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Jaw Suspension In Vertebrates

Jaw suspension in vertebrates refers to the way the lower jaw is attached to the upper jaw or the skull, enabling efficient biting and chewing. This attachment is achieved through modifications in the visceral arches, which are part of the splanchnocranium in the vertebrate skull.

The vertebrate skull is composed of three major parts: the neurocranium, which houses the brain; the dermatocranium, which forms the outer protective layer; and the splanchnocranium, which includes the visceral arches. Among these arches, the first one is known as the mandibular arch and is responsible for the formation of the jaws.

The mandibular arch consists of a dorsal palatopterygoquadrate bar, which forms the upper jaw, and a ventral Meckel’s cartilage, which forms the lower jaw. These structures provide the foundation for the jaws in gnathostomes, or jawed vertebrates.

The second arch, known as the hyoid arch, plays a role in suspending and supporting the jaws with the cranium. It consists of a dorsal hyomandibular element that helps suspend the jaws, and a ventral hyoid proper.

The remaining arches in the splanchnocranium support the gills and are called branchial arches.

Overall, the splanchnocranium, particularly the mandibular and hyoid arches, plays a vital role in the formation of jaws in gnathostomes and their attachment or suspension with the chondrocranium, which is the cartilaginous part of the skull. This attachment or suspension mechanism is referred to as jaw suspension or suspensorium.

By adapting and modifying the structures within the visceral arches, different vertebrates have evolved various types of jaw suspensions that suit their specific feeding habits and lifestyles. These adaptations have contributed to the incredible diversity of jaw structures and functions seen across vertebrate species. There are 5 principal variants or types of suspensoria as follows:


  • In primitive elasmobranchs, such as sharks and rays, the structure of the jaw suspension system is referred to as amphistylic. Unlike in more derived vertebrates, there are no significant modifications or specialization of the visceral arches in these species, and the arches themselves are made of cartilage.
  • The upper jaw in these elasmobranchs is formed by a structure called the pterygoquadrate, while the lower jaw is formed by Meckel’s cartilage. Both of these elements are highly flexible, allowing for a wide range of movement during feeding and prey capture.
  • The hyoid arch, which is responsible for supporting and suspending the jaws with the cranium, remains relatively unchanged in these primitive elasmobranchs.
  • What makes the jaw suspension system in primitive elasmobranchs amphistylic is the attachment of the lower jaw to both the pterygoquadrate (upper jaw) and the hyoid arch. This means that the lower jaw has a dual attachment point, connecting it to both structures. This arrangement provides additional stability and support to the jaws during feeding and allows for efficient prey capture.
  • The term “amphistylic” specifically describes this type of jaw suspension system found in primitive elasmobranchs, highlighting the dual attachment of the lower jaw. It distinguishes this system from other types of jaw suspension seen in more derived vertebrates, which may have undergone modifications and specialization of the visceral arches.


  • In some vertebrates, such as certain species of fish, the jaw suspension system is referred to as autodiastylic. This term describes a specific arrangement where the upper jaw is directly attached to the skull, while the lower jaw is connected directly to the upper jaw.
  • In autodiastylic jaw suspension, the upper jawbone is firmly attached to the skull, providing a stable foundation. The lower jawbone, also known as the mandible, is not directly connected to the skull but instead articulates with the upper jawbone.
  • Unlike in other vertebrates, where the second arch may be involved in jaw suspension, in the autodiastylic system, the second arch is a branchial arch that does not play a role in supporting or suspending the jaws. The branchial arches are typically associated with gill support and respiratory functions rather than jaw movement.
  • This unique arrangement allows for a particular type of jaw mobility and function. As the lower jaw is directly attached to the upper jaw, movements of the upper jaw translate directly to movements of the lower jaw. This configuration enables efficient biting, chewing, and prey capture, providing a high degree of control and precision in feeding behavior.
  • The term “autodiastylic” is used to describe this specific type of jaw suspension system, emphasizing the direct attachment of the lower jaw to the upper jaw and the absence of involvement of the second arch in jaw suspension. It highlights the distinct jaw morphology and functionality seen in species that possess autodiastylic jaws.


