How do autotrophs obtain inorganic nutrients, and what is the role of the abiotic environment?
How do autotrophs obtain inorganic nutrients, and what is the role of the abiotic environment?

How do autotrophs obtain inorganic nutrients, and what is the role of the abiotic environment?
How does a community interact with the abiotic environment to form an ecosystem?
What forms a community, and what interactions are involved?
What are saprotrophs, and how do they obtain nutrients through external digestion?
What are detritivores, and how do they acquire organic nutrients?
What are consumers, and how do they obtain their nutrients?
What are the two main types of nutrition in species, and can some species exhibit both methods?
How can members of the same species become reproductively isolated in different populations?
How is a species defined, and what is required for organisms to be considered part of the same species?
How do scientists assess risks related to genetically modified crops or livestock in research?