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Sourav PanAugust 18, 2024

Match the types of ecological interactions in Group 1 with their respective definitions in Group 2.

Match the types of ecological interactions in Group 1 with their respective definitions in Group 2.

Group 1 Group 2
(P) Protocooperation (i) One species is harmed but the other is neither harmed nor benefited
(Q) Commensalism (ii) A type of mutualism where one species is benefited more than the other
(R) Amensalism (iii) Both species are benefited but the interaction is not obligatory
(S) Helotism (iv) One species is benefited without harming the other

(A) P−iii, Q−iv, R−i, S−ii
(B) P−ii, Q−i, R−iii, S−iv
(C) P−i, Q−iv, R−iii, S−ii
(D) P−iii, Q−i, R−iv, S−ii


Sourav Pan
Sourav PanAugust 18, 2024


Answer: (A) P−iii, Q−iv, R−i, S−ii

Protocooperation is a non-obligatory mutual benefit (iii), commensalism benefits one species without harming the other (iv), amensalism harms one without affecting the other (i), and helotism is where one species is dominated and benefits the other more (ii).

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