Nondisjunction – Types, Causes, Consequences, Examples

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What is Nondisjunction?

  • Nondisjunction refers to the failure of chromosomes or chromatids to separate properly during cell division, leading to an unequal distribution of genetic material among daughter cells. This phenomenon results in cells that contain an abnormal number of chromosomes, a condition known as aneuploidy. Aneuploidy arises when one daughter cell receives an extra chromosome while the other ends up with a missing chromosome, disrupting the typical chromosomal complement.
  • The discovery of nondisjunction can be attributed to the pioneering work of geneticists Calvin Bridges and T. H. Morgan, who observed this occurrence in the sex chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies). Their findings laid the groundwork for understanding chromosomal behavior during cell division.
  • Nondisjunction can be classified into two primary categories: mitotic nondisjunction and meiotic nondisjunction. Mitotic nondisjunction occurs during the anaphase stage of mitosis, when sister chromatids fail to separate properly. This failure can result in somatic mosaicism, where only the cells derived from the faulty cell contain an abnormal set of chromosomes. Such anomalies are associated with various conditions, including certain forms of cancer, such as retinoblastoma.
  • In contrast, meiotic nondisjunction takes place during the formation of gametes and is further divided into two types. The first type occurs during meiosis I, where homologous chromosomes do not segregate at anaphase I. This error leads to all resulting haploid cells containing an abnormal number of chromosomes. The second type happens during meiosis II, when sister chromatids fail to separate at anaphase II. This type of nondisjunction results in half of the haploid cells having an abnormal chromosome number.
  • Aneuploidy, resulting from meiotic nondisjunction, can manifest as various chromosomal disorders characterized by the gain or loss of chromosomes. Common forms of aneuploidy include monosomy (2n−1), trisomy (2n+1), nullisomy (2n−2), and disomy (n+1). Meiotic nondisjunction, particularly during meiosis I, is a more frequent cause of aneuploidy than errors in meiosis II.
  • When nondisjunction occurs, the resulting gametes may contain either an extra copy of a specific chromosome or no copies at all. If these abnormal gametes participate in fertilization, the resulting diploid cell, or zygote, will possess an incorrect number of chromosomes, which can lead to developmental disorders or genetic syndromes. Understanding nondisjunction is crucial for grasping the complexities of chromosomal behavior and its implications for genetic stability and human health.
Nondisjunction (Image Source:

Types of Nondisjunction

Nondisjunction is a critical genetic error that can occur during cell division, specifically during both mitosis and meiosis. Understanding the types of nondisjunction is essential for grasping how chromosomal abnormalities arise. Below are the primary types of nondisjunction, detailing their mechanisms and consequences.

  1. Nondisjunction in Mitosis: This type of nondisjunction occurs during the process of mitosis, which is responsible for cellular growth and repair. Initially, DNA replicates, and the chromosomes align at the metaphase plate. During anaphase, the kinetochores of sister chromatids attach to spindle microtubules, which pull the chromatids toward opposite poles of the cell. However, in nondisjunction, the sister chromatids fail to separate, remaining attached. Consequently, one daughter cell receives both sister chromatids, while the other cell receives none. This error affects all descendants of the affected parent cell but may not impact the entire organism unless it occurs during the first division of a fertilized egg, leading to widespread aneuploidy.
  2. Nondisjunction in Meiosis: Nondisjunction can also occur during meiosis, the specialized cell division that produces gametes (sperm and eggs). In meiosis, DNA replication occurs before the cell undergoes two rounds of division, resulting in haploid daughter cells. Nondisjunction may happen during either of the two meiotic divisions:
    • Meiosis I Nondisjunction: During the first meiotic division, homologous chromosomes fail to segregate properly during anaphase I. This results in one daughter cell receiving both copies of a homologous chromosome pair, while the other daughter cell receives none. As a consequence, all four resulting haploid cells will be aneuploid, carrying an abnormal number of chromosomes.
    • Meiosis II Nondisjunction: In the second meiotic division, sister chromatids fail to separate at anaphase II. Similar to meiosis I nondisjunction, this also leads to the production of aneuploid gametes. Here, two of the haploid cells will contain the normal haploid number of chromosomes, while the other two will be aneuploid—one containing an extra chromosome and the other lacking one.

