PCR Machine – Definition, Principle, Parts, Types Steps, Applications, Examples

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What is PCR Machine?

  • A PCR machine, also referred to as a thermal cycler or DNA amplifier, is a vital tool in molecular biology and genetics research. It plays a crucial role in amplifying small segments of DNA or RNA chosen from the genome using specific primers. This process is known as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
  • The PCR machine operates based on the principles of complementary nucleic acid hybridization and nucleic acid replication. It allows for the exponential amplification of target DNA or RNA sequences, increasing their quantity by a factor of 10^7 within a matter of hours. This amplification is achieved through a series of precise temperature cycles that facilitate DNA denaturation, primer annealing, and DNA synthesis.
  • PCR machines find applications in various fields, including research laboratories and clinical diagnostics. They are utilized to replicate DNA, detect specific DNA sequences, perform DNA fingerprinting, conduct forensic analysis, diagnose genetic diseases, and identify pathogens such as Hepatitis B and C viruses, HIV-1 (causing AIDS), Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Human Papillomavirus, and Cytomegalovirus. By rapidly amplifying DNA, PCR machines expedite temperature-sensitive processes like restriction enzyme digestion and enable quick and accurate diagnostics.
  • The significance of PCR in molecular biology cannot be overstated. Often referred to as “molecular photocopying,” PCR is considered one of the most groundbreaking scientific advancements in the field. In recognition of its impact, the inventor of PCR, Kary B. Mullis, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993. Prior to PCR, the examination of isolated DNA fragments was challenging due to the requirement of significant amounts of sample DNA for molecular and genetic analyses. PCR amplification revolutionized this process and opened new avenues for research and understanding in the field of molecular biology.

Principle of PCR

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is based on a set of principles that enable the amplification of specific DNA sequences. The key components involved in PCR are the template DNA, DNA primers, DNA polymerase enzyme, and deoxynucleotide substrates.

The principle of PCR begins with the selection of a single-stranded DNA template. This template acts as a scaffold for the DNA polymerase enzyme, which is responsible for guiding the synthesis of DNA. The DNA polymerase enzyme utilizes deoxynucleotide substrates to add nucleotides to the growing DNA strand.

To initiate PCR, a specially designed oligonucleotide primer is annealed to the template DNA. The primer is a short sequence of nucleotides that is complementary to a specific region of the template DNA. The primer serves as a starting point for the DNA polymerase to begin synthesizing a new DNA strand.

Once the primer is annealed to the template DNA, the DNA polymerase enzyme starts adding nucleotides to the 3′ end of the primer, synthesizing a complementary DNA strand. This process is known as DNA extension or elongation.

As the DNA polymerase extends the primer, it creates an extended stretch of double-stranded DNA. The newly synthesized DNA strand is complementary to the template DNA, and the primer remains bound to the template DNA. This double-stranded DNA region becomes the starting point for the next cycle of PCR.

During subsequent cycles of PCR, the DNA strands are denatured by heating, separating the double-stranded DNA into single strands. The temperature is then lowered, allowing the primers to anneal to their complementary sequences on the template DNA. The DNA polymerase then extends the primers, synthesizing new DNA strands.

Each cycle of denaturation, annealing, and extension doubles the amount of DNA present, resulting in exponential amplification of the target DNA sequence. This exponential amplification allows for the detection and analysis of specific DNA sequences even when starting with a limited amount of DNA.

Overall, the principle of PCR relies on the ability of DNA polymerase to utilize a synthetic oligonucleotide primer and extend its 3′ end to create an extended stretch of double-stranded DNA when annealed to a single-stranded template with a complementary region to the primer. This process of amplifying DNA through repeated cycles of denaturation, annealing, and extension has revolutionized molecular biology and various fields of scientific research.

Parts of a PCR Machine

A PCR machine, also known as a thermal cycler, consists of several key parts that work together to facilitate the amplification of DNA through the polymerase chain reaction. Here are the main components of a PCR machine:

Parts of a PCR Machine
Parts of a PCR Machine | Image Credit: Aakanchha Jain et al. 2020.
  1. Thermal Block: The thermal block is a metal block with precise temperature control capabilities. It contains a series of evenly spaced holes where reaction tubes, also called PCR tubes, can be inserted. The thermal block ensures that the samples in the tubes undergo accurate and consistent temperature changes during the PCR process.
  2. Heated Lid: The PCR machine has a heated lid that is pressed against the lids of the reaction tubes. The primary function of the lid is to prevent condensation from forming on the inside of the tube lids. Condensation can interfere with the reaction and lead to inaccurate results. The heated lid maintains the temperature and prevents the accumulation of moisture.
  3. Lid Knob: The lid knob is a mechanism that controls the movement of the heated lid. By rotating the lid knob clockwise, the heating plate is lowered, applying pressure to ensure a secure fit between the cap of the reaction tubes and the thermal block. Rotating the knob counterclockwise lifts the lid, allowing easy access to the tubes.
  4. Control Panel: The PCR machine features a control panel that includes a large graphical display for easy reading and monitoring. The display provides information about the current status of the machine’s features and functions. Additionally, the control panel incorporates a keypad that allows users to enter various protocols and settings required for the PCR process.
  5. Air Vents: To facilitate air circulation and temperature regulation, the PCR machine is equipped with air vents located on the front, lateral, and bottom sides. These vents allow for the output of hot air generated during the heating cycles and intake of fresh air to maintain an optimal temperature inside the machine.

