What are self pollinated Plants?
Self-pollinated plants are those that can fertilize themselves without the need for pollen from another plant. This process occurs when pollen from the flower’s own anthers (the part of the flower that produces pollen) transfers to its own stigma (the part of the flower that receives pollen). Self-pollination ensures that the plant can reproduce even if no other plants are nearby.
Examples of self-pollinated plants include:
- Tomatoes: Their flowers often have both male and female parts, allowing them to self-pollinate.
- Beans: Many bean varieties are capable of self-pollination.
- Peas: Pea plants also have the ability to self-pollinate.
Self-pollination can be beneficial for plants in stable environments where cross-pollination opportunities are limited. However, it may limit genetic diversity compared to cross-pollination, which involves pollen transfer between different plants.
Types of Selection Methods For self pollinated Plants
The following outlines the primary selection methods used for self-pollinated plants:
- Mass Selection
- Description: Mass selection involves the selection of individual plants from a population based on their desirable phenotypic traits. The selected plants are then used to produce the next generation.
- Procedure:
- A large population of plants is evaluated for specific traits such as yield, disease resistance, or quality.
- Plants exhibiting the best characteristics are chosen.
- Seeds from these selected plants are pooled and planted to produce the subsequent generation.
- Objective: The aim is to increase the frequency of desirable traits in the population over successive generations.
- Benefits: Simple to implement and does not require detailed knowledge of the plant’s genetic makeup.
- Pure Line Selection
- Description: Pure line selection focuses on selecting individuals from a homogeneous line of plants, which have been self-pollinated for several generations to achieve genetic uniformity.
- Procedure:
- Start with a population that has been self-pollinated for multiple generations.
- Evaluate individual plants for specific traits.
- Select the best-performing plants to form a pure line.
- Continuously self-pollinate the selected plants to maintain genetic purity.
- Objective: To develop a plant variety with consistent and stable traits that perform predictably in various environments.
- Benefits: Results in a uniform and reliable plant population with enhanced desirable traits.
- Pedigree Selection
- Description: Pedigree selection is a systematic method involving the tracking of plant ancestry to select superior plants based on their lineage.
- Procedure:
- Begin with a cross between two genetically diverse plants.
- Track the performance of progeny through successive generations.
- Select the best individuals from each generation and continue to track their pedigree.
- Use these selected individuals for further breeding.
- Objective: To improve traits by leveraging the genetic potential of the plant’s ancestors.
- Benefits: Provides detailed genetic information, allowing for more informed selection decisions.
- Bulk Population Method
- Description: The bulk population method involves growing a large number of plants from a single population without individual plant selection.
- Procedure:
- Grow a large number of plants from a bulk seed source.
- Allow these plants to self-pollinate and produce seeds.
- Harvest and replant the seeds to continue the cycle.
- Objective: To maintain and enhance the genetic diversity within the population while gradually selecting for desired traits.
- Benefits: Simple and effective for managing large populations and maintaining genetic variability.
- Single Seed Descent
- Description: Single seed descent is a method where seeds are selected from individual plants and used to advance the generation.
- Procedure:
- Select a single seed from each plant in a population.
- Grow these seeds to maturity.
- Continue this process for several generations, selecting single seeds from the best-performing plants each time.
- Objective: To rapidly advance generations and select for desirable traits while minimizing environmental effects.
- Benefits: Accelerates the breeding process and allows for the selection of superior plants based on their performance.
Types of Cultivars
In plant breeding, cultivars are developed from four basic populations: inbred pure lines, open-pollinated populations, hybrids, and clones. Each type of cultivar is designed to meet specific agricultural needs and conditions. Here is a detailed examination of the six primary types of cultivars:
- Pure-Line Cultivars
- Description: Pure-line cultivars are derived from species that are highly self-pollinated. These cultivars are characterized by their genetic uniformity and homozygosity, achieved through successive self-pollination.
- Characteristics:
- Genetic Structure: Homogeneous and homozygous, meaning all individuals have identical genetic makeup.
- Applications: Used as parent lines in breeding programs to produce other cultivars. Ideal for environments where product uniformity is crucial.
- Benefits: Offers consistent performance and quality. However, they have a narrow genetic base, which can limit adaptability to changing conditions.
- Open-Pollinated Cultivars
- Description: Open-pollinated cultivars are developed from species that naturally cross-pollinate. These cultivars are genetically heterogeneous and heterozygous.
- Types:
- Improved Populations: Created through recurrent selection or bulking, involving the selection of superior inbred lines to enhance general population traits.
- Synthetic Cultivars: Developed from planned matings involving selected genotypes to create a genetically diverse population.
- Characteristics: Broad genetic base, which promotes adaptability and resilience. These cultivars are often used in environments where genetic diversity is beneficial.
- Hybrid Cultivars
- Description: Hybrid cultivars result from crossing two inbred lines with the goal of harnessing hybrid vigor, or heterosis, to achieve superior growth and yield.
- Characteristics:
- Genetic Structure: Homogeneous but highly heterozygous. Hybrids exhibit enhanced vigor compared to their parent lines.
- Pollination: Controlled and restricted to specific pollen sources to maintain desired hybrid traits.
- Benefits: Hybrid vigor leads to improved yield and performance. However, hybrids often require new seeds for each planting season, as the vigor diminishes in subsequent generations.
- Clonal Cultivars
- Description: Clonal cultivars are propagated from vegetative parts (e.g., stems, roots) rather than seeds. This method results in genetically identical plants.
- Characteristics:
- Genetic Structure: Identical genotypes but genetically highly heterozygous. The cultivar maintains uniformity through asexual reproduction.
- Applications: Suitable for species that are sexually reproducing but are propagated vegetatively to fix hybrid vigor.
- Benefits: Allows the retention of hybrid vigor across generations without the need for continuous seed production. Clonal propagation is commonly used for species where seed production is not feasible or practical.
- Apomictic Cultivars
- Description: Apomictic cultivars are produced through apomixis, where seeds develop without fertilization. This results in offspring genetically identical to the mother plant.
- Characteristics:
- Genetic Structure: Genetically uniform as a result of asexual reproduction via seed.
- Applications: Provides the benefits of clonal propagation, such as genetic uniformity, combined with the convenience of seed propagation.
- Benefits: Simplifies propagation and ensures genetic consistency. Common in perennial forage grasses.
- Multilines
- Description: Multilines are cultivars developed for self-pollinating species, consisting of a mixture of genotypes known as isolines or near-isogenic lines. These cultivars are designed to manage specific challenges, such as disease.
- Characteristics:
- Genetic Structure: Composed of multiple isolines that differ only by one or a few genes.
- Applications: Primarily used for disease control. Isolines are created through backcrossing, where the F1 generation is repeatedly crossed with a recurrent parent lacking the gene of interest.
- Benefits: Offers a strategy to combat diseases and other environmental stresses while maintaining genetic variability within the cultivar.
1. Mass selection

Key Features of Mass Selection
Mass selection is a prominent breeding method aimed at improving plant populations by enhancing the frequency of desirable traits. This technique is characterized by several key features:
- Objective of Population Improvement
- Purpose: The primary goal of mass selection is to enhance the overall quality of a plant population. This is achieved by increasing the frequency of beneficial genes within the population.
- Focus: Selection is driven by the presence of desirable traits, which are identified and prioritized through phenotypic evaluation.
- Selection Based on Phenotype
- Trait Evaluation: Plants are selected based on observable characteristics, such as yield, disease resistance, or other desirable traits.
- Process: The selection involves identifying and choosing the best-performing plants from a population. These selected plants are then used to produce the next generation.
- Single Generation Cycle
- Procedure: Mass selection typically involves evaluating plants over one generation. After selecting the best individuals, their seeds are harvested and used to grow the next generation.
- Recurrent Selection: This process can be repeated multiple times, with each cycle aimed at further improving the population’s traits.
- Genetic Improvement Constraints
- Genetic Variability: The improvement achieved through mass selection is confined to the genetic variability present in the original population. This means that new genetic variation is not introduced during the breeding process.
- Limitations: The method relies on existing genetic diversity within the population. As a result, the progress made is limited by the genetic pool available in the initial population.
- Goal of Cultivar Development
- Enhancement of Performance: The ultimate aim of mass selection in cultivar development is to improve the average performance of the base population. This involves increasing the proportion of plants with desirable traits across successive generations.
Application of Mass Selection
Mass selection is a versatile method in plant breeding with several practical applications, each aimed at improving plant populations or maintaining cultivar quality. Below are the key applications of mass selection:
- Maintaining Cultivar Purity
- Purpose: Mass selection can be employed to preserve the purity of an existing cultivar that has become contaminated or is segregating.
- Process: Off-types or plants deviating from the desired characteristics are identified and removed (rogued out) from the population. The remaining plants are bulked to maintain the cultivar’s integrity.
- Context: Contamination can arise from natural processes like outcrossing or mutation, as well as human errors such as inadvertent seed mixing during harvesting or processing.
- Developing New Cultivars
- Purpose: This method can be used to create new cultivars from a base population that has been established through hybridization.
- Process: After hybridization, mass selection is used to refine and develop a cultivar by selecting individuals with desirable traits from the hybrid population.
- Context: This application helps in optimizing the performance of hybrids by focusing on phenotypic traits and ensuring consistency in the new cultivar.
- Preserving Cultivar Identity
- Purpose: Mass selection helps in maintaining the identity of an established cultivar or a newly released cultivar.