  • In certain modern sharks, the jaw suspension system is known as hyostylic. The hyostylic configuration involves the attachment of the lower jaw to the pterygoquadrate bone, which is, in turn, connected to the hyomandibular cartilage of the second arch.
  • In hyostylic jaw suspension, the lower jaw is indirectly connected to the skull through the pterygoquadrate bone. The pterygoquadrate bone serves as an intermediary between the lower jaw and the hyomandibular cartilage, which is part of the second arch. The hyomandibular cartilage acts as a brace, supporting and stabilizing the jaw structure.
  • The primary element responsible for bracing the jaw in the hyostylic system is the hyoid arch. The hyoid arch provides support by means of ligament attachments, helping to maintain the position and stability of the jaw during feeding and other jaw movements. This ligamentous bracing mechanism is a characteristic feature of hyostylic jaw suspension.
  • The hyostylic arrangement allows for a high degree of jaw mobility and versatility in sharks. The indirect connection of the lower jaw to the skull, facilitated by the pterygoquadrate bone and hyomandibular cartilage, provides a flexible jaw structure. This flexibility is advantageous for capturing and manipulating prey, as well as for other feeding behaviors.
  • The term “hyostylic” is used to describe this specific type of jaw suspension system in sharks, highlighting the attachment of the lower jaw to the pterygoquadrate and the important role of the hyoid arch in bracing the jaw. The hyostylic configuration is a key characteristic of the jaw morphology and functionality observed in sharks possessing this type of jaw suspension.


  • In bony fishes, a more advanced form of jaw suspension called methystylic is observed. The methystylic configuration involves significant modifications in the structures responsible for jaw attachment and articulation.
  • In methystylic jaw suspension, the pterygoquadrate bone found in primitive vertebrates is broken down into three separate bones: epipterygoid, metapterygoid, and quadrate. These bones become integrated into the skull, forming a more complex structure.
  • The lower jaw, known as Meckel’s cartilage, undergoes modifications as well. It transforms into the articular bone, which plays a crucial role in jaw articulation. The articular bone connects with the quadrate bone, allowing the lower jaw to articulate with the upper jaw.
  • Furthermore, the lower jaw also articulates with the symplectic bone of the hyoid arch. The symplectic bone acts as an intermediary between the lower jaw and the skull. By connecting the lower jaw to the skull, it contributes to the overall stability and functionality of the jaw.
  • The methystylic jaw suspension system represents an advancement over the hyostylic system observed in sharks. It demonstrates increased complexity and specialization in the jaw structure of bony fishes. The modifications in the pterygoquadrate bone, Meckel’s cartilage, and the addition of the symplectic bone allow for more precise control and manipulation of the jaw during feeding and other oral activities.
  • Overall, the methystylic jaw suspension represents a higher level of evolutionary development and adaptation in bony fishes. This advanced configuration enhances their ability to capture and process prey effectively, showcasing the remarkable diversity and complexity of the vertebrate jaw suspensions found in different species.


  • In the autostylic form of jaw suspension, there are notable modifications in the skeletal structures involved in the attachment and bracing of the lower jaw. These modifications are observed in certain vertebrates, particularly in reptiles and mammals.
  • In autostylic jaw suspension, the pterygoquadrate bone undergoes changes, giving rise to two distinct bones: the epipterygoid and the quadrate. The quadrate bone plays a crucial role in bracing the lower jaw with the skull. It provides a stable connection between the upper and lower jaws, allowing for efficient jaw movement during feeding and other oral activities.
  • However, in autostylic jaw suspension, the hyomandibular bone of the second arch does not participate in jaw suspension. Instead, it undergoes a transformation into the columella bone, which is part of the middle ear cavity. The columella bone contributes to the transmission of sound vibrations, playing a role in hearing rather than jaw movement.
  • The autostylic jaw suspension system represents a more advanced form compared to the previously mentioned types of jaw suspensions. It demonstrates a higher degree of specialization and adaptation to specific functions, such as enhanced auditory capabilities in species with this configuration.
  • Autostylic jaw suspension is particularly observed in reptiles and mammals, including certain groups of lizards, snakes, and mammals like humans. These animals exhibit a sophisticated and intricate jaw structure, allowing for precise control and coordination of jaw movements.
  • Overall, the autostylic jaw suspension showcases the remarkable diversity and complexity of vertebrate skeletal adaptations. It highlights the specialized modifications that have occurred throughout evolution to optimize jaw functionality for different purposes, such as feeding, communication, and sensory perception.