These components work together to create a controlled thermal environment for the PCR process. The thermal block ensures precise temperature changes, the heated lid prevents condensation, the lid knob provides secure tube placement, the control panel allows for easy monitoring and control, and the air vents maintain proper air circulation. Collectively, these parts enable efficient and accurate DNA amplification in the PCR machine.

Components/reagents Required for PCR

1. DNA Template

  • The DNA template is a fundamental component in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process. It serves as the starting material from which specific DNA sequences are amplified.
  • The choice of an appropriate DNA template is crucial for the success of PCR experiments. The type of template used depends on the specific application of PCR. For traditional PCR, where the goal is to amplify DNA sequences, a DNA template is required. This DNA template can be obtained from various sources, such as genomic DNA isolated from cells or tissues, plasmid DNA, or purified DNA fragments.
  • In certain cases, such as in reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR), where the aim is to measure RNA expression levels, an RNA template is needed. In RT-qPCR, the RNA template is first reverse transcribed into complementary DNA (cDNA) using an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. This cDNA then serves as the template for the subsequent PCR amplification.
  • To ensure reliable and accurate PCR results, it is important to use a high-quality PCR template preparation kit. These kits provide methods for isolating or extracting DNA or RNA from different sample types, purifying the template to remove contaminants, and optimizing the template concentration for PCR. Proper template preparation is essential to minimize the presence of inhibitory substances and optimize the yield and quality of the template DNA or RNA.
  • The choice of a PCR template preparation kit will depend on the specific requirements of the experiment and the nature of the starting material. Different kits are available for various sample types, such as blood, tissues, cells, or environmental samples. These kits often include protocols and reagents for efficient extraction and purification of the template DNA or RNA, ensuring the best possible starting material for PCR amplification.
  • In summary, the DNA template is a critical component in PCR, and the choice of an appropriate template depends on the specific PCR application. Whether it is DNA templates for traditional PCR or RNA templates for RT-qPCR, using a reliable PCR template preparation kit is essential to obtain accurate and reproducible PCR results.

2. Thermostable DNA polymerase

  • A thermostable DNA polymerase is a key component in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process. It is responsible for synthesizing new DNA strands during the amplification process and must be able to withstand the high temperatures required for PCR.
  • During the initial step of PCR, the DNA strands need to be separated, a process known as DNA denaturation. This requires heating the reaction mixture to a high temperature, typically around 90 °C. Therefore, the DNA polymerase used in PCR must be capable of functioning at these elevated temperatures to ensure the reaction’s success.
  • One of the most commonly used DNA polymerases in PCR is Taq polymerase. Taq polymerase is obtained from the thermophilic bacteria Thermus aquaticus, which thrives in hot springs and other high-temperature environments. Taq polymerase is renowned for its ability to withstand the high temperatures necessary for DNA denaturation in PCR.
  • Taq polymerase is a heat-stable enzyme, meaning it remains active and retains its polymerase activity even at temperatures around 70 °C. This characteristic makes Taq polymerase an ideal choice for PCR, as it can withstand the repeated heating and cooling cycles required during each PCR cycle.
  • The thermostability of Taq polymerase is attributed to its origin in a thermophilic organism. These organisms have evolved to survive and thrive in extreme temperatures, and their enzymes, including Taq polymerase, have adapted to function optimally at these high temperatures.
  • In addition to Taq polymerase, other thermostable DNA polymerases have been discovered and utilized for PCR. Examples include Pfu (Pyrococcus furiosus) polymerase, Vent (Thermococcus litoralis) polymerase, and Tth (Thermus thermophilus) polymerase. These polymerases exhibit similar heat resistance and are valuable alternatives to Taq polymerase in PCR experiments.
  • Thermostable DNA polymerases have revolutionized PCR by enabling the amplification of DNA at high temperatures. Their stability and activity at elevated temperatures ensure efficient and accurate DNA synthesis during the amplification process, making them indispensable tools in molecular biology, genetics research, and various applications such as diagnostic testing and DNA sequencing.

3. Oligonucleotide Primers

  • Oligonucleotide primers are essential components in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process. These short strands of nucleotides, composed of DNA or RNA, serve as the starting point for DNA synthesis by the DNA or RNA polymerase enzyme.
  • The design of oligonucleotide primers is crucial for the success of PCR experiments. They are specifically designed to be complementary to the target DNA sequence that needs to be amplified. The primers are synthesized to have a sequence that matches the specific region of the template DNA where amplification is desired.
  • During PCR, the reaction mixture is subjected to different temperature cycles. One of the key steps is primer annealing, where the temperature is lowered to allow the primers to bind to their complementary sequences on the single-stranded template DNA. This annealing process occurs at lower temperatures, typically between 50-65 °C, depending on the melting temperature (Tm) of the primers.
  • The Tm of a primer refers to the temperature at which half of the primer molecules are annealed to the template DNA. It is influenced by various factors such as the primer length, nucleotide composition, and salt concentration. The annealing temperature during PCR is typically set a few degrees below the Tm to ensure efficient binding of the primers to the template DNA.
  • Once the primers are annealed, the DNA polymerase enzyme extends the primers by adding complementary nucleotides to the growing DNA strand. This DNA synthesis step is initiated at the 3′ end of the primer and proceeds in the 5′ to 3′ direction, creating a complementary DNA strand to the template.
  • The proper design and selection of oligonucleotide primers are critical for the specificity and success of PCR. The primers should be carefully designed to have a high specificity for the target DNA sequence, avoiding any potential cross-reactivity with non-target sequences. Factors such as primer length, GC content, and secondary structures should be considered to ensure optimal primer annealing and amplification efficiency.
  • In summary, oligonucleotide primers are short strands of nucleotides that are complementary to the template DNA sequence. They serve as the starting point for DNA synthesis during PCR and are designed to specifically bind to the target DNA region. The annealing of primers to the template DNA occurs at lower temperatures compared to DNA denaturation, and this precise binding is crucial for the successful amplification of the desired DNA sequence in PCR experiments.

4. Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate(dNTPs)

  • Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs) are essential building blocks for DNA synthesis in biological systems. They are required for DNA polymerase enzymes to catalyze the addition of nucleotides during DNA replication, repair, and other DNA synthesis processes.
  • Each dNTP molecule consists of a deoxyribose sugar molecule, a phosphate group, and one of the four nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), or thymine (T). These nitrogenous bases pair with their complementary bases (A with T, and G with C) during DNA replication, forming the characteristic double helix structure of DNA.
  • When DNA polymerase carries out DNA synthesis, it utilizes the template DNA strand and the complementary dNTPs to add nucleotides to the growing DNA strand. As the DNA polymerase moves along the template, it recognizes the exposed bases and matches them with the corresponding dNTPs. The polymerase catalyzes the formation of phosphodiester bonds between the nucleotides, resulting in the elongation of the DNA strand.
  • The incorporation of dNTPs into the growing DNA strand occurs in a highly regulated and accurate manner. The choice of the correct dNTP is determined by the complementary base pairing rule. For example, if the template DNA contains an adenine base, the DNA polymerase will select the complementary dNTP with a thymine base to incorporate into the growing strand.
  • It is important to maintain a balanced and sufficient supply of dNTPs for efficient DNA synthesis. Cells and organisms maintain pools of dNTPs that are tightly regulated to ensure accurate DNA replication and repair. Imbalances or deficiencies in dNTP levels can lead to errors in DNA synthesis, including mutations and genomic instability.
  • In summary, deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs) are crucial components for DNA synthesis. They provide the necessary nucleotides for DNA polymerase enzymes to add to the growing DNA strand during replication, repair, and other DNA synthesis processes. The accurate selection and incorporation of dNTPs into the DNA strand are essential for maintaining the integrity of the genetic information and ensuring proper cellular functioning.

5. Buffer System

  • Buffer systems play a crucial role in maintaining optimal conditions for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to occur efficiently and accurately. PCR buffers are carefully designed to provide the necessary pH, ionic strength, and cofactors required for the PCR reaction to take place.
  • A typical PCR buffer consists of several components, with Tris-HCl, potassium chloride (KCl), and magnesium chloride (MgCl2) being the key ingredients. Tris-HCl acts as a buffering agent to maintain a stable pH throughout the PCR reaction. It helps to resist changes in pH that may occur due to the addition of other reagents or the amplification process itself.
  • Potassium chloride (KCl) is an essential component of the PCR buffer as it contributes to the ionic strength of the reaction mixture. The ionic strength affects the stability of DNA molecules and the binding of primers to the template DNA. By maintaining an appropriate ionic strength, KCl helps to optimize primer-template hybridization and ensure efficient DNA amplification.
  • Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) is included in the PCR buffer as it serves as a cofactor for the DNA polymerase enzyme. Magnesium ions are essential for the proper functioning of DNA polymerase, enabling it to carry out DNA synthesis during the PCR reaction. The presence of magnesium ions facilitates the binding of dNTPs (deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates) to the template DNA and promotes the activity and processivity of the polymerase enzyme.
  • The concentration of MgCl2 in the PCR buffer needs to be carefully optimized for each specific PCR application, as it can have a significant impact on the efficiency and specificity of the amplification. Different PCR protocols or DNA templates may require varying concentrations of MgCl2 to achieve optimal results.
  • In addition to Tris-HCl, KCl, and MgCl2, PCR buffers may also contain other components such as stabilizers, detergents, or glycerol to enhance enzyme stability, inhibit nonspecific DNA binding, or prevent evaporation during the PCR process. These additional components can vary depending on the specific requirements of the PCR reaction or the nature of the sample being amplified.
  • In summary, PCR buffer systems are designed to create and maintain optimal conditions for the PCR reaction. Tris-HCl and KCl help to stabilize the pH and maintain the ionic strength, while magnesium ions serve as cofactors for the DNA polymerase enzyme. By providing the necessary pH, ionic strength, and cofactors, PCR buffers ensure that the DNA amplification process proceeds accurately and efficiently.