In both mitotic and meiotic nondisjunction, the end result is aneuploidy, which can lead to a variety of genetic disorders if such gametes participate in fertilization.

Nondisjunction occurs when homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis, resulting in an abnormal chromosome number. Nondisjunction may occur during meiosis I or meiosis II.
Nondisjunction occurs when homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis, resulting in an abnormal chromosome number. Nondisjunction may occur during meiosis I or meiosis II. (Image Source:

Causes of Nondisjunction

Nondisjunction is a critical error in chromosome segregation that arises from various underlying causes related to cellular mechanisms. Understanding these causes is essential for comprehending how nondisjunction leads to chromosomal abnormalities. Below are the primary factors that contribute to nondisjunction:

  • Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) Failure: The SAC is a crucial molecular complex that ensures chromosomes are correctly aligned on the spindle apparatus before the cell proceeds to anaphase. If this checkpoint fails, the cell may initiate anaphase prematurely. This failure can result in improper segregation of chromosomes, leading to one daughter cell receiving an extra chromosome while the other receives none.
  • Inactivation of Regulatory Enzymes: Key enzymes, such as topoisomerase II and separase, play significant roles in chromosome separation during cell division. Topoisomerase II is responsible for managing DNA topology, ensuring that replicated chromosomes can separate smoothly. If this enzyme is inactivated, it may prevent proper separation, causing sister chromatids to remain attached. Similarly, separase is the enzyme that cleaves cohesin, the protein complex that holds sister chromatids together. If separase is not activated, the chromatids will not separate, leading to nondisjunction.
  • Issues with Condensin Complex: Condensin is another vital protein complex involved in the organization and condensation of chromosomes on the metaphase plate. Any dysfunction in the condensin complex can impede the proper alignment and segregation of chromosomes. When chromosomes do not align correctly, the risk of nondisjunction increases significantly.
  • Degradation of Cohesin: The cohesin complex is critical for holding sister chromatids together until they are ready to separate. However, cohesin can degrade over time, particularly during prolonged cell cycles or in aging cells. When cohesin levels diminish, the structural integrity needed for proper chromosome segregation is compromised, resulting in nondisjunction.
  • Maternal Age Factor: Advanced maternal age has been linked to an increased incidence of nondisjunction, particularly in oocytes. As women age, the efficiency of the SAC may decline, and the cohesin holding chromosomes together may become less effective. This decline leads to an increased likelihood of chromosomal missegregation during meiosis.
Nondisjunction of sister chromatids during mitosis
Nondisjunction of sister chromatids during mitosis (Image Source:Wpeissner, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Molecular Biology of Nondisjunction

Nondisjunction, the failure of chromosomes to separate properly during cell division, is a critical process in understanding genetic disorders and cellular mechanisms. The molecular biology underlying this phenomenon involves several key players and regulatory mechanisms that ensure proper chromosome segregation.

