How is carbon dioxide produced by respiration, and what happens to it after it is released by organisms?
How is carbon dioxide produced by respiration, and what happens to it after it is released by organisms?

How is carbon dioxide produced by respiration, and what happens to it after it is released by organisms?
How does carbon dioxide enter autotrophs from the atmosphere or water?
In what forms is carbon present in aquatic ecosystems, and how does it differ from atmospheric carbon?
How do autotrophs convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and other carbon compounds?
Use theories to explain natural phenomena- the concepts of energy flow explains the limited length of food chains.
How does the concept of energy flow explain the limited length of food chains?
How can pyramids of energy be used to quantitatively represent energy flow in an ecosystem?
How and why is heat lost from ecosystems?
Why can’t living organisms convert heat back into other forms of energy?
In what ways is energy released from carbon compounds used by living organisms, and how is it eventually converted to heat?