In this article you will learn about Hybridization For Self, Cross and Vegetative Propagation in plants and. their Procedure, advantages, and limitations.
What is Hybridization?
- Hybridization is the process by which two genetically distinct organisms are crossed to produce offspring with a combination of traits from both parents. This biological mechanism can occur naturally or through human intervention. In essence, hybridization results in the creation of a hybrid, an organism that carries genes from two genetically different parents without altering the overall genetic content of the original species.
- Historically, hybridization has played a significant role in agriculture, particularly in crop development. The earliest recorded case of natural hybridization was observed by Cotton Mather in 1716, when he noted the phenomenon in corn. A year later, in 1717, Thomas Fairchild succeeded in creating the first artificial interspecific plant hybrid, known as the ‘Fairchild Mule.’ These early instances marked the beginning of a scientific exploration into the potential of hybridization.
- The application of hybridization in crop improvement gained momentum in the mid-18th century when German botanist Joseph Koerauter utilized it practically for the first time in 1760. The work of Gregor Mendel in the 19th century further solidified hybridization as a foundational method in genetics and plant breeding. Since then, the use of hybridization has become a cornerstone in modern agriculture, allowing breeders to combine desirable traits from different varieties to produce superior crop strains.
- One of the main advantages of hybridization is that it generates new combinations of genes, allowing for improved traits such as disease resistance, drought tolerance, and enhanced yield. This technique, however, does not involve genetic modification in the sense of adding foreign genes but instead shuffles existing genetic material to create beneficial traits in offspring.
Objectives of Hybridization
Hybridization is a crucial technique in genetics and plant breeding aimed at enhancing and combining desirable traits from different individuals. Its objectives serve to improve agricultural efficiency and crop quality. Below are the primary objectives of hybridization:
- Creation of Variable Populations for Selection
- The first objective of hybridization is to artificially generate a population with genetic variability. By crossing two genetically distinct parents, a diverse range of offspring with different genetic combinations is produced. This variability allows breeders to select individuals that exhibit a desired combination of traits.
- Combining Desired Traits into a Single Individual
- Another key objective is to merge beneficial traits from both parents into a single individual. Through hybridization, it becomes possible to combine characteristics such as disease resistance, improved yield, or environmental tolerance, leading to offspring with a superior genetic profile.
- Exploitation and Utilization of Hybrid Varieties
- The final objective involves utilizing the resulting hybrid varieties for practical purposes, such as commercial agriculture. Hybrid varieties often outperform non-hybrid strains due to their enhanced genetic combinations, making them more productive and resilient. This step maximizes the benefits obtained from hybridization, supporting agricultural advancements.
Types of Hybridization
Hybridization is a versatile method used to combine genetic traits from different organisms, and its various forms depend on the genetic relationship between the parents. Below are the primary types of hybridization:
- Intra-varietal Hybridization
- In this type, crosses are made between plants within the same variety. This type of hybridization is used to enhance genetic diversity within a single variety, allowing for the selection of individuals with superior traits while maintaining the general genetic identity of the variety.
- Inter-varietal or Intraspecific Hybridization
- Inter-varietal hybridization involves crossing plants from different varieties of the same species. The goal here is to combine desirable characteristics from different varieties into a new hybrid. Since both parents belong to the same species, the offspring typically exhibit traits from both parent varieties.
- Interspecific or Intrageneric Hybridization
- This type occurs when plants from different species within the same genus are crossed. Interspecific hybridization is employed to transfer unique traits that may not exist within a single species, such as improved disease resistance or environmental adaptability.
- Introgressive Hybridization
- In introgressive hybridization, specific genes are transferred from one species into the genome of another. This can occur through repeated backcrossing of hybrids with one of the parent species. It is often used to incorporate a particular trait from a wild species into a cultivated species, allowing for the genetic enhancement of the latter.
- Distant or Wide Hybridization
- Distant hybridization involves crosses between different species of the same genus or even different genera within the same family. This type is used when the desired trait cannot be found within a single species or genus, and it allows for the introduction of novel traits across genetic boundaries.
