How to draw cells from microscope slides and photomicrographs
How to draw cells from microscope slides and photomicrographs

How to draw cells from microscope slides and photomicrographs
define resolution and magnification and explain the differences between these terms, with reference to light microscopy and electron microscopy
use an eyepiece graticule and stage micrometer scale to make measurements and use the appropriate units, millimetre (mm), micrometre (µm) and nanometre (nm)
calculate magnifications of images and actual sizes of specimens from drawings, photomicrographs and electron micrographs (scanning and transmission)
What is Artificial Selection? Give examples.
Give Examples of Agriculture and Animal Breeding
What is Adaptive Traits and Fitness?
What is Genetic Variation in a Population?
Write the formula to calculate allele frequency in future generations according to Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium.
In a population with the following genotype frequencies: AA = 0.2, Aa = 0.2, aa = 0.6, what are p and q, the frequencies of the A and a alleles?