Pcr Cycling Process

The PCR cycling process involves a series of steps that are repeated cyclically to amplify the target DNA sequence. Here is an overview of the key stages involved:

Pcr Cycling Process
Pcr Cycling Process
  1. Initial Denaturation: The PCR reaction begins with an initial denaturation step at a high temperature, typically around 95 °C. This step ensures that the double-stranded DNA molecules in the template are fully separated into single strands, making them available for amplification. The duration of this step depends on the characteristics of the DNA polymerase and the complexity of the template.
  2. Cycling: a. Denaturation: The reaction temperature is raised to 95 °C, causing the double-stranded DNA to denature and separate into single-stranded DNA. b. Annealing: The temperature is lowered to around 5 °C below the melting temperature (Tm) of the primers, typically in the range of 45–60 °C. This allows the primers to bind or anneal to their complementary sequences on the single-stranded DNA. c. Extension: The temperature is raised to around 72 °C, which is the optimal temperature for DNA polymerase activity. During this step, the DNA polymerase extends the primers by adding complementary nucleotides to synthesize new DNA strands.
  3. Repeat: Steps 2a-2c are repeated for a certain number of cycles, typically 20-40 times. Each cycle results in the exponential amplification of the target DNA sequence, as the newly synthesized DNA strands become templates for the subsequent cycles.
  4. Plateau Phase: After several cycles, the PCR reaction reaches a plateau phase, where the amplification slows down or plateaus due to various factors such as limited reagent availability or nonspecific binding of the DNA polymerase to DNA products. At this point, the amplification is nearly complete, and the PCR products can be analyzed.

The number of cycles required in the PCR process depends on the initial amount of the target DNA and the efficiency of amplification. It is important to optimize the number of cycles to ensure sufficient amplification without reaching the plateau phase too early.

At the end of the PCR reaction, the amplified DNA products can be analyzed using techniques like gel electrophoresis. The amplified fragments can be visualized by staining the gel with dyes such as ethidium bromide or specialized fluorescent dyes.

Overall, the PCR cycling process involves repeated cycles of denaturation, annealing, and extension, leading to the exponential amplification of the target DNA sequence. This technique has revolutionized molecular biology and has applications in various fields, including research, diagnostics, forensics, and genetic analysis.

Steps of PCR – Process of PCR


  • Denaturation is a crucial step in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process that involves heating the reaction mixture to a high temperature, typically around 94°C. During denaturation, the hydrogen bonds holding together the two complementary strands of the DNA molecule are disrupted and broken apart.
  • The high temperature causes the DNA double helix to unwind, separating the two strands and resulting in the formation of single-stranded DNA. This process effectively converts the double-stranded DNA template into individual strands that can be utilized as templates for the subsequent steps of PCR.
  • The denatured single DNA strands now serve as the starting point or template for DNA synthesis. In the following steps of PCR, the primers (short sequences of nucleotides that are complementary to specific regions of the target DNA) bind to their respective sites on the single DNA strands. These primers provide a starting point for the DNA polymerase enzyme to initiate the synthesis of new DNA strands.
  • By breaking apart the hydrogen bonds and denaturing the DNA into single strands, denaturation enables the amplification of specific target sequences. The resulting single DNA strands can then serve as templates for the subsequent steps of annealing and extension in the PCR cycling process.
  • Denaturation is typically performed for a short period of time, ranging from 0.5 to 2 minutes at a temperature of 94°C, although the specific duration may vary depending on the enzyme used and the complexity of the DNA template.
  • Overall, denaturation plays a critical role in PCR by separating the DNA strands, generating single-stranded templates, and allowing for the amplification of specific target sequences through the subsequent steps of annealing and extension.


  • Annealing is a critical step in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process that follows denaturation. During annealing, the temperature of the reaction mixture is reduced to allow the primers to bind or anneal to their complementary sequences on the single-stranded DNA template.
  • Typically, the annealing temperature ranges from 54 to 60 °C, although the specific temperature can vary depending on the melting temperature (Tm) of the primers and the desired specificity. The reaction is maintained at this temperature for approximately 20 to 40 seconds.
  • The primers used in PCR are short segments of single-stranded DNA or RNA molecules, typically 20 to 30 bases in length. They are designed to be complementary to specific regions of the target DNA sequence that flanks the region to be amplified. Primers play a crucial role in DNA synthesis as they provide the starting point for DNA polymerase to initiate the extension of new DNA strands.
  • In the annealing step, the primers attach or bind to their respective complementary sequences on the single-stranded DNA template. The forward primer binds to the complementary sequence on one DNA strand, while the reverse primer binds to the complementary sequence on the opposite DNA strand. These two primers run in opposing directions, which allows DNA synthesis to occur in both directions from the primer binding sites.
  • The specificity of the PCR amplification is determined by the specificity of primer annealing to their target sequences. By using primers designed to specifically anneal to the target region, the PCR reaction selectively amplifies the desired DNA fragment while minimizing non-specific amplification.
  • Once the primers have annealed to their target sequences, they provide a stable template for the DNA polymerase enzyme to initiate DNA synthesis and extension in the subsequent step of the PCR process.
  • Overall, annealing is a crucial step in PCR that facilitates the specific binding of primers to their complementary sequences on the DNA template. It sets the stage for the subsequent extension step, allowing for the selective amplification of the target DNA sequence in the PCR reaction.