Procedure of Hybridization
Hybridization involves several carefully executed steps, each contributing to the successful combination of genetic material from different parent plants. Below is a detailed explanation of each stage of the hybridization process:
- Selection of Parents
- The first step involves selecting suitable parent plants based on the objectives of the breeding program. The chosen parents must possess the desired traits and are often selected from local varieties that are well-adapted to the specific environmental conditions.
- Selfing of Parents (Artificial Self-pollination)
- Self-pollination is performed to induce homozygosity in the parent plants. This helps in eliminating undesirable traits and ensures that the inbreeding lines are genetically stable.
- Emasculation
- Emasculation is the process of removing the stamens or anthers from the female parent before they release pollen. This step prevents self-pollination and ensures that only the desired male parent can contribute pollen.
- Several methods of emasculation include:
- Hand Emasculation (Forceps or Scissor Method): In plants with large flowers, stamens are removed using forceps or scissors without damaging the stigma or ovary.
- Hot Water Treatment: Flowers are dipped in hot water to kill the pollen without affecting the female reproductive organs. This is used for small flowers like bajra or jowar.
- Cold Water Treatment: Pollen grains are killed by immersing flowers in cold water (0-6°C), though this method is less effective.
- Alcohol Treatment: A brief immersion in alcohol is used in some crops, though care must be taken to avoid damaging the flower.
- Suction Method: This mechanical method involves applying suction to remove anthers while keeping the gynoecium intact, though some self-pollination may still occur.
- Male Sterility: In plants like sorghum and onion, male sterility can naturally prevent the need for emasculation.
- Chemical Gametocides: Certain chemicals, like 2,4-D or naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), can induce male sterility when applied before flowering.
- Bagging
- After emasculation, the flowers or inflorescences are covered with a bag made of materials like butter paper, glassine, or fine cloth. Bagging prevents contamination from foreign pollen and ensures that only the desired pollen can fertilize the plant.
- Tagging
- Each emasculated flower or inflorescence is tagged with important information such as field record number, date of emasculation, date of crossing, and the names of the male and female parents. This ensures accurate tracking of the crosses.
- Crossing (Artificial Cross-pollination)
- The next step involves transferring pollen from the male parent to the receptive stigma of the emasculated female flower. Pollens are collected in Petri dishes or paper bags and applied using tools like brushes, forceps, or toothpicks. In some crops, the inflorescences of both parents are enclosed in the same bag for cross-pollination.
- Harvesting and Storing the F1 Seeds
- Once pollination occurs, the crossed heads or pods are harvested after drying. The seeds are then threshed and stored with their original tags to ensure proper identification.
- Raising the F1 Generation
- In the next growing season, the stored F1 seeds are planted to raise the first-generation hybrid plants. These plants represent the outcome of the cross and typically exhibit the combined traits of the parents.
Hybridization Methods of Plant Breeding in Self-Pollinated Groups
There are several methods of improvement of self-fertilized crops by hybridization. These are:
- Pedigree method or breeding
- Bulk method or breeding
- Single seed descent method
- Back cross method.
- Multiple cross method
1. Pedigree Method
The pedigree method is a widely used selection technique in plant breeding, specifically designed for improving self-pollinated crops. It focuses on the careful selection of individual plants and their progenies across several generations, ensuring that genetic purity is achieved. This method allows breeders to maintain a detailed record of the ancestry of selected plants and track the inheritance of desirable traits through successive generations.
Steps in the Pedigree Method
- First Year (F1 Generation):
- Plants are selected for hybridization based on desired traits, and F1 seeds are produced. These seeds represent the first generation of hybrids, carrying the genetic material from both parent plants.
- Second Year (F1 Generation):
- F1 plants are space-planted to allow maximum production of F2 seeds. These seeds are critical for generating a large population of segregating plants in the next generation.