  • Sister Chromatid Cohesion
    • During normal mitotic cell division, sister chromatids must be accurately separated to ensure equal distribution to daughter cells. The cohesin complex plays a pivotal role in this process by acting as an adhesive, holding sister chromatids together until the appropriate stage of cell division.
    • This complex includes proteins that form rings around the chromatids, providing stability and preventing premature separation. One of the key components of the cohesin complex in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the Scelp protein, which is essential for maintaining sister chromatid cohesion throughout mitosis.
  • Ubiquitin-Mediated Proteolysis
    • The separation of sister chromatids is tightly regulated by ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, involving three protein complexes: E1 (ubiquitin-activating enzyme), E2 (ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme), and E3 (ubiquitin ligase).
    • The E3 complex, known as the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), is particularly crucial in the regulation of the cell cycle. It targets specific proteins for degradation, thereby facilitating the transition from metaphase to anaphase.
    • A significant target of the APC/C is the inhibitor Pds1p. Pds1p functions by inhibiting the separase enzyme (Esp1p), which is responsible for cleaving the cohesin complex and allowing sister chromatids to separate. Thus, when Pds1p is degraded by the APC/C, separase can cleave the cohesins, enabling chromatid separation.
  • Spindle Assembly Checkpoint
    • The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) acts as a crucial regulatory mechanism that monitors the attachment of kinetochores to spindle microtubules. Kinetochores are specialized protein structures that form at the centromeres of chromosomes and are responsible for connecting chromosomes to the spindle apparatus.
    • This checkpoint ensures that mitosis does not progress to anaphase until all chromosomes are correctly aligned and attached to spindle fibers. The kinetochores serve as sensors, detecting any unattached chromosomes and sending inhibitory signals that halt cell cycle progression.
    • When any chromatid is not properly attached, the checkpoint initiates a signal transduction cascade that prevents the activation of the APC/C, thereby maintaining the stability of the cell cycle until proper attachments are established.
  • Consequences of Nondisjunction
    • When the mechanisms governing chromosome separation fail, the result is nondisjunction, which leads to aneuploidy, characterized by an abnormal number of chromosomes. This can manifest as monosomy (loss of a chromosome) or trisomy (gain of an extra chromosome).
    • The molecular consequences of nondisjunction include disruptions in genetic balance, which can result in various developmental disorders and syndromes, such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, and Klinefelter syndrome. Understanding these mechanisms at the molecular level is vital for comprehending the underlying causes of these genetic conditions.

Consequences of Nondisjunction

Nondisjunction, the failure of chromosomes to segregate properly during cell division, can have profound implications for both individual development and species viability. This phenomenon can lead to aneuploidy, where cells possess an abnormal number of chromosomes, which can manifest as either monosomy (loss of a chromosome) or trisomy (gain of an extra chromosome). Understanding the consequences of nondisjunction is essential for grasping its role in human genetics and developmental disorders.

  • Aneuploidy
    • Cells affected by nondisjunction are classified as aneuploid, which can result in significant genetic imbalances.
    • Two primary forms of aneuploidy are monosomy and trisomy:
      • Monosomy (2n-1): This condition occurs when a cell is missing one chromosome from its pair. Most cases of monosomy are lethal during early fetal development. The only known survivable monosomy in humans is Turner syndrome, where the individual possesses a single X chromosome (karyotype 45, X0). The significance of both X chromosomes in early development is evident, as over 99% of fetuses with X monosomy are spontaneously aborted.
      • Trisomy (2n+1): In contrast, trisomy involves an extra copy of a chromosome, leading to conditions such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), which is the most common chromosomal anomaly. Most instances of trisomy 21 result from maternal nondisjunction during meiosis I, occurring in approximately 0.3% of live births and accounting for nearly 25% of spontaneous abortions. Other notable trisomies include Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) and Patau syndrome (trisomy 13), both of which can result in live births but are associated with severe developmental challenges.
  • Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy
    • Nondisjunction can also lead to an abnormal number of sex chromosomes. For example:
      • Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY) is the most common form of sex chromosome aneuploidy, often resulting from paternal nondisjunction. This condition typically leads to hypogonadism and infertility in males.
      • XYY syndrome (47, XYY) has a prevalence of about 1 in 800 to 1,000 male births, with many individuals displaying normal physical characteristics and fertility.
      • Trisomy X (47, XXX) may result in mild neuropsychological effects and is often caused by maternal nondisjunction. The origin of the additional X chromosome varies, with most cases linked to errors in maternal meiosis I.
  • Uniparental Disomy
    • This condition occurs when an individual inherits two copies of a chromosome from one parent and none from the other. Uniparental disomy often arises from an initial trisomy due to nondisjunction, followed by the loss of one chromosome. For instance, uniparental disomy of chromosome 15 is implicated in Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes, which are characterized by distinct genetic and phenotypic outcomes.
  • Mosaicism Syndromes
    • Mosaicism results from mitotic nondisjunction during early embryonic development, leading to a mixture of normal and aneuploid cells within an organism. This phenomenon can result in individuals exhibiting asymmetric physical features or variable symptoms. Examples include Pallister-Killian syndrome and Hypomelanosis of Ito.
  • Mosaicism in Cancer
    • Nondisjunction is also implicated in the development of certain cancers through the loss of tumor suppressor genes. According to the two-hit model, the first hit may involve a mutation in a tumor suppressor gene, while the second hit could be a loss of the remaining wild-type chromosome via mitotic nondisjunction. An example of this is seen in retinoblastoma, where mutations in the RB1 gene on chromosome 13 can lead to the complete loss of functional retinoblastoma protein expression, facilitating malignant transformation.