  • Elongation is a crucial step in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process that follows denaturation and annealing. During elongation, the temperature of the reaction mixture is increased to a range of 72 to 80 degrees Celsius, optimizing the activity of the DNA polymerase enzyme.
  • In PCR, a specific DNA polymerase called Taq polymerase is commonly used. Taq polymerase is derived from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus and possesses the unique ability to withstand the high temperatures required for PCR.
  • During elongation, Taq polymerase adds nucleotide bases to the 3′ end of the primers that have annealed to the template DNA. The enzyme synthesizes a new DNA strand by extending the primer in the 5′ to 3′ direction, which is the natural direction of DNA synthesis.
  • As Taq polymerase incorporates the nucleotide bases, a double-stranded DNA molecule is produced. The newly synthesized strand is complementary to the template DNA strand, resulting in the formation of a stable, double-stranded DNA molecule.
  • The elongation step is crucial for amplifying the target DNA sequence of interest. Each cycle of denaturation, annealing, and elongation results in the doubling of the DNA molecules present in the reaction. By repeating these cycles multiple times, typically 20 to 40 cycles, the desired DNA sequences can be exponentially amplified in a relatively short amount of time.
  • The duration of the elongation step depends on the length of the DNA fragment being amplified. As a general guideline, a 1-minute elongation time is sufficient to synthesize PCR fragments up to 2 kilobases (kb) in length. For larger fragments, the elongation time is extended at a rate of 1 minute per kilobase.
  • The elongation step completes one cycle of the PCR process. After the elongation phase, the reaction mixture returns to denaturation temperature, initiating the next cycle of denaturation, annealing, and elongation. Through the repetition of these cycles, the target DNA sequence is exponentially amplified, resulting in a significant increase in the number of copies of the desired DNA fragment.
  • Overall, elongation is a critical step in PCR that allows for the synthesis of new DNA strands using the DNA polymerase enzyme. The addition of nucleotide bases to the primer’s 3′ end by Taq polymerase results in the production of double-stranded DNA molecules. Through repeated cycles of denaturation, annealing, and elongation, multiple DNA sequences of interest can be rapidly generated.

Operating Procedure of PCR Machine

The operating procedure of a PCR machine involves several key steps that are automated and controlled by a device called a thermocycler. The thermocycler is designed to regulate temperature changes during the PCR cycling process, which consists of denaturation, annealing, and elongation stages.

  1. Denaturation: The PCR machine initially heats the sample to a high temperature, typically around 94 to 98 degrees Celsius. This causes the denaturation of the DNA, separating it into two single-stranded DNA molecules.
  2. Annealing: After denaturation, the temperature is lowered to enable the annealing of primers to the single-stranded DNA. The specific annealing temperature depends on the melting temperature (Tm) of the primers used. Typically, it ranges from 50 to 65 degrees Celsius. The primers attach to their complementary sequences on the single-stranded DNA.
  3. Elongation: The temperature is raised to the optimal range for DNA polymerase activity, usually around 72 to 80 degrees Celsius. The DNA polymerase enzyme, commonly Taq polymerase, extends the primers by adding nucleotides to their 3′ ends. This synthesis process creates two new DNA strands, one from each template strand. The DNA polymerase is heat-stable, allowing it to withstand the high temperatures required for elongation.
  4. Cycling: The thermocycler repeats the denaturation, annealing, and elongation steps in cycles. The number of cycles depends on the desired amplification of the target DNA sequence. Typically, 20 to 40 cycles are performed. Each cycle doubles the number of DNA molecules present, resulting in exponential amplification.
  5. Completion: After the final cycle, the PCR machine completes the process. The resulting DNA molecules are exact replicas of the original DNA segment. By duplicating the DNA during each cycle, the PCR process generates billions of copies of the target DNA sequence.

The entire PCR procedure is typically completed within a few hours, making it a rapid and efficient method for DNA amplification. The automated nature of the PCR machine and the precise temperature control provided by the thermocycler ensure accurate and reproducible results.

Types of PCR

There are several types of PCR techniques that have been developed to suit different research or diagnostic needs. Here are some common types of PCR:

  1. Real-time PCR (qPCR): Also known as quantitative PCR, it allows for the monitoring and quantification of PCR results in real-time. Fluorescent dyes or probes are used to label DNA molecules, and the increase in fluorescence is measured during each cycle to determine the amount of amplified DNA.
  2. Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR): This technique is used to convert RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) using the enzyme reverse transcriptase. It enables the amplification and detection of RNA molecules by first converting them into DNA.
  3. Nested PCR: This method involves two rounds of PCR amplification. In the first round, a pair of outer primers amplifies the target DNA. Then, a second PCR is performed using new primers that are “nested” within the first PCR product. This approach increases specificity and reduces the possibility of amplifying non-specific products.
  4. Hot Start PCR: It utilizes modified DNA polymerases or antibody-based inhibitors that remain inactive at lower temperatures during the initial PCR cycles. This prevents non-specific amplification and improves the specificity and efficiency of the reaction.
  5. Multiplex PCR: This technique allows the simultaneous amplification of multiple target DNA sequences in a single reaction by using multiple sets of primers. Each primer set is specific to a different target, enabling the detection of multiple targets in one experiment.
  6. Long-range PCR: It involves the amplification of larger DNA fragments, typically over 5 kilobases, by using specialized DNA polymerases that can withstand the challenges associated with amplifying long DNA sequences.
  7. In situ PCR: This type of PCR is performed directly within cells or fixed tissue on a slide. It allows for the localization and amplification of specific DNA or RNA sequences within the original cellular context.
  8. Asymmetric PCR: In this approach, one primer is used in excess compared to the other primer, resulting in the preferential amplification of a single strand of the target DNA. It is commonly used for DNA sequencing or generating templates for other downstream applications.
  9. Assembly PCR: It involves the use of overlapping primers to amplify and assemble multiple DNA fragments into a larger construct. This technique is useful for gene cloning, mutagenesis, or creating synthetic DNA constructs.

These different types of PCR techniques offer versatility and specificity in amplifying, quantifying, or manipulating DNA or RNA molecules for various research, diagnostic, or biotechnological applications.

What Is Taq Polymerase?