- Third Year (F2 Generation):
- Approximately 2,000 to 10,000 F2 plants are space-planted. In this generation, about 200 to 500 superior plants are selected based on their desirable traits. These plants show a high degree of genetic variability due to segregation.
- Fourth Year (F3 Generation):
- The superior plants selected in the F2 generation are space-planted, and their individual performance is evaluated. The best 3 to 5 plants from these rows are selected and harvested to advance to the next generation.
- Fifth and Sixth Year (F4, F5 Generations):
- The process of selection continues in the same manner as in the F3 generation. By the end of the F5 generation, approximately 20 to 50 families may be retained for further evaluation.
- Seventh Year (F6 Generation):
- By this stage, successive self-pollination has led to most lines becoming homozygous and uniform. Plants that exhibit uniformity in desirable traits are harvested, and their seeds are bulked together to form the foundation of the new variety.
- Eighth Year (F7 Generation):
- Preliminary yield trials are conducted to evaluate the performance of the new variety. This step is crucial in determining whether the variety meets yield and quality standards.
- Ninth to Eleventh Year (F8–F10 Generations):
- Superior lines undergo further trials to confirm their performance. During this period, breeders assess critical characteristics such as plant height, tendency to lodge, maturity, disease resistance, and quality.
- Twelfth to Thirteenth Year (F10, F11 Generations):
- Once the variety has been proven to be superior, seeds are multiplied and distributed to farmers for cultivation. This marks the final stage of the breeding process.

Merits of the Pedigree Method
- Quick Development: This method allows for relatively fast development of new varieties, making it one of the quickest methods for breeding self-pollinated crops.
- Genetic Information: Breeders can gain valuable genetic information about the plants, helping to track the inheritance of specific traits.
- Transgenic Segregation: There is a possibility of recovering transgenic segregants, especially in cases where genetically modified traits are involved.
Demerits of the Pedigree Method
- Record Maintenance: Keeping accurate pedigree records for each plant over multiple generations is challenging and time-consuming.
- Handling Large Populations: As the number of selected plants increases, managing and handling them becomes difficult.
- Skill-Dependent: The success of the pedigree method heavily relies on the skill and expertise of the breeder.
2. Bulk Method or Breeding
The bulk method, also known as mass or population breeding, is a widely employed selection procedure in plant breeding, particularly for self-pollinated species. Unlike the pedigree method, the bulk method involves growing segregating populations in bulk from the F2 to F5 generations, with or without active selection. The primary characteristic of this approach is that the next generation is grown from bulk seeds, and individual plant selection is delayed until the F6 or later generations.
This method was first introduced by Nilsson-Eule of Sweden and continues to be a significant tool in modern plant breeding. The approach relies on natural selection during the early generations, allowing the breeder to focus on selection in the later stages when plants become more genetically stable.

Steps in the Bulk Method
- First Year (F1 Generation):
- Hybridization is performed, and F1 seeds are produced. These seeds represent the first generation of hybrids, combining genetic material from the parent plants.
- Second Year (F1 Generation):
- Approximately 50 to 100 F1 plants are grown, and their seeds are harvested in bulk to generate the F2 population.
- Third Year (F2 Generation):
- F2 plants are grown, and their seeds are again harvested in bulk. This bulk harvesting continues to maintain genetic diversity in the segregating population.
- Fourth Year (F3 Generation):
- F3 plants are cultivated, and their F4 seeds are harvested in bulk, with no selection performed at this stage.
- Fifth Year (F4 Generation):
- Similar to previous years, F4 plants are grown, and their seeds are harvested in bulk, continuing the bulk propagation method.
- Sixth Year (F5 Generation):
- The process of bulk propagation is repeated until the desired level of homozygosity is achieved. Typically, the bulk period extends up to the F5 generation.
- Seventh Year (F6 Generation):
- In this stage, seeds are space-planted, and individual plant selection is initiated. This marks the beginning of more intensive selection efforts.
- Eighth Year (F7 Generation):
- The progeny of each selected plant is grown separately. The most superior progenies are identified, isolated, and advanced to the next stage.
