How do the capsid structures of ssRNA animal picornaviruses and plant comoviruses compare?
How do the capsid structures of ssRNA animal picornaviruses and plant comoviruses compare?

How do the capsid structures of ssRNA animal picornaviruses and plant comoviruses compare?
What is the diameter of human rhinovirus (HRV) particles, and what are their structural components?
How does the bean-pod mottle virus (BPMV) capsid structure differ from that of HRV?
What unique features are observed in T = 7 capsid structures of dsDNA viruses?
How does the SV40 capsid achieve T = 7 quasi-symmetry without the expected number of identical subunits?
What role do the C-terminal arms of VP1 proteins play in the assembly of SV40 capsids?
How do the interlocking secondary structures of pentamers contribute to the stability of the SV40 capsid?
What are the implications of the structural variations observed in different virus capsids?
How has our understanding of virus structure evolved from studies of nonenveloped viruses?
What are the challenges in forming a comprehensive understanding of virus assembly and function?