- Process: Several hundred plants (200–300) are selected and grown in individual rows. Rows exhibiting significant phenotypic variations are discarded. The remaining plants are bulked to produce breeder seed. Sample plants are also retained for future reproduction of the cultivar.
- Context: This application ensures that the cultivar remains true-to-type and consistent over time.
- Adapting New Crops to New Regions
- Purpose: Mass selection is used to adapt new crops to different production regions by selecting for traits essential for successful cultivation in the new environment.
- Process: Breeders select for specific factors such as maturity, which are crucial for the crop’s performance in the new region.
- Context: This adaptation helps in optimizing the new cultivar’s performance under local growing conditions.
- Breeding for Horizontal Disease Resistance
- Purpose: Mass selection can be utilized to incorporate durable, horizontal disease resistance into a cultivar.
- Process: By applying low densities of disease inoculum, breeders stimulate moderate disease development. This approach assesses quantitative genetic effects rather than major gene effects, resulting in a cultivar with broad, race-non-specific disease resistance.
- Context: This method ensures stable crop yields and long-lasting disease resistance.
- Rogueing Undesirable Plants
- Purpose: Mass selection can streamline breeding programs by removing undesirable plants, thus saving time and reducing costs.
- Process: Undesirable plants are identified and removed from the breeding material. This selection reduces the volume of materials advanced to the next breeding stages.
- Context: This application helps in focusing resources on plants with desirable traits and enhances the efficiency of the breeding process.
Procedure of Mass Selection
Mass selection involves a systematic approach to improving plant populations by selecting for desirable traits while removing undesirable ones. The procedure can be summarized in the following steps:
- Initial Planting and Selection
- Population Planting: Begin by planting a heterogeneous population in the field. This population includes a broad range of genetic variability.
- Identification of Off-types: Regularly inspect the plants to identify and remove off-types or plants exhibiting undesirable traits. This process, known as negative mass selection, ensures that only plants with desirable characteristics are retained.
- Selection Methods: Selection can be done either visually, based on the breeder’s assessment, or using mechanical devices such as sieves for grain size determination. The choice of method may depend on the traits of interest and the specific needs of the breeding program.
- Selection Based on Traits
- Direct vs. Indirect Selection: Selection can focus directly on the trait of interest or indirectly on traits correlated with the desired characteristics. This approach helps in refining the population to enhance the specific traits targeted for improvement.
- Year 1: Purification and Progeny Evaluation
- Progeny Testing: If the goal is to purify an established cultivar, seeds from selected plants are progeny-rowed. This step involves growing the seeds from selected plants to confirm their purity before advancing to bulk planting.
- Comparison: The original cultivar is planted alongside the progeny to compare and ensure that the selected plants maintain the desired characteristics of the original cultivar.
- Year 2: Composite Seed Evaluation
- Composite Testing: Evaluate the composite seed from the selected population in replicated trials. The performance of the composite seed is assessed against the original cultivar, often across multiple locations and over several years.
- Bulk Harvesting: After evaluation, the seed is bulk-harvested, consolidating the selected plants into a larger seed lot for further use.
- Recurrent Mass Selection
- Cycles of Selection: Depending on the breeding goals, mass selection may be performed once or recur multiple times (recurrent mass selection). Each cycle aims to further refine and improve the population based on the selection criteria.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Mass Selection
Mass selection is a breeding method used to improve plant populations, particularly in self-pollinated species. The technique has several advantages and disadvantages, which impact its effectiveness and suitability for different breeding objectives.
Advantages of Mass Selection
- Simplicity and Efficiency
- Procedure: Mass selection is relatively straightforward and easy to implement. The process involves selecting desirable plants based on observable traits and can be completed within one generation per cycle.
- Handling: Large populations can be managed efficiently, making it feasible for extensive breeding programs.
- Cost-Effectiveness
- Economic: The method is generally inexpensive to conduct. It does not require sophisticated technology or extensive resources, making it accessible for many breeding programs.
- Uniformity
- Phenotypic Consistency: Despite being a mixture of pure lines, cultivars produced through mass selection tend to be phenotypically fairly uniform. This is beneficial for ensuring a consistent product quality.
Disadvantages of Mass Selection
- Heritability Requirement
- Trait Heritability: For mass selection to be effective, the traits of interest should have high heritability. This ensures that desirable traits are passed on to subsequent generations, but limits the method’s effectiveness for traits with low heritability.
- Environmental Influence
- Uniform Conditions: Optimal selection is achieved when conducted in a uniform environment. Variability in environmental conditions can affect the expression of traits, complicating the selection process.
- Phenotypic Uniformity
- Comparison with Pure Lines: While mass selection achieves a degree of phenotypic uniformity, it is generally less uniform compared to cultivars developed through pure line selection. This is due to the genetic diversity retained in the selected population.
- Genotypic Challenges
- Dominance Effects: In the presence of dominant genes, heterozygotes are indistinguishable from homozygous dominant genotypes. Without progeny testing, selected heterozygotes may segregate in future generations, potentially leading to undesirable genetic variability.
2. Pure-line selection

Key Features
- Genetic Uniformity
- Isolation of Lines: The pure-line theory posits that lines with consistent genetic makeup can be extracted from a genetically diverse population. Johannsen’s work demonstrated that such lines, once isolated, exhibit uniformity in genetic traits.
- Homogeneity: These lines are characterized by having identical alleles at all loci, although achieving perfect uniformity in practice is challenging due to inherent mutation rates.
- Selection Process
- Passive Nature: Pure-line selection is described as a passive process. It eliminates genetic variation by focusing on consistently high-performing individuals within a line but does not introduce new genetic variations.
- Effectiveness: While initial selection of pure lines from a heterogeneous population can be effective, subsequent selection within these lines is limited. Variability within a pure line is generally attributed to environmental factors rather than genetic diversity, rendering further selection ineffective.
- Application in Breeding
- Cultivar Development: Pure lines are crucial for developing cultivars with consistent traits. They are used either as final cultivars themselves or as parental lines in hybrid production.
- Genetic Stock: These lines serve as a foundation for developing genetic stocks with specific traits such as disease resistance or enhanced nutritional quality.
- Hybrid and Multiline Cultivars: Pure lines contribute to the creation of synthetic and multiline cultivars by providing stable genetic backgrounds for hybridization and other breeding strategies.
- Genetic Stability
- Narrow Genetic Base: Pure-line cultivars typically have a very narrow genetic base, which results in uniform traits such as plant height and maturity. This narrow genetic base can be advantageous for ensuring consistency but may also limit adaptability.
- Identification: Due to their uniformity, pure lines are easily identifiable, which can be useful in situations involving proprietary disputes or quality control.
- Practical Considerations
- Mutation Rates: Despite the ideal of genetic uniformity, pure lines are subject to mutation, leading to what are often referred to as “near” pure-line cultivars. This acknowledgment of mutation rates highlights the practical limitations of achieving absolute genetic purity.
Steps in Pure-Line Selection
- Initial Selection and Planting (Year 1)
- Obtain Base Population: Begin with a heterogeneous base population, which may include introductions, segregating populations from crosses, or land races. This population contains a mixture of homozygous lines with transient heterozygosity due to mutations and outcrossing.
- Planting and Selection: Space plant the base population in the field. During this initial growing season, select individuals that exhibit desirable traits. These selected plants are then harvested.
- Progeny Row Evaluation (Year 2)
- Grow Progeny Rows: Plant progeny rows from the harvested individuals. This step involves growing the progeny of the selected plants to observe their performance and consistency.
- Rogueing and Harvesting: Remove any plants that deviate from the desired traits. Harvest the progeny rows individually to create experimental strains for further evaluation.
- Preliminary Yield Trials (Years 3–6)
- Conduct Trials: Perform preliminary yield trials on the experimental strains. These trials are essential for evaluating the performance of the strains in comparison to established check cultivars.
- Assess Performance: The goal during this phase is to assess the yield and other important characteristics of the experimental strains to identify those that perform best.
- Advanced Yield Trials and Release (Years 7–10)
- Multi-location Trials: Carry out advanced yield trials across multiple locations. This ensures that the selected lines perform well under various environmental conditions and confirms their stability.
- Release Cultivar: Based on the results of the advanced trials, release the highest yielding and most stable line as a new cultivar.
Key Applications
- Cultivars for Mechanized Production
- Uniform Specifications: Pure-line selection is instrumental in developing cultivars that are tailored for mechanized farming systems. For example, cultivars may be bred to ensure uniformity in maturity and height, which is crucial for efficient operation of farm machinery.
- Consistency: This uniformity ensures that machines, such as harvesters and planters, can operate effectively and consistently, leading to improved efficiency and reduced operational challenges.
- Cultivars for Discriminating Markets
- Aesthetic Qualities: In markets where visual appeal is paramount, pure-line selection is used to develop cultivars with consistent and attractive physical attributes. For instance, uniform shape and size can be critical for meeting market demands that prioritize visual standards.
- Market Premiums: Cultivars that meet these aesthetic criteria can command higher prices, making pure-line selection valuable for enhancing marketability.
- Cultivars for Processing Markets
- Quality Specifications: The method is also applied to develop cultivars with specific processing qualities, such as those required for canning or other food processing techniques. This includes traits related to texture, flavor, or color.
- Uniform Processing: Consistency in these traits ensures that the final processed product meets industry standards and consumer expectations.
