Zoology 6 Views 1 Answers
difference betweeb cytoplasmatich membrane of bacteria and archea
difference betweeb cytoplasmatich membrane of bacteria and archea
Chemical Composition:
Bacteria: Glycerol‑3‑phosphate with ester-linked fatty acids.
Archaea: Glycerol‑1‑phosphate with ether-linked isoprenoid chains (often branched and cyclized).
Structural Organization:
Bacteria: Typically form a flexible lipid bilayer.
Archaea: Often form a more rigid monolayer (via tetraether lipids) in addition to bilayers.
Environmental Adaptation
The chemical and structural properties of archaeal membranes make them especially suited for surviving extreme conditions, whereas bacterial membranes are generally optimized for moderate environments but can adapt by modulating fatty acid composition.
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