  • Taq DNA polymerase is a crucial enzyme used in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, which allows for the amplification of specific DNA fragments. Derived from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus, Taq polymerase exhibits remarkable thermostability, making it an ideal choice for PCR applications.
  • The enzyme is produced in a recombinant form using Escherichia coli as the host organism. This enables large-scale production and easy purification of Taq polymerase for laboratory use. One of the key advantages of Taq polymerase is its ability to withstand the high temperatures required for PCR without significant loss of activity.
  • During the PCR process, the DNA template is denatured by heating to around 95 °C to separate the DNA strands. Taq polymerase remains active even at these elevated temperatures, allowing for efficient DNA amplification. This thermostability is attributed to the enzyme’s origin from a thermophilic bacterium.
  • Taq DNA polymerase possesses a molecular weight of approximately 94 kDa, as determined by SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). It has been extensively characterized, and no detectable endonuclease or exonuclease activity has been observed in this enzyme.
  • The enzyme exhibits 5’→3′ DNA polymerase activity, meaning it synthesizes new DNA strands by extending them in the 5′ to 3′ direction. This activity is vital for DNA amplification during PCR. Additionally, Taq polymerase also possesses 5’→3′ exonuclease activity, allowing it to proofread and correct errors that may occur during DNA synthesis.
  • To ensure quality and reliability, each lot of Taq DNA polymerase undergoes rigorous testing for its ability to facilitate PCR amplification and double-stranded sequencing. This quality control ensures that researchers can rely on the performance of the enzyme for their experiments.
  • Taq polymerase is typically supplied in a concentrated form, with a typical concentration of 5 units/µL. It is accompanied by an optimized 10x reaction buffer, which provides the necessary cofactors and salts for efficient PCR amplification.
  • In summary, Taq DNA polymerase is a highly valuable enzyme in molecular biology and genetics research. Its thermostability, DNA polymerase activity, and exonuclease activity make it an essential component for PCR, allowing scientists to amplify DNA fragments and perform a wide range of molecular biology techniques.

Applications of PCR

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) has a wide range of applications in various fields. Here are some notable applications of PCR:

  • Gene Transcription: PCR can be used to investigate differences in gene transcription among different cell types, tissues, or species. Reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) is commonly used to convert RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA), which can then be amplified and quantified to determine the levels of gene expression.
  • Genotyping: PCR is utilized to determine sequence differences in alleles of cells or organisms. It is commonly used for genotyping transgenic organisms to amplify and analyze specific genetic mutations or transgenic elements.
  • Cloning and Mutagenesis: PCR cloning enables the insertion of amplified DNA fragments into vectors, such as genomic DNA (gDNA), cDNA, or plasmid DNA, allowing the creation of new bacterial strains with altered genetic makeup. PCR is also employed for site-directed mutagenesis to introduce specific point mutations or create novel gene fusions.
  • Sequencing: PCR is an integral part of DNA sequencing workflows. It is used to amplify the template DNA, which is then purified and processed for sequencing. PCR is also employed in library preparation for next-generation sequencing (NGS) to quantify DNA samples and attach sequencing adaptors for multiplexing.
  • Medicine and Biomedical Research: PCR has diverse applications in medicine, including the identification of genetic changes associated with diseases and the detection of infectious organisms. Prenatal genetic testing utilizes PCR to detect chromosomal abnormalities and genetic mutations in pregnancies. PCR is also used in preimplantation genetic diagnosis for screening embryos during in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  • Forensic Science: PCR is invaluable in forensic investigations for identifying the sources of samples and performing paternity testing. It can amplify DNA from trace amounts of biological material, aiding in the identification of individuals in criminal cases. PCR is also used in molecular archaeology to amplify DNA from ancient artifacts.
  • Environmental Microbiology and Food Safety: PCR plays a vital role in environmental microbiology and food safety. It enables the detection of pathogens not only in patient samples but also in food and water matrices. PCR-based methods help diagnose and prevent infectious diseases by identifying and monitoring pathogenic organisms.

These are just a few examples of the numerous applications of PCR. Its versatility, sensitivity, and specificity have revolutionized various fields of research, diagnostics, medicine, and forensic science, allowing for rapid and accurate amplification, quantification, and analysis of DNA or RNA molecules.

Advantages of PCR

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) offers several advantages that have revolutionized molecular biology, diagnostics, and research. Here are some key advantages of PCR:

  • Rapid Results: PCR enables quick and efficient amplification of DNA or RNA sequences, providing results in a relatively short period. Traditional culture-based methods often require days or weeks to grow and identify microorganisms, while PCR can produce results within hours.
  • Increased Sensitivity: PCR is highly sensitive and can detect small amounts of target DNA or RNA, even in samples with low bacterial or viral loads. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with specimens that have low microbial counts, such as blood or cerebrospinal fluid, allowing for the rapid identification of bacteremia or infections that may have been missed by conventional methods.
  • Detection of Fastidious Organisms: Some microorganisms are challenging to cultivate in vitro or may require specialized growth conditions, making their identification time-consuming. PCR can directly detect the presence of specific DNA or RNA sequences from these organisms, overcoming the limitations of culture-based methods and facilitating the diagnosis of infections caused by fastidious pathogens.
  • Rapid Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases: PCR has greatly accelerated the diagnosis of infectious diseases, enabling prompt and targeted treatment decisions. By detecting the genetic material of pathogens, PCR bypasses the need for time-consuming culture steps, allowing for early identification and intervention, particularly in cases where delays can significantly impact patient outcomes.
  • Antimicrobial Resistance Testing: PCR can be employed to test for antimicrobial resistance genes, providing valuable information about the susceptibility of pathogens to various antibiotics. This aids in guiding appropriate treatment decisions and helps in the prevention and control of antibiotic resistance.
  • Complementary Test: PCR serves as a valuable complementary test to conventional methods such as microscopy and culture. While microscopy and culture remain essential for certain diagnostic procedures, PCR can provide additional information, enhance sensitivity, and expedite the identification of pathogens.