- Advancing “Sports” and Mutants
- Ornamental Uses: Pure-line selection can be employed to advance and stabilize “sports” or mutants that appear in a population, particularly those with unique or desirable ornamental features, such as unusual flower colors or shapes.
- Cultivar Development: By isolating and developing these unique traits, breeders can introduce novel cultivars to the market.
- Improving Newly Domesticated Crops
- Variability Management: For newly domesticated crops with inherent variability, pure-line selection helps in stabilizing desirable traits and reducing variability, making the crops more suitable for commercial production.
- Adaptation: This application is essential for transitioning new crops from experimental stages to widespread agricultural use.
- Integration with Other Breeding Methods
- Pedigree Selection: Pure-line selection is often a component of pedigree selection methods, where it contributes to the refinement of specific lines within a broader breeding program.
- Bulk Population Selection: Similarly, it is used in conjunction with bulk population selection to enhance the genetic uniformity and stability of bulked seed populations.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Pure-Line Selection
Pure-line selection is a refined breeding technique used to develop genetically uniform cultivars, particularly for self-pollinated species. This method has distinct advantages and disadvantages, which are essential to consider for its effective application in plant breeding.
Advantages of Pure-Line Selection
- Efficiency and Cost-effectiveness
- Rapid Process: Pure-line selection is relatively quick compared to some other breeding methods. It involves fewer generations to achieve a uniform cultivar.
- Inexpensive: This method is cost-effective as it often utilizes a base population that can include landraces. The size of the population selected can vary according to the breeding objectives, allowing flexibility in resource allocation.
- Uniformity and Appeal
- High Uniformity: Cultivars developed through pure-line selection exhibit high uniformity in traits such as height and maturity. This uniformity is advantageous for mechanized production and enhances the visual appeal of the crop, which is beneficial for markets that prioritize aesthetic qualities.
- Improvement of Low Heritability Traits
- Effective for Low Heritability Traits: The method is particularly useful for improving traits with low heritability, as selection is based on progeny performance rather than solely on phenotypic traits of individual plants.
- Selective Advancement
- Focused Selection: Pure-line selection allows for the advancement of only the best-performing pure lines, thereby maximizing genetic improvements. This contrasts with mass selection, which may advance some inferior lines.
Disadvantages of Pure-Line Selection
- Loss of Cultivar Purity
- Susceptibility to Admixture and Mutation: The genetic purity of cultivars developed through pure-line selection can be compromised by admixture, natural crossing with other cultivars, and mutations. It is essential to rogue out off-type plants to maintain cultivar purity.
- Narrow Genetic Base
- Vulnerability to Environmental Stress: Cultivars produced by pure-line selection often have a narrow genetic base, making them susceptible to environmental stressors. The uniform response of these cultivars can lead to significant losses if adverse conditions occur.
- Limited Genetic Innovation
- No Creation of New Genotypes: This method does not create new genotypes but rather isolates the best genotype from a mixed population. Therefore, genetic improvement is constrained to the available variation within the initial population.
- Risk of Genetic Erosion
- Reduction in Genetic Diversity: The focus on identifying and amplifying superior pure lines can lead to genetic erosion. As superior lines are selected, other genetic variants are excluded, reducing overall genetic diversity.
- Resource Intensive
- Resource Allocation: The process of growing and evaluating progeny rows can be resource-intensive, requiring substantial time, space, and funds.
3. Pedigree selection

Key Features of Pedigree Selection
- Hybridization for Variability
- Base Population: The process begins with hybridization to create a diverse base population. This initial crossing generates genetic variability necessary for selection.
- Segregating Population: The base population is actively segregating, meaning it contains a range of genetic variations that can be assessed and selected.
- Systematic Record-Keeping
- Documentation of Ancestry: Pedigree selection involves detailed recording of the ancestry of each plant. This includes tracking parentage and progeny relationships through successive generations.
- Record Format: Records are maintained using a numbering system that tracks selections and their lineage. For example, a plant selected from the fifth cross and labeled as 5-175 can be further tracked in subsequent selections as 5-175-10. This system helps in managing and referencing selections efficiently.
- Continuous Selection Process
- Individual Plant Evaluation: The method involves evaluating and selecting individual plants based on their phenotype within a segregating population. This process is crucial for distinguishing desirable traits from undesirable ones.
- Generation-by-Generation Reselection: Selected plants are re-evaluated in each generation to ensure that desirable traits are retained. This continuous selection is conducted until a desirable level of homozygosity is achieved, resulting in phenotypically uniform plants.
- Achievement of Homozygosity
- Phenotypic Uniformity: As selection progresses, the breeding goal is to achieve homozygosity, where plants within the selected line appear phenotypically homogeneous. This uniformity is crucial for developing consistent and reliable cultivars.
- Effective Record Maintenance
- Simplicity and Manageability: The system of record-keeping should be straightforward, manageable, and informative. While it may include additional notations or letters for parental sources or crop types, the primary focus is on maintaining clarity and utility in tracking plant lineage.
- Flexibility in Selection
- Adaptability: Pedigree selection can be adapted to various types of crops and breeding objectives. It is applicable to both self-pollinated and cross-pollinated species, making it a versatile tool in plant breeding.
Procedure of Pedigree Selection
Pedigree selection is a systematic approach used to improve plant varieties by selecting and breeding superior plants. The process is organized into several stages, each with specific tasks to achieve the goal of developing a new, high-quality cultivar. The following outlines the procedure:
- Year 1: Initial Crosses
- Selection of Parents: Identify homozygous parental plants with desirable traits.
- Crossing: Perform approximately 20 to 200 crosses between selected parents to generate the first generation of hybrids (F1).
- Year 2: F1 Evaluation
- Planting F1 Generation: Grow 50 to 100 F1 plants, including the original parental types for comparison.
- Authentication: Verify the hybridity of the F1 plants through their growth and performance compared to parents.
- Year 3: F2 Generation
- Planting: Grow 1,000 to 2,000 F2 plants, ensuring adequate spacing to evaluate individual plant performance.
- Documentation: Record details for each plant, including comparisons with check cultivars. In certain scenarios, it may be beneficial not to space the F2 plants extensively to foster competition.
- Year 4: Progeny Rows (F3 to F5)
- Selection and Spacing: Grow progeny from superior F2 plants, spaced in rows for better record keeping.
- Selection Process: Select the best rows and then choose 3 to 5 superior plants from each row to advance to the next generation. This phase involves selection both within and between rows.
- Year 5: Evaluation of F4 Generation
- Row Assessment: By the end of the F4 generation, manage 25 to 50 rows, each with detailed records of plant performance.
- Progeny Growth: Grow progeny from the best F3 selections to continue the evaluation.
- Year 6: Preliminary Yield Trials
- Family Rows: Plant rows from the F6 generation to produce experimental lines.
- Preliminary Trials: Conduct initial yield trials with these lines in the F7 generation, including benchmark or check varieties for comparison.
- Year 7: Advanced Trials and Final Selection
- Advanced Trials: Conduct yield trials over various locations, regions, and years using the F8 to F10 generations.
- Selection Criteria: Advance only those lines that demonstrate superior agronomic traits (e.g., lodging resistance, disease resistance) compared to check cultivars.
- Release Process: If a superior line is identified, it proceeds through the cultivar release process, including seed increase and certification.
Additional Considerations
- Time and Facilities: Growing parents, making crosses, and evaluating F1 plants may take 1 to 2 years, depending on available facilities and crop growing periods.
- Selection Scale: The number of plants selected in the F2 generation may vary based on available resources, potentially reaching up to 10,000 plants.
- Family Rows in F3 to F5: Ensure each family row includes a sufficient number of plants (25 to 30) to reveal true family characteristics. Discard inferior families and select multiple plants from exceptional ones.
- Plant Density: By the F5 generation, plant density should mirror commercial seeding rates to ensure homogeneity and suitability for yield trials.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Pedigree Selection
Pedigree selection, a widely used plant breeding method, offers several advantages and drawbacks. Understanding these aspects is crucial for determining its suitability for various breeding programs.
- Comprehensive Record Keeping
- Genetic Catalog: Pedigree selection provides an extensive catalog of genetic information that other methods might not offer. This detailed documentation allows breeders to track the inheritance of specific traits through multiple generations.
- Genotype-Based Selection: The method facilitates selection based on both phenotype and genotype, particularly through progeny rows. This dual approach enhances the ability to identify superior lines from among segregating populations.
- Targeted Trait Improvement
- Gene Tracking: Records enable breeders to advance only those progeny lines that carry the desired genes for target traits. This targeted approach ensures that the breeding process focuses on lines with the most potential for desirable characteristics.
- High Genetic Purity
- Purity and Certification: The pedigree method is effective in producing high genetic purity, which is advantageous for markets requiring specific standards. This purity is particularly beneficial when certification of products is necessary.
- Resource-Intensive Process
- Time and Cost: The process of pedigree selection is slow, tedious, and costly. It demands extensive record keeping, space for planting, and precise management of seeding and harvesting. Although modern research equipment has improved efficiency, the method remains resource-intensive.
- Limited Suitability for Certain Species
- Isolation Challenges: Pedigree selection may not be suitable for species where individual plants are difficult to isolate and evaluate. The method relies on the ability to individually assess plants, which can be challenging for certain species.