- Ninth Year (F8 Generation):
- Preliminary yield trials are conducted to assess the performance of the selected progenies.
- Tenth to Twelfth Year (F9–F12 Generations):
- Multi-location field trials are carried out to evaluate the stability and adaptability of the selected lines across different environments. The best-performing strain is then multiplied for seed distribution.
Merits of the Bulk Method
- Simplicity and Convenience: The bulk method is straightforward and does not require the maintenance of detailed pedigree records, making it less labor-intensive.
- Time Efficiency for Early Generations: During the early segregating generations, minimal attention is needed, allowing breeders to focus on other projects without constant monitoring.
- Natural Selection: In the absence of human selection, natural selection plays a key role, potentially increasing the frequency of superior genotypes within the population.
- Study of Gene Survival: This method is particularly useful for studying the survival of genes and genotypes in natural populations under various environmental conditions.
Demerits of the Bulk Method
- Longer Time Frame: One of the main drawbacks of the bulk method is that it takes a significantly longer time to develop a new variety, as early selection is delayed.
- Limited Breeder Control: Since selection is largely left to natural forces in the early generations, the breeder has limited ability to apply their judgment and skill in identifying superior plants.
- Lack of Inheritance Information: Due to the bulk nature of the early stages, detailed information on the inheritance of specific traits is not readily available.
- Dependence on Natural Selection: Natural selection may not always favor the highest-yielding types. As a result, the plants that survive may not be the most desirable from an agricultural perspective.
3. Single Seed Descent Method
The Single Seed Descent (SSD) method is a specialized breeding technique employed primarily in the breeding of self-pollinated species. This method was first proposed by Dr. Goulden in 1939 to efficiently advance segregating generations without the need for extensive selection during the early generations. The core principle of the SSD method is that plants are advanced from one generation to the next by selecting a single seed from each plant in the population. This approach helps breeders rapidly reach homozygosity in the later generations, allowing for more detailed selection after genetic stabilization.

Steps in the Single Seed Descent Method
- Hybridization (F1 Generation):
- The process begins with hybridization between two varieties (e.g., Variety A × Variety B), resulting in the creation of F1 seeds. These seeds contain a mix of genetic material from both parent plants.
- F2 Generation (Bulk Plot Planting):
- The F1 seeds are planted in bulk, allowing the population to grow without any selection at this stage. Seeds from the F2 generation are collected, with one seed per plant retained to ensure the population remains diverse.
- F3 to F6 Generations (Single Seed Descent):
- In subsequent generations, plants are grown using a single seed from each plant to advance the population. This ensures that the genetic diversity present in the initial population is maintained throughout these segregating generations.
- During this phase, plants are typically grown in bulk plots without any selection. The primary goal is to rapidly advance the population while preserving genetic variability.
- F7 Generation (Single Plants Selection):
- By the F7 generation, sufficient homozygosity has been achieved, allowing for individual plant selection. At this stage, plants are grown from the single seeds collected earlier, and superior plants are identified based on desirable traits.
- F8 Generation (Plant or Head Rows):
- The progeny of each selected plant is grown in separate rows, known as plant or head rows. This allows for the evaluation of individual lines, where each row represents the offspring of a single plant from the previous generation.
- F9 to F10 Generations (Preliminary Yield Trials):
- Preliminary yield trials are conducted to assess the performance of the selected lines under controlled conditions. This step is crucial in identifying lines with superior agronomic traits, such as yield, disease resistance, and other desirable characteristics.
- F10 and Beyond (Yield Trials):
- After successful preliminary trials, extensive yield trials are carried out across multiple locations to test the stability and adaptability of the selected lines. This process ensures that only the best-performing lines are advanced for potential release as new varieties.
Merits of the Single Seed Descent Method
- Rapid Homozygosity: The SSD method allows breeders to quickly advance segregating populations to achieve homozygosity. This rapid advancement is beneficial in reducing the time required to stabilize genetic lines.