  • In the monimostylic form of jaw suspension, there are specific modifications in the skeletal structures involved in the attachment and mobility of the jaws. This type of jaw suspension is observed in certain groups of animals, particularly in amphibians and many reptiles.
  • In monimostylic jaw suspension, the quadrate bone, which was previously flexible and involved in jaw movement in the autosystylic type, becomes immovable. This lack of mobility in the quadrate bone restricts the range of motion of the lower jaw, resulting in a more limited jaw movement compared to other forms of jaw suspension.
  • Simultaneously, the hyomandibular bone undergoes a significant modification. It transforms into the columella bone, which plays a crucial role in the middle ear cavity. The columella bone contributes to the transmission of sound vibrations, enabling the animal to hear effectively.
  • The monimostylic jaw suspension represents a specialized adaptation to the specific needs of amphibians and many reptiles. While the immobility of the quadrate bone may limit the versatility of jaw movement, these animals have other compensatory mechanisms to facilitate feeding and other oral activities. They may employ other anatomical features or muscular arrangements to ensure efficient prey capture and food processing.
  • The monimostylic jaw suspension system demonstrates the diversity and evolutionary adaptations present in different groups of vertebrates. It highlights the unique modifications that have occurred over time to meet the specific functional requirements of these animals. By understanding the variations in jaw suspension types, we can gain insights into the intricate interplay between skeletal structures, muscle function, and ecological adaptations in different species.
  • It is important to note that while monimostylic jaw suspension is commonly observed in amphibians and many reptiles, other jaw suspension types, such as autostylic or hyostylic, can also be found within these groups, showcasing the complexity and diversity of jaw structures across different species.


  • In the holostylic type of jaw suspension, a distinct arrangement is observed in the skeletal structures involved in supporting and controlling jaw movement. This particular jaw suspension pattern is found in lung fishes and a group of cartilaginous fishes known as Holocephali.
  • In holostylic jaw suspension, the upper jaw is fused with the skull, creating a rigid connection between the two. This fusion eliminates the presence of a separate movable upper jaw bone, resulting in a fixed upper jaw structure. On the other hand, the lower jaw directly attaches to the fused upper jaw and is capable of movement relative to it. This direct attachment of the lower jaw to the skull provides stability and support during feeding and oral activities.
  • Unlike in some other jaw suspension types, the hyoid arch does not participate in the suspension of the jaws in holostylic organisms. Instead, the hyoid arch retains its typical function as a branchial arch, which is primarily associated with supporting the gills and respiration.
  • Another notable feature of the holostylic jaw suspension is the absence of a specialized bone known as the columella bone. The columella bone is commonly found in other forms of jaw suspension and is associated with sound transmission in the middle ear. However, in holostylic organisms, the columella bone is not present, suggesting that they may have alternative adaptations for auditory perception.
  • The holostylic jaw suspension type exemplifies a specific adaptation seen in lung fishes and Holocephali. By fusing the upper jaw to the skull and directly attaching the lower jaw, these organisms have evolved a unique jaw structure suited to their specific feeding habits and ecological requirements.
  • Understanding the diverse jaw suspension types observed in different groups of organisms provides insights into the intricate interplay between skeletal structures, functional adaptations, and evolutionary history. The holostylic jaw suspension is a remarkable example of the variations in jaw morphology and highlights the remarkable adaptability of organisms in their quest for survival and successful feeding strategies.


  • Craniostylic jaw suspension is a specialized type of jaw structure found in mammals. This unique arrangement involves significant modifications to the skeletal components associated with jaw movement and support. The craniostylic jaw suspension is particularly observed in monotremes, a group of egg-laying mammals.
  • In craniostylic jaw suspension, the pterygoquadrate, which is a component of the lower jaw suspension in other vertebrates, undergoes transformation. It is transformed into two distinct bones: the alisphenoid and the incus. These transformed bones play important roles in the auditory system of mammals, particularly in transmitting sound vibrations.
  • The meckel’s cartilage, which is typically part of the lower jaw in other jaw suspension types, also undergoes modification in craniostylic mammals. It transforms into a bone called the malleus, which is one of the three tiny bones found in the middle ear. This modification leads to the meckel’s cartilage being unavailable for direct involvement in jaw suspension.
  • In the craniostylic jaw suspension, the lower jaw is directly attached to the skull bone called the squamosal. This direct attachment provides stability and support for jaw movement during feeding and other oral activities. The squamosal bone forms part of the temporal region of the skull and contributes to the overall structure and function of the mammalian jaw.
  • It is worth noting that the craniostylic jaw suspension is primarily observed in monotremes, which are a unique group of mammals that lay eggs. Monotremes, such as the platypus and echidna, exhibit this specialized jaw structure as an adaptation to their specific feeding habits and ecological niche.
  • The craniostylic jaw suspension in mammals highlights the remarkable diversity and adaptability of jaw structures in different animal groups. Through evolutionary modifications and specialized transformations of skeletal elements, mammals have developed unique jaw suspensions that contribute to their feeding strategies and overall survival. The craniostylic jaw suspension seen in monotremes represents an intriguing adaptation in the mammalian lineage and underscores the complexity of jaw morphology and function.
Jaw Suspension In Vertebrates
Jaw Suspension In Vertebrates

