Explain how forests can be conserved using education, protected areas, quotas and replanting
Explain how forests can be conserved using education, protected areas, quotas and replanting

Explain how forests can be conserved using education, protected areas, quotas and replanting
Discuss reasons for conservation of species with reference to: (a) maintenance of biodiversity (b) reducing extinction (c) protecting vulnerable environments
Describe the harmful effects of: (a) water pollution by untreated sewage and nitrogen-containing fertilisers leading to eutrophication, limited to: (i) increased availability of nitrate and other ions (ii) increased growth of producers (iii) increased decomposition after death of producers (iv) increased aerobic respiration by decomposers (v) reduction in dissolved oxygen (vi) death of organisms requiring dissolved oxygen in water (b) air pollution by greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane), contributing to global warming and its likely effects (c) pollution due to insecticides and herbicides (d) non-biodegradable plastics in the environment, in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
Describe the impacts humans have through: (a) over-harvesting of plant and animal species (b) introducing a non-native species to an ecosystem
Outline the causes and describe the consequences of deforestation, limited to its effects on: biodiversity, extinction, loss of soil, flooding and concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Identify and state the factors affecting the rate of population growth for a population of an organism, limited to: food supply, competition, predation and disease
Outline the role of fungi and bacteria in decomposition
Explain why it is more energy efficient for humans to eat crop plants than to eat livestock that have been fed on crop plants
Explain why food chains usually have fewer than five trophic levels