- Preservation of Genetic Diversity: By selecting only one seed per plant, the method ensures that the genetic variability present in the initial hybrid population is preserved throughout the process. This maintains a broad genetic base for future selection.
- Efficient Use of Resources: The SSD method is relatively simple, requiring minimal space and resources during the early generations. This efficiency allows breeders to focus on the later generations, where selection becomes more meaningful.
- Reduced Labor in Early Generations: Since no selection is performed during the early generations, breeders are freed from the labor-intensive task of screening large populations at this stage. This allows for the rapid advancement of generations without much intervention.
Demerits of the Single Seed Descent Method
- Delayed Selection: One of the primary limitations of the SSD method is that no selection is performed until the later generations. As a result, early opportunities to identify superior plants are missed.
- Risk of Losing Superior Plants: Since only one seed per plant is retained during each generation, there is a risk that potentially superior plants may be lost before selection occurs.
- Longer Time for Yield Trials: Although the SSD method speeds up the process of reaching homozygosity, the overall time required to develop a new variety remains substantial due to the need for yield trials and multi-location testing in the later generations.
4. Back Cross Method
The Back Cross Method is a breeding technique proposed by Harlan and Pope in 1922, primarily used to improve crop varieties by transferring specific traits from one parent to another. This method is frequently employed in both self-pollinated and cross-pollinated crops, particularly when a variety is deficient in one or two aspects, such as disease resistance, drought tolerance, or early maturity.
The purpose of the back cross method is to transfer a single, simply inherited trait—often controlled by a dominant gene—while retaining all other desirable qualities of the original variety. This method is particularly useful for transferring traits like disease resistance, frost tolerance, and drought resistance from an undesirable donor parent to a high-performing recurrent parent, known as the recipient.
Key Terminology
- Recurrent Parent (Recipient): The desirable variety that is crossed repeatedly to maintain most of its characteristics.
- Non-Recurrent Parent (Donor): The variety that provides the specific trait but is otherwise undesirable in many aspects.

Steps in the Back Cross Method
- Initial Hybridization (F1 Generation):
- The process begins by crossing two varieties: a recurrent parent (A) that is high-performing but lacking in one specific trait, and a donor parent (B), which possesses the desirable trait (e.g., disease resistance) but has inferior overall characteristics.
- In this step, variety A (recurrent) is typically used as the female parent, and variety B (donor) as the male parent.
- Backcrossing (BC1 Generation):
- Instead of self-pollinating the F1 hybrids, as in other breeding methods like the pedigree method, these F1 plants are backcrossed with the recurrent parent (variety A). This produces the first backcross generation, denoted as BC1.
- Selection is then performed on BC1 plants to identify those that have inherited the desirable characteristics of variety A, along with the disease resistance or other targeted traits from variety B.
- Subsequent Backcrossing (BC2, BC3 Generations):
- The selected BC1 plants are further backcrossed with the recurrent parent (A). This process is repeated for several generations (BC2, BC3, etc.), with selection continuing in each generation to ensure that the desired trait is consistently present while other characteristics of variety A are maintained.
- Typically, 5 to 6 backcross generations are sufficient to achieve the desired outcome: a variety that closely resembles the recurrent parent but has acquired the desired trait from the donor parent.
- Final Selection and Selfing:
- After achieving the desired combination of traits, the plants are selfed (allowed to self-pollinate) to stabilize the genetics. This ensures that the new variety is genetically uniform and homozygous for the desired trait.
- Field Testing and Release:
- The newly developed variety is tested through replicated field trials to confirm its performance relative to the original recurrent parent (variety A). Once verified, the seeds are multiplied and released for cultivation.
Special Considerations
- Dominant vs. Recessive Genes: The method is most straightforward when the trait being transferred is controlled by a dominant gene. For recessive traits, the procedure involves additional steps, such as identifying heterozygous carriers in earlier backcross generations.
- Interspecific Crosses: The back cross method is also useful for transferring traits between different species (interspecific transfer), as seen in the transfer of cytoplasmic male sterility.