Limitations of PCR

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) has transformed molecular biology and diagnostics, but it also has certain limitations that need to be considered. Here are some key limitations of PCR:

  • Target Sequence Dependency: PCR requires prior knowledge of the target sequence for primer design. This means that amplification of unknown targets or sequences not previously characterized can be challenging. The success of PCR relies on having specific primers that anneal to the target region, making it essential to have prior knowledge or sequencing information.
  • Potential for DNA Polymerase Errors: The DNA polymerases used in PCR can occasionally introduce errors during DNA synthesis, leading to mutations in the PCR product. This can be a concern, especially when amplifying longer DNA fragments or when using error-prone polymerases. Care must be taken to choose appropriate DNA polymerases with high fidelity to minimize the risk of introducing mutations.
  • Contamination Issues: PCR is highly sensitive to contamination, as even a small amount of extraneous DNA can lead to false-positive results or misinterpretation of data. Contamination can occur at various stages, including during sample preparation, handling of reagents, or carryover from previous PCR products. Strict adherence to good laboratory practices and proper controls are crucial to minimize the risk of contamination.
  • Decreased Efficiency with Larger Amplicons: As the size of the amplicon (the DNA fragment being amplified) increases, PCR efficiency tends to decrease. Amplifying larger DNA fragments may require optimization of reaction conditions, including adjusting primer concentrations, extension times, or using specialized polymerases suited for amplifying longer targets.
  • Inhibition and Complex Sample Matrices: Certain sample types, such as those containing inhibitors or complex matrices (e.g., blood, soil, or fecal samples), can interfere with PCR amplification. Inhibitory substances present in the sample can affect the efficiency and specificity of PCR, leading to false-negative results or reduced sensitivity. Pre-treatment steps, purification methods, or alternative PCR strategies may be required to overcome these limitations.
  • Quantitative Limitations: Standard PCR is not inherently quantitative, as it amplifies DNA exponentially rather than linearly. While real-time PCR (qPCR) allows for quantitative analysis, it requires appropriate calibration curves and controls to accurately quantify target DNA.

Despite these limitations, PCR remains a powerful and widely used technique with numerous applications. Addressing these limitations through careful experimental design, optimization, appropriate controls, and quality assurance measures can help mitigate potential challenges and ensure accurate and reliable PCR results.

Precautions using PCR Machine

When working with a PCR machine, it is important to follow certain precautions to ensure accurate and safe operation. Here are some key precautions to consider:

  • Use Compatible Tubes and Plates: Only use tubes and plates specifically designed for PCR. These are designed to withstand the high temperatures and rapid temperature changes during PCR cycles. Using inappropriate containers may result in leaks, evaporation, or melting, affecting the PCR reaction.
  • Check Tight Sealing: Before starting a PCR run, ensure that tubes and plates are tightly sealed to prevent evaporation and contamination. Improper sealing can lead to loss of reaction volume and potential contamination from outside sources.
  • Clean Spills Properly: In the event of any spills or contamination, clean them up immediately. Use appropriate disinfectants and follow proper laboratory protocols for biohazard waste disposal. Minimizing the risk of contamination is crucial to obtaining reliable PCR results.
  • Handle PCR Machine Lid with Care: The lid of the PCR machine is delicate and can break if dropped or banged. Handle it carefully to avoid any damage. Damaged lids can compromise the temperature uniformity and sealing of the reaction, affecting the PCR results.
  • Turn Off the PCR Machine: Once the PCR run is completed, it is important to turn off the PCR machine to conserve energy and ensure safe operation. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper shutdown procedures.
  • Clean the PCR Heating Block: Before starting a new PCR run, ensure that the heating block is clean. Any debris or residue from previous runs can interfere with temperature uniformity and impact the accuracy of subsequent reactions. Clean the block according to the manufacturer’s instructions using appropriate cleaning agents.
  • Distribute Tubes Evenly: When loading tubes onto the PCR heating block, distribute them evenly to ensure that the lid sits flat and applies even pressure to all tubes. This helps to ensure consistent heating and sealing of the reaction mixtures across all tubes.

By following these precautions, you can help maintain the integrity of your PCR experiments, minimize the risk of contamination, and ensure the accurate and reliable amplification of your target DNA sequences.