- Extended Time Frame
- Long Duration: The entire process of pedigree selection typically spans 10 to 12 years or more, especially if only one growing season is feasible each year. This extended timeline can be a significant drawback for programs requiring quicker results.
- Less Effective for Quantitative Traits
- Qualitative vs. Quantitative Traits: Pedigree selection is more effective for improving qualitative traits rather than quantitative ones. It is less suitable for breeding for horizontal disease resistance, which often requires accumulating multiple minor genes for effective resistance.
- Challenges in Early Generation Testing
- Early Selection Limitations: Selecting plants in the F2 generation based on quantitative traits such as yield may not be as effective. It is generally more efficient to select among F3 lines planted in rows, rather than individual plants in the earlier F2 generation.
Key Applications of Pedigree Selection
- Breeding of Self-Pollinated Species
- Suitable Species: Pedigree selection is particularly effective for self-pollinated species such as peanuts, tobacco, and tomato. These species benefit from the method’s ability to segregate and evaluate individual plants based on their phenotypic traits.
- Trait Improvement: The method is applied to enhance qualitative traits that are easily observable, such as color, shape, or size. These traits are critical for meeting market demands or improving agricultural performance.
- Development of Improved Cultivars
- High-Value Traits: Pedigree selection is used to develop cultivars with specific desirable characteristics. For example, in tomatoes, traits like fruit size, shape, and color can be precisely targeted for improvement.
- Enhanced Quality: The method is employed to enhance the quality attributes of crops, such as disease resistance in tobacco or yield improvements in peanuts.
- Application in Cereals
- Cereal Improvement: Although primarily used in self-pollinated crops, pedigree selection has also been applied to some cereal species. In cereals, the method can target traits such as grain size, disease resistance, and overall yield.
- Segregating Populations: In cereals, pedigree selection helps manage and improve segregating populations, allowing for the identification and propagation of superior genotypes.
- Targeting Qualitative Traits
- Identifiable Traits: The method is highly effective for improving qualitative traits that are easily observed and described. For instance, in ornamental plants, pedigree selection can enhance traits such as flower color and shape.
- Selective Breeding: By focusing on these identifiable traits, breeders can systematically select and advance the most promising lines, ensuring that the desired characteristics are reliably expressed in subsequent generations.
- Managing Genetic Variability
- Record-Keeping: Effective record-keeping is crucial in pedigree selection, as it allows breeders to track the lineage and performance of individual plants across generations. This documentation supports informed decision-making and the systematic advancement of desirable traits.
- Maintaining Purity: The method helps in maintaining the genetic purity of selected lines by focusing on the best-performing individuals and minimizing the influence of undesirable traits.
- Integration with Other Breeding Methods
- Complementary Use: Pedigree selection can be integrated with other breeding methods to enhance overall effectiveness. For example, it may be used alongside mass selection or pure-line selection to achieve more comprehensive improvements.
4. Bulk population breeding

Key Features of Bulk Population Breeding
Bulk population breeding is a plant improvement strategy that relies on natural selection in the early generations of breeding while postponing stringent artificial selection. This method was initially developed by the Swedish breeder H. Nilsson-Ehle and later expanded upon by H.V. Harlan and colleagues through their work in barley breeding during the 1940s. The key features of this method are outlined below:
- Delayed Artificial Selection
- Natural Selection: In bulk population breeding, artificial selection is delayed until later generations. The rationale is to allow natural selection to act on the population. This approach lets abiotic factors, such as drought or cold, naturally cull less fit genotypes.
- Early Generations: During the initial generations, natural selection exerts pressure, which helps eliminate less adapted plants. This reduces the need for early artificial intervention and allows the population to self-select for resilience and adaptability.
- Yield Testing of F2 Progenies
- Bulk Progenies: The bulk method involves growing and testing F2 bulk progenies from crosses. The focus is on evaluating the yield performance of these progenies.
- Cross Discarding: Based on yield performance, entire crosses may be discarded if they do not meet the desired standards. This practice helps in stratifying the crosses to select the most promising parents for future generations.
- Application of Pure Line Theory
- Development of Pure Lines: Similar to the pedigree method, bulk population breeding applies the pure line theory. The aim is to develop pure line cultivars from segregating populations.
- Homozygosity Increase: In self-pollinated species, genetic recombination is not utilized because self-pollination progressively increases homozygosity. By the F6 generation, homozygosity reaches approximately 98.9%, ensuring a high level of genetic uniformity.
- Generation of Improved Cultivars
- Selection at High Homozygosity: The strategy of bulk population breeding involves delaying selection until a high level of homozygosity is achieved. This results in cultivars that are genetically uniform and have desirable traits that are stable across generations.
- Historical and Current Applications
- Historical Context: Initially used to evaluate yield performance and select crosses based on yield, bulk population breeding has evolved in its application.
- Current Objectives: Today, while the bulk method still relies on the principles of natural selection and pure line theory, its objectives and applications may vary depending on specific breeding goals and crop types.
Procedure of Bulk Population Breeding
Bulk population breeding involves a series of systematic steps aimed at improving crop varieties by leveraging natural selection and managing genetic diversity. The procedure typically unfolds over several years and is outlined as follows:
- Year 1: Initial Crosses
- Selection of Parents: Identify and select desirable parents, which may include cultivars or single crosses, based on the traits of interest.
- Crossing: Perform a sufficient number of crosses between these selected parents to generate a diverse population of progeny.
- Year 2: F1 Generation Management
- Planting and Harvesting: Plant approximately 50–100 F1 plants from the crosses. These plants are grown and harvested as a bulk, with careful removal of self-pollinated plants (rouging out selfs) to maintain genetic diversity.
- Bulk Harvesting: Collect seeds from the bulked F1 plants for further planting.
- Year 3: F2 Generation
- Bulk Plot Planting: Use the seeds collected from Year 2 to establish a bulk plot containing about 2000–3000 F2 plants.
- Bulk Harvesting: Harvest the F2 plants in bulk to obtain seeds for the next generation.
- Years 4–6: Progression to F4
- Repetition of Steps: Continue planting bulk plots of F2 seeds and repeating the procedures from Years 2 and 3. This process is maintained until reaching about the F4 generation or until the desired level of homozygosity is achieved.
- F5 Planting and Selection: Space-plant approximately 3000–5000 F5 plants. From this, select about 10% (300–500) of the superior plants based on their performance and desired traits.
- F6 Progeny Rows: Use the selected F5 plants to plant F6 progeny rows for further evaluation.
- Year 7: Preliminary Yield Trials
- Selection and Harvesting: From the F6 progeny rows, select and harvest about 10% (30–50) of the rows that exhibit favorable traits for the desired characteristics.
- Preliminary Trials: Plant these selected rows in preliminary yield trials during the F7 generation to assess their performance under different conditions.
- Years 8 and Beyond: Advanced Yield Trials
- Advanced Testing: Conduct advanced yield trials from F8 through F10 generations at multiple locations and under various environmental conditions. Include adapted cultivars as checks to benchmark performance.
- Cultivar Release: Once a superior line is identified through these trials, it undergoes the standard cultivar release process for commercial use.
Additional Considerations
- Space Planting: Space planting of F1 plants can enhance the yield of F2 seeds by providing better growing conditions and reducing competition among plants.
- Environmental Screening: Screening the bulk population under different natural environments, such as varying soil conditions or temperature extremes, can increase the broad adaptation of the cultivar. However, it is important to avoid conditions that might eliminate valuable genotypes.
- Photoperiodic Response: Early screening for photoperiodic response helps eliminate genotypes that cannot reproduce under specific environmental conditions.
- Natural and Artificial Selection: While natural selection is a core component, artificial selection can aid the process by removing aggressive or undesirable genotypes. This helps to prevent the spread of undesirable genes and accelerates the breeding program.
- Selection Pressure: The effectiveness of bulk population breeding depends on the degree and consistency of selection pressure, as well as the heritability of the traits being targeted.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Bulk Population Breeding
Bulk population breeding offers several benefits and faces notable limitations, which are outlined below:
- Simplicity and Convenience
- Ease of Execution: The method is straightforward and relatively easy to implement. It involves basic steps that do not require complex techniques or advanced equipment.
- Reduced Labor and Costs
- Early-Generation Efficiency: In the early stages, bulk breeding is less labor-intensive and more cost-effective compared to methods requiring intensive individual plant management.
- Enhanced Natural Selection
- Increased Desirable Genotypes: Natural selection within the bulk population can enhance the frequency of desirable genotypes over time. This is because less fit genotypes are weeded out by environmental pressures.
- Compatibility with Mass Selection
- Self-Pollinated Species: Bulk breeding integrates well with mass selection in self-pollinated species, allowing breeders to handle large amounts of segregating materials effectively.
- Handling Large Populations
- Efficiency in Cross Evaluation: The method accommodates large quantities of segregating materials, enabling breeders to make and evaluate numerous crosses.
- Environmental Adaptation
- Natural Selection Benefits: The resulting cultivar is typically well-adapted to its environment, having undergone several years of natural selection.
- Improved Selection Accuracy
- Homozygosity: By the time single plant selections are made, plants are more homozygous, which enhances the accuracy of evaluating and comparing plant performance.
- Potential Loss of Superior Genotypes
- Natural Selection Risks: Some superior genotypes may be lost due to natural selection, while undesirable genotypes may inadvertently be promoted during the early generations.
- Incompatibility with Widely Spaced Species
- Spacing Issues: The method is not suitable for species that are typically grown in widely spaced arrangements, as bulk breeding often assumes high plant density.