Merits of the Back Cross Method
- Efficient Transfer of Specific Traits:
- This method is ideal for transferring oligogenic traits, such as disease resistance, without altering the overall performance of the recurrent parent. It allows the breeder to improve a variety by adding a single, important characteristic.
- Minimal Environmental Influence:
- Environmental factors have little influence on this method, and multiple generations can be grown in a single year using off-season nurseries or greenhouses, thereby speeding up the process.
- Preservation of Recurrent Parent Traits:
- The back cross method retains all desirable traits of the recurrent parent, with the only change being the incorporation of the specific gene from the donor. This means the breeder knows in advance what the outcome will be.
- Reduced Need for Extensive Yield Trials:
- Since the recurrent parent is already a high-performing variety, extensive yield trials are not necessary, as the breeder is familiar with its characteristics.
- Smaller Populations:
- The method does not require the breeder to manage large populations, which is particularly advantageous in breeding programs with limited resources.
Demerits of the Back Cross Method
- Limited Scope of Improvement:
- The new variety is only improved in the specific trait that was transferred. In most cases, the new variety will not be superior to the original recurrent parent in any other aspects.
- Time and Resource Intensive:
- Backcrossing requires multiple generations, which can be time-consuming and expensive. Hybridization must be performed at each backcross, adding to the labor and resource demands of the breeding program.
- Risk of Linkage Drag:
- Sometimes undesirable traits that are closely linked to the desirable trait may also be transferred during backcrossing. This phenomenon, known as linkage drag, can complicate the breeding process by introducing unwanted characteristics into the new variety.
5. Multiple Cross Method
The Multiple Cross Method is a breeding strategy used to integrate several desirable traits from different inbred lines into a single genotype. This approach, also known as the composite cross, is particularly valuable when combining monogenetic traits—traits controlled by single genes—from multiple sources.
Key Concepts and Procedure
- Initial Crosses:
- The method begins with crossing multiple pure lines. For example, lines A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are selected based on their desirable traits.
- These lines are initially crossed in pairs: A × B, C × D, E × F, and G × H. These pairwise crosses generate F1 hybrids that combine traits from each parent line.
- Double Crosses:
- The resulting F1 plants from the initial crosses are then crossed with each other. Specifically:
- The hybrids from the first set of crosses [(A × B) × (C × D)] are crossed with the hybrids from the second set [(E × F) × (G × H)].
- This results in a complex hybrid that incorporates traits from all the original lines.
- The resulting F1 plants from the initial crosses are then crossed with each other. Specifically:
- Further Breeding:
- The resultant hybrids are then subjected to further breeding. This subsequent breeding can be managed using either the pedigree method or the bulk method, depending on the breeder’s goals and the specific traits being targeted.
Merits of the Multiple Cross Method
- Trait Integration:
- This method is particularly effective for combining multiple monogenic traits from different varieties. For instance, it can be used to integrate disease resistance, drought tolerance, and high yield into a single genotype.
- Wider Adaptation:
- Hybrids produced through multiple crosses generally exhibit broader adaptability to varying environmental conditions. This increased adaptability can be beneficial in regions with diverse growing conditions.
Demerits of the Multiple Cross Method
- Reduced Productivity:
- Multiple cross hybrids may have lower productivity compared to single-cross hybrids. The complexity of combining multiple traits can sometimes result in lower overall performance in terms of yield.
- Limited Utility:
- The method is less commonly used outside of high-risk areas where severe disease pressures are prevalent. In regions where disease is not a significant issue, the benefits of multiple crosses may be less pronounced.
Hybridization Methods of Plant Breeding in Cross-Pollinated Crops
Hybridization in cross-pollinated crops involves the crossing of different inbred lines to create improved strains with desirable traits. Various hybridization methods are utilized to achieve specific breeding goals. These methods include single cross, double cross, three-way cross, top cross, and synthetic cross. Each method has unique characteristics and applications, and the choice of method depends on the desired outcomes and the nature of the crops being bred.