Risk Factors of Nondisjunction

Nondisjunction is a significant factor in chromosomal abnormalities, and various risk factors can contribute to its occurrence. Understanding these risk factors is crucial for identifying populations that may be at higher risk for genetic disorders resulting from nondisjunction. Below are the primary risk factors associated with nondisjunction:

  • Maternal Age: One of the most critical risk factors for nondisjunction is advanced maternal age. As women age, particularly past the age of 35, the incidence of nondisjunction during oocyte development increases significantly. This increase is attributed to the fact that human oocytes remain arrested in meiosis I from the time of birth until ovulation. During this prolonged period, the cohesin complex, which holds replicated chromosomes together, gradually degrades. As a result, when the cell finally resumes division, the microtubules and kinetochores may fail to attach correctly, leading to improper chromosome segregation. This risk is notably lower in sperm production, as spermatogenesis is a continuous process, and the associated degradation of cohesin is much less prevalent.
  • Chemical Exposure: Exposure to certain chemicals has also been linked to an increased risk of aneuploidy due to nondisjunction. Substances such as cigarette smoke, alcohol, and benzene have been implicated in disrupting normal cellular processes, which can compromise the mechanisms responsible for accurate chromosome segregation. Additionally, specific insecticides, including carbaryl and fenvalerate, are known to have harmful effects on reproductive cells, further elevating the risk of nondisjunction. These chemicals can interfere with the spindle assembly checkpoint or the function of critical proteins involved in chromosome segregation, leading to an increased likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities.

Nondisjunction Examples

Nondisjunction is a critical genetic event that results in an abnormal number of chromosomes in cells, leading to conditions known as aneuploidy or mosaicism. The following examples illustrate the various disorders associated with nondisjunction, providing insights into their underlying mechanisms and effects on individuals.

  • Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21): This condition is characterized by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21, resulting in a total of three copies instead of the usual two. Down syndrome manifests with various developmental and physical features. In rare cases, approximately 1% of individuals with Down syndrome exhibit mosaicism, where some cells are normal while others contain the additional chromosome 21. This mosaicism occurs due to nondisjunction during the mitotic division of the zygote, highlighting how early cellular division errors can lead to significant outcomes.
  • Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18): This syndrome results from the presence of an extra chromosome 18. Individuals with Edwards syndrome often display severe developmental challenges, including growth deficiencies and multiple organ system malformations. The increased chromosome number disrupts normal development, leading to a high rate of mortality in infancy.
  • Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13): Caused by an additional chromosome 13, Patau syndrome is associated with serious physical and intellectual disabilities. Common features include severe congenital heart defects, neurological issues, and cleft lip or palate. Like Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome significantly affects life expectancy and quality of life.
  • Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY): This condition arises from nondisjunction of sex chromosomes, resulting in males having an extra X chromosome (XXY). Individuals with Klinefelter syndrome may experience a variety of symptoms, including infertility, reduced testosterone levels, and physical characteristics such as taller stature and less muscular development. The presence of an additional X chromosome disrupts normal male sexual development.
  • Turner Syndrome (XO): Turner syndrome results from the complete or partial absence of one of the X chromosomes in females, leading to a 45,X karyotype. This monosomy results in a variety of clinical features, including short stature, ovarian insufficiency, and heart defects. The loss of one X chromosome affects the typical development and functioning of various physiological systems.
  • Cancer and Malignancy: Nondisjunction is not limited to genetic disorders; it can also play a role in certain malignancies. For instance, retinoblastoma, a type of eye cancer, can arise due to mitotic nondisjunction coupled with mutations in the RB1 gene. This connection illustrates how chromosomal abnormalities can contribute to cancer development.
  • Diagnosis of Nondisjunction: Diagnosing conditions related to nondisjunction typically involves karyotyping, a technique that analyzes the chromosomal composition of cells. One common method for obtaining the necessary samples is amniocentesis, which involves extracting amniotic fluid for analysis. This process allows for the identification of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, facilitating early detection and potential intervention.