- Challenges in Genetic Assessment
- Difficulty in Tracking: Tracking genetic characteristics from one generation to the next can be challenging, making it difficult to ascertain the exact genetic makeup of the population.
- Genetic Drift Risks
- Unequal Representation: Not all plants advance to the next generation, which may lead to genetic drift. Improper sampling can exacerbate this issue, affecting the genetic diversity of subsequent generations.
- Off-Season Selection Limitations
- Potential Misalignment: Selecting in off-season nurseries or greenhouses may favor genotypes that are not optimal for the production environment, potentially leading to poor adaptation.
- Lengthy Procedure
- Time Consumption: The bulk population breeding process is lengthy and does not fully utilize off-season planting opportunities, which could otherwise expedite the breeding process.
Applications of Bulk Population Breeding
Bulk population breeding is a versatile strategy in plant improvement with specific applications and limitations. Below are the primary applications and contexts in which bulk population breeding is employed:
- Breeding Self-Pollinated Species
- Self-Pollinated Crops: This method is especially effective for breeding self-pollinated species. Examples include crops like wheat and barley. These species benefit from bulk population breeding due to their natural tendency for self-pollination, which facilitates the accumulation of homozygosity over generations.
- High Homozygosity: By delaying artificial selection, the method allows natural selection to act on large populations, enhancing the development of genetically uniform and stable varieties.
- Production of Inbred Populations
- Cross-Pollinated Species: Bulk population breeding can also be adapted for producing inbred populations in cross-pollinated species. This application involves initially allowing natural selection to filter the population before applying artificial selection to develop inbred lines.
- Examples: In some cases, crops such as field beans and soybeans, which are typically cross-pollinated, may be bred using bulk methods to establish inbred lines with desirable traits.
- Field Crops with High Plant Density
- Small Grains: The method is particularly suitable for crops grown in dense field conditions. Small grains like wheat and barley, which are planted closely together, are well-suited for bulk population breeding.
- Efficiency in Density: The high plant density typical of these crops complements the bulk breeding approach, as it allows for efficient evaluation of large populations and natural selection.
- Limitation in Competitive Crops
- Fruit Crops and Vegetables: Bulk population breeding is less effective for crops where competitive ability is a key trait. For instance, fruit crops and many vegetables do not benefit from this method, as competition among plants is not desirable.
- Alternative Approaches: These crops often require different breeding strategies that consider the competitive dynamics and other specific growth characteristics.
5. Single seed descent
Key Features of Single Seed Descent
The Single Seed Descent (SSD) method is a strategic approach in plant breeding designed to accelerate the development of homozygous lines while minimizing genotype loss during the early segregating generations. The key features of this method are detailed below:
- Rapid Inbreeding and Generation Advancement
- Speed of Breeding: SSD aims to hasten the breeding process by rapidly advancing generations. This is achieved by advancing only one seed per plant through the early segregating stages, which allows breeders to progress through multiple generations in a relatively short period.
- Historical Context: Initially proposed by C.H. Goulden in 1941, the concept was based on the idea of reducing the time required to reach the F6 generation by limiting the number of generations grown per year and utilizing greenhouse and off-season plantings.
- Reduction of Genotype Loss
- Minimizing Genotype Loss: One of the primary advantages of SSD is its ability to reduce the loss of genotypes during the early stages of segregation. By advancing only one randomly selected seed per plant, SSD maintains a broad genetic base throughout the early generations, which can be critical for preserving valuable genetic diversity.
- Advancement Through Early Segregating Stages
- Focus on Homozygosity: The SSD method emphasizes achieving homozygosity as quickly as possible without performing early selection. This approach ensures that the maximum number of F2 plants are advanced through to the F5 generation before any selection for desirable traits takes place.
- Efficient Generation Cycling: By advancing seeds from individual plants rather than entire populations, SSD allows for efficient cycling through early generations, thus accelerating the overall breeding process.
- Delayed Selection for Desirable Traits
- Post-Homozygosity Selection: Selection for desirable traits begins only after a high level of homozygosity is achieved. This delayed selection approach ensures that the genetic foundation is solid before focusing on identifying and selecting for specific traits.
- Formalization and Development
- Development and Formalization: While the SSD concept was first outlined by Goulden and further described by Johnson and Bernard for soybeans in 1962, it was C.A. Brim in 1966 who provided a formal description of the procedure. Brim’s work established SSD as a modified pedigree method, which has since been widely adopted for its efficiency in breeding programs.
- Practical Implementation
- Multiple Plantings: To facilitate rapid advancement, SSD often involves multiple plantings per year, including greenhouse and off-season environments. This approach maximizes the number of generations that can be grown annually, further expediting the breeding process.
Procedures of Single Seed Descent
Single Seed Descent (SSD) involves a series of steps designed to advance through generations quickly while maintaining genetic diversity. The following outlines the standard procedures for implementing SSD:
- Year 1: Creation of Base Population
- Crossing: Begin by selecting and crossing parent plants to generate a sufficient number of F1 progeny. The goal is to establish a large base population of F2 plants in subsequent years.
- Year 2: Initial Planting and Harvesting
- F1 Planting: Grow approximately 50–100 F1 plants either in a greenhouse or in the field. These plants are maintained until they are mature.
- Harvesting: Harvest the seeds from these F1 plants and bulk them together to create a homogeneous batch for the next generation.
- Year 3: Advancement to F2 Generation
- F2 Planting: Plant a bulk population of about 2000–3000 F2 plants. These plants are spaced adequately to ensure that each plant produces a limited amount of seeds.
- Single Seed Harvesting: At maturity, collect a single seed from each F2 plant. These seeds are then bulked together for planting in the F3 generation.
- Years 4–6: Progression Through Early Generations
- F4 Generation: Harvest single pods per plant from the F3 generation. These pods are used to plant the F4 generation.
- F5 Generation: Space-plant the F5 generation in the field. Only seeds from superior plants are selected for planting progeny rows in the F6 generation.
- Year 7: Preliminary Yield Trials
- Selection of Superior Rows: Harvest and evaluate rows from the F6 generation to identify those with desirable traits. These rows are then used for preliminary yield trials in the F7 generation.
- Years 8 and Later: Advanced Yield Trials
- Yield Trials: Conduct advanced yield trials from the F8 through F10 generations. These trials are performed at multiple locations to assess performance across different environments.
- Cultivar Development: The most superior lines identified are further increased in the F11 and F12 generations and are eventually released as new cultivars.
Comments and Considerations
- Sample Size: A small sample size can result in the loss of superior genetic combinations, as only one seed per plant is used. Adequate sampling is crucial to preserve genetic potential.
- Progeny Rows: Using progeny rows before yield testing may help in producing sufficient seed and in selecting superior families.
- Artificial Selection: Early imposition of artificial selection can be beneficial for eliminating undesirable traits, particularly for qualitative characteristics.
- Record Keeping: SSD requires minimal record-keeping and reduces labor intensity, particularly in the early stages. However, attention to detail is necessary to ensure effective advancement and selection.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Single Seed Descent
Single Seed Descent (SSD) offers several notable advantages and disadvantages that impact its effectiveness and suitability for different breeding programs.
- Accelerated Attainment of Homozygosity
- Rapid Progression: SSD facilitates the rapid achievement of homozygosity, typically advancing through 2–3 generations per year. This acceleration is crucial for speeding up the breeding process and reducing the overall time required to develop new cultivars.
- Space Efficiency
- Minimal Space Requirements: In the early generations, SSD requires relatively small spaces for plant cultivation. This is particularly advantageous in controlled environments such as greenhouses, where space and resources are limited.
- No Impact from Natural Selection
- Controlled Conditions: The method operates in environments where natural selection pressures are absent. This ensures that undesirable traits influenced by natural selection do not affect the breeding population, leading to a more controlled selection process.
- Reduced Breeding Program Duration
- Time Efficiency: By using SSD, the duration of the breeding program can be shortened significantly. The ability to advance quickly through generations allows breeders to develop and evaluate new cultivars more efficiently.
- Increased Genetic Diversity
- Genetic Variability: Every plant in the SSD process originates from a different F2 plant, which maintains high levels of genetic diversity in each generation. This diversity is crucial for maintaining genetic variation and enhancing the potential for selecting superior traits.
- Adaptability to Non-representative Environments
- Environmental Flexibility: SSD is suitable for environments that do not necessarily reflect the final commercial production conditions. This aspect ensures that the breeding process is not adversely affected by specific environmental factors.
- Lack of Natural Selection Benefits
- No Natural Selection Pressure: The absence of natural selection means that potential benefits from natural selection, such as the elimination of less fit genotypes, are not utilized. This could lead to the persistence of less desirable traits.
- Selection Based on Individual Phenotype
- Limited Performance Data: Selection in SSD is primarily based on the phenotype of individual plants rather than progeny performance. This limitation can lead to the selection of plants that do not consistently produce desirable traits in subsequent generations.
- Potential Seed Germination Issues
- Germination and Seed Setting: There may be instances where seeds fail to germinate or plants do not set seeds effectively. This can result in some F2 plants not being represented in the subsequent population, affecting the overall genetic representation.
- Risk of Losing Desirable Genes
- Single Seed Representation: The assumption that a single seed from each F2 plant accurately represents its genetic potential may not always hold true. This approach risks losing desirable genes if the single seed does not fully capture the genetic diversity of the original plant.