Types of Hybridization Methods
- Single Cross:
- Definition: A single cross involves the mating of two inbred lines or varieties. For example, a cross between A and B or C and D.
- Formula: The total number of possible single crosses is calculated using the formula n(n−1)/2, where n is the number of inbreds. For instance, with four inbreds, the number of single crosses is 4(4−1)/2=6.
- Characteristics: Single crosses typically exhibit the maximum degree of hybrid vigor, which refers to the enhanced performance of hybrids compared to their parent lines. However, due to the low seed production of weak inbreds, the seed yield from single crosses can be limited.
- Double Cross:
- Definition: A double cross involves crossing two single hybrids together. This method combines the traits of four inbred lines through intermediate single crosses.
- Formula: The number of double crosses is calculated using (n(n−1)(n−2)(n−3))/4, where nnn is the number of inbreds. For example, with four inbreds, there are 4(4−1)(4−2)(4−3)/4=3 possible double crosses.
- Examples:
- (A×B)×(C×D)
- (A×C)×(B×D)
- (A×D)×(B×C)
- Characteristics: Double crosses are commonly used to produce commercial hybrids, such as those in maize. These hybrids generally offer high yields on a small land area without increasing production costs.
- Three-Way Cross:
- Definition: A three-way cross involves crossing a single hybrid (used as the female) with another inbred line (used as the male). For instance, (A×B)×C.
- Characteristics: This method leverages the hybrid vigor of the single cross as the female parent to enhance the yield of hybrid seeds while maintaining normal grain size.
- Top Cross (or Inbred Variety Cross):
- Definition: A top cross is the mating of an open-pollinated variety with an inbred line. The variety is often used as the female parent.
- Purpose: This method is used to develop new hybrids and to test the combining ability of inbred lines. It helps in evaluating how well inbreds combine with different varieties.
- Synthetic Cross:
- Definition: A synthetic cross, also known as a poly-cross or strain building, involves crossing multiple inbreds, clones, or sibbed lines without controlled pollination.
- Procedure: Seeds from several pretested hybrids are mixed and sown in isolated plots. Natural cross-pollination occurs, and the resulting harvest represents the synthetic cross.
- Application: This method is particularly useful in forage crops where floral structures may complicate artificial pollination.
Hybridization Methods of Plant Breeding in Vegetatively Propagated Crops
In vegetatively propagated crops, hybridization methods differ significantly from those used in sexually propagated plants. Vegetatively propagated crops, such as sugarcane and potatoes, are reproduced through asexual means rather than through seed production. Therefore, hybridization in these crops involves selecting and crossing clones to improve traits, followed by multiplication of the hybrids through cloning. The hybridization process in vegetatively propagated crops includes several key steps:
Key Steps in Hybridization Methods
- Selection of Improved Clones:
- Definition: Improved clones are selected based on desirable traits such as yield, disease resistance, and quality.
- Process: These clones are grown under conditions that promote flowering and seed setting, although vegetative propagation is their primary mode of reproduction. This step ensures that the selected clones have the potential to produce offspring with improved characteristics.
- Crossing of Desirable Clones:
- Procedure: Selected clones are crossed to produce hybrids. The hybridization involves cross-pollinating or otherwise combining genetic material from the chosen clones to create offspring with a mix of desirable traits.
- Objective: The goal is to combine beneficial traits from different clones into a single hybrid, which can then be propagated to produce new plants with improved attributes.
- Multiplication by Cloning:
- Definition: After hybridization, the F1 hybrids are multiplied through cloning, a process that allows the reproduction of the hybrids without sexual reproduction.
- Process: Each F1 plant, resulting from the crossing of selected clones, serves as a potential source for new clones. These clones are produced using methods such as tissue culture, cuttings, or other asexual propagation techniques.
- Objective: The multiplication of hybrids ensures that the desirable traits are preserved and can be propagated extensively.
- Development of New Varieties:
- Application: This hybridization method has been used to develop improved varieties of various crops, including sugarcane and potatoes.