Clinical Significance of Nondisjunction

Nondisjunction has significant clinical implications, particularly in the context of aneuploidy, which arises when chromosomes do not segregate properly during cell division. This phenomenon can lead to a variety of genetic disorders, each with distinct clinical features and varying life expectancies. Understanding these conditions is crucial for both medical professionals and patients, as it informs diagnosis, treatment options, and genetic counseling. Below are key points outlining the clinical significance of nondisjunction:

  • Mitotic Nondisjunction: This type of nondisjunction can result in somatic mosaicism, where chromosome imbalances occur only in the descendants of the affected cell. Such chromosomal irregularities can contribute to certain cancers. For example, retinoblastoma, a rare childhood eye cancer, has been linked to mitotic nondisjunction combined with mutations in the RB1 gene. Therefore, individuals may present with a variable phenotype based on the proportion and distribution of affected cells.
  • Meiotic Nondisjunction: This is of greater clinical significance, as it leads to most aneuploidies that are often incompatible with life. However, some meiotic nondisjunctions can result in viable offspring who present with a range of developmental disorders.
    • Autosomal Trisomies:
      • Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13): Clinical features include rocker-bottom feet, microphthalmia, microcephaly, polydactyly, holoprosencephaly, cleft lip and palate, congenital heart disease, and severe intellectual disability. The life expectancy for affected individuals is typically less than one year.
      • Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18): Individuals may exhibit rocker-bottom feet, low-set ears, micrognathia, clenched hands with overlapping fingers, congenital heart disease, and severe intellectual disability. Life expectancy is usually under one year.
      • Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21): This is the most common viable aneuploidy, characterized by a single palmar crease, flat facial features, prominent epicanthal folds, duodenal atresia, congenital heart disease, and intellectual disability. Patients have an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease and leukemia, with a life expectancy averaging around 60 years.
    • Sex Chromosome Trisomies:
      • Klinefelter Syndrome (47, XXY): Affected males may present with tall stature, long extremities, gynecomastia, female-pattern hair distribution, testicular atrophy, and developmental delays.
      • Triple X Syndrome (47, XXX): Typically phenotypically normal, some individuals may have an unusually tall stature. The extra X chromosomes become inactivated as Barr bodies, resulting in no significant clinical abnormalities.
      • XYY Syndrome (47, XYY): Males with this condition usually appear phenotypically normal but may be unusually tall. Most cases remain undiagnosed due to the lack of distinctive clinical features.
    • Sex Chromosome Monosomies:
      • Turner Syndrome (45, X): This is the only chromosomal monosomy compatible with life, characterized by unusually short stature, shield chest, congenital heart disease, webbed neck, horseshoe kidney, and ovarian dysgenesis. It is also the most common cause of primary amenorrhea, and individuals do not have Barr bodies due to the absence of a second X chromosome.
  1. Forejt, J. (2001). Nondisjunction. Encyclopedia of Genetics, 1345–1347. doi:10.1006/rwgn.2001.0903
  2. Gottlieb SF, Tupper C, Kerndt CC, et al. Genetics, Nondisjunction. [Updated 2023 Aug 14]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:

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