Explain the role of the ribs, the internal and external intercostal muscles and the diaphragm in producing volume and pressure changes in the thorax, causing the movement of air into and out of the lungs (breathing)

1 Answer
Identify, on diagrams and images, the ribs, internal and external intercostal muscles and the diaphragm

1 Answer
Identify, on diagrams and images, the larynx, trachea, lungs, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli and associated capillaries

1 Answer
Investigate and explain the differences between inspired and expired air

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State the percentages of the gases in atmospheric air

1 Answer
Describe the features of gas exchange surfaces in humans, limited to: large surface area, thin surface, good blood and air supply

1 Answer
State the function of the hepatic portal vein as the route taken to the liver by most of the molecules and ions absorbed from the ileum

1 Answer
Understand that water is absorbed from the lumen of the small intestine and the colon, but that most absorption of water happens in the small intestine

1 Answer
Explain the significance of villi and microvilli in increasing the internal surface area of the ileum

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