- Outcome: The new clones generated through this process exhibit enhanced traits compared to their parent clones, leading to improvements in crop yield, quality, and resistance to pests or diseases.
Comparison between Pedigree and Bulk Methods
The Pedigree and Bulk methods are two distinct approaches used in plant breeding to develop new varieties. Each method has its specific applications, advantages, and limitations. Here is a detailed comparison between these two methods:
Pedigree Method
- Selection Process:
- Individual Plants: In the Pedigree method, individual plants are selected in the F2 and subsequent generations. Each selected plant’s progeny is grown and evaluated.
- Procedure: This method involves meticulous selection of individual plants based on their traits and maintaining records of each plant’s lineage.
- Role of Selection:
- Artificial Selection: Artificial selection, including controlled environments and disease epidemics, is integral to this method. This helps in ensuring that only the best individuals are selected based on specific criteria.
- Natural Selection: Does not play a significant role in this method.
- Record Keeping:
- Pedigree Records: Comprehensive pedigree records are maintained, which document the lineage and selection history of each plant. This process is often time-consuming and labor-intensive.
- Time Frame:
- Development Duration: Typically requires 14-15 years to develop and release a new variety. The time is attributed to the detailed selection and record-keeping processes.
- Usage:
- Popularity: It is one of the most widely used breeding methods due to its precision in selecting desirable traits.
- Attention and Management:
- Breeder Involvement: Requires close attention from the breeder, especially from the F2 generation onwards, to ensure proper selection and record maintenance.
- Planting Practices:
- Spacing: Segregating generations are space-planted to facilitate individual plant selection.
- Population Size:
- Smaller Populations: The size of the population is generally smaller compared to the Bulk method.
Bulk Method
- Selection Process:
- Bulk Maintenance: In the Bulk method, F2 and subsequent generations are maintained as bulk populations. Individual plant selection is not performed at this stage.
- Procedure: This method relies on the selection of bulk populations over time rather than individual plant assessment.
- Role of Selection:
- Natural and Artificial Selection: Natural selection determines the composition of populations at the end of the bulking period. Artificial selection may be used to support natural selection but is not the primary focus.
- Record Keeping:
- No Pedigree Records: Pedigree records are not maintained, which simplifies the process but may limit detailed tracking of plant lineage.
- Time Frame:
- Development Duration: Generally takes longer for the development and release of a variety, often exceeding 10 years. This extended time frame allows natural selection to act on large populations.
- Usage:
- Application: Used less frequently compared to the Pedigree method but can be effective in specific situations, such as when large populations are needed.
- Attention and Management:
- Breeder Involvement: Simpler and less attention-demanding than the Pedigree method. It does not require detailed individual plant selection or record-keeping during the bulking period.
- Planting Practices:
- Commercial Rates: Bulk populations are generally planted at commercial planting rates, which aids in natural selection.
- Population Size:
- Larger Populations: Large populations are maintained, which, coupled with natural selection, can increase the chances of recovering transgressive segregants (plants with extreme traits).
Aspect | Pedigree Method | Bulk Method |
Selection Process | Individual plants selected in F2 and subsequent generations. | F2 and later generations maintained as bulk populations. |
Procedure | Detailed selection and record-keeping of individual plants. | Selection of bulk populations without individual assessment. |
Role of Selection | Artificial selection (controlled environments, disease management). | Natural selection primarily; artificial selection is secondary. |
Record Keeping | Comprehensive pedigree records maintained. | No pedigree records; simpler process. |
Time Frame | Typically 14-15 years to develop and release a variety. | Generally over 10 years, allowing natural selection. |
Usage | Widely used due to precision in trait selection. | Less frequent, but useful for large population situations. |
Attention and Management | Requires close breeder involvement and meticulous record-keeping. | Simpler, less attention-demanding. |
Planting Practices | Space-planted segregating generations for individual selection. | Bulk populations planted at commercial rates. |
Population Size | Smaller populations. | Larger populations maintained. |