Applications of Single Seed Descent
Single Seed Descent (SSD) is a breeding technique that optimizes the advancement of homozygous lines by rapidly progressing through generations. The following are key applications of SSD:
- Self-Pollinated Species
- Optimal Application: SSD is particularly suited for self-pollinated species. These species benefit from the method’s ability to maintain genetic diversity while advancing rapidly through generations.
- Reduction of Flower Size: Growing plants under greenhouse conditions, which is common in SSD, may lead to reduced flower size and increased cleistogamy. Therefore, SSD is best applied to species that are naturally self-pollinated and can tolerate these conditions.
- Small Grains and Legumes
- Breeding of Small Grains: SSD is effective for small grains such as wheat and barley. These crops are often planted closely together and produce sufficient seeds per plant to make SSD feasible.
- Legume Breeding: The method is also effective for legumes, including species like field beans and soybeans. Legumes that can endure close planting and still produce at least one seed per plant are ideal candidates for SSD.
- Species with Rapid Maturation
- Rapid Maturation: SSD is well-suited for species that can be forced to mature quickly. This trait allows for the multiple generations needed in SSD to be completed in a short time frame.
- Greenhouse Utilization: The ability to advance generations rapidly under controlled conditions, such as in a greenhouse, further supports the use of SSD for species with fast maturation rates.
- Soybean Breeding
- Widely Adopted in Soybeans: SSD has been extensively used in soybean breeding to accelerate the development of early generations. The method facilitates rapid progress from F2 to F5 generations, crucial for developing new varieties efficiently.
- Adaptability to Controlled Environments
- Controlled Environment Use: SSD can be implemented effectively in controlled environments such as greenhouses. This application allows for better management of growing conditions and acceleration of the breeding process.
6. Backcross breeding
Key Features of Backcross Breeding
Backcross breeding is a method developed to introduce specific desirable genes into a plant’s genotype while preserving the overall characteristics of a well-adapted cultivar. This technique was initially proposed by H.V. Harlan and M.N. Pope in 1922 and has since become a staple in plant breeding programs. The following key features characterize the backcross breeding process:
- Objective of Gene Substitution
- Targeted Gene Replacement: The primary goal of backcross breeding is to substitute a specific undesirable gene with a desirable one, while retaining the other beneficial traits of the cultivar. This process aims to enhance particular genetic attributes without compromising the cultivar’s overall adaptation, productivity, and other essential qualities.
- Recurrent Parent
- Adapted Cultivar: The recurrent parent is the plant cultivar or breeding line that possesses the desired traits of adaptation and productivity. This parent serves as the baseline or standard that will be preserved throughout the breeding process. Its genetic makeup is largely maintained, except for the specific gene being replaced.
- Donor Parent
- Source of Desirable Gene: The donor parent provides the specific gene that is missing in the recurrent parent. While the primary role of the donor parent is to contribute this gene, it should also possess other desirable traits to ensure that the overall quality of the offspring is not compromised. If the donor parent is significantly inferior in other traits, these deficiencies will be passed on to the progeny.
- Modified Inbreeding Process
- Repeated Crossing: Rather than inbreeding the F1 generation, backcross breeding involves repeatedly crossing the F1 progeny with the recurrent parent. This process, known as modified inbreeding, helps to recover the desirable genetic background of the recurrent parent while integrating the new gene from the donor parent.
- Selective Breeding Stages
- Crossing and Selection: In each generation, the progeny resulting from the backcross are selected based on their similarity to the recurrent parent, particularly focusing on the presence of the desirable gene from the donor parent. This selective process ensures that the gene of interest is incorporated while minimizing the introduction of undesired traits.
- Preservation of Overall Traits
- Maintaining Quality: One of the crucial aspects of backcross breeding is to ensure that the adaptation, productivity, and other valuable traits of the recurrent parent are preserved. The breeding program focuses on integrating the desirable gene without altering the well-established qualities of the cultivar.
- Limitations of Gene Transfer
- Non-Improvement of Genotype: Backcross breeding does not inherently improve the overall genotype of the plant except for the specific gene being substituted. The process is highly targeted, aiming only to replace or introduce specific genes while keeping other aspects of the plant’s genotype intact.
Procedure of Backcross Breeding
Backcross breeding is a systematic approach used to introduce specific genes into an established cultivar while retaining the overall genetic integrity of the recurrent parent. The procedure varies slightly depending on whether the gene being transferred is dominant or recessive. Below is a detailed, step-by-step explanation of the backcross breeding process for both dominant and recessive genes.
Dominant Gene Transfer

- Year 1: Initial Cross
- Selection of Parents: Choose the donor parent (homozygous dominant for the desired trait, RR) and the recurrent parent (homozygous recessive, rr).
- Crossing: Perform 10–20 crosses between these parents to produce F1 seeds.
- Year 2: Backcross to Recurrent Parent
- Grow F1 Plants: Cultivate the F1 plants and cross them with the recurrent parent to produce the first backcross generation (BC1).
- Years 3–7: Successive Backcrossing
- Grow and Select: Continue growing the backcross generations (BC1–BC5). Each generation involves selecting 30–50 heterozygous plants that closely resemble the recurrent parent.
- Screening: Employ screening techniques to identify heterozygous plants and discard homozygous recessive individuals. For traits like disease resistance, create artificial conditions to evaluate resistance.
- Genetic Recovery: After approximately six backcrosses, the BC5 generation will closely resemble the recurrent parent while expressing the donor trait.
- Year 8: Selfing of BC5F1
- Selfing: Self-pollinate BC5F1 plants, select several hundred desirable plants, and harvest them individually.
- Year 9: BC5F2 Progeny Rows
- Grow BC5F2: Cultivate the BC5F2 progeny rows, identify, and select about 100 non-segregating progenies. Bulk the selected seeds.
- Year 10: Yield Testing
- Evaluate: Conduct yield tests on the backcrossed plants to confirm that they are equivalent to the recurrent cultivar, ensuring that the newly introduced trait does not adversely affect overall performance.
Recessive Gene Transfer

- Years 1–2: Initial Cross
- Selection of Parents: Similar to dominant gene transfer, select a donor parent with the recessive trait and a recurrent parent.
- Crossing and Initial Screening: Perform the initial cross and grow the resulting plants.
- Year 3: Selfing of BC1F1
- Self-Pollination: Self-pollinate BC1F1 plants to produce BC1F2 seeds. Bulk the seeds for subsequent planting.
- Years 4–7: Backcrossing
- Selection and Backcrossing: Screen BC1F2 plants for the recessive trait. Backcross 10–20 of the most promising plants to the recurrent parent, and repeat this process through subsequent generations (BC2–BC6).
- Years 8–12: Advanced Backcrossing
- Continue Process: Grow BC2F2 through BC6F2 generations, performing backcrosses and bulk harvesting as needed.
- Selection: In each generation, select desirable plants, discard non-conforming progeny, and continue backcrossing with the recurrent parent.
- Year 13: Progeny Rows
- Grow Progeny Rows: Grow progeny rows from selected plants and screen for uniformity.
- Years 14–16: Final Selection and Testing
- Finalize Selection: From the progeny rows, select and bulk the most uniform and desirable progenies. Follow the final procedures similar to those used for dominant gene transfer, including yield testing and evaluation.
Additional Considerations
- Environment: Backcrossing does not need to be conducted in the environment where the recurrent parent is adapted, as the primary requirement is the ability to identify and select the target trait.
- Advanced Testing: Extensive advanced testing may be reduced compared to other breeding methods, as the new cultivar is largely similar to the recurrent parent except for the newly introduced trait.
- Simultaneous Gene Transfer: It is feasible to transfer multiple genes by selecting among progeny, which requires a larger population compared to transferring genes independently.
- Introgression from Wild Germplasm: Backcrossing can be used to introgress genes from wild or exotic germplasm, though such transfers often require more time due to the need to eliminate undesirable traits.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Backcross Breeding
Backcross breeding, a method used to introduce specific traits into established cultivars, offers several benefits but also presents certain limitations. Understanding these advantages and disadvantages can guide the application of this technique in plant breeding.
- Reduction in Field Testing
- Efficiency: Backcross breeding reduces the need for extensive field testing because the new cultivar is designed to retain the adaptive traits of the original cultivar. This is especially beneficial when both the donor and recurrent parents are adapted to the same environmental conditions.
- Repeatability
- Consistency: The method allows for the recovery of the same backcrossed cultivar if the same parental lines are used. This repeatability is advantageous for achieving consistent results across breeding programs.
- Conservative Approach
- Genetic Stability: Backcross breeding minimizes the introduction of new genetic recombinations. This conservative approach ensures that the genetic background of the recurrent parent is largely preserved, focusing on incorporating specific desirable traits.
- Gene Introgression
- Trait Introduction: It is particularly effective for introgressing specific genes from wide crosses. This is useful for incorporating traits from distant or wild relatives into an adapted cultivar.
- Applicability to Various Species
- Versatility: Backcross breeding can be applied to both self-pollinated and cross-pollinated species, making it a flexible tool in plant breeding.
- Limited Effectiveness for Quantitative Traits
- Trait Complexity: Backcross breeding is less effective for transferring quantitative traits, which are controlled by multiple genes and are not always easily identifiable. However, advances in molecular markers are improving the ability to use backcrossing for quantitative trait improvement.
