Monocot and Dicot Seed – Characteristics, Structure, Functions, Examples

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What is Monocot Seed?

  • Monocot seeds are a category of seeds characterized by having a single embryonic leaf, or cotyledon. This feature distinguishes them from dicot seeds, which have two cotyledons. The structure of a monocot seed is essential in differentiating it from dicots, as it typically contains a large endosperm that provides nourishment for the developing embryo. This endosperm makes monocot seeds larger compared to dicot seeds, earning them the name albuminous seeds, since the endosperm stores food for the seed.
  • One of the key structural traits of monocot seeds is their seed pod, which is trimerous, meaning it is divided into three parts. This arrangement mirrors the three-part structure of the carpel involved in fertilization. While monocot seeds can vary in shape and size, they tend to be asymmetrical due to the presence of a single cotyledon. Their common shapes include triangular, elliptic, or ovate, and these shapes are influenced by the original form of the ovule, as seeds develop directly from ovules post-fertilization.
  • The most vital part of the seed is the embryo, which is protected by an outer covering and sustained by nutrients from the endosperm. Monocots are classified as a monophyletic group, meaning they share a common evolutionary ancestor, which highlights the unified evolutionary history of these plants.

What is Dicot Seed?

  • Dicot seeds are seeds characterized by the presence of two embryonic leaves, known as cotyledons. These seeds contain a single embryo that is flanked by two cotyledons, which play a critical role in nourishing the embryo during its early development. In dicot plants, the embryo consists of an embryo axis and the surrounding cotyledons, which provide initial nutrients until the plant can begin photosynthesis.
  • One of the defining features of dicot seeds is their typically symmetrical structure, allowing them to be divided into two equal halves. This symmetry is a clear distinguishing factor from monocot seeds. Additionally, the seed pods of dicots can vary widely in size, shape, and number of chambers, with most dicot plants producing more seeds per pod compared to monocots. In dicot seeds, the endosperm, which is responsible for storing nutrients, is often reduced or may even be absent, as the cotyledons themselves take on the role of providing nourishment to the developing seed.
  • The shape of dicot seeds can be a useful identifier for differentiating between species. For example, peas and beans have distinct seed shapes that can be used to distinguish between these plants. Furthermore, dicots encompass a wide variety of plant types, from small herbs to large woody trees, which leads to significant variability in seed size.
  • Unlike monocots, dicots are not a monophyletic group, meaning that the plants within this group do not all trace back to a single common ancestor. This evolutionary distinction highlights the diversity within dicots, which can be further categorized based on the absence of additional sheaths surrounding the embryo, among other traits.

Characteristics of Monocot and Dicot Seeds

Below is a detailed comparison based on key traits:

  • Monocot Seeds:
    • The seed contains a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) associated with the embryo.
    • The pollen structure is monosulcate, meaning it has a single pore or furrow.
    • Flower parts typically appear in multiples of three, aligning with the trimerous structure often seen in monocots.
    • The leaves exhibit parallel venation, where the major veins run parallel to each other.
    • The vascular bundles in the stem are scattered, lacking a regular pattern of organization.
    • Monocots possess adventitious roots, which arise from the stem or other non-root tissues, instead of a primary root system.
    • Secondary growth (thickening of the stem and roots) is usually absent, meaning monocots generally do not form wood.
  • Dicot Seeds:
    • Dicot seeds are characterized by having two cotyledons, which are critical in nourishing the embryo during its early stages.
    • The seed coat, which serves as a protective covering, consists of two layers: the outer testa and the inner tegmen.
    • The embryo is contained within this seed coat and includes both an embryonic axis and two fleshy cotyledons that store reserve food materials to support early seedling development.
Structure of seed
Structure of seed

Structure of Monocot and Dicot Seed

The structure of monocot and dicot seeds can be understood by examining their major components. These components serve distinct roles in the development and protection of the embryo, which is crucial for the plant’s growth. Below is a detailed description of these components and their functions.

