How does the nose help protect the body from pathogens?
How does the nose help protect the body from pathogens?

How does the nose help protect the body from pathogens?
What role does the skin play in the body’s defence against pathogens?
What are the non-specific defence systems of the human body against pathogens?
What are the effects of abstaining from intercourse during ovulation and surgical methods of male and female sterilization on fertility?
How do intrauterine devices prevent embryo implantation or release hormones for contraception?
How do barrier methods like condoms and diaphragms prevent sperm from reaching an egg, and what role do spermicidal agents play in this?
How do oral contraceptives, injections, implants, and skin patches prevent egg maturation and release?
What are the different hormonal and non-hormonal methods of contraception, and how do they work to control fertility?
In what ways could genetically modified crops, such as golden rice, improve food supply and nutritional value?
How does a genetically modified bacterium produce human insulin, and how is it used to treat diabetes?