- Undesirable Linkages
- Performance Issues: The presence of undesirable genetic linkages may hinder the improved cultivar from achieving the full performance potential of the original recurrent parent. This issue can affect the overall efficacy of the breeding program.
- Time-Consuming Recessive Traits
- Extended Duration: The transfer of recessive traits is more time-consuming compared to dominant traits. This is due to the need for multiple generations of selfing and backcrossing to identify and stabilize the recessive genotype.
Application of Backcross Breeding
Backcross breeding is a targeted approach designed to introduce specific genetic traits into established cultivars while preserving their overall genetic makeup. The method is versatile and can be applied in several contexts:
- Improving Established Cultivars
- Trait Enhancement: Backcross breeding is particularly effective for improving cultivars that are already well-adapted but lack one or two specific traits. For example, if a cultivar is deficient in disease resistance or drought tolerance, backcrossing can be used to introduce these traits without altering the plant’s other beneficial attributes.
- Qualitative Traits: This method is most straightforward when dealing with traits that are simply inherited and dominant, producing observable phenotypic effects. Such traits are easier to integrate into the existing genetic background of the cultivar.
- Transferring Recessive Traits
- Additional Steps for Recessives: While backcrossing is straightforward for dominant traits, transferring recessive traits involves additional steps. This process requires more generations of backcrossing to ensure that the recessive trait is expressed and fixed in the progeny.
- Creating Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS)
- Hybrid Production: Backcrossing is employed to transfer entire sets of chromosomes to create cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) genotypes. This is particularly useful in species such as corn, onion, and wheat. The procedure involves repeatedly crossing the recurrent parent with a donor parent to incorporate the donor’s cytoplasmic chromosomes into the recurrent parent’s genome, facilitating hybrid seed production.
- Introgression of Genes via Wide Crosses
- Gene Transfer: Backcrossing is utilized to introduce genes from wild or exotic plant species into cultivated varieties. This process, known as introgression, can be lengthy due to the potential presence of undesirable traits in the wild species. Despite the challenges, it allows for the incorporation of beneficial traits such as resistance to pests or environmental stress.
- Development of Isogenic Lines
- Genotype Variation: The method is used to develop isogenic lines—genotypes that differ only in specific alleles at a particular locus. This application is useful for studying traits like disease resistance or plant height, where different alleles at a single locus can lead to distinct phenotypic outcomes.
- Breeding for Multilines
- Genetic Diversity: Backcrossing can also be applied in the development of multilines, which are collections of genetically diverse lines that collectively exhibit a range of traits. This approach helps in managing genetic diversity and ensuring stability in hybrid production.
Special Backcross Procedures
Special backcross procedures have been developed to address specific challenges and enhance the effectiveness of traditional backcross breeding. These specialized techniques include Congruency Backcross and Advanced Backcross QTL, each designed to overcome unique obstacles in plant breeding.
1. Congruency Backcross
The Congruency Backcross is an adaptation of the standard backcross method, aimed at addressing limitations encountered in conventional breeding strategies. This technique involves the following steps:
- Modification of Standard Backcross: Unlike the traditional backcross procedure, which alternates crosses between the donor parent and the recurrent parent, the Congruency Backcross alternates between multiple backcrosses involving the two parents. This approach is employed to circumvent specific barriers that may arise in interspecific hybridization.
- Overcoming Hybridization Barriers: The Congruency Backcross technique is particularly useful for overcoming challenges such as hybrid sterility, genotypic incompatibility, and embryo abortion, which are common issues in simple interspecific crosses. By alternating the backcrosses between the two parents, this method facilitates the successful integration of genetic material from different species or varieties.
- Genetic Contribution: The genetic contributions of each parent in the Congruency Backcross are carefully managed to ensure that the desirable traits are retained while addressing the hybridization barriers. This technique has been demonstrated to be effective in improving the viability and performance of hybrids that might otherwise suffer from sterility or incompatibility issues.
2. Advanced Backcross QTL
The Advanced Backcross QTL method, developed by S.D. Tanksley and J.C. Nelson, integrates backcrossing with quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping to enhance the transfer of desirable genes. This procedure involves:
- Combining Backcross with QTL Mapping: This approach allows breeders to transfer genes associated with QTLs from unadapted germplasm into adapted cultivars. By combining backcrossing with QTL mapping, breeders can identify and incorporate beneficial traits from germplasm that may not be initially suited to the target environment.
- Simultaneous Discovery and Transfer: The method facilitates the simultaneous discovery of QTLs and their transfer into elite breeding lines. This dual approach helps in integrating desirable traits more efficiently and effectively, ensuring that the adapted cultivars benefit from the advanced traits present in the unadapted germplasm.
- Application: Advanced Backcross QTL is particularly useful in breeding programs aiming to enhance traits that are governed by multiple genes or are difficult to select for using traditional methods. This technique provides a strategic advantage in developing cultivars with improved performance and adaptability.
7. Multiline Breeding and Cultivar Blends
Key Features of Multiline Breeding and Cultivar Blends
Multiline breeding and cultivar blends represent sophisticated strategies designed to enhance crop resilience and adaptability. Initially employed by N.F. Jensen in 1952 for oat breeding, these techniques focus on developing cultivars with improved disease resistance and other agronomic traits. Below are the key features of these breeding methods:
Multiline Breeding
- Concept and Purpose:
- Disease Resistance: The primary goal of multiline breeding is to create a cultivar with enhanced disease resistance. This is achieved by mixing several genetically distinct lines, each with unique resistance profiles.
- Diverse Genetic Makeup: Multilines consist of a planned mixture of pure lines, each constituting at least 5% of the total mixture. These lines are selected for their specific disease resistance and other agronomic traits.
- Production Process:
- Development of Pure Lines: Each component line in a multiline must be developed separately, often through methods such as backcrossing to ensure desired traits.
- Blending: After developing the pure lines, they are grown separately and then mixed in a predetermined ratio to create the final multiline cultivar.
- Advantages:
- Reduced Risk of Total Crop Loss: By incorporating multiple genotypes, multilines mitigate the risk of complete crop failure due to a single pathogen race or environmental stress.
- Increased Adaptability: Different component lines within the multiline can respond to various versions or intensities of environmental stressors, enhancing overall resilience.
- Technical Considerations:
- Uniformity and Diversity: While each component line is phenotypically uniform for traits such as height and maturity, the mixture itself enhances genetic diversity.
- Isolines vs. Near Isogenic Lines: Multilines often involve isolines or near isogenic lines, which are genetically identical except for specific alleles, to ensure consistency in the desired traits.
Cultivar Blends
- Concept and Application:
- Seed Mixture: A cultivar blend involves mixing different pure lines or cultivars, each contributing to the overall performance of the blend. Unlike multilines, the term ‘blend’ can be broader and may include a variety of genetic backgrounds.
- Disease and Stress Management: Similar to multilines, cultivar blends aim to manage disease and environmental stresses by incorporating diverse genotypes that can tolerate different conditions.
- Production and Implementation:
- Separate Development: As with multilines, individual component lines or cultivars are developed separately and then combined to form the blend.
- Proportion and Composition: Each component of the blend contributes to the mixture’s overall characteristics, with careful consideration of the proportions used.
- Benefits:
- Enhanced Disease and Stress Tolerance: Cultivar blends provide a buffer against disease and environmental stress by leveraging the strengths of multiple cultivars.
- Flexibility: The blending approach offers flexibility in combining traits from different cultivars, allowing for tailored solutions to specific challenges.
- Challenges:
- Cost and Complexity: Producing multilines and cultivar blends can be more expensive and complex compared to developing single cultivars, due to the need for separate line development and blending procedures.
Procedure of Multiline Breeding and Cultivar Blends
Multiline breeding and cultivar blends involve a systematic approach to enhance crop resilience and adaptability by combining multiple genetic lines. The following steps outline the procedure for developing multilines and cultivar blends, focusing on the integration of disease resistance and phenotypic uniformity.

Procedure for Multiline Breeding
- Selection of Parental Lines:
- Recurrent Parent: Choose an agronomically superior cultivar as the recurrent parent. This cultivar should exhibit desirable traits such as high yield, quality, and adaptation to the local environment.
- Donor Parent: Select a donor parent that possesses specific disease resistance or other desirable traits not present in the recurrent parent. This donor parent will provide the genetic material for disease resistance.
- Development of Isolines:
- Backcrossing: Initiate a backcrossing program where the donor parent is crossed with the recurrent parent. Subsequently, perform backcrosses with the recurrent parent to develop backcross-derived isolines or near-isogenic lines. True isolines are challenging to obtain due to gene linkage issues; thus, near-isogenic lines are often used.
- Isolation of Lines: Each backcross-derived isoline should be evaluated to ensure it carries the resistance to different physiological races or groups of the targeted disease.
- Screening and Selection:
- Disease Resistance Testing: Conduct multilocation screening of the component lines to assess their disease resistance. Each line should contribute resistance to different physiological races of the disease.
- Phenotypic Uniformity: Select lines that exhibit uniformity in key agronomic traits such as plant height, maturity, and photoperiod. This ensures that the final multiline has consistent characteristics important for cultivation.
- Performance Evaluation: Evaluate selected lines for performance traits such as yield potential, quality, and competitive ability in the field.
- Composition of Multiline:
- Mixture Formulation: Compose the multiline mixture based on disease patterns and the proportion of resistance needed. Typically, at least 60% of the mixture should consist of isolines resistant to prevalent disease races.