  • Seed Coat:
    • The seed coat is the outer protective layer of the seed. It is derived from the integuments of the ovule and consists of two layers: the outer testa and the inner tegmen.
    • In some seeds, the seed coat remains fused with the fruit wall, making the layers less distinct. The outer layer may have patterns or hair, aiding in seed dispersal by wind.
    • The seed coat often contains tannin deposits, giving it a dark color, and it has a structure called the hilum, marking the point of attachment to the ovary wall.
    • In some seeds, the seed coat has specialized structures, like wings or waterproof materials, that help in wind or water dispersal.
  • Endosperm:
    • The endosperm is a tissue that forms within the seed during fertilization, providing nourishment to the developing embryo.
    • The cells of the endosperm are triploid, resulting from the fusion of a sperm cell with the diploid central cell of the female gametophyte.
    • In monocots, the endosperm is the primary source of nutrition for the embryo, and it occupies a significant portion of the seed.
    • In dicots, the endosperm is often reduced, with the cotyledons taking over the role of nutrient storage.
    • The endosperm is made up of starchy cells, a basal transfer layer with cell wall ingrowths, and an aleurone layer that may be up to three layers thick in monocots.
  • Embryo:
    • The embryo is formed from the fertilized zygote and is the primary structure that will develop into a new plant.
    • It consists of undifferentiated cells, which eventually form the plant’s stem, leaves, and roots.
    • In monocots, the embryo is positioned in a groove at one end of the endosperm and has a single, shield-shaped cotyledon called the scutellum.
    • The embryo includes structures such as the plumule, radicle, hypocotyl, and epicotyl, which will develop into the plant’s main organs.
  • Plumule:
    • The plumule is the embryonic shoot that develops into the plant’s leaves and stems. It appears as a small bud within the seed and grows upward during germination.
    • In monocots, the plumule is surrounded by a coleoptile, which protects it as it pushes through the soil.
  • Epicotyl:
    • The epicotyl is the region above the cotyledons in the embryo. It grows rapidly, leading to the formation of the first true leaves.
    • In dicots, the epicotyl is the part of the shoot above the cotyledons, while in monocots, the epicotyl is considered the shoot that emerges from the soil.
  • Hypocotyl:
    • The hypocotyl lies below the cotyledons and above the radicle. It helps push the cotyledons out of the soil during germination, playing a crucial role in the early stages of growth.
    • While the hypocotyl grows slower than the epicotyl, it is essential in ensuring that the delicate epicotyl and plumule are protected as they emerge.
  • Radicle:
    • The radicle is the first part of the seed to emerge during germination, eventually forming the plant’s root system.
    • The radicle is protected by a thin sheath called the coleorhiza in monocots, while dicots lack this structure but do have a root cap for protection.
  • Cotyledon:
    • Cotyledons are the embryonic leaves found in seeds. In monocots, there is a single cotyledon, while dicots have two.
    • In monocots, the cotyledon is modified into a structure called the scutellum, which absorbs nutrients from the endosperm. In dicots, the cotyledons are fleshy and store nutrients directly.
    • The number and function of cotyledons are important for distinguishing between monocots and dicots.

Functions of Monocot and Dicot Seeds

Monocot and dicot seeds perform essential functions that support the survival and growth of flowering plants. These functions are crucial for plant reproduction, protection, and dispersal. Below are the key roles played by monocot and dicot seeds:

  • Nourishment of the Embryo:
    • Both monocot and dicot seeds store nutrients to support the growth of the developing embryo. This stored food, which can include proteins, carbohydrates, and other essential compounds, allows the seedling to establish itself quickly after germination.
    • In monocots, the primary food source is the endosperm, while in dicots, the nutrients are typically stored in the cotyledons.
  • Protection of the Embryo:
    • The seed coat acts as a protective barrier, shielding the embryo from mechanical damage, predators, and desiccation. This outer layer ensures that the embryo remains safe until conditions are favorable for germination.
    • The seed coat can also have specialized adaptations, such as waterproofing or hairs, that enhance the seed’s ability to survive in diverse environments.
  • Dispersal Mechanism:
    • Seeds are equipped with features that aid in their dispersal to new areas, helping plants colonize different environments. Some seeds have light hairs that allow them to be carried by the wind, while others have waterproof surfaces for dispersal by water.
    • The ability to disperse seeds away from the parent plant reduces competition and increases the likelihood of successful germination in a new location.
  • Dormancy:
    • Seeds enter a state of dormancy, where growth and metabolic activities are temporarily halted. This dormancy helps protect the embryo from unfavorable environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures or drought.
    • When conditions improve, the seed resumes growth, ensuring that the plant has the best chance of survival.
  • Nutritional Source for Humans:
    • Seeds of various monocot and dicot plants are consumed as a significant source of nutrition for humans. They provide vital nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins, which are found in crops such as lentils, beans, and grains.

Examples of Monocot and Dicot Seed

Monocot Seeds

Monocots are characterized by having a single cotyledon. Here are some common examples:

  • Corn (Zea mays): A staple cereal grain widely grown for food and livestock feed.
  • Wheat (Triticum spp.): Another crucial cereal grain used in a variety of foods, including bread and pasta.
  • Rice (Oryza sativa): A primary food source for a large portion of the world’s population.
  • Bamboo (Bambusoideae): Various species of grass that grow in tropical and temperate climates.
  • Orchids (Orchidaceae): A diverse family of flowering plants with unique seed structures.
  • Onion (Allium cepa): A common vegetable known for its pungent flavor and culinary uses.
  • Barley (Hordeum vulgare): A cereal grain often used in animal feed and brewing.

Dicot Seeds

Dicots have two cotyledons. Here are some common examples:

  • Peas (Pisum sativum): A widely consumed vegetable that is high in protein.
  • Beans (Phaseolus spp.): Includes varieties like kidney beans and black beans, which are nutritious and versatile.
  • Sunflower (Helianthus annuus): Known for its seeds, which are commonly eaten as snacks and used for oil extraction.
  • Apple (Malus domestica): The seeds found within the core of this popular fruit.
  • Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum): Contains multiple seeds that are consumed along with the fruit.
  • Cabbage (Brassica oleracea): The seeds of this cruciferous vegetable are often planted for cultivation.
  • Cotton (Gossypium spp.): The seeds are used in textile production and for oil extraction.
  1. Kruglova, N.N., Titova, G.E., Seldimirova, O.A. et al. Embryo of Flowering Plants at the Critical Stage of Embryogenesis Relative Autonomy (by Example of Cereals). Russ J Dev Biol 51, 1–15 (2020).

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