indiabiologyneet.com/2020/09/parthenocarpy-apomixis-polyembryony.html
- https://pediaa.com/what-is-the-difference-between-apomixis-and-polyembryony/
- https://www.pw.live/exams/neet/polyembryony/
- https://www.vedantu.com/biology/polyembryony
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/differences-between-apomixis-and-polyembryony/
- http://jnkvv.org/PDF/0404202013333034200340.pdf
- https://www.embibe.com/exams/apomixis-and-polyembryony/
- https://www.aakash.ac.in/important-concepts/biology/apomixis-and-polyembryony
- https://www.vedantu.com/neet/difference-between-apomix-and-polyembryony