- Seed Analysis: Consider factors like germination percentage and seed viability when determining the proportions of the component lines in the mixture.
- Annual Updating:
- Adjustment of Mixtures: Update the composition of the multiline mixture annually based on changes in disease prevalence and patterns. This ensures that the mixture remains effective against emerging or shifting pathogen races.
Procedure for Cultivar Blends
- Selection and Development:
- Component Cultivars: Choose multiple cultivars or lines that possess complementary traits. These can be based on disease resistance, environmental adaptability, or other desirable agronomic characteristics.
- Blend Composition: Develop a blend of these cultivars, ensuring that each component contributes to the overall performance of the mixture.
- Evaluation and Testing:
- Field Performance: Test the cultivar blends under different environmental conditions to evaluate their performance in terms of yield, quality, and adaptability.
- Component Proportions: Determine the proportions of each cultivar in the blend based on their performance and contribution to the overall blend.
- Implementation:
- Seed Production: Produce seed mixtures of the selected cultivars. These mixtures should be consistent in their composition to maintain the desired traits and performance levels.
- Usage: Deploy the cultivar blends in areas where environmental conditions are variable or where there is a risk of pest and disease outbreaks.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiline Breeding and Cultivar Blends
Multiline breeding and cultivar blends are strategic approaches used to enhance crop resilience and stability. These methods offer various benefits but also come with certain limitations.
- Broad Disease Protection:
- Diverse Resistance: Multiline cultivars offer protection against a wide range of disease races. By incorporating multiple genetic lines with varying resistance mechanisms, these cultivars can mitigate the impact of diverse pathogen races.
- Phenotypic Uniformity:
- Consistency: Each component line within a multiline is phenotypically uniform for key agronomic traits, such as plant height, maturity, and photoperiod. This uniformity ensures that the multiline cultivar maintains a consistent appearance and performance in the field.
- Increased Yield Stability:
- Consistency in Production: Multilines generally provide greater yield stability compared to single-line cultivars. This stability arises from the genetic diversity within the multiline, which helps buffer against environmental variability and disease pressure.
- Flexibility in Modification:
- Adaptability: Multilines can be readily modified to address emerging disease threats. If a component line becomes susceptible to a new pathogen race, it can be replaced with a new line that offers updated resistance, thus maintaining the cultivar’s effectiveness over time.
- Development Time and Costs:
- Extended Production: Developing the isolines required for a multiline is a time-consuming process, often taking several years to complete. This extended timeline, coupled with the need for multiple backcrosses and careful selection, makes multiline breeding labor-intensive and costly.
- Specialized Disease Effectiveness:
- Targeted Use: Multilines are most beneficial in regions where specialized disease pathogens frequently cause severe damage. In areas with less pathogen pressure or more generalized disease threats, the benefits of multilines may be less pronounced.
- Maintenance Challenges:
- Labor-Intensive Care: Maintaining the different isolines within a multiline requires significant labor and resources. Regular monitoring, testing, and management of each component line are necessary to ensure continued effectiveness and to update the mixture as needed.
Applications of Multiline Breeding and Cultivar Blends
Multiline breeding and cultivar blends offer versatile solutions for managing plant diseases and adapting crops to varying environmental conditions. These strategies have several practical applications across different sectors, each leveraging the inherent genetic diversity to achieve specific goals.
Applications of Multiline Breeding
- Disease Management:
- Variable Cultivars: Multiline breeding was initially applied to create “variable cultivars” aimed at reducing the risk of crop loss due to pest infestations with multiple races. By planting a mixture of genotypes, the spread of diseases is impeded as resistant and susceptible plants intermingle.
- Air-Borne Pathogens: Multilines are particularly effective against air-borne pathogens with rapid reproductive cycles and diverse physiological races. This effectiveness is due to the genetic variability within the multiline, which can resist different pathogen races.
- Environmental Adaptation:
- Stable Performance: Mixtures of cultivars or lines are composited to provide consistent performance under fluctuating environmental conditions. This approach ensures that at least one component of the multiline will be well-suited to the prevailing conditions, enhancing overall crop stability.
- Turfgrass Industry:
- Customized Blends: In the turfgrass industry, where conditions are often less predictable, mixtures or blends are used to tailor plantings to specific environmental challenges. This practice increases the likelihood of achieving a successful and adaptable turf.
- Backcross Breeding:
- Gene Substitution: Multiline breeding complements backcross breeding by addressing deficiencies in high-yielding cultivars. A desirable but deficient cultivar can be enhanced by blending it with another cultivar that provides the missing trait, even if this results in a lower yield under optimal conditions. This strategy proves beneficial under adverse conditions.
- Marketing:
- Blend Commercialization: Beyond plant breeding, cultivar blends are used in marketing. Blends of two or more cultivars can be sold under various brand names, offering a product that maintains consistent performance while allowing for flexibility in marketing strategies.
Applications of Cultivar Blends
- Pest and Disease Resistance:
- Heterogeneous Mixtures: Cultivar blends serve to mitigate pest and disease impacts by combining different genetic backgrounds. This heterogeneity can prevent the dominance of a single pest or disease, thus reducing overall crop vulnerability.
- Environmental Versatility:
- Adaptive Planting: Cultivar blends are particularly useful in environments with variable conditions. By including multiple cultivars, each with different environmental tolerances, the blend can better cope with diverse and unpredictable conditions.
- Improving Crop Resilience:
- Balanced Performance: Similar to multilines, cultivar blends can balance the strengths and weaknesses of individual cultivars. This results in a more resilient crop capable of performing well across a range of conditions, even if some component cultivars are less productive individually.
- Economic and Practical Considerations:
- Cost-Effectiveness: Cultivar blends often offer a cost-effective solution by maximizing the performance of different cultivars without the need for extensive breeding programs. They can be an economical alternative to developing new, single cultivars.
8. Recurrent selection
Recurrent Selection Procedure
Recurrent selection is a systematic breeding method aimed at enhancing desirable traits within a population by cyclically selecting and recombining genetic material. Initially developed for cross-pollinated species, this technique is now also employed for self-pollinated species. The procedure involves several distinct steps, each crucial for its success.
Steps in Recurrent Selection
- Initial Crosses:
- Formation of Base Population: The process begins with the creation of a base population through initial crosses between selected parents. These parents are chosen based on their desirable traits or genetic potential.
- Selection of Superior Individuals:
- Identification and Selection: From the progeny of the initial crosses, individuals that exhibit superior traits are identified and selected. This selection is based on performance criteria relevant to the traits of interest, such as yield, disease resistance, or other agronomic qualities.
- Intercrossing:
- Recombination of Selected Lines: The selected superior individuals are then intermated to recombine their genetic material. This step is essential for creating new genetic combinations and enhancing the genetic diversity within the population.
- Evaluation and Selection:
- Assessment of Progeny: The offspring resulting from the intercrossing are evaluated for the traits of interest. This evaluation is performed under various environmental conditions to ensure that the improvements are stable and consistent.
- Repetition of the Process:
- Cyclic Improvement: The cycle of selection, intercrossing, and evaluation is repeated over multiple generations. Each cycle aims to concentrate desirable alleles in the population, progressively improving the overall genetic quality.
- Management of Crossing:
- Overcoming Challenges: In autogamous species, where self-pollination is the norm, extensive crossing can be challenging. To address this, male sterility systems may be incorporated to facilitate natural crossing, thus reducing the need for manual pollination. Additionally, controlled environments such as greenhouses can be used to extend the crossing period and ensure adequate seed production.
Key Considerations
- Genetic Recombination: Recurrent selection provides opportunities for genetic recombination that are not available with pedigree selection, making it effective for improving quantitative traits.
- Controlled Environments: Using controlled environments helps in managing the crossing process and ensures a sufficient seed supply for further selection cycles.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Recurrent Selection
Recurrent selection is a breeding strategy designed to improve genetic traits through repeated cycles of selection and recombination. This method has specific advantages and disadvantages when applied to autogamous species.
- Breaking Linkage Blocks:
- Increased Genetic Recombination: Recurrent selection involves repeated cycles of intercrossing, which provides opportunities to break linkage blocks. This process can separate desirable traits that are linked with undesirable ones, allowing for more refined selection of traits.
- Applicability to Diverse Species:
- Versatility: Recurrent selection is applicable to both autogamous grasses (monocots) and legumes (dicots). This versatility makes it a valuable method for improving a wide range of autogamous species, including those that self-pollinate.
- Extensive Crossing Requirements:
- Challenges in Autogamous Species: Recurrent selection requires extensive crossing, which can be challenging in autogamous species that naturally self-pollinate. To address this issue, male sterility systems may be employed to facilitate the crossing process.
- Seed Availability Issues:
- Limited Seed Production: After extensive intercrossing, sufficient seed for subsequent generations may not be readily available. This limitation can be mitigated by incorporating male sterility into the breeding program to ensure adequate seed supply.
- Prolonged Breeding Duration:
- Extended Timeframe: The need for multiple intermatings in recurrent selection can extend the duration of the breeding program. This extended timeframe can delay the achievement of breeding goals and increase the overall cost and effort involved.
- Risk of Breaking Desirable Linkages:
- Potential Loss of Beneficial Traits: While recurrent selection can help break undesirable linkages, there is also a risk of inadvertently disrupting desirable linkages. This can result in the loss of beneficial trait combinations that were previously selected for.