Examples of PCR Machine

There are several examples of PCR machines available in the market, each offering unique features and capabilities. Here are some examples:

  1. Biometra TAdvanced Thermal Cycler Series (Analytik Jena): This PCR machine series offers twelve distinct sample blocks, including a high-end 96-well silver block. It utilizes advanced control electronics to provide fast heating and cooling, ensuring efficient temperature ramping. Features like Fastest Ramping, Highest Accuracy, Intelligent Block/Well Control (RAC), and High-Performance Smart Lid Technology (HPSL) contribute to temperature uniformity, reproducibility, and ease of use.
  2. MiniAmp™ Plus Thermal Cycler (ThermoFisher Scientific): This thermal cycler features VeriFlex Blocks with three distinct temperature zones, allowing precise temperature management for PCR optimization. It has a user-friendly 5-inch color touch-screen for programming and instruction. The compact size of the MiniAmp Thermal Cycler makes it suitable for limited bench space, and Thermo Fisher Connect enables method design and upload through WiFi connectivity.
  3. PCR Thermal Cyclers (Esco): Esco offers a range of conventional thermal cycler and real-time thermal cycler models suitable for various PCR processes. These thermal cyclers are designed to meet strict requirements and utilize cutting-edge Peltier temperature control technology, ensuring accurate control, quick ramp rates, and minimal temperature overshoot or undershoot.
  4. GET-S SERIES THERMAL CYCLER (Bio-gener): The GET-S series thermal cycler features an extended service life peltier and offers fast ramping rates and long cycle times. It integrates advanced technology such as the Android operating system, color capacitive touch screen, multiple block possibilities, integrated WIFI module, PC software control functionality, and email notification functionality. These features contribute to high performance and meet demanding experiment requirements.
  5. MiniAmp Plus Thermal Cycler and the MiniAmp Thermal Cycler (Delta Science): These compact thermal cyclers are designed to fit on any benchtop. Thermo Fisher Connect enables easy access to the instrument remotely. The Applied Biosystems MiniAmpTM Plus Thermal Cycler offers the option of VeriFlexTM temperature control technology for PCR optimization.

These examples highlight the diversity of PCR machines available, with features such as advanced temperature control, rapid heating and cooling, user-friendly interfaces, connectivity options, and compact designs. Researchers can choose the PCR machine that best fits their specific needs and experimental requirements.


What is a PCR machine?

A PCR machine, also known as a thermal cycler, is a laboratory instrument used to perform the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. It allows for the amplification of specific DNA sequences by cycling through different temperature stages.

How does a PCR machine work?

A PCR machine works by cycling through a series of temperature changes to facilitate DNA amplification. It includes stages such as denaturation (separation of DNA strands), annealing (primer binding to the DNA template), and elongation (DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase).

What are the main components of a PCR machine?

The main components of a PCR machine include a heating block with precise temperature control, a lid to cover the reaction vessels, a control panel or interface for programming and monitoring, and a system for temperature regulation and cycling.

What are the temperature ranges typically used in a PCR machine?

The temperature ranges used in a PCR machine can vary depending on the specific PCR protocol. Common temperature ranges include denaturation at around 94-98°C, annealing at 50-68°C, and elongation at 68-72°C.

Can a PCR machine accommodate different sample formats?

Yes, PCR machines are designed to accommodate various sample formats, including PCR tubes, PCR plates, and PCR strips. The machine may have interchangeable blocks or wells to accommodate different sample formats.

How long does a typical PCR run take?

The duration of a PCR run depends on several factors, including the target DNA sequence and the number of cycles required. Generally, a typical PCR run can range from 1 to 3 hours, but more extensive or specialized protocols may require longer run times.

How accurate are PCR machines in temperature control?

PCR machines are designed to provide precise temperature control within a tight range. Advanced PCR machines incorporate temperature control technologies, such as Peltier elements, to achieve accurate and uniform temperature regulation.

Can PCR machines be programmed for specific PCR protocols?

Yes, PCR machines feature programmable interfaces that allow users to set and adjust temperature parameters, cycling times, and other protocol-specific parameters. This flexibility enables customization and optimization of PCR protocols.

How can contamination be prevented in PCR machines?

To prevent contamination in PCR machines, it is crucial to follow good laboratory practices. This includes using sterile techniques, working in a clean and dedicated PCR workspace, regularly cleaning the machine and accessories, and implementing proper waste disposal protocols.

Can PCR machines be connected to a computer or network?

Many modern PCR machines have connectivity options, such as USB or Ethernet ports, enabling them to be connected to computers or networks. This connectivity allows for data transfer, remote monitoring, and control of the PCR machine, enhancing convenience and efficiency in the laboratory.


  1. Mullis, K., & Faloona, F. (1987). Specific synthesis of DNA in vitro via a polymerase-catalyzed chain reaction. Methods in Enzymology, 155, 335-350.
  2. Saiki, R. K., Scharf, S., Faloona, F., Mullis, K. B., Horn, G. T., Erlich, H. A., & Arnheim, N. (1985). Enzymatic amplification of β-globin genomic sequences and restriction site analysis for diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. Science, 230(4732), 1350-1354.
  3. Bustin, S. A., Benes, V., Garson, J. A., Hellemans, J., Huggett, J., Kubista, M., … & Wittwer, C. T. (2009). The MIQE guidelines: minimum information for publication of quantitative real-time PCR experiments. Clinical Chemistry, 55(4), 611-622.
  4. Dieffenbach, C. W., Lowe, T. M., & Dveksler, G. S. (eds.). (2013). General principles of PCR. PCR primer: a laboratory manual (2nd ed.). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
  5. Rychlik, W., & Rhoads, R. E. (1989). A computer program for choosing optimal oligonucleotides for filter hybridization, sequencing and in vitro amplification of DNA. Nucleic Acids Research, 17(21), 8543-8551.
  6. Innis, M. A., Gelfand, D. H., Sninsky, J. J., & White, T. J. (eds.). (2012). PCR protocols: a guide to methods and applications. Academic Press.

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