Comparative Account

  1. Agnathans: In agnathans, the jaw suspension is in the paleostylic stage. This means that none of the arches directly attach to the skull.
  2. Gnathostomes and Acanthodians: In these groups, the jaw suspension is autodiastylic. The jaws are attached to the cranium by anterior and posterior ligaments. The hyoid arch remains completely free and does not support the jaws.
  3. Primitive Sharks: Jaw suspension in primitive sharks is amphistylic. The quadrate or the basal and otic processes of the upper jaw (mandibular arch) are attached to the chondrocranium by ligaments. Similarly, the upper end of the hyomandibula is also attached to the chondrocranium.
  4. Modern Sharks and Bony Fishes: The type of jaw suspension in modern sharks and bony fishes is hyostylic. The upper jaw (palatoquadrate) is loosely attached to the cranium by an anterior ligament. Both jaws are suspended from the hyomandibular. Since only the hyoid arch binds the two jaws against the cranium, it is called hyostylic jaw suspension.
  5. Tetrapods: In most tetrapods such as amphibians, reptiles, and birds, the hyomandibular does not participate in jaw suspension but becomes modified into the columella or stapes of the middle ear for transmitting sound waves.
  6. Lung Fishes: In most lung fishes, the upper jaw is firmly fused with the skull, and the lower jaw is suspended from it. The hyoid arch is completely independent and not attached to the skull, representing a holostylic type of jaw suspension.
  7. Monimostylic: Monimostylic jaw suspension is observed in some tetrapods. In this type, the hyomandibular forms the columella, and the articlar bone articulates with the quadrates. However, the quadrate remains immovably attached to the skull.
  8. Reptiles and Birds: In some reptiles (lizards, snakes) and birds, the type of jaw suspension is streptostylic. The quadrate is loosely attached and is movable at both ends, a condition known as streptostylism.
  9. Mammals: Mammals exhibit craniostylic jaw suspension. The upper jaw fuses throughout its length with the cranium, and the hyomandibular bone forms the ear ossicle called the stapes. The articular and quadrate bones also become modified into ear ossicles known as the malleus and incus, respectively.

These comparative accounts highlight the diverse and specialized adaptations in jaw suspension found across different vertebrate groups. From the absence of direct attachment to the skull in agnathans to the complex modifications of skeletal elements in mammals, the variations in jaw suspension types reflect the evolutionary changes in feeding behaviors and anatomical structures among vertebrates.


What is jaw suspension?

Jaw suspension refers to the attachment of the lower jaw (mandible) to the upper jaw (maxilla) or the skull, allowing for efficient biting and chewing.

How many types of jaw suspension are found in vertebrates?

There are several types of jaw suspension found in vertebrates, including paleostylic, autodiastylic, amphistylic, hyostylic, holostylic, monimostylic, streptostylic, and craniostylic.

What is the difference between autodiastylic and amphistylic jaw suspension?

In autodiastylic jaw suspension, the jaws are attached to the cranium by ligaments, while in amphistylic jaw suspension, the lower jaw is attached to both the upper jaw and the hyoid arch.

Which group of vertebrates exhibits hyostylic jaw suspension?

Hyostylic jaw suspension is observed in modern sharks and bony fishes. In this type, the upper jaw is loosely attached to the cranium by ligaments, and both jaws are suspended from the hyomandibular bone.

What is the characteristic feature of holostylic jaw suspension?

Holostylic jaw suspension is found in lung fishes and Holocephali. In this type, the upper jaw is fused with the skull, and the lower jaw is directly attached to it. The hyoid arch remains independent and not attached to the skull.

What is monimostylic jaw suspension?

Monimostylic jaw suspension is a modification of the autostylic suspension. In this type, the quadrate bone is immovable and not flexible, and the hyomandibular bone transforms into the columella bone of the middle ear cavity.

Which group of vertebrates exhibits streptostylic jaw suspension?

Streptostylic jaw suspension is observed in some reptiles (such as lizards and snakes) and birds. In this type, the quadrate bone is loosely attached and movable at both ends, allowing for greater jaw mobility.

What is craniostylic jaw suspension?

Craniostylic jaw suspension is found in mammals. In this type, the upper jaw fuses with the cranium, and the lower jaw is directly attached to the squamosal bone. The hyomandibular bone becomes the middle ear ossicle called the incus.

How does jaw suspension vary among different vertebrate groups?

Jaw suspension varies among different vertebrate groups due to evolutionary adaptations. The modifications in skeletal elements and attachment points determine the type of jaw suspension exhibited by each group.

How does jaw suspension relate to feeding behaviors in vertebrates?

Different types of jaw suspension are associated with specific feeding behaviors and dietary preferences. The variation in jaw suspension reflects the adaptations required for efficient prey capture and food processing in different vertebrate species.

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